I want all of you that have been praying for my youngest daughter to keep praying , God is working in her life it seems. She had been without drinking for 5 weeks and yesterday she called me and said Im so so sorry mama but I drank a whole 6 pack today after finding out some stuff about my husband but then I felt you there or some one there and I just quit, I thought this isnt doing any good what so ever , so I called a friend of mine and told her to come and get the rest of this out of the house. She said im so proud of me….I told her I was really proud of her too. And that it must have been the presence of God, so now just get back on the little red wagon and go from here. She had to laugh about that. And also I think it did her good for me to tell her how proud of her I was. That even tho she had stumbled she didn’t have to fall down.
So dear prayer warriors please keep praying for her. I know that it is doing some good.
We went to Home Depot today to get field lines for the rental house. We decided that since we have done everything else to that septic system we might as well fini**** up so we wont have any trouble with it . so tomorrow if it doesn’t rain a guy from up the road that has a back hoe will come down and dig us a ditch to put the field lines in and we already have the gravel…he will get the bottom layer in with the back hoe too. So it wont be too bad. We should get it done fairly quick. Then if we want to go out of town on a trip hopefully everything will be working good for them.
I tried calling the library today as I was instructed about reserving rooms for us for the first 6 months in the next year but they were closed so I will call tomorrow morning early and see if anyone is there.
Tomorrow I have to go to drs. Office and get a cbc drawn… last time when I had all of the labs drawn my white blood count was 3.72 suppose to be between 4.00 and 12,00
She wanted to wait a month and draw it again and see where it was. Said I could have had any numerous little infections that may be gone now. So we will see. ….i have a feeling I have a kidney infection again tho. I have been drinking extra water and taking cranberry tablets so we will see.
I have got to call the doctor that gave me the pills to stay awake. Even with getting 8 to 9 hours sleep now on the O2 and feeling so good when I wake up . about 2 to 3 hours after getting up I start getting sleepy and cant hold my eyes open for the rest of the day. I will go take a nap with the O2 on and feel fine for about an hour or so and then it starts again. so don’t know what is going on…..anyway am going to see if they will give me more or will prescribe them for me. They don’t make you feel edgy or nervous or anything just awake…
LIZ::::::: anything you want to post will go under this Whats Happening Post. This was started long before there was a Circle of Friends support group.
Now to your wow moment ….WOW!!!! amazing girl.
That is the first big clothing exchange we have had. People are always bringing clothes that are too big for them any more to the meeting and saying they have some clothes back there if anyone wants to take them.
When I was going down in sizes fast like you do. I would just make sure that I had 2 or 3 things to wear in the next size down cause by the time you wore them you might be ready to go down some more. And there were some sizes I skipped entirely. I think it happened in my sleep sometime or the other. Lol
Wonderful news and your little stalls will go away , you just have to change things around as you stall out. add more protein or water or both and more exercise. It will break.
By next meeting you will probably be down in at least an 18. or even a 16 wow.
We will be waiting to see. Great going and keep up the good work.
BEC:::::::well did Paul distract you too much today? Lol
Thank you the great granddaughter is a little cutie isnt she. She is so spoiled but in a cute way really. If she does something she isnt suppose to and you go to get on her she will clap her little hands and laugh and giggle till she gets you laughing , then how do you scold her. That is just like my son, her grandpa , did when he was a baby.
Time is really marching on fast toward your surgery date. Yea!!!!
SUGAR:::::: lol yeah but you have to go way up there in the air over water, and then you have to come down. do you land in the water? See that would scare me to death.
I called Helen and only got her answering machine but I left a message that I wouldn’t be there tonight. So I hope she got it.
Did Rick have a good birthday? What did you all do ? anything exciting?
LORI::::::: first thing in the morning please call Dr. H. ok? He will probably call you in an order for something . ok? And what ever he prescribes for you will be ok to take.
The phenergen. Be sure and ask him about that too ok?
I do know you are going to HAVE to get some fluid and protein in ….you have to sweetie.
