Jan C.
on 9/3/08 1:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Went to town this morning and got my blood drawn for another cbc…I thought I had to fast so didn’t have anything and it was hard for her to find a good vein. And found out I didn’t need to fast for a cbc only if there were going to be liver enzymes with it …so now I know. I hope the white blood cells have gone up..

Picked up my ultram and flexeril while in town and called the sleep disorder clinic to see if they would write me a prescription for the meds he gave me to help me stay awake in the daytime. He did and I took it to my pharmacy , well it has to have prior approval from the insurance co for them to pay for it. Without approval it is 335.00 for 30 pills . oh my gosh if they don’t approve it I wont be getting it that is for sure. I will just not drive .

Maybe the low white blood count could be part of the reason for not being able to stay awake. We will see what dr. bridges says.


Andy and Susan was in wal mart and they called me and said they had seedless watermelons 2 for 4 dollars did I want some. Told them yeah bring me two of them.

I have ate the daylights out of them this summer. They just taste so good to me for some reason. .


Has it rained a lot where you are? We had two inches last night till 7am this morning don’t know what we will end up with from 7 this morning till 7 in the morning. Probably about 4 at least …most of my poor flowers are laying on the ground this afternoon. Oh well when the sun comes out I will go out and cut a lot of them a lot shorter and they will perk back up some. Especially the Balsum , marigolds and zinnias.

Then I will take all the cut offs and gather seed out of them and save all of it for you guys. Lol will be so much that im sure all of you can have a big bunch of all sorts of things.


Sure doesn’t seem like it should be Sept already does it. Not much longer till there will be some colder weather again. Hopefully we can get out of here for a while and go south if the hurricanes will stop.


Has anyone else that has lost a lot of weight had trouble with the bottom of your feet hurting? Mine burn hurt. I bought some of those really soft pads to go in my shoes today. Hope they help.

The walking 2 miles daily (which I didn’t do yesterday or today, yesterday was because my bad knee was really hurting , I think the climbing the hill is doing that, we will just go around this one area once more and eliminate that hill. Just the walking should do some good by its self. I think I have lost another pound not sure tho. Will weigh on Friday morning. And see.



SUGAR::::: I think the people that live down here said that it was built in the 70s that doesn’t sound too long ago but when nothing has been kept up it is.

When are you going to Fla???? The 19th? The next meeting is the 22nd…4th Monday of the month.

I think most all of us have the tail bone issue. They say it is because we lost the fat padding on the end of the tail bone and nothing there to protect it. I know it does hurt don’t it. The donut pillow might help a lot on a trip.

Did you get to check on the coat? Was it worth what she ask for it? Did you like it?

Yeah let me have the number of the waffle house I think that would be neat to just drive across the road like that.

Lol you did use those poor little smiley

 a lot didn’t you I think they are cute tho I just never seem to have the time to wait for all of them .



BEC:::::::::don’t know about the white count , no it wasn’t extremely low that is the reason she said to wait a month and see what it did. I hope it is up now. Or at least no lower.  Don’t know it might be the reason for the sleepiness. Never know.

Sort of wi**** were but I have been fighting sleepiness for years and years. I think that is why I was so addicted to caffeine, drinking it in any think I could.

The days may be running together but just think only 17 more. Oh wow.!!!!! We are down to counting them off by days now.

Never heard of anyone having to take their cpap machine to a scope. Don’t know why …is Paul taking you up for the scope?

Lol with the opossum in the atic…we had a story about like Janets with a baby opossum once in Tex. We went camping and I think somehow it got into all of our camping gear. When we got back home we just unloaded the car into the house and too tired said we will unload all of this in the morning. A few hours later and asleep we heard something big in the kitchen area got up and found a baby opossum roaming around , when we turned on the light it hissed at us lol. We opened the back door and then with both of us with brooms on each side of it ushered it out the back door. Was sort of funny afterwards but not while it was going on .


I cant wait to see how Janets hair turns out too. I hope she loves it ….she has waited and waited to get it done.


