Jan C.
on 9/5/08 2:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Checking into going to the Christian Motorcycle Rally in  Hatfield Ark. Will be for 5 days. In October. Isnt expensive at all. and lots of old time revival meetings, with lot of Christian seminars. And lot of riding on the motorcycles. Too. In parades and such.

They have wi-fi on the mountain where we will be camping. Anyone got a tent they can loan us ?lol….we are looking for a luggage trailer or a tent trailer to pull behind our trike. Will have to find at least the luggage trailer to have the room to haul all the stuff will need for 5 days. Can wait and by food when we get down there. It is beside the town of Mena Ark. If you know where that is. One year we went down there and like to froze to death riding down. was so cold. We went to leather shop over in Branson today and found some really good buys on coats and chaps. Janet the same coat you were showing me on the phone. Same price too. And got the chaps to match …whoooo hooo. Sharp looking mama. Lol  got Joe some chaps too. They really help keep you warm when you are riding in the cold. Or rain either.


Also bought a good used riding lawn mower today for Joe. Bless his heart the push mower was getting to be too much for him .Even with me doing some of it . He has been wanting a rider for some time so when this one became available I told him to go for it. Lol you should have seen him took him all of 15 mins to get everything together and go get it.


Wow next Friday night starts the MO. OH. Reunion ….will be fun even if a lot of people don’t come , im going to enjoy myself anyway. I will have Andy and Susan to drive our truck with all the stuff in it and we are bringing the trike so if you want a ride line up . I still don’t have my endorsement but Joe will be glad to take you for a ride. Lol  


Just got off the phone with Bec., we sure can talk when we get on there. Lol just love that girl to death. Only 16 more days to go now Bec.  I think im as excited for you as I was for me. …

Then the next week is another one of my angeletts, Lynette is having her surgery on the 29th…So isnt long before your surgery too Lynette. …I wish I could get to know all of you as well as I know some of you…the ones I do know I think are some of the best people in the world.

And I know the rest of you are too. Just wish I could meet each and everyone of you. Maybe Joe and I could start off going around the state on the trike and meeting each of you for coffee or supper or something lol that would be fun wouldn’t it?



JEANINE:::: well sure glad that you didn’t blow off your mountain. And where I was in Ark wasn’t really close to you well I guess it would have been if we had come across and come up Harrison but we sort of angle over there lol

But Joe and I will be coming down that way soon. maybe we can get together with you and Brenda both for lunch or something. Remember the support meeting this month on the 22nd. Ok? Sure hope to meet you this month.

Yeah that hill I think was and is good but my bad knee was really screaming about it. And I was afraid that it was going to get so bad that I wouldn’t be able to walk at all and that wouldn’t be good.

Joe hasn’t been complaining about his back today but I think it is still hurting him , he is walking funny like he does when it is hurting . He has an apporintment with his pain clinic doctor on Tuesday. Same day I have an appointment with an ENT. They think that if they roter rooter my nose on both sides that I will be able to breath better and will sleep better. Don’t know if I want that to happen that sounds painfull to me.



AMY:::::I see that you are going to be going to dr. H? you will love both him and Margie, his wife and they are so accessible to everyone of their patients. When you call and need something it isnt hours and hours before they get back with you.  

Congrats on the weight loss already , you are doing great. Keep up the good work.



BEVERLY B:::::: I know you are helping your daughter a lot by taking care of her kids but you need some time for Bev too you know. Doesn’t sound like you are getting much of that.

You said you weren’t able to tolerate anything that is artificially sweeted… 100% juice watered down wont hurt you   I sure don’t think I would like it , im not crazy about juice anyway. Just make sure that it is 100% juice. Ok

I don’t think the amount of calories that you are getting will make any difference. In fact you probably aren’t getting enough calories. Doesn’t that sound funny for someone to say that you probably aren’t getting enough calories to lose weight? Lol but it really is true.

You need to count them up and see what you are getting. Also how much protein are you getting from protein drinks??? you need to be working toward getting at least 80 gram…and fluid needs to be about 64 oz.

The only way you will be able to learn to drink sugar free is do with out anything sweet like the juice for several days and then when you drink something with like splenda you will think it taste really good.

I eat a lot of chili too. It is one thing that I can eat that I like and my tummy likes too.

Sure wish you could have come to our clothing exchange at our last support meeting. We had lots of really nice clothes.

LOL see we told you that a day would come that you would think the surgery was great. Did nt we lol . so glad that you are losing weight well.



JANET:::::::: Hey did you see what I said I bought today? The coat with the red roses on it and bought the chaps to match, really pretty looking. we also bought new black helmets today, im going to look for a red small size rose transparency and put it on the back of mine.

