Jan C.
on 9/9/08 1:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

The hives went away last night just about as fast as they came on. Sure was silly looking for awhile. my arms were the only place where it was at. Don’t know what it was. But about an hour after it all broke out in big whelps all red and swollen looking , it went away. Sort of silly huh?

I had just eaten about a ½ cup of grapes I think that was what made the stomach hurt but don’t know about the hives unless they had some chemical on them that I didn’t get washed off , who knows ?????


Got the letter from the library for the first 6 months in 2009 all of them are the 4 Monday in the month and in meeting room Aand B  Except for May and it will be the 18th and in the Auditorium….    The reason is that the 4th Monday of May is Memorial day and the library will be closed. So the week before it is.


Joe went to the pain doctor this morning and got a new script of his pain meds and scheduled for epidural on the 22nd.

I went to ENT , he put meds up in my nose to numb them and then put cortisone shots in both sides. Feels better. But need to make the decision to go ahead and do surgery on nose or not. He said that until I get it fixed even the c-pap wont work as good as it should and that if I get it fixed just the O2 at night might be all I need especially if im not waking up much at night anymore.

Told him im still being so sleepy in the daytime tho why would that be if Im sleeping all night , he said that is what the sleep study will show hopefully lol

So while there went down to sleep study clinic to see if they had been able to talk my insurance into letting me have the Provigil pills. She said no that they wont approve them until I have the sleep study …sooooo I think I will call both of them tomoror and schedule the surgery on the nose and the sleep study. Get them over with.

Something I haven’t figured out tho , if I have to have cpap or even just the O2 how am I going to carry those things on the trike lol


Joe is waiting for the guy that has the trailer to call so he can start out and go meet him with it.  Hopefully now he wont call till tomorrow morning. Its 3 now and will take a good 2 hours to meet up with him then two hours  back. …so I think it would be better to wait now till tomorrow morning.Plus we forgot to get that much cash out when we were in town and him being a stranger he might now want to take a check. We will see what he says if he calls now.


SUGAR:::::: lol no Michele isnt staying with us just a few days till her truck is ready. I told her it would be better for her not to be by herself and it will be easier on us too . Anyway. Thought it might be good that she get a dose of mama ing. Lol


Yeah we want one of the pop up tent campers we are on the trail of one but it is quite aways a way. …good price tho with a/c in it and everything. For 2000.00 pictures look good would just need to go and look at it.


I hope Chele gets all of that stuff sold. Michele was talking about having a garage sale too. I ask her what all she wants to get rid of . she is just so cramped in the one bedroom duplex she lives in. . but she likes the place. It is sort of quite there , well except when she and Jason were fighting.


Yeah I sent Helen an email telling her that I probably wont be able to do the painting till at least the 29th. So I guess that would be about the same time. I have big tubes of paint but you will need to get the Bob Ross brushes. I hope my paints aren’t dried up lol ,

They put a new Michaels and a Dress Barn over here next to the big Wal mart. I have got to go in soon and pick up some canvases. Hopefully they will have them on sale when I get there lol


Hey im lots meaner than either of you ever were. I never mean it to mean or judgemental but when I hear someone doing something that will hurt them I get upset. I just don’t understand why caring is mean do you? Oh well I guess we will never know, we had people yell at us too. Lol well I didn’t consider it yelling. I considered it that they knew what they were talking about. And I would be wise to listen to them and not make silly mistakes just cause …


Yep I will call you and let you know about Bec. When she has surgery.

The picture in the ocean will be cute. Yes I think you should do a collage of the circle pictures and give each one of them one. They are so cute you guys Sugar you should post them on your forum pictures.



AMY::::::oh my I remember those days …well I do faintly ….and that is the way I want to keep it  just a faint memory ,  would rather focus on the fun things and the silly things that happen when you are raising a child. Or children as the case may be.

I remember thinking that my life just dragged and dragged when I was raising them and would it never be over.  Then one day I looked around and they were all grown and I wondered how that happened. It seemed like it was in less than a blink of an eye.

