Jan C.
on 9/8/08 1:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Took the transmission to the repair place for Micheles truck…then went to her house to pick her up. Joe and I have doctors appointments in the morning early . His with the pain clinic me with the ENT…the doctor that is going to tell me he wants to rotor rooter my nose …im not too sure about that. I have a feeling that is going to hurt. Lol. And bad.


Michele came over to our house and brought all of her dirty laundry lol . So she has been doing laundry all day since she has been here.


Angie thanks for the tip about the motorcycle trailer…we are meeting the guy about half way tomorrow to pick it up. That is a good buy …at least it looks like it is .lol will be big enough for us to carry any thing we need for awhile in it plus the trunks on the trike.


Wow I for some reason feel like I am so stuffed and about to pop. Have lots of gas I guess. Don’t know why tho.

Have taken 4 gas x extra strength strips and still have gas. Good grief. …



SUGAR:::::: Im sure that Ike will be over and done with by then. We will just keep praying that someone else doesn’t come along and mess up the water. Lol

That will be wonderful about having services on the beach. Sounds lovely and where better to have communion than with the presence of God with you.


How is Rachele having a garage sale and going with you to the show too on Sat? is someone else going to watch her sale for her? Hope she makes a lot so she will have money for the trip.


Lol silly im not going out there anywhere on the trike till I can drive it. My biggest adventure will be driving around the block here with Joe on the back so he can help me if I get in trouble lol it will take a lot of practice before I get the nerve to drive on the highway. Lol

I know and if anyone knew you in the slightest they would know you never judge people or put them down. just want them to understand things that they should have understood before.

Oh about the painting class, maybe next Monday, would you want to go to the day one or the night one. The day class starts at 10 till you get done and the night one starts at 6 till ?




AMY::::: wow sounds like you might be meeting yourself coming and going …I guess when you are having to do all the things for your kids like that by yourself I gets hurried and harried at times.

Take care of Amy and get some rest. Will your husband be home for the week end?



Welll good grief , im sitting here typing this up and all of a sudden my hands and arms started just stinging and burning , I looked at them and they are broke out in hives . wonder what has caused that. Not like getting into anything , not a rash like poison ivy or anything , this is red , and burning like , I use to do this a lot when I was young , and they just said it was nerves . that was what they always said back then about women and their mysterious illnesses. Lol . maybe im more nervous about this ENT doctor tomorrow than I thought I was. Lol that is stupid cause I don’t have to do what he says I might need done.

Oh well it will probably go away as fast as it came. Could be just about anything knowing me.



BEC:::::: I think I will hire you . how much do you charge? You just think you had dirty water at your place, mine would be a shame I know.

Now don’t you go getting panicky…it will be ok. You have worked hard and long to get to where you are now. Don’t you forget all you have worked for ok?

We know that is is serious but from what I can tell you have a really great surgeon. And if Dr. H recommends him he has to be good. Lol

Wow 12 more days….2 days less than 2 weeks. Wow.



LANA::::::: lol you ole mean person you. I know im like you I just want them to have success at this surgery. I guess we are sort of like when you have been there done that and you try to tell your kids so they don’t have to suffer thru the same things and they wont listen lol so I guess maybe everyone has to learn stuff the hard way.

I still have lots of trouble eating lot of things and some times can eat them and other times I cant. It is flustrating at best. I still can barely eat a ½ cup of anything othere than soup and that I cant eat a lot more than a cup full.

The white things in foods are what I don’t eat too. Especially rice and breads they swell up in my stomach really fast. And can hurt too.



SHANNON::::: Joe made me some cages this year out of some wire we had here . worked really well about holding them up but the wire was too little so was hard to pick them lol  A neighbor up the road has a wonderful set up for his tomatoes. Looks sort of like a clothes line but then has two bars down about middle ways too. And he grows the tomatoes in the middle of this and trains them up . Hard to explain it really but looks really good

Tell Bobbie hello for us and that we miss her on here.

So what day is your surgery for your hernia? Let us know ok



RENEE:::: LOL  her boyfriend was feeding her? Lol wow she has him wrapped doesn’t she? What kind of pain meds was she on? Im that way with anything that has codine in it. And lots of other pain meds I have trouble with too.


Where did your friend get called off to work at? That will be something if he comes back and doesn’t recognize you lol


That was sweet , I think of all of you as family too.









on 9/8/08 8:59 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Lots of love and hugs to everyone this morning, I'm weary after a long night ~ the baby is teething molars this week, uggggg!!!!!!!!