Well lets hope that Jon boy is just worried about his daddy , you know he might have heard something and took it wrong too. Kids and parents in hospitals don’t go to good together. They sometimes think things that aren’t true. I would hope that is it and not a phase. Lol I wouldn’t want to be him if it were a phase lol


Yes im glad Michele isnt with him anymore either but of course it is taking her a while to really get there. She said she hated having all of these stupid feelings like was it her fault, should she have done this or that., wanting him to come home and be a husband but also mad at him for being like he is . you all know all of the stuff that goes on in your head when you break up a marriage. I just hope she doesn’t run right into something else right away out of loneliness and all.


Oh im so glad that you like your hair more today than yesterday, some of the time I have made a drastic change with my hair and the next day wonder what in the world I was thinking lol im axious to see a bigger picture of you with your curls. On my phone it is really hard to see sometimes. .


SUGAR:::: I saw where you posted that Rick was clear. How is he doing now? Is he still asleep from the deal? Hope everything else is ok….oh I found be a leather coat and chaps , they are pretty. Will have to show you soon.







on 9/5/08 9:58 pm - Windsor, MO
Good morning all!
Yesterday was better since it didn't rain all day.  I walked again and am planning on walking again today.  I can't wait until I am in the habit and acually want to walk more.  Right now when I am walking I have to make myself walk farther.  I also saw a friend of mine yesterday that I use to work out with and we decided to start working out again with each other.  She has alot of equipment in her house.  I would really like to work on my core strength.  Today is a laundry and house cleaning day.  We really don't have anything to do which is good because we have nooooo money!  Everyone have a great day and God bless, Penni
Bec M.
on 9/5/08 11:13 pm
Good Saturday Morning Missouri!!!

  Another test passed!!!   The last one besides the labs and I talked with the surgeon about that and he said since I was taking an iron supplement that he did not foresee any levels that I could not get up before surgery in a few days if I needed too (primarily potassium)..... so I'm very very hopeful that ALL is going to go off without a hitch? 

Now for yesterday's adventures... first I have to say a huge thank you for EVERY prayer  that was sent up on my behalf!!! THEY WORKED!!! 

I got up at 2:00 a.m. and took my shower and did not put makeup on or fix my hair.... it was down right unfair to the world for me to go out of my house looking like that!!! I felt "undone" all day long.... I did take some make up and put on after I left the hospital.... but my hair was limp as a noodle all day long and bothered me.... the bald spot in the front shown something terrible.... I'm afraid I will be headed straight for L.A. Wigs in the mall right away after surgery!!! I hate it but might have to resort to that.....anyway.... we drove in fog all the way up there and arrived at 5:30... they took me in right away, asked all the questions and I got changed into a gown they let me keep my britches on and they wrapped me in a warm blanket... oh that was nice..... the nurse came along with another warm blanket and wrapped the arm she was going to put an I.V. in so it would be an easier stick.... well..... I told her all about my last experience... she put the tourniquet on and started looking for a vein and could not see one.... I was starting to  then she looked in the crook on of my elbow joint and said there is one right there..... she said alot of times they won't use that one for one reason or another but she put some deadening agent on the place and got it right in!!!! 1st try!!! She said the rest of the morning is going to be a breeze.... and it was!  Then when I was all prepped I waited and Dr. Hoehn's PA came in and talked to me... nice man!  then Dr. Hoehn came in ...nice man! then the pharmacist came in and went over my meds, the nurse that was going to float me around came in and introduced her self.... all very nice... then pretty soon the gal came and wheeled me into the room where they were going to do the procedure as she was taking me she said, "are you scared?" I shook my head yes and she said, "you have that wide eyed look" and assured me it was goin to be ok.... they started hooking me up to all the stuff and the gal put something in the I.V. and I said .... "oh I know why they like this stu ~f~f~f.... and I did not remember another thing till I woke up in the recovery room and didn't even know a thing had been done, not even a sore throat... but boy was I flying high!!!! I guess.... Paul said he wished he had a camera..... I got tickled and laughed  and laughed  and laughed ..... he said.... I don't remember  that.... but I did talk to the surgeon and so forth ..... the little post op nurse told Paul I would not remember it and asked if I was a drinker..... Paul told her no and she said this often happens to people that do not drink...??? who knows???... but in my "drunken stupor" I told an embarrassing little bit of my "sorid past" to the nurse!!! I don't remember but it was true what Paul said I told her.... of when I was just turning teen my mom was going to teach us the perils of drinking and let us just have ourselves enough liquor  that it would teach us lesson.... well me being the "over-eater" that I am had enough that I was not at all inhibited.... enough to dip my hamburger in the fish tank and eat it!!!  oh my gosh!!! was I sick!!!!  I guess it did teach me a lesson because I was not a drinker   the rest of my youth or ever for that matter!!!  can you imagine I told that to a stranger!!!  oh well!  I guess we never get away from our past sins ~tee hee  I had always heard that  the happy gas was GOOD!!!  Well I have this to say.... I did not have a care in the world! that's for sure!