Take it easy and rest when you can Amy , but get plenty of exercise , walking is really good and you can do that with the baby, put him in his stroller and take off. It calms him and is good for you. Lol two birds with one stone so to speak.



JEANINE:::::::Didn’t you know that is why God invented women so we could give them direction and tell them what to do . other wise they just go in circles lol

Just kidding guys.

Well you want help just have it all set to paint and extra rollers and such and say here hold this a minute,,,,then fill the tray with paint and say go to it. Pay for your supper 


Tell Hubby the time is now to get your degree to teach in school. How many more years is he looking at of working? What is 4 years out of that long , not much. And if he already has some he might be able to get it for less. And to do something that you love to do wow. Good investment.

Sounds like you are very much in love with your hubby, me too. We will have been married 21 years this December and I think I smile just as much now when he comes into the room as I did the first time I met him. Lol

Hey don’t worry I will continue to post answers to questions if they are asked I will put in my two cents worth, they don’t have to take my advice but it is there. Lol



VESTA::::: no I have no idea , no one seems to want to give a definante answer. I know there will be me and Joe, You and Vestil, Andy and Susan and that is it in the big house, we will have an extra bedroom empty if anyone is interested. …..

And don’t know if anyone else is coming or not.

Maybe Janet , Renee and Sheila for the day, Lana for the day. Maybe Brenda Nutt if she is still in town. And Jeanine said they were thinking about it. I hope so. So hopefully we will have a good crew on Sat.

Did you ever call that number I gave you for the land up here? Just wondered. There is another number I can get too if you couldn’t get them on that.



JANET:::::You know you have a right to post negative stuff. We love you anyway. And you should know you can come here and vent , gripe or say what ever you want and no one will get mad. Not like they do on some of the forums.


Hey you need someone to come and sit in the corner with you? Don’t know about the booze but ill come and sit with you ? lol  Dr. Mc Clain in Springfield phone number is 417-882-1900  is an excellent orthro surgeon and does take medicare. But if a group of doctors have decided what will be best for you do you really want to go against them and try it your way? Im like you tho I know they could do the female problems and the tummy tuck at the same time. They could go in thru the tummy tuck cuts and do all of that inside you in a lot less time ..and then the plastic surgeon could do the tummy tuck .lol

I know they like to get paid as much as possible but in this case they should do what is best for the patient just once.

So when are you suppose to have your first surgery? Call them and see if they cant do it sooner….then call the next one and schedule it sooner too. Honey you are so young that you have a lot of years left …two years aren’t anything at your age. Now my age they are. So just stick with the plan about the first two surgery and if you are feeling well by the time the second one is over go ahead and schedule the back surgery quickly. You have 4 months to get well enough to be able to stand in the delivery room with baby girl is born. And if not you can sit in there in your wheel chair. You will be well enough in a month or two after she is born to hold her all you want. I promise. Just stick to their plan but put them on high speed.


Yes I remember about that girl that died from think ing she was the same as she use to be and could take her vits or not, didn’t have to worry about protein, ate what ever she wanted and then she died.

There have been more than her that have died too. But most of them haven’t taken care of themselves afterward.

I just get scared when I see someone that is trying every way they can to figure out how to beat the system….if they think food is boreing now wait tell they have been on this for 2 years. And yes it get boreing and yes I would love to sit down and eat a whole big pie or cake but I know , KNOW, that I cant. So that is the end of it.

Now at this stage I don’t know I would even if I could. Don’t care for the sound of it like I did. Food is only to make you survive, not to gourge on. As the saying goes. We now eat to live not live to eat.



DEBBIE  D::::: protein balls go bad??? Ive had them sealed and in the ref. for over two weeks and they were still good.

Besides you can even freeze them ….did you know that? I froze a whole batch , because I made two batches up at once. And I froze the second batch. I took them out about a month later and they were great.