Today is my easy day, we just have speech for my Daughter at the Early Childhood Center here near base and I am meeting a friend after the appointment so our kids can play together, it will be a well needed break!

Going to jump in the shower and get my day going. Happy Tuesday!


on 9/8/08 10:07 pm - Clever, MO

Well good morning all!

So is  Michele staying with you now? Or just there until her truck is fixed?

Where you going to pick up the trailor? You need one of those mini pop-up campers on one of those little trailers. Those are so cute...

Hey sis, maybe your hives had something to do with your gassy feeling...stomach problems can result in some strange things.

Josephine is the next storm out in the atlantic and she is way out there still and moving very slow...

Chelle isnt going to be able to go with us if she has the sale.But she really needs to have the sale and get rid of the stuff out there.  So I think Ember is going to invite Ashlyn to go (Ashley's oldest daughter) She and Ember are great best friends now.

Helen from the classes called me again last night and wanted to know if I was still interested in coming and I told her not yet...maybe after we get back from our trip. Right now Ive got too many other things on my mind. Do you have the actual Bob Ross paints? What about brushes, do I need to get them?

Lana, apparently Im too "MEAN" too! So maybe we will just leave it all to Jan! lol!  And like "YOU" could ever be mean. It seems hard sometimes to relay a message by writing that in person would be so easy to say and not offend...

Bec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY 12 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) I'm getting so excited for you too! I will ask Jan to call me in Florida as soon as she hears from your end to let me know you are out of surgery and on your way to a new you! The great thing is that the new you will still have your old insides and heart so the new you will be dern near perfection!!!!!!!!

Hey sis, you remember the circle pictures I do of the grandkids every year? Well guess where this years will be? Hopefully is the shallow water and sand with a big seashell in the middle. Won't that be cute? I think I will get me one of those big frames with lots of holes the same size and put all the circle pictures of the kids in it. That will be cute. I hope I can keep doing that until they all get married. Then after they start having kids, Ill do it will great gb's! LOL!

Aimes, you sure sound busy girl! Hope all your kiddos sleep well so mom can get a good rest! lol! When will your move to MO take place? Cant wait to meet you in person some time...

Well, gotta go get ready for the pool and then it is off to grandparents day at the gk's school! OH by the way, yesterday Skyler told his principle that she needed to be sure and get his grammy something sugar-free to eat while there, as they were talking about what kind of cookies to buy for this shindig. I almost cried when I heard that! Isnt that precious for a 9 year old to think of that? He is a special boy!  Of course, all mine are special!


Jeanine S.
on 9/8/08 11:53 pm - compton, AR
Good morning all!!!


Wow. usually I am the most boring person, but lately seems I cant get a minute to get anything finished before something or someone pops up LOL. SIL is outta town for work so BIL is lonely and hanging out after hubby gets home to chat and for dinner hehe I don't mind just funny, how did men ever survive on their own LOL!! MIL is working part time now so that has boosted her confidence as well as gotten her out more, tho her hours are split, couple in the morning and a couple in the afternoon so guess where she is coming to hang out in between haha. Now if I could get all the company to help me work on my room for mom I would be in business!!

Jan    Hubby is a supervisor at a plant here that makes metal products, he works in quality control, plus he helps out with their computer stuff now and then. He just started back on this, he took some time off to get his CDL but as soon as he finished gas went sky high and all the local jobs seemed to dry up and he doesn't wanna go to far away from home so back to the plant he went for now. He used to give guitar lessons, was WONDERFUL at that, I wish he would go back to school and teach, he has the patience of Job all the kids he taught still adore him!! He loves music it is his passion, I'm hoping after I get my surgery and can be I hope as useful or better even than I once was, we can take turns finishing degrees to enhance a life I hope we will both be happier with. He very much can be charmed with foodLOL I think my cooking was at least in the top 5 of his favorites when we met. I have changed a lot in my cooking over the years tho thinned out a lotta the southern ways I used to cook, frying is now baking etc. tho I do try and spoil him with something sinful now and then. He has been great trying new things with me for more protein, he is only slightly huggy but seems to like the idea of the healthier stuff for himself as well he says he will have to look good to to keep me when I'm thin LOL!!! He knows I think he is adorable, he will say sometimes man I'm sexy, Ill say who the heck told you that, he will grin like a fool and say YOU, sigh he had no ego when we met at all now he knows how cute he is and how much I adore him me and my big mouth haha!!!