So then we left and spent the day bumming around.... I was so tired but that was it, felt fine other words... we kept on going just one more place... at first I was not very steady on my feet and Paul helped me but as the day wore on I got better and we plugged on.... we went to the City Market and I got some produce.... then to a music store, a tool place for Paul and I found a place called Saver's.... a re~ sale shop.... I just might be able to find some nice cheap clothes there when I need them.... and found a couple of other places like that too.... at least I have some options..... We went to a discount freight  store, a home decor store and I got a new table cloth and napkins, then we came home by way of Waverly and got some fresh apples, we stopped in Marshall at Aldi's and Wal~Mart... it was 7:00 p.m. by the time we pulled back in the drive way..... we was "more than more than" tired!  Paul unloaded the things from my puddle jumper and I put away the perishable items,  made a few phone calls to let some dear loved ones know I was ok, e~mailed  my dear Janet , took the c~pap got it all hooked back up... I thought for sure we would dance last night but I threw it off right away and slept  all night without it.... I guess I was just way to tired to fight it!... the night before I slept with it the whole time I was in bed from 9:30 pm till 2:00 am with it on and it did not seem to bother me all that much.... we will see... I hope I will be back to using it all night tonight.... if I snored  I sure did not know it last night seemed the night went by so quick!

All in all I guess that was pretty good for having been "put out" in the morning..... and I feel pretty good this morning so will see what I can get done today.    Best of all the Lord answered our prayers and I passed another test,  and will now wait now till Wednesday when I FINALLY have my last items to complete before the BIG day!!!

Before I get started ... I forgot Thursday to tell you all the the I got an e~mail from Brenda Nutt and she told me to tell all that she got back from her mom's and all is well.... I'm glad to hear that her mom is going good.... and Brenda seems so happy and doing real well too!

To my  Jan C's ~ how can I even thank you both enough for all you are doing for me!!! You care about me! it is obvious!  There was a message on my phone from Debbie Darl'n when I got home checking and wondering how I was? YOU are a doll!!! and I thank you for that! ... along with all you other sweet people that have sent me well wishes and words of encouragement!!! I'm thankful beyond words for every one of you!!!

Mimi  ~ I'm excited for you about the leathers ...... now all you will need is a bandanna to wear on your head  when you do not have your helmet on and you will be genuine!!! ~tee hee  Oh my how fun will that gathering you are considering going to be!!! I'm excited for you!

And I am praying for Michele.... it is wonderful that you are helping her.... you are such a caring person.... sounded like you ran your feet off getting her all set up with the car situation..... I am praying God will have His complete way in her life..... up's and down's? probably... but I praying that God will mold her into a complete woman of God!

Say wouldn't that be cool for you and your "driver" (Joe) to go around the state meeting all the people you want too!  You could be like people say when they retire they are going to go stay a bit with each kid and by the time they see them all it will be a whole year!!!  ~ha  You certainly have enough "ettes" to make quite a trip!!!

Janet  lady ~ I'm very sorry to hear they could not fix Mike's shoulder!  I will pray everything works out just as it should! what ever it takes.  And hopefully Jon just had a bad day and it will be better today.... if not I'm sure you will "work" things to his good!!! ~ha 

Oh I wish I could of called   you last night I wanted to talk to you in person ..... I was frustrated I could not find my address book... hopefully I will when I clean up from the day yesterday... if not, maybe you could e~mail me your # again?  I will write you as soon as I can.... I sure have appreciated all our communications! they have been soooo encouraging to me! 

Debbie Darl'n ~ I was not one bit surprised to hear your sweet voice on my answering machine!  You are such a wonderful friend!  And I appreciate you very very much!!!

Sugar ~ I am so glad that Rick's test went ok and all is good!  My Paul has to have those done every 3 or 4 years now and takes a sulfur type medication for ulcertive colitis.... I'm always so thankful! every time the good doc comes out and tells me he is ok yet another time.... he originally told me he would probably have cancer within the next 10 years but thankfully PRAISE THE LORD he has not! 

Amy ~ welcome... I know you will love it here.... wonderful wonderful people ALL OF THEM!!!

Bev B ~ sounds like you are a busy lady!  I'm just so happy you are happy... it is also so exciting that your clothes are falling off!!!  we are the only peeps that can be so happy about that like we are!!!
You are right my time IS going so fast..... I only have 16 days left !!   I know what you mean about the house work..... man! I am slow and very much looking forward to when I have the energy to breeze right thru it! 

You take good care of yourself.  We will just have to get together some time and visit... we are so close to one another... 

