on 9/6/08 1:38 am - Joplin, MO
Let me start off by saying DONT JUDGE ME! LOL. BUT SERIOUSLY DONT!! I havent had a shakes in about a week. Everytime I drink some, after I get about 1/2 in I get very sick and nauseated where all I want to do is throw up!! I am eating yogurt, eggs ( as I can manage them ) and cottage cheese. I have had mashed potatoes a few times. I had cream of potato last night. I know I am not getting all my needed protein in, but I am struggling with this nausea.. It is okay right now,but I get sick after eating and shakes. Please, can someone help me? Maybe I am eating too much, altho I dont see how? I cant eat but about 4-5 teaspoons at the very most of yogurt and cc. I really dont eat much, but I am trying to eat more often... I am going to look online for unflavored protein. It is $16.00 for a lb at GNC. That is a little high too me. Is it to anyone else? Does anyone know where I can find unflavored for a more reasonable price? I am going to check around with some of the health food stores here in town. Thanks! Have a great wet day!!



Peggy M
on 9/6/08 2:05 am - Raymore, MO
First off...I am so sorry for you.
     You've had a heck of a time....hang in will get better.   I'm sure you're thinking that you have made the biggest mistake of you're life.  I went thru the same thing and it does get better.  One day at a time.  
     I couldn't stand (still can't) anything artificially fruit flavored or any protein mixed with water...gag.  So jello or fruit proteins are still on my yuk list.  I finally had to resort to low carb milk , and it had to be chocolate, mixed with chocolate flavored protein and unfortunately it was the stuff from GNC.  Expensive, of course.  But I couldn't stand any of the other stuff because it tasted so nasty.  All of it.  So you're stuck because it's impossible to try because you don't know if you're going to like it or not.  My GNC here has a 30 day return so if I don't like it I can return which helps since I can't do that anywhere else.  Helps justify the extra expense. 
     As you look around make sure they have a return policy...don't get stuck with stuff you can't stomach.  That's money you're throwing away.   Unflavored protein may work best for you since you can add a little to the teeny bits you are able to eat right now.  Are you able to get any water in?  You can add unflavored to water too although I'm still picky about my water so it probably wouldn't work for me.  Just keep plugging away and trying different combinations.  One will eventually click.  So much for RNY being the easy way out, huh?  Hardest thing I have ever done!

Hang in there kiddo, I know what you're going through.  Don't let it get you down.  You will beat this.  Keep drinking your water and keep trying to eat little bits here and there until the nausea quiets down.

on 9/6/08 4:48 am - Overland Park, KS
No, judging  , if you can drink half of your protein drink before you get sick, that's all you should be drinking at a time. I struggled and struggled myself , constantly looking for one that I could tolerate , finally I just had to suck it up and drink as much as I could stand at a time, I will say,  it got easier, as my taste buds changed, I bought all these expensive fruit nectar drinks prior to surgery and they tasted really good, afterward I couldn't stand them!! about 2 mo's after, I was able to tolerate them  again, The unflavored protein doesn't mean NO flavor, It will still have a taste , if anyone ever finds one that is tasteless , please sign me up!! If you want the best tasting highest quality protein you will have to pay more $ for it, gnc has a maximum protein in choc, strawberry, and vanilla, it cost me 59.99 each , i think 5 lb.s, it was buy 2 get one free, so i guess that made it 40 bucks a peice. all that being said, it lasted me almost 3 mo's and it was really really good, the choc especially, it tasted exactly like a yoohoo drink, no funny taste at all, It was worth the cost if you consider how much money your saving on groceries, I mean how much are you saving on what you you used to spend on fast food for yourself? I know I used to eat it constantly, now i'm a real cheap date, half a kid meal at most lol. You are worth investing the money in yourself and your health, find whatever you like, spend the money and buy it, mom deserves to be healthy and not feel like crap because she is going bald from lack of protein. Take good care of yourself. BTW you never sent me your address, the  liquid b vit that I have does have thiamin it has 10 mg,(667%) plus about the same percentages riboflavin, niacinamide,b-6,folic acid...etc etc. It is really high quality, I put a tsp in my protein drink 2x a day and you can't taste it in there. good luck girly, if you want me to mail it to you , pm your address and i'll get it out mon.