GRATS, on the trailer!!! Man you guys are gonna just be styling and profiling!!!! Angie had some good eyes to spot that bargain, so happy that worked out for you guys!!

Amy    Girl I'm glad you get a break today, you make me tired just reading about all the circles you have been running!! Enjoy your day!!!

I will try and post the pie recipes later, they were both very good, LOL gonna take all day to write down all the great recipes everyone has shared this week, YUMMO!! I love new recipes keep em coming!!!

I am so glad Brandy's is ok!!! I shouldve thought about what all the extra iron my PCP made me take last year did to poop, it turns black guess she just got it on the other end LOL!!

I sure hope our Bec is having safe travels today!!!  I am with you Sugar, she will be dern near perfect after she gets all skinny and sexy!!

Sugar    I sure hope you will have a great time on your vacation, you will be very close to a lotta my family, most live pretty close to the Florida state line on the Georgia side, then I also have family in Jacksonville, Fla. I miss the beach so much here, was always just a hour or so away at home depending on the beach you were going to sigh. Soak up some sunshine and sal****er for me would ya!!!

I wanted to add I sure do appreciate ALL of you guys posting answers for us silly newbies, I am like Renee I want to hear it all the good bad and the ugly! I am grateful to know it wont all be sugar coated and that you guys love us enough to give it to us straight when we need to hear it that way, especially when it can hurt or kill us!!!  I have never reada post on this board I found offensive or nasty in nature, everyone here has always been very kind, thoughtful, loving and helpful!!! I thank god everyday for finding this place!! PLEASE NO ONE stop posting we NEED you all!!!

I am praying for all of you guys as always, I hope you have a day full of blessings!!!


on 9/9/08 2:17 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board, cold this am...booooo
I wonder how many will be at the reunion? does anyone know?
I am looking forward to it myself...
I love you all I dont write much but you all are my sisters and brothers and I love ya all...vesta


on 9/9/08 2:53 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Sorry I missed you all yesterday. I did read the posts to keep up with everyone, just didnt post myself. I was in a "way" yesterday. BAD, BAD way-and just couldnt bring myself to post negative stuff. Feeling a little sorry for myself as well-and I definitely dont like to do that! So-had a little pity party for me and stayed to myself for the most part.

My goal of getting my ortho appt for my back-didnt go off as planned. The nurse spoke to the dr, and they wanted to know if my tummy was done yet-no....so they really want that done. I am searching for a new back surgeon. They are way up in Columbia anyway-and I dont think I want to be that far from home. I dont even know what I want anymore! Im so frustrated-for me to be totally honest with all of you-I just want to sit in the corner, with a big old bottle of some kind of booze and drin****il I dont give a crap (AND I dont feel pain)-but-cant do that-its irresponsible and I have kids. I "feel" like Im screwed, if that makes sense. Im getting cranky and just plain fed up! I realize IF I hadnt had WLS, that I would be dead right now-I KNOW that....Im just frustrated that every single part of me NEEDS some sort of surgical repair and I know that my "team" of doctors has a plan-I guess right now I feel that this "plan" is going to take forever and I wont get to enjoy my life for a couple of years yet. What a horrible feeling that is for me. For the life of me, I CANNOT figure out WHY they cant do more than one thing at a time. I realize that the surgeons LIKE getting the most BANG for their BUCK and when you have medicare, they make close to nothing (Its what I used to do-and trust me, they dont make much) so I imagine when MORE than one procedure is done at a time, they get even less-but for crying out loud, WHY make someone go through multiple surgeries when they COULD do it together IF they wanted to?

Wish I could report that today I am feeling much better. Im not. I have a million things to do and I am TRYING to get the motivation to do them. Going to finish this post and do Jons school work with him and I am doing laundry today as well.

My oldest son got himself grounded for a week from his video games. He seems to be "forgetting" his chores and such-but goes running to the video games when he THINKS we are too busy to know what he is up to. Sunday night the kids came over (Megan and Aaron) and we were just finishing up dinner and the 4 of us were in the adult living room talking and the dinner table hadnt been cleared yet. I waited for about 10 minutes to see if he would come back to it-and finally I yelled for Darrel and when he answered me-I said what are you doing? Jon was more than happy to snitch on him about playing video games-and I said, Son, what are you forgetting about? Oh, he says- I THOUGHT I already did that....You thought wrong-and now you dont get to touch any video game devices for a week and I bet that will help REMIND you!