If you don’t you really will be sick. And I know you don’t want that. Didn’t you buy some Isopure before surgery ….maybe sip some of that it is a weak taste that may sit right on your tummy. But if it is an ulcer that is making you nauseated then dr. H will give ou something for that im sure.
Hi Auntie Biker Babe Jan and OH Peeps~
I hope that everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. I am ALWAYS happy to have an extra day with the family. I hope you all did too, and that everyone was safe.
Can I really be the first one to post? Well, it is 3:30 and there probably are not many people who are up and about unless they are working-LOL....Its my night not to sleep again.......Im tired too-so go figure.
First things first. I got a text from Angy this morning-they scoped her and told her that she was bleeding from somewhere they had "put her back together" at-BUT....They expected it to be alright-no further surgery needed. She said she was going to be able to try and eat today. She did get her blood transfusion last night. I tried calling her room-no answer. I text her 2 more times today and no answer. I am PRAYING that she texts me in the morning-PLEASE everyone-Keep praying for our girl. I told her that everyone said Hi and that we are ALL praying for her and send her love and hugs. She hadnt had anymore vomitting up blood-and no more bloody #2's either.
Lets also pray for Lori, guys. She shouldnt be having these kinds of problems at this stage. Maybe its something simple and she has a good dr., so he isnt going to waste a minute of time finding out what is wrong with her-BUT...In the meantime, lets lift her in prayer as well-for her complete healing. Thanks.
I got a text from Tammy about midnite-Heather was at the hospital and in labor. Her contractions are 2-5 minutes apart and looks like the Dr. wont have to induce her in the morning after all, LOL...Tammy is so excited. (I KNOW how she feels)...Anyway-lets pray that mother and daughter are healthy and that her labor isnt too bad....Thanks.
Well, Mike and Aaron went to the track early Sunday morning to get a good spot for us to back into-and use our shelter and have our own chairs etc-and BBQ right there.....Megan, the boys and I-we got there much later. It was a clustered mess for a bit, but Stephanie was cleaning for the money-and my mom had to help her...well, my mom got really sick, and so I helped Steph for a little over an hour and Megan and I had gone to the grocery store between her laundry loads- so we were all ready to get. We had a great time at the races. They had fuel altered (very LOUD and rumbles your WHOLE body when they pass you...Then-they had the jet dragsters-and MAN do they fly (haha-its a REAL jet engine in the car!!!) They also had the jr. dragsters-which Jonathan has informed Mike that he WANTS ONE-and they do anywhere from 55-80, depending on their division and they are just a smaller version of the big dragsters. Pretty cool. The boys wanted to walk around in the pits for a bit-and I KNEW that between Mike and I-we werent walking very far. Since we were almost to the finish line (could see the starting line, however) we drove Megans car to the entrance area-and then just walked a little bit and let the boys meet the drivers and look at the cars. One gentlemen, we have seen him there before-he asked if he could give the boys a picture of his car....Jons eyes got huge and he was so happy!!! Of course, he couldnt hear much, because he had those huge earphones on- They had such a good time tho-and it was nice having Megan and Aaron there with us too. Megan did get sick-but only once and at least when she had to puke-she made it far enough away from us that we didnt have to see or smell it!! It was pretty warm out there-and that would have been too nasty! We couldnt believe how empty the races were. Probably about 1/2 of what they normally have-for racers AND spectators. It was actually pretty sad. Its got to be the gas prices and so on.....Stephanie told me that she would like to go-but she didnt have the money. I told her that I would pay for her to go and she wouldnt have to buy food because I had it already....then she said she better not cuz she had a headache and the heat was making it worse and she didnt want to be out in the heat....Couldnt control that one-LOL-So, she didnt come with us.
