Jan C.
on 9/7/08 2:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I****ch out !!!! Joe started the teaching me how to drive the trike today…not much just enough for me to get the feel of it. I think it will be ok once I understand the shifting thing…shift up with your heel and down with your toe ?? I think that is right lol Yeah it is. Then you have the clutch in the left hand and the front brake in your right hand along with the accelerator. And the back brake with your heel on the right foot. Good grief you talk about dancing just need to add music to it…lol


We went out and uncovered the part of the garden we had covered with black plastic to kill all the grass, looks pretty dead so we pulled it all over to do twenty more feet by 50 ft.

Now will that be big enough for a good size garden next spring? It will be 50 x40 ft…Shannon is that enough? Or should we make it bigger still? After moving the black plastic over I mixed up some weed killer and sprayed where we had the plastic. Hope I got all of it. .will probably have to do it again more than likely then will have it tilled and spray it again. then will have to rake all the dead grass up. It is really thick out there.


Tomorrow morning we will take the transmission up to where we have Micheles truck and then go get her. Hopefully they will have it done in a couple of days. Pray really hard that this transmission works ok….I know that God can make it work if it doesn’t ,


JEANINE:::::: oh wow you have been giving up cigs that long and didn’t tell us about it? Wow girl you have that beat and will keep praying that your husband doesn’t backslide lol

What does your husband do Jeanine? Im sure you said but you know it is so hard to retain everything lol

Did he enjoy you spoiling him ? most of them after you have had them for awhile can be conned or comforted with some really good food. Don’t know what that says about us , you know? Lol

Yeah we will get some pictures taken in our new leathers soon. Strutting our stuff . lol



Angy:::::: Seems like you let housework go a couple of days and it really piles up doesn’t it? And if you are like me I hate doing it in the first place. I need Bec or Janet or one of the work horses here and let them clean my house like they do theirs lol wonder if we could rent them ???lol

Could be that you are slightly dehydrated being dizzy like that. If I get that way I increase my water intake and I start feeling better right away.


It probably was the same group this one has been around for a long time. It is lots of fun to go see things with a group like that.



AMY::::::: I guess it gets to be a way of life after a while with hubby in the service . I would get really lonesome I know but I guess I would get use to it too.

Thanks for remembering my daughter. Keep her in your prayers.



BEC:::::::13 more days whooo hoooo  you are going to blink aand turn around and say oh my gosh I have surgery next week ….oh my it is in 3 days ….oh no tomorrow I have surgery….helppppp I don’t know if im ready.. but you are. You have worked for this and studied and read and looked up everything you can find on the internet and read books that you have found to read and picked everyones brain …so I know you are prepared…great going kid. Wont be long now.

Continue to pray for Michele, she has a lot on her plate right now. Pray for strength for her please.

Did you know that I am Lynetts Angel too? And I didn’t know that she and her husband rode motorcycles too when I first met her …I am looking forward to meeting her and all of us riding together some.


JANET:::::: awwwww sweetie im am so so sorry that you are in so much pain. So are you really thinking of having back surgery first? I don’t see why they cant do a couple of them at the same time ..anyway and save the different times of going into surgery.

Hey you let us know when you win that big lottery. That sounds really good. Lol

You let me know when that pool party is next year and I will be there the night before camped out waiting for it to open up the next day lol …

Boy it sounds like that Spencer is pretty dumb to me if he is a mechanic he could get a job in a lot of places but I guess he don’t have to when Steph is will ing to support him lol poor girl, I don’t know how or why they think they cant do better.


This is to let you know too that I am always saying prayers for you and your pain. Just wish you could and would go start getting something done for yourself. When is your first surgery suppose to be done? This month sometime right? Please don’t cancel them and not get started . I know the thought of surgery isnt fun but honey it is going to have to be done. And the first too don’t sound like they will help with your back but you might really be surprised about it. Female problems cause a lot of pain in the back and so does a large apron. So you take care of the two of them and it might eliminate some of the back pain.

I hope you and Renee and Sheila get to come down to the reunion at least on Sat.  please try please…..



LYNETTE:::: thanks for the looking up of the nearest CMA group. I think next week we will call them and see what they have going on soon ….do you have to join CMA before you can join a chapter or the other way around .lol

Sure hope we get to ride with you one day soon. wow only 3 weeks till your surgery . yea!!! Believe me you wont regret it at all.



ANGIE:::::::: standing behind the shirt in your avatar you look really small . love the picture. Sorry that your legs are sore from all the walking , and I really don’t think that is what caused the arthritis….i think you had it before you lost weight but you didn’t know it because you didn’t stand up or walk any.

And as you get smaller and smaller and smaller it hurts more and more and more cause you are walking more and more and more.