Well you all can dip all you want to in the ocean , not me. I would be there would be a shark right down below just waiting for me to dip …lol course im not crazy about the water anyway. It is fine if im in a pool and know where the bottom is and that there are no little fishes biting on me or other things down there that you cant see how big they are .


JANET::::::::oh that was so sweet that your son came in and helped you pray. Bless you and him, that is something to be really proud of you know. And something to cherish.


Oh I will pray for Grandma Gert also. I know you love here. And it was nice of Melissa to text you about her. Where is she at in the hospital. West Plains or where?


Oh yeah I know what you are talking about on the pain thing yesterday, bless your heart I feel for you , I can only imagine how badly you were hurting. I will be so happy when you get some things done and maybe ease up some of the pain. When is your first surgery to be you said in Sept ???


Joes pain is or was caused by the wreck,,, yes the injurys he got caused excess bone to grow in muscle areas and now has arthritis that has developed in his spine and his hip. He has an appointment at the pain clinic with dr. Hopewell for next Tuesday. No he never got the nerves burned in his back Hopewell didn’t seem to think it would help him , for what ever reason. Hopefully they can get him into the appointment for the injections again soon. i sure hope he doesn’t have to wait for another 2 months to go by before he can get them again. lol he has some pretty heavy pain meds but he doesn’t like to take them anymore than he just has too. So he probably doesn’t take them enough when it gets to hurting like this.


Hey that is neat that the guys won the passes but all the guys can go will be a good bonding day for all of them. Lol

I am so glad that you and Jon are doing well with home schooling. My granddaughter and I were talking about how much kids are suppose to know when they go into kindergarten now days. It is like they are going into the first grade really the amount of stuff they want them to know. Where does the school teaching come in ???


Oh the chests sounds so neat for your kids and grandbaby. That will be something they always cherish.

Cant wait to see pictures of your new hair do.  Renee said she had the camera already in her purse. Lol good .


Sweetie im always glad to share my flowers with anyone that wants them …I like to spread flowers where ever I can lol .

Well I will give you enough elephant ears to give you a really good start on your dream for your property and they are something that you can leave in the ground but you will have to cover them with a lot of straw to protect them ….right now you can wait till early next spring after it has quit freezing and plant them but the next year once it frost and the leaves die back you cut them off at ground level and cover with a lot of straw. You all seem to have the extremes of weather over there so I would say 8 to 10 inches of straw …my biggest elephant ears are way way taller than my head. And even Joes head. They really get big and the longer they are in the ground the bigger and bigger they get. And as they make more and more you will be able to dig up the babies on the sides and move them up and make a longer and longer line of them if that is what you are wanting.



RENEE:::::: hey sorry that phone call turned into a marathon, I just got hung up from that one and had four more right in a row. Wow I had cauliflower ear before I was done.

We all will be praying for Tiff and her surgery on Friday. Is she nervous or is she ok with it?

Don’t know who had the most fun at that concert , you or the kids lol sounds like it would have been a toss up.

I hope you and Janet have a blast tomorrow and get all beautified….be sure and have the hairdresser take some pictures of the two of you together too.

Have you heard anymore about when your surgery will be? You may have to call that bunch up there they something get bogged down I think. Probably way too many patients




SHANNON:::::oh boy getting use to new dentures is sometimes a really big deal isnt it?

I hope you get use to them soon although don’t wait too long if they aren’t fitting can be quite painfull.

Did you hear back from Bobbie? How is she doing? Wish we would hear from some of the people that use to post all the time. So many of them had their surgery and never post again. Not Bobbie she posted for awhile…just have had so many that do that so many times.








on 9/3/08 1:39 pm - Wichita , KS
Happy Thursday everyone!  Sorry I have been MIA for a while just been busy and going back and forth from Wichita to KC gotta go back this weekend too can't wait until my sister's house is ready to rent out and we don't have to keep making those long trips cause I'm really tired.