Renee ~ I have not heard how Tiff's surgery went... maybe I missed it somewhere but I hope she is doing ok and praying a very quick recovery for her.... sounds like you did a right fine job of taking care of and enjoyed a wonderful time with our  ! Thank you for doing that .... by blessing her you blessed all the rest of us too!!! 

Angy ~ I pray  you are getting better every day!  I can't wait till you are all healed up and saying you are so happy and have dropped off all the weight you wanted to!

Layla ~ I have not heard in a day or two how Kris is?  I pray she is still continuing to improve?  I know God is able to do a complete work in her!

Lynette ~ I guess I did not realize, although I should have, that your surgery is just a week after mine!  I wish you the very very best!

Andrew ~ You take care of yourself!  I'm praying that God is going to get this blood pressure thing all worked out perfectly! and move on Susan's behalf too! HE CAN DO IT!!!

Jeanine ~ you doll you!!! THANK YOU for praying for me and all the encouraging words you have sent my way!!! I'm very thankful for them and know that you are going to be right behind me losing those lbs!!! at an amazing rate and we will be bouncing all over the place with delight!!!  Bless you dear lady!

I know I have not nearly mentioned all of you dear people but I pray for each person... that God will bless each one abundantly, minister to those that are having difficulty in their journeys and meet every need.

I did not get my regular routine  done yesterday so I guess I better get off here and get busy on it..... I'm not sure what I will work on today... I sure enough have many things to choose from.... I will busy right up to the very day of surgery...

Love each one of you and pray great big blessing come your way today!

on 9/6/08 12:53 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hi MO people,

Sorry I haven't been around lately.  Had a few family issues I had to deal with.  One I'll mention is my 17 yr old cousin (the one I raised for 2 years) had a partiacal historectomy.  They found a tumor on her left ovary and had to remove the tumor and her left ovary and fallopion tube.  The tumor was the size of a basketball.  They found two tumors growing on the outside of it that were cancerous.  So after having the surgery and having 35 staples from just under her breast bone to her bikini line was done she had 3 days of chemo.  She's feeling better now and starting to get stronger.  I just pray this helps this child wake up and realize that life is what YOU make it not what was done before you had any choices to make.  I love her as if she were my own and some days I feel like I could just knock her to the MOON!!!  TEENAGERS---gezzzzzz!!!  Another reason I'm thankful I don't have children.

On a happier note my husband got a raise!!!  We soo needed it.  I'm so thankful.

My weight loss has slowed down--I kinda get discouraged because I lost sooo much so fast.  But I know that I can't keep losing at the rate I was or soon I'll be NOTHING.  I posted some new pics.   I wish I could weigh on a regular scale but apperantely I'm still not under 350lbs.  The scale at my doctors office only goes to 350lbs and it won't weigh me.  :-(  Someday...

I'm off to the little town festival we have here in Osage Beach today.  Wanna find some cute crafty things. 

Hope you are all well...Take Care!

on 9/6/08 1:07 am - Archie, MO
First off...heylookitsangie, that is a greattttttt photo!  I just took some of me in my biggest pants I still had to see the size diff.

Today I have alot of housecleaning to do...fun!  NOT!  Then if it don't rain going over to the farm (in laws are on vacation) and pick all her tomatoes to chop and sclice to freeze.  Get the rest of the pears and rade the chicken coop for some fresh eggs.  The hope to take a stroll donw one of the streets in my neighborhood to hang the rest of my Avon books.  Sales are picking back up with holiday sale stuff.
on 9/6/08 1:25 am - Osage Beach, MO
Thank you very much.  I need to get one with my old pants too---good idea!!!
on 9/6/08 1:25 am, edited 9/6/08 2:10 am - linneus, MO
This morning Laura and I went on our walk. Love these cool mornings . Took Nikki our 6 year old walking with us. She was like a walking coach. she was walking backwards saying come on lil ladies come on .
  I used that fresh start berry protein liquid this morning. I put it in my water ,it is 42gms of protein. So i've been sipping on it .it is half gone. Not very tasty but gotta get in the protein. Plus i'm gonna mix up a 52 gram shake stick it in the fridge and sip on it all day. I'll let ya'll know if i get it all in . LOL.
 Gonna drive out to the bridge in a lil bit to see how many miles it is from the house. I think somewhere around 2 or so. But starting monday i am gonna start walking to the bridge and back.
 Laura still isn't up to par,She still hurts, But hopefully she will feel like walking with me but if not i will do it alone.
 I did not have this surgery for the scales to stay on 235 for a week and not move.
  Hope you all have a GREAT day.
                 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} DEB