Well, I just got off the phone with my ortho that I have been seeing since '99 and since he no longer does back surgery-he cant see me unless I pay cash for the visit. I cant afford that. I could go in and say its from my knees-but since we have done everything possible for that-and I saw the ortho doc that Mike is seeing (for my knees since he WILL do BOTH at the same time and thats what I want) Im left scratching my head as to what to do now.

**Jan-will be praying for you and Joe today that both of your appts go well. Let us know what happens. I hope those hives are gone!

I often wondered how I would do trying to learn how to drive a motorcycle and the shifting. I guess its no different than learning HOW to drive a standard, except I would worry about falling over on a motorcycle while I was learning how to shift it. Maybe its better on a trike-cuz you know your not gonna fall over-LOL....Id ******vous wreck, thats for sure! Love ya.

**Sugar-I sure hope Chelle gets to go with you. I wouldnt want to put off a vaca like that!!! Is there someone who would run the sale for her so that she could go with you guys? IF I lived closer-I would do it for her in a heartbeat......Still praying for good weather for you guys! Love ya.

**Bec-Im TRYING to get that email finished to you. Gee whiz. Glad I have till Thurs-It just may take me that long! Im so excited that your time is right around the corner. Keeping you in prayer and have fun with Deb. I know you will!!! Love ya.

**Renee-OMG on the snake in the dog food closet-I would have S my pants for sure!!! Its a good thing you didnt tell me that was there (in the ceiling) BEFORE I came in to your place-OR I wouldnt have-thats how big of a wussy I am about snakes!!! I would have been jumpy and sweaty!

Smack Chris across the head!!! Feeding her? Does she eat with her toes? Im pretty sure when we went to lunch that I saw her use her hands to feed herself??? How cute that he loves her that much, but spoiling her and leaving her with mom isnt cool-LOL...I can just imagine her asking you to feed her!!! LOL....

I feel so bad that your bobsie twin is in Austin for such a long time!!! I guess we will have to hang out more......I hope you can at least talk to him everyday!!! You just call or text if you need me hon, Im here for you. Love you.

**Lana-Its soooo good to see your beautiful face on here!!! I WISH you would get in here and post. I dont know WHY or WHO thinks your mean about how you post-your not. You dont "coddle" but-then again-this IS YOUR LIFE! There is nothing to sugar coat here. Everyone that knows you and knows Jan knows that you guys LOVE people AND WANT WHATS BEST FOR THEM!!! IF I post to someone about being on the straight and arrow-and they dont respond-OR they think I am mean, I dont post to them again-Ive said my peace and TRIED-but I am NOT going to sugar coat taking protein, vitamins and sticking to your food plan.....its your life and you can die if you dont take care of yourself. Thats about as simple as it gets!!! I remember Tami B putting up that post about the young girl-what, like 23 yrs old-that DIDNT do her vitamins and such after surgery and 2 yrs later she passed away because of her deficiencies? I dont want that to happen on our board to someone IF we can tell them otherwise. Not everyone gets the tips and etc that we all get - or the counseling...its too important to sugar coat-I love you and I sincerely hope to see more of you-MISS you SO MUCH when your not here!!!

**Jeanine-Is your profile done? LOL....Get with it girl or your grounded!! LOL... Love ya.

Well, I am going to close and get going on my day...As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 9/9/08 3:15 am - Clever, MO

NO NO NO! Janet, Chelle isnt going to miss the vacation...it is the theater trip we are going on this weekend that she will have to miss! Dont you worry about that, Chelle loves the ocean all most as much as me, she wouldnt miss this trip for the world...lol!



Jan C.
on 9/9/08 3:27 am - Cedar Creek, MO
oh i was confused about that too. lol i thought well that is a total bummer that she isnt going to get to go. wheww i feel better about that now. lol



Jeanine S.
on 9/9/08 4:54 am - compton, AR
IT's done it's done LOL!! Been done a couple weeks now LOl I mind well mommy Janet, dont ground me pwease!!!
Well its as done as it can get till post op LOL


on 9/9/08 3:30 am - Clever, MO

In my first post, i was just responding to what you wrote in your post, when you asked "How is Rachelle having a garage sale and going with you to the show too on Sat?"

LOL! Sorry I was confusing but I am often confused so therefore that makes since! LOL


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