I am so excited got on the scale this morning and I'm now at 207 that's 145 pounds in 7 months and the best part is only 7 pounds before I get out of the 200's that's so exciting to me haven't weighed that amount since high school!  Man it was cold here today and I didn't have any warm clothes to wear that would fit me.  I have to get some warm clothes that fit or I'm gonna freeze!

I really like my new job and it's going good just wish payday wasn't once a month!  I guess I will get used to it eventually?

Well, sorry so short I have to get ready for bed and let the pups out so take care everyone and stay warm if it's been cold where you are today?  I really dread the winter that's coming wi**** would be spring and summer all year! 

on 9/3/08 10:20 pm - Windsor, MO
Good morning all!
I have a prayer request for you all!  I don't know if I told you that I am bipolar, I am.  I was diagnosed back in 98.  We have 3 kids but are wanting one more.  In order to be pregnant I have to go off my meds.  I have been taiporing off of them since July and now I am completely off of them.  My prayer is....help me and my family stay sane.  Sometimes I feel like I am doing the wrong thing by trying for another one.  I just feel like God is not done with us yet.  So, I have been off my meds now for 2 days and yesterday I could tell.  Just pray that we get pregnant quickly because after the first trimester I can go back on my meds.  Thanks in advance for the prayers.  God bless, Penni
Jan C.
on 9/3/08 10:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Penni please take care of yourself and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. please.
the feeling that God isnt thru with you yet might be something other than to have another child you know. but who am i to tell you that. i hope this is happening soon will pray for that.    Love you girl....



on 9/3/08 10:50 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning sis and all you OH peeps!  Hope this finds all well and happy this rainy and soggy morning. I wont stay on long cause I will head out to the gym again in a little bit..3rd day in a row! WOOPPEE!!! I am so excited to be going back and I can already feel the difference in my body. I had got so I wasnt sleeping all that well again and last night I slept 9 hours and really good too! Im sure it is the exercise.

Sis, Im calling the gal this morning about the coat and will try to go see it after class this morning. Although it will be about a 20mile trip for me! UGH! I guess your worth it! lol...just kidding!

Hey about the painting class..she called me last night and said they dont start painting until 10AM. And right now they only have the one day..may add another later on. Could you be up here by 10? Do you have Bob Ross paints? I want to do this but then again I think do I want to tie myself into another something that I have to go do? lol! I kinda like being a free spirit. Wish I could just drop in when I wanted, but I understand them having to know how many will be there.  Had you signed up to come before and then just didnt or what?

It rained all day yesterday and looks like today too...and I almost froze to death all day yesterday. Im going to have to get some nice warm clothes for the winter.

Yes I think you need to eliminate the hill from your walk and go back to flat land. You can just walk the flat more and maybe even faster and faster. Getting your heart rate up will help burn that fat. I broke a sweat in the pool yesterday I worked so hard.

Man, I keep forgetting about the month having 5 mondays this time. That isnt fair.

You know my tail bone hurt alot before I lost weight. It was always an issue if I had to sit for very long. Of course mine is crooked and curves the wrong way so that explains that and now there is no padding back there, I guess it makes it even worse.

Heres the # for the waffle house  881-9360. It lists David and Leonda as the general managers. It wont hurt for us to try it I would say. Sure would be convienent.

Cant wait to see Janets hair. Is Renee getting hers done too? I still keep thinking I want to cut mine but dont know what to do with it. I need it long enough to put up for water class.

I had a big huge black snake on the basement stairs one time (where my laundry room was) and I refused to ever go back down there. We only lived there about a month after that and Rick had to do the laundry from then on. LOL! Wish I would see a snake now! lol! Maybe that would work again for me!        JUST KIDDING!!!

Well, the funniest animal story was when 2 birds had built a nest on a wreath hanging on my front door and Rick openend it one day and they flew into the house. He chased them all over trying to get them out. He finally got the dip net for fish and caught them with it. I wasnt home at the time, but I can see it playing out in my head and I LMBO everytime I think of it. Needless to say he had a big mess of bird droppings to clean up too as well as feathers. He promptly removed the wreath from the front door. LOL!