Ok Just took a slim fast low carb shake 17gms protein, 2 scoops body fortress 4 ozs milk put it in the blender. Makes 69 gms of protein plus whatever the milk has. And it isn't that bad tasteing.So hopefully i will get it all down before the day is through.Wish me luck.


on 9/6/08 4:55 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 I want to say thank you to everyone who is praying for Tiff. She did wonderful during surgery. They decided to do more work on her so hopefully it helps. They went in and cut part of the bone off by her pinkie toe, moved her toe over and put a screw in, and then cut all the lump's off her feet and toes. The poor child was so worried they weren't going to put her all the way under. LOL Sad part of that was they did and she woke up 40 min. into the surgery when they were putting the screw in. She said the only thing she really knew was when they would move her foot around and when the doctor was singing, which was funny. When he came into the recovery room with us she looked up and told him he sings good and i swear this man turned 10 different stages of red, I asked him what he was singing to her and it was Spiderman. LOL
 The nurse was such an angel she listened to everything Tiff had to say, and even came out to check on me while she was in surgery (I must have looked pretty bad). Everything went well except for after we got home and then she wanted to be up walking around, thank goodness her boyfriend was here and he helped me with her, and then when i just couldn't go anymore he told me to go on to bed he would take care of her, and man did I sleep. i don't think I've slept that sound in a long time. I didn't even get the cpap to my face but it was on. LOL
 I was so excited Thursday when Janet was here and I checked my mail, I got a letter from Mobar. I thought OMG this is it and Janet was here with me, but it wasn't. It was them letting me know my stuff had been sent to insurance, so when we got to Jamies Janet had me to call to see if I had been approved yet, they told me to call back in a week because I'm not even in the computer yet. This is still a good thing I'm that much closer. Maybe me and Janet should hang out every Thursday. LOL
 Janet is such a doll, I love her to death. I have to say thank you to Jan she kept telling me that Janet and I needed to talk. Even though she wanted us to talk for another reason I honestly believe she knew we would be great friend's......Thank you so much Jan for bring Janet into my life she is such a blessing to me.
 It was great hanging out with Janet and having her meet a couple of my friend's, which I see from her post on Thursday she's going to be as bad as mine and Larry's daughter Kayela about us getting together. LOL Janet Sweety if it happens it happens LOL I just hope it's after my surgery and you know why. Anywaysss I knew she would fit right in with us and I believe she has made a couple more friend's (hard to believe huh LMAO). I know that Jamie went to work at the jail that night and rub it in my other daughters nose that she got to meet Janet and how great she is and she can't wait to see her again. Jamie had me help a little with her hair and omg we had so much fun, of course Larry didn't know what to think of us three but he had a good time. He said it was fun hanging out with us and was happy that I invited him to join in. My thought on that is he either needs to get a life or we are just that much fun.LOL 
 Janet dear you are more then welcomed at my house anytime. Sorry I didn't warn you about the driveway, it can get pretty wild. LOL Wait till you see where I go camping. LOL you'll be listening for banjo's. LOL I'm kidding.
 It was sweet of you to want to sit with me and trust me it would have been great, but it was way more important to me that you take care of Mike. I was really thinking about coming your way afterword's, but knew I had to get Tiff home, plus Kala wanted to go to work even though she had the day off.
 I hope and pray Mike is able to get something done with his shoulder, and that the boy's get their act together (they don't want Auntie Renee to come over LOL) If you need a break for Jon you know where you can bring him. LOL It was great seeing him run and play with our babies, they enjoyed themselves.
 I was going to tell you not to even think twice about us jumping your car, good gosh girl we were in Cassville. LOL It's nothing but a hick town, I honestly think I'm the only one in that town that doesn't carry jumper cables, and that's only because I know everyone else has them. LOL Think about this I ran out of gas at the 4-way stop in middle of town and nobody missed a beat I got my car pushed out of the way and some guy with a gas jug showed up. HONEST!! Got to love us hick's LOL
 I was thinking I was going to go get one of those jacket's as soon as I figure out what size I will need to get. I hate to see them that nice on sale and not get one, of course I wont be able to find one after I lose the weight. Maybe I'll get the ones with braids since you and Jan's getting the one with the rose.

 Jan They also have the leather vest's with the rose's on them. I'm not sure what the price is I was looking more at the jacket's. I can't believe we were all in Cassville the same day and didn't hook up. LOL The next time you come this way let me know, we can do lunch or something.

 Bec  Thank you so much for the prayer's, they help so much. I wish you could have been with Janet and I, I so can't wait for us all to hang out together, what fun we will have.
 Sorry I didn't get pic's of us, I was waiting on getting my hair done to take any and I was in the chair when Janet had to go. As soon as I'm able to get together with her again I promise I'll take a bunch of pic's just for you. The one pic that was taken was of me and I hope Janet keeps it to herself. LOL Yes it was that bad.LOL Love you girl.