The kids are really struggling right now because Megan CANT work. We dont even think she will make it through this semester in school. We are hoping she can, but she has already had to leave early and has only been there 2 days...She goes on Tues and Thurs. Their out of pocket for the pregnancy is going to be 180 per month-for labor and delivery. They have this years deduct and then starts over in January-and NO-there is NO ROLLOVER for that, even IF most of it IS met the last 3 months of the year. Some insurance companies will do that-but not the one they have now. I told her that she needs to go apply for medicaid-and use it as a secondary. They will keep the regular insurance through Aarons job-but this way, they wont have to pay so much out of pocket. I told her to check and see if I could sit in class for her and take notes or whatever-since it is a medical condition....I am more than happy to help her out for a bit-I dont think they do anything like that, but its sure worth a shot. I feel so bad-she will be talking to you or something and just throw up. It gets BAD... Friday-for Aarons B-day, she ended up getting sick ALL over her car, the hatch to be exact, her shirt, her shoes and even on Aaron-she just starting crying because she is sick of being so sick and then she is miserable because of all the changes in her body that hurt...... I think this will be the ONLY grandchild I get from them, unless she has them like 15-20 years apart!!! LOL....
Today we invited the kids back out to BBQ. We had plenty of left overs from last night at the races and I didnt want it to go to waste-so they came out and we BBQd burgers, dogs and brats. I made corn on the cob and my famous baked beans too-the guys put up a badmitton set, brand new-I bought it at a garage sale for $3, it came with 4 rackets and only 2 birdies-and of course-Darrel hit them so hard serving that BOTH went up on the roof....Jon was SO MAD! It didnt come with a volleyball tho-was JUST the badmitton, so I am going to check and see how much the volleyball costs-it may be cheaper to buy another set-because you can get them now with the badmitton AND volleyball all together for $20. Mike wants me to get 2 more rackets at least and another pkg of birdies-so I will add all that up and see what way is cheapest. Wont be doing it ASAP-but later.
Ok-so I was in the laundry room trying to sweep it out-as Darrel had used the weed eater around the outside of the laundry room, but left the door open-so there was grass everywhere. I go to shut the door to sweep behind it-and guess what was SLITHERING behind my shelf? YES-a big black snake. OMG!!! I almost woofed my cookies! Then, I was freaked out that it would get in the dryer OR my laundry basket with the clothes in it.....I made Mike go out with me when I changed out the laundry. Mike said that more than likely it went down the drain pipe area right there...IF I see it again-I wont be doing ANY laundry out there. I will just go buy more and more clothes-LOL....
I finally got to take Darrel today and finish up his school shopping. Got some really nice shoes (sneakers and dress shoes) and we had to get a new backpack. His other one broke the 2nd day of school. Im so glad he is not picky. He is one of those that looks, but doesnt take forever to find something...He does bounce back and forth tho-saying what do YOU like, Mom? Im like-Darrel, IM not the one who has to wear them-so are they comfortable AND do you like them? Done... Then, of course-we headed straight to the baby section to look at the cribs and things like that. WOW-they have so much more of a selection than they did even when I was pregnant with Jon. Sorta overwhelming, tho. We arent doing anything else until we have VERIFICATION that were having a girl....... Such soft little jammies and adorable little dresses....little ruffly tights and socks. Little leather mary jane shoes-soooo cute!!!
We have gotten several calls at the motel already for people being shipped from Louisianna. They are bringing bus loads of evacuated people to this area. That will fill us up again...but we will gladly give them as many rooms as we can.
Well, I am going to get my responses done and go lay down for an hour or so. I have to take Darrel to school in the morning because he has a huge art project and it will get ruined if he were to try and take it on the bus...then I will come home and get Jons school work started. He is doing so well with his home schooling and I have to actually MAKE him stop-he would do a whole workbook a day IF I let him!!! Im glad he is having fun tho. Makes it so much easier to teach him. We are going on a field trip Weds to the conservation and Audobon center...He will LOVE that.
**Jan-I will sure keep praying for your daughter. I give her a lot of credit! Im glad she called and she was honest with you-she was owning up to it-and thats the first step. You telling her that your proud of her meant a lot to her, Im sure. You didnt put her down for making a mistake. Thats a good mama. But, then, we KNOW your a GREAT Mom-cuz everyone thinks of you as the "motherly" type and your wise and keep us on the straight road IF we start to get off the path. Always respect you for that. Love you lots....
