OK experts, opinion needed

Elizabeth D.
on 9/6/08 8:19 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
I developed a pain yesterday afternoon and am trying to decide if it is my gallbladder. Give me your opinion. If I still have it Monday, I'll call Dr. Hornbostel and Margie.

It is right at the lower part of my right shoulder blade, in about a 6 inch area, it is a deep pulling, stinging very uncomfortable feeling, about a 4-5 on the 0-10 scale. I'm not having any unusual nausea, pain in front or stomach area or front shoulder. I know gallbladder will manifest itself with pain in the shoulder and shoulder blade area at times, but I'm not having any other symptoms. It doesn't feel muscular, just weird. I took tylenol twice yest. evening and once this am with no change, finally took some of the roxicet about 2, it has eased some but  not gone away andI have also been lying down. It just doesn't feel muscular and i would have thought the roxicet would have made it go away, at least temporarily. I don't know why I'm not having any other symptoms if it is gallbladder though.

What do you think? when you guys had gallbladder stuff was it all nausea and stomach discomfort? I've never had back problems and it's just a weird sensation. I even thought about shingles, because that's kind of the sensation, but I'm not breaking out.

Oh well, this too shall pass. At least I'm not having the nausea like poor Lori! Liz
Jeanine S.
on 9/6/08 9:12 am - compton, AR
OUCH hun, Im so sorry your feeling bad! I still have my GB so I am not sure on this except to say My mom had shoulder pain and chest pain when hers went out. I hope some who have been thru it can help you more, I know Dr. H will fix ya up if it is the GB, but I will pray you dont have to go thru that this soon!! HUGS hope you feel better!!!


Jan C.
on 9/6/08 10:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
i have that same pain if i dont take a musle relaxant daily....dont know what it is about except it started at about a month out.....i dont have a gall bladder so isnt that. it has been x rayed and everything else nothing there that they can see. is probalby due to my right shoulder having so much arthritis in it and the rotator cuff tear. dont know , this is just some of the things that have been checked. the muscle relantant seems to take care of it after about 3 days of taking it and as long as i continue it. when i dont take it i can feel it starting to hurt again. wierd. told you all we were hybrids. ....



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