Sooooo Bad!!!!!!!!
Oh man! I was so bad this weekend! I am back to writing things down in my journal today. I stepped on the scale and had not lost or gained so I guess I will just start out all over. My sister and her family came down friday and stayed until yesterday so there was a lot of extra eating. (I had a rootbeer float with real ice cream not sugar free--atleast I had diet rootbeer in it). I am not sure when I am going to get motivated enough to start walking again. I feel so unmotivated at this point. I am looking forward to the middle of the week, it is suppose to be very cool-maybe that will motivate me. Today has been a lazy day doing some laundry and my hubby mudding the room so we can have it textured. It should be done pretty soon. I can't wait to start moving our stuff around and making more room. Well, better let ya'll go I need to get something to drink. Have a great evening and hope you all are having a nice holiday. God bless, penni
Penni come stay in my guest house for a week and i will get you motivated and on the right track , wont be anything to eat but what i give you and every morning at 7am you will get up and walk 2 miles,,,,then come back and have a protein think you can take it? i dare you. lol
do you think they would be satisfied to eat protein shakes and low fat, low carb no sugar for a week ? and get up and walk at 7 am each morning? lol
i dont and if Andrew hadnt moved in our rental house and needed a walking partner i probably still wouldnt be walking like i am.
i dont and if Andrew hadnt moved in our rental house and needed a walking partner i probably still wouldnt be walking like i am.
Penni I'm like Jan, if I wasn't living next door to her I prolly wouldn't be walking. Lemme tell ya tho, she is one motivator, if it wasnt for her walking and keepin on me i'd be sittin around the house not losing weight lol. I encourage ya to TRY and get out and walk, just start with 10 - 15 mins of walking, make your mind up your gonna do it and just do it, you truly wont regret it at all.
I DID IT! I went for a 45 minute walk tonight. It felt great! Why don't I do that everyday? You would think the way it makes you feel you would want to do it every day. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. As far as my kids liking low carb and no sugar---they get that alot living here. Have a great evening and God bless, Penni