I wont be greety-I was just playing with you!!! I sure wish I had YOUR talent when it comes to flower beds and ponds etc. I sure wish I did. I still have quite a few flowers that look just beautiful~!!! Those catalogs you get-are the things in there cheaper than what you pay at Walmart or Lowes? IF they are-would you email me the website so I can order a catalog from them?
I saw where you responded to Brenda-but I didnt see a post from her. I saw where Bec said she cant see Loris responses-and so I wondered if I was having that problem too-cuz I didnt see anything from Brenda. If you did-is she doing okay?
I cannot wait for Thurs. I get to get my hair done and spend the day with Renee. She is going to pick me up in Monett in the morning. Megan will drop me off on her way to school and then pick me up on her way home. IM SO EXCITED! My hair is long enough that I shouldnt look like a poodle after the perm-the weight of my hair should keep them loose-Im so excited....
I will talk to you later. I still need to get that email to you-anyway-Love ya and thanks for posting for me Sunday about Angy-I appreciate you so much!!!
**Sugar-I sure hope Rick had a great b-day!! So-at Fuddruckers you can hold a baby alligator? WOW! Do they have a place you can swim with the dolphins? I cant wait to see your pics!! You never did answer me about if you were gonna make it to the reunion or not? Anyway-Love ya and thanks for the prayers. I appreciate them.
**Bec-did you have a good weekend? I hope you took some time from cleaning to enjoy your hubby. I hope so....I will get your email answered as soon as I have some time-in the next day or two-ok? Thinking about you and praying for you. Love ya.
**Lori- I hope and pray that your doing better. PLEASE CALL DR. H's OFFICE FIRST THING!!! PLEASE. Girl-I had some issues similar to yours 6 days out-and I got dehydrated cuz I couldnt keep ANYTHING down and even water was just awful....anyway-they wanted to put me back in the hospital because of the dehydration and infections I had. So, dont wait too long, please-something isnt right and we want you to find out what it is - so you will start to feel better.....Praying for you. Keep us posted please?
**Vesta-Im so glad that your sons divorce is final and that SHE didnt get away with her games and such-GOOD! Its about time that justice is done-fairly!!! Is he doing better now? I sure hope so. We will continue to pray for him and the grandbabies. Love ya.
**Andrew-Hope you get some answers when you go to the dr. Please keep us posted and keep your chin up. Keeping you and Susan in our prayers.
**Jeanine (Pointing finger at you)...Didnt you say you would get that profile done? come on now, or we will have to ground you!!! LOL....Hope you had a good weekend and thats why we havent seen too much of you!
**Sheila-Renee-What in the world am I going to do with you two? Renee-I know you were going to the concert and we have both had a lot going on and havent been able to talk like we are used to-but....We will get back to it-I will talk to you later on today....Sheila-you too. I want to see how your first day back to work went. Hope your feeling better and your infection is gone!!! Love you both.
**Jennteel-I did send your phone number to Angy...I will also resend it to her tomorrow if I havent heard from her.
Have a great Tues everyone. As always your in my thoughts and prayers. Remember to pray for Angy and Lori-and then our preops waiting for surgery-Bec and Dennis....and then Andrew and Susan....and for Tammys daughter and baby that will be here any time now-and then also, one last-my daughter, Megan...for her and her baby and their health. Thanks...Janet
I was proud of myself yesterday because I went for a 45 minute walk, it felt good. I took my mp3 player with some songs my hubby downloaded for me and just started walking. I think today I will get in my jeep and drive a path to see how far 2 miles is so I can walk consistently. I really want to stay motivated. Thursday I will be going back to my tap class with my daughter and then to conditioning (areobics). I love that because I love to dance. My kids go back to school today and my hubby is off. He will finish mudding the room and hopefully by the end of this week we will be in it. We have been waiting forever for this to be done so it will be exciting! I am going to take a stab out there and say if there is anyone who has any extra protein powder they are not using and is willing to sell it for a discount please let me know. I am about out and it is the only way I can get my protein in. We are really hurting for money right now and protein powder is not on our high priority list. Well, you all have a great day and God bless, Penni
Good morning all!