Barbara S.
on 9/6/08 4:53 am - Freeman, MO
First of all I don't think any one of us would Judge you!!! We only have love on this board!!!

Are you making your shakes with any type of milk? If you are you might want to change to Carb countdown. Most milks even soy has too much sugar. I had that problem. When I changed to Carb countdown milk. that problem went away. Try drinking half or a third and going back every fifteen minutes to drink more. You may be overfilling your pouch. All the proteins run about the same price and the unflavored is not taste free. I think you taste the actual protein more in the unflavored. As far as cost, I have not tried it but alot of people use EAS they get at Wal-mart it is alot cheaper.

Hope some of this helps and hang in there it will get better with time.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Jan C.
on 9/6/08 6:50 am - Cedar Creek, MO
sweetie noone is judgeing you , more worried than judging. it is serious. more serious than just losing hair , which will happen no more than you are getting in. someone suggested for you to mix it up and drink what you can put it in the ref and keep it cold and sip when you can. one protein drink a day is better than none.
and as you heal and your body and taste buds get use to things you will be able to eat or drink more. you will never be able to drink a huge big shake the size you did before surgery. dont have a tummy that big,. so we have to fool it and sip about 6 oz at a time.
wish i could spend a day with you with your protein powders and help you find a solution. that might not be a bad idea lol
the nausea isnt any better since the script that Margie had sent to you??? if not all of this may be your gall bladder that is acting up really bad. and believe me you dont want a surgeon doing that that doesnt know anything about weight loss surgery. dr H can go back in thru some of the same holes and you will be fine and feel so much better. and hugs.


on 9/6/08 8:56 am - MO
I take Reglan everyday,..have for almost 3 yrs now.  I take about 2 a day but I can take up to 4 a day.  If I need them,..I have taken Zolfram also but I have acid reflux also so I take Nexium too.  I still can't do the shakes and I really want to, have been trying to get new things to try and still no go.  I eat very well don't really need the shake but I was wanting to up my protein more.  I know I didn't have the RNY so I can't really tell you anything about that but if you don't feel well I would call doc H I am sure they will help you if they can.  I hope this passes soon for you but even if you can't eat or drink your shakes it is really important that you get your water in.  If your not that may also be causing you not to be able to eat.  Water is the most important thing you need.  If you aren't be sure to call the doc.  I had issues and was readmitted because my kidneys were failing, I could of lost my kidneys if I hadn't went to the doc. So please take care of yourself and drink.
Jeanine S.
on 9/6/08 9:34 am - compton, AR
HUGS Lori!!! I am so sorry you are still having a tough time hun!!! I just got your message yesterday, sorry power has been out. Did you find the Cytosport to try? Also that Now protien I mention honestly has NO taste or smell the unflavored kind hubby even is drinking it in his coffee since I cant get him to eat breakfast during the week and it is helping him feel better at work!! However it is 16.00 a pound at the health food store seems to be about the bottom range except walmart brand. I wish I knew how else to help hun, I have seen the bottles online I will look up the links for ya and send em to ya,  if that will help.

I hope you feel better soon gurl and please please call Dr H if all these great ideas they all had above dont work or the relan either!! Take care of you !!!

on 9/6/08 10:03 am - Grain Valley, MO
GNC has whey powder on sale until the 10th.  Buy one bag and get the next one for half price.  I went there today and bought unflavored and orange cream plus a few other items and saved over $14 with my GNC gold card.

You probably aren't getting in the amount of protein you should, but IMO, you need do the best you can until the nausea subsides.  Doesn't sound like you are eating too much. 


RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

on 9/6/08 5:55 pm - Archie, MO
I only have 1 suggestion since they all beat me to the others.  Only because I am getting tired of the shakes...I take one of those individual sf puddings and ad a scoop of my whey protein powder.  it tastes alright and I get 52 grams in at once.  And yes the powder I use is sf.
on 9/7/08 11:37 pm - Grain Valley, MO
My nutritionist told me not to consume more than 25 grams of protein at once because that's all your body can absorb at once.  She said if you consume more than 25 grams, it's just wasted.


RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

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