Hopefully Bec is drinking lots and lots of water. I told her to tell them where to get that good vein at and say this is it and don’t go poking around anywhere else.


Wow wish I could see that red leather jacket…yep your son knows you way too well doesn’t he? That was cute. I bet you look sharp in that jacket too.


BEC:::::: please please be careful driving tomorrow. I know how it is …see if you can get your sleep doctor to give you some Provigil. It helps keep you awake. Your insurance should pay for it since you have had the sleep study. Of course you cant get it this late but maybe for later …

Keep drinking water so you have to stop real often to go to the bathroom and that will wake you up some. Now im going to worry about you till I hear you are ok.



RENEE:::::: the weathere was great wasn’t it? I too love it when the a/c doesn’t have to be on. Besides the cost I just like it better.

Glad Tiff is doing better with the new meds….they just get use to ordering the same meds all the time and forget that some people cant take certain things.


Well what in the world are you two going to do this thrusday. Oh you bet I will keep my fingers crossed about your approval.  It should be approved since it is Medicaid? Isnt that right?


Well I don’t have anything against snakes but I sure wouldn’t want one in my house either. I think I wouldn’t be sleeping till we found that sucker…..



Jeanine a lot of difference between a black snake and a copper head. They are something to be afraid of  now. They say they wont kill you just make you wish you were dead. Lol











on 9/9/08 8:48 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning sis and all you OHer's. Sis, Im sure Michele can use a good ole dose of mama-ing. I think my Chelle could have last night but she wouldnt stop and let me. Dont know what was up but she had been crying, so everyone please lift her in prayer for whatever problem she is having right now!

I would post on here with pictures if I knew how to get them to down load. It says they are and looks like everything went right but they never show up. lol! Im such a  computer dummy. I would be tickled to be able to show off all my beautiful grandkids and stuff. So you liked my Chinese outfit? lol! Funny huh? I bought those pants at an exclusive dress shop down on the landing on thier sidewalk sale. NO wonder no one had bought them. Arent they hideous? But they had a great chinese pattern flower on them and were just the right colors for my decor...

I thought I looked pretty good in the pic with the grandkids at school. For one of the first times in my life I feel good when I look at pictures of myself. Hey it only took 54 years to get there...lol! I told Rick, I sure dont look old enough to be those kids grandma!

So, I hope all have a great day today and enjoy this fall weather. I looked at the week forcast for Florida and it says highs in the low 90's...just right for beach weather! Cant wait..Between 85-90 is great when you stay wet all the time. The kids are going to love it!



Sheila H.
on 9/9/08 9:58 pm - Marshfield, MO
IM BACK>>>>>>>>>>>

 good morning Jan and OH peeps
what a week....was sick again with head but feeling some what better, been out to the ole farm house i have working ALL weekend cleaning out carpets and i swear i cut down 5000 lil trees and hauled them to  a place in back to burn..cant believe the kids left every thing in such a MESS..im gonna be selling my trailor here in town and going back to what i call the boonies QUITE and PEACE and NO KIDS hahaha love em to death but geez just cos u live 3 trailors up u dont have to come down every day and stay for hrs lol.........have to put a new floor in bedroom and need to find some thing CHEAP to put up on walls...any 1 got any ideas? jan?
there are so many posts i cant even start to comment on them all but hope evry 1 keeps doing good and has fun on their vacation...sugar id rie with u for sure cos i LOVE the water and its my dream some day 2 see the ocean be4 i die...have fun and be safe
 Janet....im doing ok and i miss you..just get better FAST