Well, dear friends, I will get moving on today and read everyones posts later. Have a great and GOD filled glorious day!


Andy W.
on 9/3/08 11:26 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Y'all,

Boy I sure hope this rain stops soon, we're gonna have to start building an ark if it don't  lol.  Jan and I got our walk in this morning and was just walking up to her drive when it started pouring again so we stopped, got a lil over 30 mins in which is good,  we stopped going up the big hill, I think that hill was beating the both of us so we're gonna try doing a lil more of the regular round. 

Yesterday I went to the dr to get my legs checked out,  my blood pressure was  155/92,  kinda high, ugh!!  He seems to think thats what is causing my legs to swell, its not allowing my heart ot pump the fluid out of my legs properly so he's added a different b/p med to try and get it down some more.  My heart rate was 62 which I thought was low but he said thats real good for someone over weight.  Speaking of weight tho,  I lost another 26 lbs. since I've seen him last, w00t w00t!!!  I'm tellin ya that walking really IS working.  Thanks to Jan I'm more motivated then ever to get out there and walk and get this weight off.  By the end of the month I should be under 300 lbs.  Im 331 now so hopefully by Oct 1 I will be in the 200's, thats my goal anyway!!

Had a really busy day yesterday,  I had my dr appointment, Susan had one plus some running around we had to do before we knew it we were gone all day.  Please keep Susan in ya prayers still,  she saw the dr for medicade to see if she quailfies,  we are really praying she can get on medicade so she can get the surgery and get her health back to where it needs to be.  For her to see a dr around here without any kind of insurance starts at  $100 and thats just for the dr, then ya got blood work etc.  so please plesae pray that we can get her on this, we really think this is the way the Lord is leading,  if it's not we know God is in control and has another plan some how some where.

Well I better get off here and get some things done, y'all have a good day, stay dry. 

Bless ya's


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 9/4/08 12:22 am

Good Wet Wet Wet Morning Missouri....

It has rained steady all night here and is a cool 59 degrees!  Love that part of it... we will see how long THAT lasts.... I will probably be freezing by December! ~ha

I got the nicest surprise in the mail from my Janet  lady!!!  She said she was trying to encourage me and BOY DID SHE... do you know what she did?  She took a pic right out of her photo album that she keeps in her purse of before she had surgery and sent me the original!! I know she had said she did not have many of her before she surgery.... I just felt humbled she would send it to me!  and she didn't even ask for it back!!! I will make a copy and send it back to her though.... She was beautiful even when she was "heavy".... I know she would never see that but she WAS!!! I loved those eyes!  I can see why she posts like she does!!! That gal has come so far!!! If only I can be that successful!!! My goodness I'd be  bounce  bounce  bouncing all over the place!!!   She has taken the time many times now to share all the details of her journey ..... so has my  hen Mimi.... what ever would I have done if I did not have these precious ladies.... I have been so blessed to be right in the middle of the Jan C's!!!  I feel confident they have me ready for the BIG day!!! Mimi sent me one line this morning  "only 17 days" she wrote!!! ~ha  I'm so excited that she is so excited!!!

Mimi angel hen..... you are a doll!  yes! yes!! only 17 days left now!!! I love counting in days rather than years, months or even weeks!!! 

The lady made a special call from the surgeons office to tell me to bring the c~pap for the scope....I've never heard of that either.. maybe it is something new they are doing .... she told me it would only be a three to five minute procedure once they got started???  oh well guess I will take it so they will do it! huh?

Yes, Paul will take me for the scope.... I have to be there at 6:00 a.m. so we will have to leave get up there at 3:00 am ..... I will be guzzling the water today for sure!!!

I woke up this morning with Michele on my mind... I said special prayers for her..... you know we are going to see good good things for her!!!

Sugar ~ am so glad you are enjoying the work outs .... I wish I had water aerobics close enough I could go regularly.

Janet  lady ~ I'm sorry about Melissa's mom I know you think so much of her... we will pray she gets better real quick!