 I hope everyone stays nice and dry today.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Jeanine S.
on 9/6/08 8:58 am - compton, AR
HUGS!!!! Hiya guys!!!

What a day!!! I have wadded thru mud and muck since 530 am and it was WELL worth it hehe!!

I have been looking for a bed for my mom who is coming out in Nov. when I have surgery, she has a bad back and it couldn't be just any old bed for her, plus it had to be affordable LOL that was the hard part!!! So I have read every add in every local or semi local paper for weeks and prayed one would pop up. Well yesterday as pretty as you please I saw a yard sale add for beds including a queen size pillow top with a sleigh head and foot board to boot, no number, sale starts at 7am hour from my house. I woke the poor DH on his only day off this week at 5 am we threw on clothes and off we went to be the first there, good thing cause they were in the woods haha. Anyway they were still setting up when we got there I asked how much for the bed they said 50 bucks but I had to take box springs, mattress, and the frame, it all looked brand new still in plastic even, I wanted to kiss the man!!! He said or just make me a offer when I paused in shock LOL I have a new one coming today and I just don't need it, so i dug out the cash as fast as I could before he changed his mind!!! Called my bro in law who lives close to pick it up on his way to our house to pick up his motor cycle for a rally he was attending today!!! Hubby even took me to breakfast, we hit the grocery store and a few discount stores for fun and got home just as the bed arrived at our house!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!

Now we are painting  my puter room and fixing it up a bit more for mom, i am soooo happy!!!! Our guest room/ pc room had a small day bed in it so was great for the niece and our couch has a sleeper but mom will be here for weeks, I want her to have her own hideaway!!  Mom has only been here once as it is hard for her to travel, we usually go to her at least once a year. She loved it here that summer was so much cooler than Georgia and I got to spoil her rotten for 2 whole weeks was heaven!!  When she was here last we had 3 bedrooms tho 2 were kinda small so we took out a wall (bro in law is a carpenter!!)and made us a huge room and left the original master BR a puter room/ guest room. I am so very thankful she is coming but I want everything done so she wont  need to do a thing, maybe the recovery time for me will just be what I hope for mom and me time!!!  I'm taking a few pages from our wise Bec precooking meals/freezing them, cleaning every nook and cranny to make keeping it that way even easier for me and her LOL!! My mom raised 4 daughters, 2 step kids, 4 brothers/sisters after her mom died when she was 14, helped on 16 grand kids and now spoiling 5 and a half great grands!!! I want to be able to spoil her some of her visit at least, she deserves it!! Dunno how she has stayed as sane as she is, LOL note I never claimed she is sane now however hehe!!!

Whew sorry I am babbling, just my family is my heart especially my mama!!! She saw me thru so many years of illness as a kid I can NEVER repay that, now I NEVER wanna miss a chance to give her all I can as often as I can!!!

I am sooo very thrilled everyone got good news yesterday!!!!! GOD IS SOOOOO VERY GOOD!!!!

Bec, I knew you would sail thru, I am sure those nurses thought you were just adorable, how could they not!!! I tell hubby all the time I wanna just HUG you to bits!!! I am so happy for you!!!

Renee, wow your daughter sounded like she had a lot done, I am so happy she went thru it all so well!! I hope she will be dancing around and feeling wonderful again in no time!!

Jan    WOOOHOOOO HOT MAMA!!!!! WE WANT PICTURES of those leathers!!!! I hope you guys get to take that ride sounds like fun, the other rider's will be sooo lucky to have you guys along!!!

Sugar  So happy Rick got good news!!! I hope he was up feeling bright eyed today after all that napping!!!

Janet   I hope what the doctors were able to do for Mike will give him some relief at least from all the pain he has been in!! I wish your news had been better, I will continue to pray that they will find a way to help him hopefully without more surgery!!
I hope Jon woke up in a better mood today. I know I was a smart mouthed teenage back in the day and my 5'2 mama put the fear of God and mama in me with much the same look he probably got yesterday!! I recall once she told me RUN, RUN to your room and lock the door when you get there and NO matter how much I beg don't you let me in!!! LOL I never saw my mom mad to often she had the patience of Job much as you sound like you have, but let me tell you I RAN that day!!! She never spanked/punished us angry and usually cried harder than us when she did but I know at least once I pushed her to the brink and I NEVER did that again haha!!! I hope he will see how much you love him and how much respect/honor you deserve for all you do for him!! Sometimes when we are young we forget but as the bible says, train a child in the way he should go and he will not soon depart from it!!! He may not remember every day now what you have taught him but he WILL remember and this will be a story he may share with someone to help them see just that some day!! Hang in there girl, love you and praying for you!!!