prayers are up for all who asked
love and hugs


on 9/9/08 10:44 pm - linneus, MO
Good Morning Jan and All.
 Hubby just left for work,He works construction and hopefully will at least get two days in before the rain starts again.
 Waiting for the bus to pick up daughter then it is just me and my baby Harley{poochie pup}. He is so spoiled he thinks he is human.
 Didn't walk far yesterday but did walk,My left side has been killing me for two days.I emailed Natalie about it,but she musta been busy yesterday cuz i didn't hear back from her.But i'm sure i will today. I think it might be from walking to far to soon.it seems to be a lil better this morning. Afraid to do the whole walk today don't want it to start hurting like it was. But i need to walk. Right now everything is trial and error. I will get it all figured out someday.
 Hubby and i drove out to the bridge last night it is 2.2 miles out to it.So that would be a great walk to it and back Just not this week. Maybe next but i really wanna start walking it.
 I cleaned curio cabinets yesterday Wholly hooters can those things collect the dust, Ya would think with the glass doors closed it wouldn't be so bad ,Wrong it was aweful. But they are now pretty and clean again.
 Christmas will be here we know it,So hubby and i went to basement to count all the blowup and yard decor he has bought off ebay since spring,So far 26 blowups, plus all the other stuff we have 90 yard displays,Thank goodness we have 3 huge lots lol.Thats not counting the 1000's and 1000's of lights that go on the house. We found a lady in Brasher that has lots of holographic stuff ,blowups and whatever ya would want she is selling alot of it. So we will going there to buy more decorations. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.
  Had another good day of getting in protein. I have found the body fortress from walmart is yummy and alot cheaper and more protein per scoop than the expensive lean dessert ones i bought. Only 2, 4 oz glasses and protein is in. I'm thinking of maybe trying to get in 3 glasses a day,a lil more protein surely won't hurt. Now if i could just get in more water.
 Bec I hope things go well today and i'm saying a prayer that they only gotta poke ya once. I know how being poked over and over feels and it ain't good.
 Jeanie,I just wanna say I love ya to peices,Don't even know ya but you are so uplifting and sweet i just can't help myself. Your diet poem was just to cute gonna write it out put it on fridge.LOL
 Oh where Oh where are my Angy and Jen? Oh where oh where can they be?, Ok i think i have had to many vitamins,But i miss seeing you guys post.
 To all the rest of you I'll be praying for those who have asked and even those who haven't. May God Bless each and everyone one of you today in his own special way.
                          {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


on 9/10/08 12:57 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

I believe it actually feels COLD out here???? WOW! I cant remember it ever getting this fall like, this quickly-it feels like it should be Halloween time already? Whats up with that? I HOPE this is NOT an indication of what this winter will be like here or IM IN TROUBLE.....I get WAY TOO COLD NOW-and with propane at an all time high-and last year costing us almost 600 per month to fill our tank every 2 weeks-GEE WHIZ.....

Ok-Blame this on Jan, she said I could come in and post negative stuff IF I want-I dont have to always be happy and jolly.....although, I DONT like having a pity party either-Im one of those-"suck it up" and move on type people. Cant change it, right, so why dwell on it? Im just so freaking angry. I have so many limitations and for the FIRST time in my 40 yrs of life-I look in the mirror and I LOOK NORMAL. Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to be like everyone else. I mean-looks, you know? NOT to stick out like a sore thumb. Not to be teased and stared at every time I was in public. I always just wanted to be normal......(whatever that is-but you know what Im saying) so now, I seem normal and I cant do SH*T (so I CANT be normal)!