I had those shots in my back too but they did not do near enough good for what  it took to get them and I did not take anymore....

Hey.... hope Mike has a great time at the races this weekend and that you and Megan have a good time too!  It will be nice you have till Sunday before you have to do again! 

Oh I can't wait to see a pic of your new dew!!! YOU SURE ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY IT TAKES TO GET IT DONE!!!!!  YOU ARE!!!

Nutti ~ I'm so sorry about your job!  Sorry for all the stress....   I will be praying you get a little break here and are able to find something EVEN BETTER! and that you will find a peace that you don't even understand in these difficult times!!!

Penni ~ Will be remembering you too in the med situation and pregnancy... God has a plan for you and your family... will be praying His very perfect will will be accomplished what ever that should be!!! Have confidence knowing He cares for you and WILL take care of you!

Bev ~ I'm so glad you like your job!  I know it sure makes it much easier to go..... I had a dear friend once that bought a new dodge dart for $4000 (paid cash) at the time by saving quarters!!! that she earned from ironing... can you believe that? 

Her husband only got paid once a month and she used the envelope system.... I know in this day in age it's not the same but she divided it into equal envelopes and only spent that amount each week..... she always told me over and over that is how she was able to survive in such hard times....

I'm so happy for you and the 145 lbs.... wow that is just awesome!!!   I will be praying that you are able to get the food down easier and get more enjoyment out of what you are able to eat!

Jeanine ~ doll where are you?  Hope all is ok with you and you are just out puttering around..... I'm like Janet I miss all that have not posted for awhile..... trusting every one is ok?

Well I'm late today getting started on my routine I hope to finish up all I have torn up today... and be ready for the early morning scope tomorrow.... will post when I get back and let you know how it went.... please pray  that they will not have to stick me 5 times to get it IV in this time!!!

Have a great great day!



on 9/4/08 3:56 am - Clever, MO

Hey girl, the workouts are great and wish you could come join me for a dip too!  Maybe one of these days you can.

The scope should take only a few minutes, or least the ones Ive had done did...still dont understand the c-pap tho...weird!  Maybe for just after it so you will breath fine while still under for a few minutes...????



on 9/4/08 11:48 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

WOW-WHAT A DAY!!!! That about sums up how I am feeling. Some bad-some good....Lets just say that my day STARTED out as ONLY JANET can do-ya know? Megan came to get Jon and I-well, Jon is REALLY into PICKING OUT AND WEARING ONLY WHAT "HE" WANTS!!! ARGH!!! Its cold and wet here, so his camo shorts or ANY shorts for that matter were out of the question-so that was a battle that almost didnt end very well.

We get on the way ON TIME-and we ended up behind Farmer John (just a name I picked) and he was doing 5 mph and we couldnt get around him...so, what is NORMALLY a 5 minute ride to get down my road to the main one-took almost 20-and then, we got stuck behind a semi at the stop sign and through traffic does not stop-so it took forever for him to turn, so that we could turn!! FINALLY we make it to the freeway and Megan can only go 55-60 because her car is hydro planing. So-needless to say, we are running late-thus making Tiffany late....Tiff is Renees daughter. I felt so awful!!! Talk about starting out your morning on a good (not so good, that is) note!! Ok-so we get to our exit for Monett/Mount Vernon and I dont know WHY-but I told Megan to take a left-and went into Mount Vernon and thats where I was THINKING WE WERE SUPPOSE TO MEET!!!! OH MAN-I WASNT EVEN CLOSE!!!!! It was probably another 1/2 hour before we got to where they were, waiting for us. I had to stop IN Monett and go to the rest room and Jon asked for a little package of tiny donuts-I said okay-got them for him and for some unknown reason-I ate one....well-as I am getting ready to take a drink of my coffee mug-I spilled coffee all over my shirt....CRAP...Oh, wait, it gets better-now I am TRYING with all my might NOT to have to have Megan pull over on the side of the road so I could get sick!!! We finally get to where Renee was-and I had to run to the bathroom and was sick immediately. I was praying the WHOLE time that this would NOT be an indication of HOW my hair was going to turn out-OR I knew that it would all fall out when she put the chemicals in it!!! I was getting pretty paranoid about it and I considered rescheduling!!!