I have arthritis everywhere and no we cant use a lot of things but I do use Ultram. Have your doctor to give you a script for it. It doesn’t hurt my tummy at all. but if you find it does then take some pepsid too on the days you are going to take it.

The shots you can get for arthritis aren’t steroids . go to a good orthoro guy and he will see what is exactly wrong and he can put shots called synvisc into your knees there is a series of 3 and if you havnet gotten arthritis really bad it will probably last for quite a while like 6 to 9 months. They did nothing for me since mine is bone on bone. He doesn’t know how I even walk he said . lol good ole fashioned will power.


The epidurals that Joe gets in his back work really well or the last set of them did anyway. They doubled up on the amount and found just the spot to put them in.

]it has been about 9 months now and he is starting to hurt again. hopefully they can go ahead and start them again.

The food sounds good but Joe has gotten to where he doesn’t eat much either so I feel most of the time like it is really a waste of time to cook…that’s good for me cause I don’t like to cook , never did just liked to eat lol .


The best thing I can tell you about getting your mind wrapped around the idea of getting smaller all the time is take lots of pictures. Or at least every month take a good picture. Then you can look back and see yourself as you were and as you are now.


ANDY:::::: sorry that you are having to wean yourself off the nose spray , it isnt easy I know….but you can do it . look what all you have accomplished so far.  You are doing great. And you will do better and better.

Hang on because by the end of the month you will probably be below 300..


DEBBIE D: AND all the time God is good. You betcha …..so glad that you are starting to feel better. I know that deal of taking antibiotics is really bad most of the time. I hate taking them . seems they always make me sick some how or the other.

The Beth Moore studies sound really good. Would love to be in some of them somewhere.

Oh yeah if you all ever get a bike or trike you will have to join the Christian Motorcycle Association. They have chapters all over the place that you belong to and they are world wide too. Main headquarters is in Hatfield Arkansas, beautiful drive down there.

Please keep praying for daughter if you will , I do believe that the prayer warriors on here is really making a difference. She is making some very good choices for the first time in a long long time.   Praise God.



All right , I want to address something that is getting some play on here. When you ask a question on the board you always aren’t going to like every answer you get , that doesn’t mean that people are yelling at you or judging you . they are just telling you what they believe is the answer to the question. I think if you want answers that only agree with you doesn’t leave much for learning does it?

Im sorry that some people think that others are judging them all the time, I know for a fact they don’t , myself or any of the others that have expressed an opinion. It is going to get to where no one is going to answer anyones questions if they are going to be accused of judging and yelling. Don’t make sense to me. Now I guess I will be accused of judging too but im not. Never have and wont.








Jan C.
on 9/7/08 4:42 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Forgot to tell all of you that i got a email from Brenda Minks and saying they are leaving their house this wednesday and going to St. Louis to spend the night since they leave Thursday at 8am and have to be at the airport at least 2 hours before boarding.
She wanted to ask that we all pray for traveling mercies and for Dennis in surgery on Friday , they dont know what time on Friday but just know that is when it is.
Please pray for Dennis everyone...he is all excited about getting this done finally. and maybe getting healthy...thanks.



on 9/7/08 8:51 pm - Clever, MO

Well hello sis and good morning to all! How wonderful about Dennis finally getting to go to Mexico and getting his surgery. Do you know what part of Mx they are going to?

Becky you are such a sweetheart, it is so great that in less than 2 weeks you will have all your efforts paying off and you will be on the road to skinnydom! BUT more than that, the road to health and well being! You are going to be so amazed at how you will begin to feel. And as gorgeous as you are now, you will be a real knockout! Hey, I didn't hear, why did they have you bring the breathing machine with you for the scope?

We are hoping to get to leave a day early on our trip so that will be the 18th so only 10 days from now and I cant wait. I believe that IKE will be done by then and hopefully nothing else will be behind him and mess up our trip. I hope the waters have time to clear up and get beautiful down there again so the grandkids get to see the ocean at its best...Thanks to everyone covering us and this trip in their prayers. It is a big deal and really important for our family to have this time together I think. We are going to have our own church service together on the beach. I think we might even take communion. That will be such a special time for us. Sharing the Lord's supper is always great, but there, together will be wonderful.

Ra'chelles garage sale went o****il the rain set in. That is why I wasnt on all weekend...She made about $150 and still has that much or more to sale. Shes going to do it again next weekend too.

Hey, If I wanted to put in a raised garden next year, how deep would the dirt have to be to raise good growing stuff? I figure at least 12 inches or so? Our soil is so lousy that I figure that is the only way we will ever be able to grow anything. Have any of you ever put in a raised garden?