Heres the deal, and I KNOW we should ALL Stay positive-I TRY....Lord willing, I TRY to stay positive. This DJD and DDD-the arthritis since I was 4-ALL OF IT-I just struggle every single day...Just to move around. I would cherish ONE Stinking day to be pain free. Yes, I still do some things because I figure I will hurt anyway-but I cant nearly do what I want-or what my body COULD do now since its not the size of a cow anymore-but......its always there. Wake up in the middle of the night-cant move-have to wait until the kinks work themselves out. I have wet myself MORE than once before I can make it across the house to get to the bathroom-BOTH are on the opposite side of the house than my bedroom! I sleep on my sofa a lot of times for that reason alone! I am so freaking scared of the ONE MAJOR surgery-the odds are stacked against me guys and I am scared crapless. NOT ONLY does the back surgery Scare the crap out of me-the surgeon says that I will have to have it more than once because my discs are disingrating! Im already going to take a chance of being paralyzed-which scares me-but having 2 rods in my back, 8 titanium discs and they will remove 2 cysts on my spine and then my siatic (sp?) nerve is close to being severed-my chances of ever being "normal" are slim to none. It****ting me like a TON of bricks this week! I can handle the tummy surgery, I can handle both knees being replaced....my back-scares me. I am going to lose some mobility-thats a fact- I hear everyone when they say think positive and all of that-Im not TRYING to only think of the negative. Maybe this is part of what us obese people, who have been heavy all their lives-nothing ever goes the way it does for the cheerleader type girls, you know? Or that quarterback in high school-you know the ones who are always getting the good grades, live in the fancy houses, are really popular and all that good stuff-you get used to nothing ever going that good for you-or at least I did. So-I dont TRY to just sit and think of all the bad-I keep telling myself that things WILL be okay and so on-BUT... The statistics dont lie-and they arent in my favor.

Im not telling you that for attention OR for you to feel sorry for me. Heck, the past 3 days Im doing enough of that all by myself. Every time I think of my grandbaby being here and me not being able to enjoy her totally-makes me cry. I feel like my fight is dwindling down. Im just worn slick. Im tired of fighting and being in pain every day-even when I lay on the couch and fight the mental demons of when I was huge and stayed on the couch because I couldnt do anything else--Im NEVER pain free. Its ALWAYS there. ALWAYS...... Against my better judgement-Im going to post this and let you guys really know what Im fighting right now.....If you would, just send a prayer up for me. I hate to ask, but I know thats the ONLY thing right now thats going to help.

I also couldnt bring myself to post about this-but I had some money and some pills stolen from my purse while I was at the motel. For the first time since the end of April, child support actually found my ex husband and took some money out of his check-or I would have been totally broke when that happened (dont worry tho-he has quit his job again to ensure that wont happen a 2nd time in a row!!!). Im so frustrated!!! I would NEVER take anything from anyone else. I dont care how broke or whatever, I would be-I could never "steal" from anyone! What the heck?

I know that the Lord is looking out for us though, because we have been looking for a tire to replace the one that blew and we couldnt find one for under $105 each-and that did NOT include putting it on and all of that-and we got a call from uncle Jessie last night and he said that he had 2 tires for us-almost brand new and they were ours, we just had to go and get them....so, I know that the Lord is blessing us. What I lost in my wallet-is about what the tires would have cost.

I could just use prayer. I dont know what else to say about it.

**Jan-Im certain that Michele will love having mom time. No matter how old we get-sometimes its nice just to have that mom touch-you know? I hope she knows how lucky she is to have parents like you and Joe.

My first surgery was SUPPOSE to be the t/t. Now, that was before the female stuff started happening. Then, of course-the ortho was worried about all the scar tissue in front from having 3 c-sections, and then add the t/t-so theres just crud to deal with all over. Yes, the t/t was to be done this next month-will see. Im sure not getting too excited about any of it. I HATE all these appts-I HATE trying to be optimistic-because it never lasts-when I first started seeing the pain management doc-it seemed like it was all going great-we tweaked my meds because of the issue of the cost of it-and ever since then, I am back to where I was-so I either HAVE to take money out of my household to take stinking pills, OR live in pain everyday. What a choice I get to make, huh? I just CANT do the pain thing anymore. I am going to have to pay the arm and leg for the meds that worked and move on. Even then, my pain was always a 2-3, meaning always there-but now-its over the top of the charts and has been for the past 2 months of being off the good meds. I just have to though, cuz Im not doing so hot dealing with it anymore. So, just like I said earlier-Im gonna suck it up and move on!