I got to meet Jans old dog that Renee adopted-Peanut-Oh....she is soooo adorable!!! I will adopt her if Renee ever has to get rid of her for some reason-she reminds me of a dog that my mom had forever and ever.....and was the most awesome dog....and folks-I ONLY THOUGHT I lived in the middle of nowhere-Renee has me beat 100 times over. Just going around her driveway Megan kept saying-Mom, where did she go? Holy cow!!! But-I love it, cause I LOVE country living-so, to me, it makes it even that much better!!!

We all sat around and talked and I got to see pictures from where they went to the Alice Cooper concert and then Renee showed me pics from where she weighed 125-130#.....she is beautiful the way she is right now-and I was excited for her-because I had never been this size before (maybe kindergarten.....) anyway-she has an idea of what she will look like thin-and she is a HOTTIE!!! She made us feel so welcome and very comfortable. It was so nice!

Jon was in "pup" heaven. HE LOVES cats and dogs-and he was on a cloud because Renee lets hers in the house (we dont-and he asks ALL the time!!!) He got the giggles when Tiffs cat was jumping for this toy-she would do sommersaults in the air!!! Jon would just giggle his little head off-funniest thing he ever saw and he had a BLAST!!!

We went to a new store they had in town and its a discount depot store....they had leather jackets and Renee said something about picking one up for Jan and I said-let me send her a pic....well-I did-and although she didnt end up wanting one-"I" am going to go back in a week or two and buy the womens leather jacket-on the sleeves-they were laced with braided leather for the laces-and then on the back-3 red roses-absolutely beautiful. They had some Harley Davidson guy ones....but Joe didnt need one-and I never thought about that for Jan......they also had a black one with pink flames, but I didnt care for that one, and didnt think Jan would either. What a really neat shop it was-and they had some of those bohemian dresses that are so "in" right now-and I just happen to have 2 of them, EXACTLY like they had in that shop-hanging in my closest. I didnt even know they were in style when I bought them-I just thought they were gorgeous and picked them BOTH up at garage sales.

We went to Pizza Hut for lunch-because they have the buffet and we each had 2 kids with us. Plus, I like Pizza Huts salads-because they use REAL lettuce-NOT the packaged stuff....Tiff and her BFF, Stephanie had some things (getting people to advertise in the year book for $$$) they had to do-and they were excused for the day to do those things-and then Megan stayed with me all day because she wasnt feeling good and didnt want to drive the rest of the way to Springfield. We ate lunch and then it was off to get our hair done. Megan was going to check into a cut IF we had the time....(we didnt)

So I got to meet Jamie-the hair stylist-she is AWESOME....very comfortable to be around right off the bat...I knew right away that I was going to like her...She was going to hi-light Renees hair while my hair was processing-but she got a walk-in and he wanted his hair cut...so-she did that while I was processing....When I was done-she put the nuetralizer on-and when that was done-she had Renee helping take the curlers out. I had well OVER 100 curlers in my hair and man, when she was rinsing it out-I could feel my back getting ready to have a MAJOR spasm from the way I was leaning back.....She was so understanding and nice to me....kept asking if I was okay and if I needed to stand up etc etc....just loved her to peices...I also got to meet one of Renees good friends, Larry. He was really a nice guy too-smart aleck-but in a good way-has a wonderful, funny sense of humor. They would make such a cute couple-thats for sure-although she insists they are JUST friends-hey, I say-Thats how Mike and I started out too-just the best of friends-and I believe that makes it all work so well!

