Marriage Problems
Did anyone go through any marital problems after losing most of the excess weight? My husband and I are going through some rough times. It is me, I've come to realize I don't love him anymore. I've been seeing a counselor to get things figured out in my head. We have separate bedrooms now and everything.
Any advice????
Any advice????
First of all, did you just think one day, "I am not in love with my husband anymore." Is there some reason did something happen? You have to remember that marriage is a decision not a feeling. I think that is partially wrong with the world today. People get married because they get these warm fuzzy feelings and when those feelings are gone they are suddenly "out of love". Believe me I have been married for 16 years and sometimes I would like to sufficate my husband with those warm fuzzy feelings. I have made a decision to love him no matter what and we made that decision before we got married. Hope this does not sound harsh because I don't mean for it to. Why do you feel like you have fallen out of love with him, has he fallen out of love with you? Have a great night and I will say a prayer for you. Penni
I had issues with my marriage before and after surgery. My ex-husband weighs 350 pounds, we were fat together and eating ourselves to death together. When I made the decision to have WLS he was not supportive, he was afraid I would "get skinny and leave him". After I completed my paperwork and started the insurance waiting game and he realized I was seriously going to go through with it he began cheating with a girl at work. I stayed with him because I loved him, we went through a separation we tried working on things and we lasted about 10 months after my surgery. He was not physically cheating and he was very excited as I was losing weight, but he was having inappropriate telephone and internet relationships with other women. As I lost weight i gained the confidence to know I deserved better than a man that was not committed and faithful to me. It wasn't a matter of falling out of love it was a matter of realizing I deserved better and having the piece of mind to know I could make it without him. I hope my story helps, really think about wether you are truly "not in love" with him or wether you think you can do better now so you want to move on. I hope you can work through your problems, marriage is hard work, I wish you nothing but the best!