Im sorry about the news you got at the doctor. I hope they can do something without too much hassle. I also pray that the epidurals help Joe. They never helped me-but I never had them offer to double up on the meds they gave in them, either. They do that for Joe, dont they? Does he see that ortho you gave me the number for-or did he do your knee? Do you like him? Thanks for the prayers and such-I appreciate you more than you know! Love ya!

Oh-are Andrew and Susan ok? Havent seen them on here? Hope so-tell them I say hi and miss seeing him on here-praying for both of them.

**Sug-I will be praying for Chelle. Hope she is okay. Im glad she is going on vaca. I must have read the post wrong! Oh man-the snake story about Rick-I about threw up just reading that!!! It had to have hurt!! I would have nightmares for the rest of my life had I seen that!!! I get sick of hearing-black snakes are good snakes-they eat the poisonous snakes and yadi-yadi....Yeah-and they attack my dog every single year-and so on-I dont care-I dont want ANY SNAKES around me-and yet, I live in the country, in no mans land-where we have a crap load of snakes!!! Go figure!

Im so excited for you-I cant wait to hear about your vacation!!! I am praying for good weather and a family vaca that you will all remember for years and years to come!!! Let me know if you ever want to adopt anyone else to your family-LOL...Im available!!! Love ya!

**Bec-well, today is the last day! I am praying you dont have to drink ANY caffeine-and I cant wait to hear how it all goes!! I know you will have super duper fun with Deb D, like always!!! Love ya and am praying for travelers mercy and a ONCE only stick to get the lab they need!!!

**Jeanine-girl, I dont know what hillbilly hospital they took your relative to when she got bit by the copperhead-but I had a friend whose grandaughter got bit by a copper head and when they took her to the ER, they administered meds that cost almost 3 grand a vial!!!! She got 2-3 vials worth-so that shocked me that they just sent her home without doing anything! That was here in Joplin-and we are ass backwards sometimes too!! LOL....Im with you, Renee and Sug-the ONLY good snake is a dead one..... Im one of those who hurts themselves trying to get away from them-YIKES......and go figure, live in the middle of nowhere, where snakes LOVE to be!!

**Deb (poohbear)-I had a pain in my left side for prob 6 months, give or take-and off and on.....sometimes it was bad enough that I would consider going the ER, and then it would go away....Maybe the walk to the bridge and back-which would be what 4.4 miles round trip? Maybe that is a little long to just start out with? Hope it gets better every day and will pray about it for you!!!