When I got there and showed her a picture of what I wanted-she said that she would have to put some layers in....AND take some length off (I lost a little over an inch of length)....I told her that was fine-because I really WANTED it to look like that picture-so pretty much told her that my hair was in her hands and that I trusted her. The only thing that I really didnt want touched was my bangs. I dont like bangs AT ALL....They take too long to grow out and while I have bangs-I am constantly having to get them trimmed OR they are hanging in my eyes and that just irritates me...so...NO BANGS-AT ALL!~! Even when she said the girl in the picture had shorter bangs-I said-well, thats okay, that WILL be the difference then...cuz I dont want the bangs touched...she was awesome and when she was done and I got to look in the mirror, I didnt even know what to say. I think she wandered if I liked its or not at first and I couldnt even think straight....IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE I WANTED IT TOO-AND I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!! Did I mention that I LOVE IT???????? I cant believe its MY HAIR.... Megan took a pic of the front and back and I sent it to a couple of people I know can get pics on their phones- I will see if Stephanie will get it on my avatar OR in my profile tomorrow so everyone else can see it. Another good thing-she was 1/3-1/2 of the price of everyone else. I did use 4 perm solutions though-and she only charged $5 per box and then, of course, I HAD to tip her (wanted her to know how much I appreciated the EXCELLENT work she did on me!!). I was only in the chair for we figured 2 1/2 hours-but that was rolling, cut and everything in between-but I also walked around for 25 minutes while she did the other gentlemens hair etc. I was going to tan afterwards-because I am going to start tanning now-but Megan started to get nauseated-so we had to get going. No cut for her and no tanning for me. I will just tan in Joplin tomorrow. I am going to tan a couple of days a week to help relieve some bone and joint pain. My new ortho said that the deep, penetrating heat is really good for the bones and joints-so I am going to give it a try and plus-I didnt get to get a tan from my own pool this summer, and I like to be a LITTLE TANNED-so I will have a nice tan AND get some relief. (maybe....) Now-would you believe that my husband, who travels ALL over the place for his job-WAS IN Monett AND Cassville today-THATS WHERE WE WERE TODAY!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!

I got home and Mike LOVES my new hair-do. He used the word sexy-and that made me laugh! He really liked it. I know that I WILL go back to Jamie to do anything else to my hair when I change it again. I know I fell in love with some of the styles in her book-BUT...The ones I loved-they ALL had bangs, even if they were longer-they were still bangs-LOL....I have awhile anyway-but if any of you live by Butterfield (Cassville, Monett etc) I HIGHLY RECOMMEND JAMIE at Luv Your Hair.....Her prices are AWESOME AND REASONABLE-and SHE ROCKS!!!!

I have a big day tomorrow. Surgery with Mike in the morning-and then I am going to meet Renee at the surgery center where Tiff is having her surgery. I dont want her to be there alone-I think she is more nervous than Tiff is-really. So-I will go sit with her for a bit. My mom and the boys will be with Mike by then-he will be home. Darrel doesnt have school tomorrow-so he will be home to help out. Im not sure if Joplin is out tomorrow too or not-IF they are-Steph will be hanging out too.

Not sure if the Saturday races will go over or not. I know that the last shoulder surgery he had-he was a little groggy for a day or two-but he still did stuff-just didnt use his arm/shoulder. So, will see how he is feeling-I just dont see it happening this Saturday, thats for sure. Never say never....so I just say we'll see.

Well, I am going to wrap this up and go get the kitchen cleaned and sit and talk to Mike for a bit.

**Jan-Yes, its been raining here pretty much non-stop and we have flooding ALL around us again!! It was suppose to clear up by noon today, but that didnt happen...Now, they are saying tomorrow-Will see.

Holy crap on the pills!!! Did he give you samples the first time around? Maybe you can call his office and ask them IF they can give you a few more days of samples and tell them the situation about the insurance wanting prior approval etc-that way you will have SOME until your approval goes through. Worth a shot anyway!??

Yes on the feet feeling like they are burning and they hurt on the bottom A LOT....I got some jell inserts and they make the biggest difference ever. I cant go bare foot anymore like I used to..I used to ALWAYS be barefoot-and now I am either wearing crocks around the yard or whatever-even just to the pool I have flip flops or crocks on and inside the house I wear slippers or I bought this REALLY soft pair of flip flops that are like velvet-feel real good.