Sis, that is so great about Michele. I am praying that God has got her attention and will keep her face turned toward HIM and away from the alcohol. What a blessing that would be to her and you and her boys!
And silly girl! Who cares if they dropped me off in the water while parasailing...in fact they ask if you want to take a dip while on your sail, if so, when bringing you in they will dip you and take you back up and then back into the boat. If you dont want to be dipped, they reel you right back into the boat landing. I cant wait to be way up high looking down into the ocean. Maybe we will see a shark! Wouldnt that be cool?
Are you going to try to go Thursday to the painting class or wait and go next Monday?
Janet, Fudruckers is a resturant and they have a big area out front with gators to feed and then just a place to get your pic made with one...no dolphins. Someday I will do that tho, swim with them.
I dont think Im going to make it down for the reunion. If I came it would just have to be for awhile on Friday and probably most people wont be there until pretty late on Friday, so I would have to be leaving... Saturday I already had tickets to go see "High School Musical" with my dil and daughter and 4 of my grandkids. Cant miss that. The showing of that is right in the middle of the day.
I feel sooooo bad for Meagan. What an awful thing to have to suffer thru when this should be the sweetest time in her life. Oh well, soon it will all be worth it. Has she checked on going on line to do her classes? Alot of things can be done that way now. She should ask.
Penni, I have a jug of stuff from Walmart that has never been opened that you would be welcome to if you will send me your address. When I couldnt use the stuff anymore I didnt even open this one that I have. Dont have a clue if it is any good or not (flavor wise) but maybe if it isnt you could hide it in some things and get it into your diet. Let me know and I will send it to you. You must get your protien girl.
Lori, call Dr H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No ifs ands or butts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh by the way all of you that have helped me keep this situation lifted in prayer, my x-sil came to the boys church again on Sunday. WoW!!! That is twice in a month. I got mad about it though. I thought "YOU DUMMY" If you had done all of this about 5 years ago you would still have your wife and kids and home....Anyway, at least he seems to be trying some now! He took the boys for a couple of days to visit with them. Their school starts today.....Im sooooo happy! I get to go back to working out everyday. Maybe I can drop these last 8 pounds. I think that will put me in a size 10 easily. And if I ever get my tummy tuck, I will fit into them and look nice too! lol!
Speaking of which, I need to get around and get to class! I am going to work out for an hour and half this morning to get me restarted....may go walk the outdoor track up there. If it isnt already hot outside.
Everyone have an awesome day and may GOD bless you all!
well i survived my 1st day back to work but it was 1 LONG A** day!!!!! ugh
the infection is clearing up and im getting back to my old self...
Prayers are up for Angy and Lori and every 1 else *****quested em...havent talked to Lori since yesterday ahvent seen her online sure hope she called Dr H...
well im dead bone tired so gonna go chill and relax and watch tv...house to my self....shhhhh be quite dont tell anybody lol
still no rain here and im praying for all the people down by the ovean this is getting awful
Good Morning Missouri,
Nothing going on here has been such a quiet weekend... today is the first day in a long long time I woke up with NO swelling in my feet not even a little! I seen those "beautiful" ankles people says I have ..... it's been along standing joke with my friend (she is very heavy too)..... you know..... when people can't think of something nice to about a fat persons physical appearance so they say "you have such a pretty face or smile
"..... well people have long since now been telling me "you have such beautiful ankles" gee willikers! ~ha believe it or not that's happened quite a few times. Knowing they are thinking how in the world are those tiny ankles holding up ALL THAT!
~ so much for the pretty face! ~tee hee
Nothing exciting going on here..... just more of the same.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed their families! I sure missed mine this weekend.
Am concerned for those that are having problems and praying that God will meet the need so tenderly.
Have a great day!