**Deb D-How are you feeling? Are you doing better now? Good to see you back-miss you when your gone for a long time (more than a day-LOL) Love ya and your in my prayers.

~~~Before I forget-lets remember Dennis and Brenda Minks-they are headed to Mexico for Dennis's surgery!~ Lets pray for travelers mercy, good weather there-and that Dennis has strength and peace of mind and his surgery goes off perfect and they do okay with everything. Thanks.

Im going to close for now and get Jon ready for class, workbooks and start the day with laundry and such....All my love and prayers. Janet

on 9/10/08 2:51 am - pomona, MO
Janet Sweetheart you are needing lots of TLC right now and you need to talk , are you able to come to the reunion?  we will maybe make you feel  a little better, sometimes it helps to just talk and get other peoples input, love you so much and am praying for you....vesta


on 9/10/08 2:58 am - Clever, MO

You sweet precious girl!  I'm praying right now! .....

LORD, give Janet strength to deal with the things that hurt and take away as much of the pain as you will...she is a wonderful compassionate person who needs your healing touch. Thank you LORD for hearing our prayer, our many prayers on this site  and answering them in you wisdom. Pain can be so debilitating and it even changes the way our hearts feel about life. Bless her heart with an overflowing of love and keep her eyes upon you LORD! As we know, that is the only real place to draw strenghth.    AMEN!

Hey Janet, Dr McClain did my knees in Springfield and hes great. That is the dr Jan talked about. I really loved his compassion. You might check with him about things...dont know what he would tell you. Have they ever talked about deadening your nerves in your back? I have a friend that had that done after a car wreck. Dont understand it but it might be a possibility.

Who in the world would steal from you and how did they get to it??? Wish I could find them and slap them silly for you. lol! They only way to get over that is to just think God has a purpose ....

Your trip to the Grand Canyon has me thinking that the next vacation we all might take together is to there. Ive always wanted to take my kids and didnt so it would be cool to take everyone and see thier faces when they see it.  I went when I was around 13 or 14 and loved it. Of course there was this really cute forest ranger that worked the park where we stayed that didnt hurt either. lol But the beauty of the place just amazed me.

Gotta go, LOVE YA girl. Sugar



Jeanine S.
on 9/10/08 3:17 am - compton, AR
Good morning, (ok so it was still morning when I started this I swear haha)

HUGS, I hope today finds everyone well!!

I was thinking after reading the part above about freezing protein balls and them still being good, if you can do that and the protein not break down or grow bacteria wouldn't that mean you can keep a shake in the fridge a day and it be ok like someone asked last week?

Janet  I wish I knew how to help you more, my heart breaks for you and all the pain you are in sweetie!! My father went thru several back surgeries and they were not easy especially when he had heart issues, however with a lotta guts and prayer they ALL did help him!!! You have more guts, drive, love, and prayers from many, many people who love you than anyone I know girl!! You can do this I pray EVERY day and EVERY night for you and your family, I KNOW God has plans for you girl and it WILL get better!!! I know about being broke too, tho i can not imagine how much harder that has to be with kids at home, my fur babies are hard enough for me, hang in there hun I know you are made of tough stuff and you will get thru this as you have gotten thru soooo much more than most!! I know you must be tired of fighting for so long I'm sure it has been harder than anyone but you can know but help IS coming, the surgeries wont be fun but just like the RNY I trust they will be life changing, and give you the pain relief you need!! I love you and pray with ALL my heart you will soon be bubbly Janet again, but like Jan says its ok to be down, we all get there, we all wanna be able to try and help you get back up as you have done for so many of us!!! Sending you all the LOVE and HUGS!!!

Jan    OUCH that doesn't sound fun either, but if you can feel as good as you have been all the time and be awake, how wonderful would that be!!! Man Joe will have to take energy boosters to keep up with you then we will be calling you hurricane Jan!!! I sure hope you and Joe will both get the help you need to feel better soon!! Girl don't you say that two years is a lot at your age, I for one am counting on you making it to at LEAST 100 so you have a LONG way to go yet!!! Take care of you, we would be lost without you, so would you kids and the rest of your family, take some of your very valuable advice and make sure Jan is happy and healthy!!!

Yes ma-am I sure am crazy about my DH he is the kindest man I have ever known, LOL gonna make myself cry here hehe!! No one but God knows how hard the years I spent with my ex were not to mention how hard it was to trust any man again afterwards, but he has always been a rock, always kind, always patient, always told me I was worth it and somehow made me believe that as well!! I sure hope Steve and I have as many happy years together as you and Joe!! I used to tell him I wanted to grow old with someone and be the happy old couple on a park bench still as in love then as they were when they first met, hehe he bought me a bench for the yard a couple years ago, Im counting on sitting there with him till we are white haired and toothless!!!