UH OH hubby says my break is over LOL!!!! I better get back to work CRY haha!!! I will caught up more late, I promise, sorry if I forgot anyone, and that I babbled so much hehe, I'm just so excited!!

You are all in my thoughts and in my every prayers, Love you all!!!



on 9/6/08 10:36 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

Its late for me to be posting again...I really didnt realize it was this late!!! My day is flying by-and I guess Im happy about that since I am NOT having a good day. Not even half!

The last day that I drove the Suburban, I had told Mike that there was a shake in the front end that made me nervous and I was not going to drive it again until it was checked out-thats how strongly I felt about it...Well-TOTALLY forgot about it-and went to come into town last night to get meds and stuff.....and the rear back tire on the passenger side-BLEW APART-and it was so bad-that it blew the hub from the middle of the tire-while I was going 65!! I about sh*t my pants!!! So, theres me...side of the road.....in the rain.....know I cant call Mike to change the tire-heck-couldnt even find all the parts. When I say it blew apart-I am talking like you see the BIG trucks-pcs everywhere. I have NEVER seen a regular vehicle do that AND it had to be a bad tire because they were BRAND new last August when we got the Suburban!!!

So-guess I had that gut feeling for a reason. There was no one to take me, however, to town....WELL.....(this may TMI for some of you) but WHILE I am in the rain, frustrated beyond belief-Aunt Flo decides to visit me!!! OH MAN, YOU ARE FRICKING KIDDING ME!!!!???? WTH? Ok-Now I am ready to beat the hell out of the Suburban, I am so frustrated!!!

I have decided that tomorrow IF my back and knee doesnt feel better, that I WILL be going to the ER....I KNOW that its never felt this bad before....not sure why or what I did-I know that I wrenched it when Mr. Jon threw himself on the floor at Walmart.....this is the pits. I am frustrated. I am angry and everything in between. I am seriously thinking about having the surgery before end of Feb, beginning of March. I just cant do this anymore. Its consuming my life and I have had enough.... (You know that commercial-its MY money and I want it now?) Its my BROKEN BODY-and I WANT IT FIXED NOW....I dont want to live like this anymore. I am calling the surgeon Monday morning and going to see them. I dont care IF I have a fatty belly-I will wear a dang girdle if I have to-as long as they can get through it-I will do it FIRST. By the time Megan has the baby-I should be back on my feet....I WILL be there IF I have to be in a wheelchair-so thats okay with me. I just want this over with.

Stephanie has been trying to get the picture of my new hair put in my profile for quite awhile now-couple of hours....The wi-fi isnt working so hot and my moms computer doesnt have a card reader....Will keep trying and I will post when its in there. If anyone wants to see it. The pic turned out pretty good-she is going to add one of the back too-and then one of her and Megan thats really good and then one of her and her boyfriend!! I sure hope she can get them on there!

I think Jon was just really upset about his daddy. I did NOT take him to the hospital with me. I wouldnt/couldnt. Megan came to talk to me last night and said that she thought some of the problem with Jon is Darrel being mean to him-and then proceeded to tell me some of the things that Darrel was saying to Jon and its putting him down and things like that-things that D knows doesnt FLY with ME!!!! (or Mike)....So-he got a good talking to last night and I flat out told him that IF we dont get our little attitude problem in check ASAP, that he would be grounded INDEFINITELY!!!! Enough is enough already.

There were no races today. Besides the fact that Mike wasnt up to it-it was raining in Tulsa too-so more than likely, they were rescheduled anyway! He couldnt go to the RC races today for the same reasons. He FINALLY slept pretty good. Got up this morning, had some coffee and then went back to bed. He is upset because he HATES having limitations!!! So-he is frustrated, and Im being cranky, so I bet thats not helping the situation any. Not crabby with him, well-I take that back-when he is doing stupid stuff-Like trying to go poor his own cup of coffee and stuff like that-I get really irritated-he is a lefty-so its harder for him-and he doesnt want to ask me because he knows Im hurting-so I get upset when he does that!

Well, I better get my responses done and get this posted!

**Jan-Oh man-I LOVE that leather jacket. Im glad you found one just like it!! Does it have the leather braided sides on the sleeve that lace up? Thats really sharp. I cant wait to get one!! Mike and I's anniversary that we celebrate (from when we first started dating) is coming up and I think thats what he will get me!!! YAY!! Never had a "real" leather jacket before-always was too fat for that!!! I CANT WAIT to see you in the chaps and jacket-and I will keep my eyes open for the rose too-let me know when you find it so I can stop checking for you!!!