As far as I know Grandma Gert is in West Plains. She is the mom of mom that passed away in May. Im glad that Melissa text me and let me know. I DO adore her and we bonded instantly-she is one of the most loving people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and doesnt know a stranger. Beautiful person, inside and out. If you guys could say prayers-that would be awesome. Melissa said she thought they were moving her to a regular room today-but thats the last I heard on her and that was this morning. She said that Grandma looked "grey" for her skin coloring and that she winds very easily.

Will email you a picture or two of my hair tomorrow after I see Stephanie and she gets it all done for me-LOL...She is the whiz-NOT me!!! Thanks for the kind words and the excitement-I feel like a little kid that FINALLY got something they had wanted for a LONG, LONG time!! We figured it out-and I have waited almost a year and a half for this perm and know what? I would have cancelled last night due to the guilt-but I didnt want Renee to be upset or her friend. Now, I am so glad that I didnt!!! Love ya.

**Bec-I am SO GLAD you liked the picture. I knew I was suppose to send that to you for inspiration and that it would help inspire you-to SHOW you the changes-and HOW drastic and wonderful they CAN AND WILL BE FOR YOU, TOO!!!! I KNOW THEY WILL....I WILL be praying-as I know MANY others will be too-about your scope tomorrow. It will ALL BE OKAY!!! Will Paul call someone to let them know? Jan C or me? OR Deb? Someone?

~~For anyone reading this right now-please take a moment and pray for Bec that her procedure tomorrow goes well-pray for peace of mind and strength for Bec-for the good Lord to put people in her path tomorrow that are compassionate, knowledgable AND caring. People who will comfort her. Pray that her procedure goes well and that she will whiz through it and everything will be fine. Thanks. I appreciate it and I KNOW Bec does too!!! Bec-17 more days, girl-and your on the bench between the Jan Cs and we can squeeze the others in there too-LOL....This is the LAST Procedure type appt you have-so......we will keep you in prayer and know that the good Lord will get you through it-because he helped lead you to it....Right? I know you will be alright-but I also know that I always feel better after I see it in writing.....I Love ya and I am SO HAPPY (baby circle dance and bustin~a move ecspically for you, my dear angelette) I am SO GLAD that the pics inspired you. I did what was laid on my heart-and I know I had pics on my fridge of my angels before and after and it did amazing things for my soul, my anticipation and the hope-the proof that my life WOULD and WAS GOING TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER-and Bec-so is yours!!!! Love ya!

**Sheila-where are ya, Darlin? I WILL be getting to Jarden before the next meeting. I will be taking care of you. Promise.....I will let you know what else they will have-to see if you want any other goodies while Im there-LOL....Dont you DARE worry about sending me a money order. You worry about getting on your feet first-you have been off work way too long to worry about the Seal a Meal-silly woman!!! Im not worried-and I know where you go to the COF group-LOL....Love ya-did you get my pics of my hair? How did work go? U doing alright?

**Andrew-you and Susan in my prayers. Im glad they are tweeking your meds-and CONGRATS ON THE AWESOME WEIGHT LOSS, BUDDY!!!! WAY TO GO!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO....do a little dance, busta move-get down tonite-get down tonite (LOL....) Im SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Your working hard and its paying off-how awesome is that? You totally deserve to be proud of yourself!!! I will keep Susan in prayer too-that she can get the insurance and get the surgery. Keep us posted!!!

**Sugar-I will email you pics when I send them to Jan too-of my hair-cuz it looks like we wont see you until October-huh? I want to hear all about your vaca and stuff way before then, tho!!! Praying you have fun...Did you go get that donut yet? Did you see my post about the rice/corn thing I use in the microwave? Let me know if you want it-ok? Love ya...when do you leave?

Well, Im posting late-so I am gonna get this posted and get some things done. All my love and prayers to everyone! Take care. Janet

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