~Reunion ??s~
Hi Fellow Peeps~~
Some of my friends and I have some ??s about the reunion. Of course I know where it is-and what day- but here are a couple of other ??s
I know that we are doing the gift thing-can you tell me if its a gag gift type thing? I heard that-but cant for the life of me, remember who I heard it from and IF IT even pertains to the reunion or something else going on in my life-LOL....
Is lunch going to be high noon? Is there a sign up sheet of what is being brought so that we dont have 10 people bringing potato salad or beans? I remember Jan asking what everyone was bringing....I dont want to step on your toes, Jan-do you want me to put up a post asking everyone to sign in on what they are bringing or ideas? Do you have name tags, volunteers to bring an extra prize for the games? Do you need ANYTHING??????
Just to remind everyone-IF your just coming for the day, there is a $5 charge per person, per day. That does give you all the access to activities and ammenities that everyone else has that is there renting a cabin.....do we need to bring a cooler for our goodies?
Thanks everyone-hope to see you all there......Love you guys-Janet
gag gift for exchange or we could just put them in a bag and everyone draw. i dont have anything bought for prices but dont have but two games. though of.
I dont know if we are going to even have all the rooms of the house rented out. Jane had one but backed out...if you want to help , please do. im not good at giving parties lol
anything you can do for fun or anything we need to do just go for it and i will buy what ever we need let me know i can buy what ever we need. i havent even had time to think about what im bringing to eat for the dinner or anything else to pack for the week end. other than my protein ,lactaid and frozen strawberries...come one come all bring your favorite frozen fruit and i will make you a milkshake that is so good and good for you too. lol
Oh and let let me know what isnt being brought yet we may need too so maybe if we get to come I can fill in that gap
Lunch on Sat. all together. last year Janet planned all of this and it was wonderful. this year she was just too sick and i tried but im not a party planner. i think this one will be more just a lovely get together and can talk and all without having a time limit.
we have a couple of games we can play , and i ask everyone to bring a gag gift. something funny .
if nothing else we will just exchange those. or we can use them as special gifts for different things. so help ???? any will be appreciated.
everyone is to bring a dish for the meal on Sat. , there will be spouses and kids there that dont have to watch their sugar intake. So if you make a wonderful choc. cake that is loaded with sugar and butter and such. go ahead just be sure and lable it out in front of it that it is NOT for WLS Patients. lol
hope i answeed some of the questions. Jeanine hope to see you there on Sat.