Janet...I swear girl, the sweetness monster got a hold of you and made you so sweet...lol! That is all I will say about that and the email I got! LOL! Wish I could come. And about the big pool party, mark me "THERE" I love the pool and I will teach an aerobics class to all who want to do it! lol! And I can't wait for you to win the lottery and build your dream stuff...sounds reasonable to me! LOL!!! There also good be a dance floor to cover the pool when that is needed..

Sis, you better be careful out there on that motorcycle, sounds like a lot to remember...I would have an awful time with that. I think I will get me a scooter and all I have to remember is speedup or slow down or stop. I have spotted one I really think is cute. After the trip I may check into it.

I guess your not coming up for the painting lessons? Never heard anything else from you.

I love you all and thanks sister for your note at the end about posting replies. Judgement is not what was going on there...


on 9/7/08 10:40 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Morning! It's going to a CRAZY week around here!!!! Hubby left this morning and I have appointment scheduled everyday this week, today we have 2, yikes!

Our youngest Son, Edward, was born prematurely last year and requires physical therapy 2x a week, today we are hoping that his leg braces come in so we can begin to change his course of treatment (he has dorsal hyperflexion and stands on his tip-toes). With the braces they are trying to get the leg to return to within normal limits so he can walk, fingers crossed.

Also this week I have my yearly GYN appt, my 6 week RNY checkup which was pushed back due to scheduling conflicts and our older Son, Colin, starts seeing a new provider for his ADHD ~ feels almost like a waste since we are leaving in 9 weeks but we've heard nothing but great things about this Doctor.

I will be very happy when Friday is here! :D Have a GREAT week everyone! XOXO


Bec M.
on 9/7/08 11:03 pm
Good Morning Missouri,

Am going to try and make this short today as I'm thinking maybe I will tackle the kitchen and that will be a FULL days job "if" I can get it done in a day, not sure my back will hold up to it....

I got my office finished up last night and boy was I amazed at the dirty water I dumped out of here... I guess it is the computer and other office equipment that draws dust... anyway it was yucky and it felt good to know it was out of here! re~arranged things just a bit and like it better.

 hen love, I got a smile on my face when I opened your e~mail and all it said was 13 more days!!! You are too cute!!!  I think I am just starting to get that bit of a panicky feeling everyone talks about.... just yesterday and this morning.... but I'm not at all upset... just like WOW!!! 

I know you will be a whiz at driving that trike in no time!

I will continue to pray for Michele  I know this must be very very difficult for her but also know there is power in the hand of God to sustain us if we will let Him... it just takes prayer and a willing heart!!! and a lot of determination.  I will be praying all those things for dear Michele... I hope you enjoy the time you will get to spend with her this week.

Sugar~  you are going to have simply a wonderful time on your vacation... I know the Lord is going to bless you all and it will be a wonderful time ... and old man weather will just have to get out of the way!!!

Sangie ~ I live 17 miles north of Sedalia right at Marshall Junction.. do you know where that is ... right close to where 65 Hwy and I~70 meet. 

Sure, I will post the recipe as soon as I can...  I'm just so thrilled for you and how well you have done... I so remember some of those first post and how very very discouraged you were when you couldn't find a surgeon that would help you .... but look at you now lady!!! It just thrills me!!!

Andrew ~ I have you and your wife on my heart this morning.... I am praying that all will be better for you and her both.... I was glad to hear you are feeling better.... oh how exciting when you hit the 200's !!!!   And also how exciting will it be if your wife is able to join you!!!  Alot to put in the Lords hands and trust him for but oh the rewards of the faithful!!!

Janet Dear lady ~ I so pray that you will be able to get some help today... whatever way that happens!!!  I just can't hardly stand for you to be in so much pain!!!  I want to scoop you up and lay you before those doc's and tell them not to quit till they have you all fixed!!! I know that's impossible but man oh man you deserve better than this!!!!

I may not be back on to post till Thursday since we travel to Columbia tomorrow to get Paul's partials fit and then right back up and on the road for me on Wednesday for the last day of preparation in KS.... I'll post again on Thursday and let you all know how things went...

Thursday I will start the day with labs ... then meet with the surgeon for the last time at 11:45 and then I have two pre~op classes with the nut and physical therapist at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. It will be a full day I'm sure.  Then I will not be bac****il the day of surgery!!! WOW I wish I knew how many appointments I have had since I very first went to my first seminar.... it's been a whop'n bunch!!!  But it also shows what not giving up does for you!!!  Those of you that are struggling with something.... sometimes it takes a long long time (2 years for me)  but it WILL pay off in the end if you trust the Lord and don't give up!!!  We may falter and stumble but the important part is that we get back up dust ourselves off and keep right on toward the goal we are working for!!!

