Are We Ever Able To Drink ALcohol ? EVER....

on 9/7/08 3:11 am - Joplin, MO
I am certainly not ready to drink any alcohol, but I was wondering if we will EVER be able too? I am not a big drinker, but I have never heard of anyone talk about this.... I like Margaritas and strawberry daqueries. (sp?) Just asking....



Jan C.
on 9/7/08 3:36 am - Cedar Creek, MO
they recomend that you dont for at least a year,,,,but also be aware that just one little drink goes a long long way on getting you drunk....they say it hits your brain about 3 times faster...dont know , i usually the only time i have ever had a drink at all is on cruises but this last time i didnt  dont miss it , i have more fun when i know what im doing lol


on 9/7/08 6:50 am - Clever, MO

Hi, I dont want to sound like a overbearing teacher or mother hen, but did you not read any of the materials you were given before surgery??? Did you get a booklet telling you any of these things??? If not, shame on your Dr's office and if you did, shame on you!  I really am not trying to sound mean, just concerned that you are not where you should be with your mind wrapped around this surgery yet! I am worried for you that if you didnt prepare yourself, you might well very easily get off on the wrong track. Im sure glad we have the site for people to come to and to ask questions, but some study is due on your part too! We Love you and want whats best for you sweetie. Start studying now on what life is going to be like. Your whole life changed the second you became a WLS patient, and it will NEVER go back to the so called "normal"  Whatever that is! LOL!


on 9/7/08 10:12 am - Joplin, MO
I have researched it and have conflicting info so I thought the next best thing is to ask ppl that have already been in my shoes. I dont drink but maybe at weddings and not alot ever!! Dont really like the taste. But, sugar you were a little strong... if ppl cant come here and ask questions just to double check then they might make a mistake that could hurt them. I just thought it might be a good question. This is why I always post dont judge me. I would rather ask and sound stupid then harm myself and I am sure there are others that have thought about the same question too. I have researched, known ppl that have had the surgery and everyone seems to have a different answer...



on 9/7/08 8:08 pm - Clever, MO
I know I sounded a little rough and I hesitated posting it or not but I want all you newbies to know that you can always come on here and ask, but here too you will only get one will give you a definative answer one way or the other...just what worked for them or didnt work for them. The Dr's info they give you, as far as I know all tell us the same thing about alcohol consumption and what it will do to us. Most that I have talked to also say the same about not drinking at all for the first year. Mine told me that he never recommended it....ever! Because of our sometimes severe reaction to it. Honey, I didnt mean to sound MEAN or harsh, just making sure you had a grip on this new life...sounds like you do and Im sorry if I came across judgemental...I do want you asking questions and that is what this site is about. We answer questions like this all the time at support group too. I hope you are involved in a group too...So sorry if I upset you.


on 9/7/08 2:11 pm

Hey Lori!
I am also NOT a drinker
but I have had a few sips from Deans glass
New Years, 4th of July,  but more for a try it out than anything and well I got tipsy real quick
about 3 swallows and I was we break down stuff does make the effects faster...I was told this and didnt believe it. well its true!
as with all things it will be a trial and error for you if this is something you want to have in your life
I havent drank away from home just in case I were to dump. and really I dont miss it at all to not drink when others are. you could become sick and dump on the sugar content. I would avoid it  this soon out.
Im glad you asked your question....I nevr did and I also have heard conflicting info. so on the 3 occasion I chose to test the waters I knew I was taking a chance...
so far all went well for me....just be carefull and AWARE. dont over do it if and when you try it.

you will have to call phone broke and I have a different one.....same number but my numbers went bye bye!





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