Andy W.
on 9/7/08 10:48 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Y’all,


Sorry it’s been a few days since I posted.  Wednesday I went to the Dr. and he put me on this new bp med.  Well this new med threw me for a loop.  Made me dizzy, tired, sleepy, I was out of it.  The second day taking them I was really getting bad, I got back from my walk with Jan, took my meds and it wasn’t long after that  I about passed out and fell to the floor,  Susan took me back to the doctor on Friday, I sat there in the waiting room half asleep, I just couldn’t wake up,  I think they took me to the back to wait on the dr early cuz they didn’t want others seeing me sleeping cuz I waited in the back for over an hour til the dr finally came in.  If there had been something really bad wrong I’d a been stuck in the back, ai yi yi.  Anyway,  he took me off the med and is just leaving my meds as they are for now.  It’s been determined tho that the possible cause of my blood pressure being high right now is because I been using  “Aphrin”  to keep my sinus’s open when I use my C-Pap at night, I’ve used it for a few years now plus a prescription nose spray.  So now I gotta ween myself off the nose sprays which isn’t easy so far.  He wants me to see a ear and nose specialist to get the tissues in my sinus’s cleaned out so I can breath better without having to use a spray, ouch!!!  As Jan calls it, rotter rooter your nose!!  So hopefully that will ease up my blood pressure.  I am hoping by the end of the month once I lose a bit more weight and am under 300 that it will help a lot too,  I am about 25 lbs away from 299, w00t w00t!!  Walking REALLY does help, if your in a stall, get out and walk walk walk!!  Anyway that’s been me the last few days.  Im feelin much better now so we’ll see what happens when I get off the nose spray. 


Well y’all have a good night.  Thanks everyone for your prayers, they really do work. 



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 9/7/08 1:25 pm - Friedheim, MO
Hey Andy, just wanted to let you know.  I used Afrin for about 10 yrs.  I had to use it several times throughout the day or I would get so stuffy I couldn't breath.  I too went to an ENT & she told me to start doing nasal irrigations.  She gave me the recipe for a saline solution & gave me one of those big 60 cc syringes.  The first time I tried to get off of the spray it didn't really work.  But I tried again, but this time they gave me a Rx for Astelin spray.  I got off of it & haven't used it since.  Have you ever did nasal irrigations?  It's a really weird feeling & you might puke, or at least want to at first, but it really does help. 

Good Luck to ya!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Andy W.
on 9/8/08 1:45 am - Tulsa, OK
Hey Angy,  Thanks for the info,  I'll give that a try.  I do have a dr. appt on wedsnday to get my sinus's checked so we'll see what he's gonna do also.  I really dont want to have to get my sinus's roto rootered so i'll start doing what you said there. 

Thanks again!!

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Debbie D.
on 9/7/08 12:40 pm - KS
Good Evening Jan & MO Peeps:

Had a nice weekend.  Yesterday was rainy and cold so just stayed in the house watching movies with my family.  David and I did wonder out late yesterday afternoon and got our grocery shopping done.  Now I remember why I don't take him or my boys grocery shopping with me!  I try to stick to my list, however, the boys in my family tend to want every think they see when it comes to food!  I guess dh only put in about 4 items that weren't on the list so he did pretty good.  I enjoyed having the help pushing that cart around.  We went to Walmart first then to Price Chopper.  Got home and the boys helped bring the groceries up and David and I put them away.  Glad that's done for the next couple of weeks.

Went to Sunday School and church this morning.  Today was the first day DH and I taught the 3rd and 4th grade class.  We only had 3 kids today.  I'm told there's usually 6 or 7.  I'm thinking it was because it was cold and rainy...good day for sleeping in.  Anyways, we had a GREAT time!  We will be co-teaching with another couple.  So we will only be teaching every other month.  I think I'll learn as much as the kids.  I gave them a challenge this morning.  We're studying Gensis this month.  So I'm wanting them to memorize all the books of the old testament.  I told them if they had it memorized by Christmas break, we would all go bowling!  I also told them I was going try to and memorize them too.  I have a hard time memorizing things so will be interesting.  I know there's a song to help you memorize the New Testament.  Is there a song that would help you memorize the Old Testament?  Would appreciate any suggestions you all may have.

Had a great time chatting with Bec last night!  She always lifts my spirits!  Jan, you were right when you told me I would LOVE Bec!  What a blessing she has been! 

Jeanine - I LOVE those Kraft Food Magazines they send out!  For those of you who don't know, you can go to www.kraftfoods.com and sign up and you'll receive a magazine for every season with different recipes and it's FREE!  Plus you get a lot of cool stuff throughout the year.  I made the Hearty Beef Chili this weekend from the Fall 2008 I just received.  Of course, I have to make a double batch, it was really good.  It's almost gone but will make a good lunch for me for this week.

Janet - bless your heart.  I'm still hear and kicking.  Thankfully, I'm done with the antibiotics and am starting to feel better.  I'm going to just take it one day at a time and as the Lord to help me with each hour of the day.  I'm finishing up the Beth Moore Bible Study "Breaking Free".  We have two more weeks.  It has been an INTENSE study but so worth every minute of it!  If you ever get the opportunity to do the study, do it!  Actually, this is my third Beth Moore Study (I've also done Believing God and Daniel), they have all be GREAT studies!  She is such a gifted teacher of the scriptures!  You gotta get those pics of your new hair do up on your site.  Can't wait to see it!

Mama Jan - Glad to hear that your daughter Michelle is doing so good.  You know we will continue to pray for her.  I believe God will continue to do a mighty work in her and use you to help achieve His purpose!  I'm so excited about you and Joe going with that group of Christian Bikers.  I LOVE old time tent revival meetings.  Our old church had one about 10 years ago.  We had a YOUNG preacher do the revival, but man could he preach.   I'm going to tell David about that group.  Who knows maybe in 20 years we'll join it!  That is if he ever gets to retire...never know it might just happen.

Everyone else on the board please know I read all your posts.  Unfortunately, I can't respond to all but I do pray for all your requests.  You are all very special to me and I cherish all of you!

Have a a great week!  Remember GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

Debbie D.
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