Jon didnt go to the hospital with me. I know better-LOL...He gets too bored too quick-so thats not the place for him. Even when he brings his gameboy-the hospital isnt the place for him. Think he was just upset about his daddy, they are pretty tight-because he has NEVER treated me like that-ever. Him and I are pretty good buds! He is MUCH better today-AND since I talked to Mr. Darrel about his little issues. Im gonna scream if he doesnt snap out of this little phase again-cuz he is about to drive me right up a tree! He is back to making up stuff and it doesnt even make sense the crap he is coming up with!! Im so glad I didnt home school him now-I can see that it would NOT have worked out!!!

I STILL dont know if I will be going to the reunion or not. WISH I knew for sure!!! Wish I could say yes for sure!

That Bikers club sounds really really wonderful. I have a couple of tents-what size do you need? Let me know. Do you have sleeping bags? I have one really nice one of those too-and then Jons little car one-LOL....I also have a couple of cots someplace? Are you going to need it before the next meeting? Let me know-send me an email to my direct email-because it takes FOREVER for me to get into my IMs here or PMs, whatever you guys call it.

I WILL take a ride on that awesome trike IF I get to make it!! That will be totally awesome!!! Love you guys and take care.

**Bec-I AM SO HAPPY that your test turned out ok. I was praying and praying for ya. Thats really funny you talked about calling me, because I almost called you, but thought you might be worn out from your test and such and didnt want to bother you!

I have another surprise for you. Dont ask cuz I cant tell you!!! LOL-You will just have to wait and see what it is....Im so excited about it-as I am every time I think I will make you smile or make you excited, or happy-you know? I may explode before you get this one!!! LOL-Just know you will love it...

I didnt want to tell you before your scope-but I actually WOKE UP RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SCOPE-WHILE she was doing biopsies of my stomach (she did 5) and I was pulling the scope out of my mouth because it was gagging me and pulled the IV out of my arm, so it was a mess-and one of the hardest things I have been through-so when I went to have my surgery, I told them I wanted them to make sure I was all the way out and wouldnt wake up (just like Renee just posted about her daughter, Tiff-it happening to her!~!) with a tube down my throat because its just so uncomfortable!! I PRAYED Like crazy that NOTHING like that would happen to you!!!

You sure make me feel good with all your compliments, but its easy to spoil you because your happy with the little things in life-I dont mean that as a slam, but it makes it really easy to spoil you!!! Some people are not as appreciative as you are! Im so excited. You dont have very long now, at all!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOO!!! do a little dance, get down!!! Busta move-baby circle dance. Yay, Yipeeeeee and YAHOOOOOOO!!!! Im right up there with you on that cloud and I just cant even believe its so close now!!! FINALLY!! Its been such a LONG journey for you, my dear friend-and I cant wait until its finally over and your on the bench WITH us!!! Thank God for all the people he has put in your life-and in your path-isnt he awesome???? Love ya Bec, and of course I will email you my number. Take care and keep smiling!!!

**Renee-I almost cried when I read what you wrote about me....THANKS so much, but "I" OWE YOU THE THANKS!! Its because of YOU and YOUR friend, that I got to FINALLY get my hair done. Thanks to YOU for waiting for me, even when I was lost and you didnt get mad at me...THANKS to you for opening your home to me and the kids to hang out and not treat us like an inconvienence. THANKS to you for helping Jamie take out half of my rollers and for making me laugh.....THANKS for all of it.. Your definitely STUCK with us now-GOT IT? LOL...I love you AND the girls. Jamie and Larry too!!!! I do see you guys getting together-and it will all be good!!! I wish I couldve been with you and Tiff Friday! Glad she is okay...Love that girl! I definitely feel blessed to call you MY FRIEND!!! Love ya!!

Glad our girl is doing okay after surgery. Hope it didnt freak her out too bad about waking up during surgery. I know you will keep me posted. Love ya

**Sugar-Glad Rick is okay-Thats such a relief. Love ya.

**Jeanine-Thanks for the prayers. Need them, TRUST ME!!! LOL...Im so glad that you got a good deal on that bed-I LOVE sales like that!!! WOOO HOOO.. Um, did YOU get YOUR PROFILE finished yet? Dont make me come down there-LOL LOL....Love ya girl.... I had so much more to say to you and totally forgot. What an airhead I am. Im sorry!! Oh yeah-I LOVE TO LISTEN TO THE BABBLINGS OF JEANINE!!! LOL...Really, I do-I LOVE hearing how other people are living and what they are doing in their lives day by day....I have no life-so I can read about others living theirs-LOL LOL!!!!

**Bev-So glad to see you!!! Your doing GREAT with your weight loss-I am SO HAPPY AND EXCITED for you!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Yipee and Yahoooo.... Love ya and I hope you continue every day to get better and better!!!

**Deb D and Sheila-You girls alright? Havent seen you on here in a bit-just want to check in with you guys!!! Love ya both!

I hope that everyone is having a good Saturday. As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

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