What  lucky daughter you have Jan she has a mother like you, please tell her thank you for sharing a treasure like you will all of us!!! I am so thrilled she is doing so well, I will continue to pray for her, that she will get her life together, be happy and continue to make her mama proud!!

I was gonna ask if anyone had heard from the couple traveling to Mexico as well Janet, I sure hope they will have a safe trip and get her hubby started on a brand new healthy life!! Let us all know if you hear from them anyone, please!!

DebbieD.   I am thinking of you and Bec today, i hope all goes well with her ONE poke test today!! Thank you so much for being there for her!!! I will pray you two sweeties get the test over fast and have the whole day just to enjoy each others company!!! HUGS!!!

Deb / pooh bear  WOW thank you so much for that, made my day for sure!!! I wanna come play at your house hehe, Christmas is my favorite time of the year too, I collect Santas!!! Oh who am I kidding I collect anything Christmas LOL just mainly Santas and manger scenes haha!! You sound like a woman after my very own heart, would love to meet you and compare holiday treasures hehe. I know just what ya mean about the dogs that think they are human as well, we have 6 dogs and a old cat OMG do I know we are insane LOL!! We have 2 pugs, 1 pekingese, 1 bison/poodle mix, 2 ****su/pekingese mixes and the cat hubby has had forever she is at least 20 years old he says. We never planned to have this many we had 4 when we combined his and mine LOL. We have since lost 2 of them to old age, so we bought a pug. The 2nd pug we rescued from a lady who was moving and mean to a tiny girl pug baby that had been her mothers when she passed away, me and my big mouth at the grocery store got her LOL the same week hubby and I got married we say she was our best wedding present!!! The last two we got when a friend begged us to take them after trying for weeks to find them a good home, one was the runt and the other had a hernia and no one wanted them. We finally said we would take ONE so he brought both to work ( he works with hubby) for us to choose LOL so we could not do that so we have 2 sigh!! My whole family thinks we are insane but we don't care each has been a blessing and brings us much love, they fill up a great big old house with love as we don't have two legged kids yet....... not sure if we ever will tho we would love that!! All our babies think they are just that babies, hehe I even cook for em, they are spoiled beyond belief and we would not have it any other way!!!

Lord, I have written a book again, how did that happen, sigh, Ill stop rambling now and wish you all a GREAT day!!!

LOVE and HUGS to all, you are as always ALL in my thoughts and prayers!!!!


on 9/10/08 5:03 am - linneus, MO
 I email my nutrionist other day after i asked about the protein breaking down and growing bactiria. I posted what she replyed on that post.
 I love animals and hubby is greatful we don't live on a farm. I said but if we did we would be able to have beef and pork. He said Ya and it would have names and we would'nt be eating it LOL.
 We have 4 dogs, 1 how who is 10,1 ****z tu {sp} named fuzzybutt, 1 black lab who is about 9 and weighs over 150lbs,and harley he is terrier mix. We also have a kitty named pickles,3 hamsters, meanest critters on the planet they hate me and i'm the one who feeds em,and cleans their house. go figure lol. Have a guinea pig named Mr Whiskers and 3 fi**** is like a zoo here. I really want another potbellied pig. We had one got him when he was 4 dats old,I bottle fed him,tok him to work with me so he could be fed, He slept with me and even rode in the van , in the front seat setting in front of the AC grunting all the way he loved it.
 An animals love is so uncondtional,They love you no matter what.
Hope your day is a Great one.
                        {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


Jeanine S.
on 9/10/08 5:36 am, edited 9/10/08 5:37 am - compton, AR

Oh man NOW I really wanna come play at your house hehe!!! LOVE the names your guys have!!! We have pugs, Emma (9yrs, she was the rescue), Riley (6years the one we bought), Jasmine (my pekingese from before 10), Sophie (his bishan/poodle mix 10) and the babies are just a year old. Plus his old cat she doesn't love me at all unless she is hungry and he isn't home, she is very jealous hehe she is at least 20 he says he has had her since he was a kid!!
My hubby says the same about a farm tho he is as bad as I am it would be scary if we had lots of room and money to feed all the critters we would love to have haha. I had hamsters as a kid the teddy bear kind I loved em also had guinea pigs too hehe they are to cute!!! I never had a pot bellied pig yours sounds like he was to cute!!! I am sure he is missed sigh another animal to add to my wish list haha!! You are so very right about a animals love there is nothing else like it is there they are a comfort like no other when you really need it, they never judge just love you with all they have!!!


PS did see your post thx for that i just wanted to be sure I have it all straight or as close to it as a nut like me can get for when I need all you guys pearls of wisdom!!

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