I pray that each person that reads this today will be inspired to keep striving  for the things that you desire!

on 9/8/08 5:04 am - Nixa, MO
Thanks for your PS remarks today. I have quit posting answers to questions because I think I come off as mean and that's not my intention. I care too much about the success of people having this surgery and just can't always give "positive" reinforcement of bad eating habits. If I think someone is making a monumental mistake I would have to tell them and many don't want to hear it. You, or someone more gentle, will have to reply to those who want to push the envelope in their eating. I know that you, like me, just don't care to try new foods/recipes much, believing that keeping it simple is more effective for us.

I know that the less I experimented the easier it was for me to stick to the rules. Once I started pushing myself into new territories the munchies wanted to come back big time. I know there are those out there who can be satisfied with one bite of something forbidden, but I'm not one of them. That's how I got into this weight mess in the beginning.

BEC, I love the remark about the baby spoon. I am nearly two years out and still eat with a baby spoon and junior fork from a salad plate. Makes me feel as if I'm getting a "plate full" and many times I can't even eat that. I cannot eat a sandwich unless I stop and think about the size of the bites I'm taking because I'll still take a huge mouthful and swallow it before I've hardly chewed at all. Lifetime habits are very hard to break. Don't think that because you've had a surgery you will find eating smaller amounts easy. Only for the first few months is it easier and then only by following the rules completely. Too soon you have to start being responsible for yourself again. Remember protein first, then veggies and fruits. Try to stay away from bread, rice, pasta, white potatoes and sugar. They are the things that made you overweight initially and they are not your friends any more. You do have to do some sacrificing to be healthier - you cannot go back to the way you were before - EVER!!! Lean meat, eggs and salad are the things to try to focus on.

And, lest you forget, the meat has to be cooked very moist. Most meats need gravy or sauce for them to be comfortable for me. I just cannot eat dry meat. Even catsup or mayo helps most of the time. Then I'll have a weekend like this past one where almost nothing sets well - even things that I've eaten previously.

I would encourage everyone to try foods you haven't liked in the past. Our tastes change so much after the surgery that you just never know what you'll like now.
An example, I've always eaten cottage cheese but now I could eat it every meal with chunky applesauce or salsa on it. Go figure!!! Looks like barf but I love it that way.
I also like all cheese more than I used to. I think it may be the body's way of getting in the protein we need.

Hugs and love and best wishes to everyone. If you really want advice, send me a private message.


Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 9/8/08 6:57 am - Purdy, MO
 Please please please don't stop answering question's. I haven't got to the point to were I'm asking alot just yet, but it wont be long, and I value what you have to say. It means alot to me that you take the time to answer and to be honest about it. If I'm doing something wrong and stupid bet your butt I want you to tell me, and if you have to yell or be mean about it please do.
 Your answers mean the world to me, and trust me I'm listening.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Shannon C.
on 9/8/08 5:28 am - Kirksville, MO
Jan - that should be a nice size garden.  You want to make sure you have  plenty of room between the rows.  We use cattle panels across the garden for the pickles to grow up on and am trying to get Dad to use more tomato cages as it seems like the stakes don't work well.  Have fun planning your veggie garden for next year!

Did a google search for Raised garden beds & they should have a depth of 12 to 18 inches and no wider than 4 feet across.  I checked with the Univercity of Missouri extension center and you can get all kinds of gardening info there.

Talked with Bobbi yesterday and she is close to being in the oneunder club!  I am so proud of her!  She is back to working and then also working on her bachelors degree now.  The kids are in public school now as she isn't homeschooling anymore.  She sounds great!  I have a couple of boxes of clothes for her to go thru and then what she doesn't want will donate to the outreach mission.

It's raining again so no bean picking here.  My peach pies turned out great with the splenda!

Got a dr's appointment with my pcp thursday for my history & physical before surgery.  Will have all my lab drawn next week.  My hernia is getting bigger and starting to bother me.

Hugs, Shannon



on 9/8/08 10:04 am - Clever, MO
Shannon, thanks so much for the raised bed info...wonder why they say only 4 ' across tho???


Elizabeth D.
on 9/8/08 10:16 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
So you can reach from each side and get all the weeds out. If you make it any wider you can't reach to the center. Also, according to my husband, it's because railroad ties come in 8 foot lengths and you can cut them in 1/2 . We made a couple for my mom and made them 2 railroad ties long and 1/2 one wide (16'x 4') and she can sit on the edge ( I think we made them 3 high) and weed and work in it with out bending over. They are so old when you buy then that  the creosote doesn't bother the plants or get on her clothing. Perfect for her!!! Have fun. Liz
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