I have been crushing the B-100 complex pills like margie said and after hiding it and eating it I get horribly nauseated!! I have been horribly sick all day! I laid down and napped thinking I would wake up feeling better and no I am still feeling bad!! My stomach seems to be nauseated about 75% of the time. I am seeing a difference. I went from 324-288, but dont see a huge difference like I thought I would have... I am sure it takes time. I do work out or atleast walk.. Today, I wasnt thinking and drank some water after some tuna because my mouth was dry... again not thinking and it got stuck and I just kept belching it up and finally it moved. It was the most painful but scary thing happen to me in a long time. I felt like I was having a hard time breathing, I bet I pay closer attention next time. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to put into my shakes? I got the kind Jan gets... Vanilla ice cream and it wasnt very good to me. I hate the foam in the shakes!! EWW!!! I am going to try frozen strawberries and see how that tastes.. I dont know what else to do about my b vitamin. I am struggling getting in a shake a day let alone the B vit. PLEASE!! HELP!!! DONT come down on me please! I know what I need to do and what I should be doing... I need recommendations not a lecture!! Thanks!!
Hi Lori,
I know what you mean about the shakes. I just can't do the shakes. I knew that I had to find something I could drink to get my protein in. What I do is I got the unflavored protein from GNC and I mix it with 3 oz of water and put just a little of the crystal lite powder in it. I use the fruit punch( just a little) as it is way to sweet tasting for me.. I mix it up in my mb but u can use a shaker cup. I can drink it in about 20 minutes and it is not overwhelming to me as it is only 3 oz. I drink 3 of these a day and that gives me 63 gr of protein. Mo Bar recommends 60 gr a day. Plus I get more as I eat cheese and cottage cheese during the day. I can't do meat yet as it makes me sick. Hopefully I can eat it in the future.
I take B complex and just swallow the pill. I tried crushing pills but that was way to disqusting. I can't do any of the chewables except my vitamin and Mo Bar recommended precare prenatal vitamins. I am taking them and they are really not that bad and figure I can tolerate at least 1 chewable.
I hope this might help you. I know about the nausea. Early out I had to take a prescription medicine for it. It was horrible. You might have to ask Dr. Hornbostel for something.
I know what you mean about the shakes. I just can't do the shakes. I knew that I had to find something I could drink to get my protein in. What I do is I got the unflavored protein from GNC and I mix it with 3 oz of water and put just a little of the crystal lite powder in it. I use the fruit punch( just a little) as it is way to sweet tasting for me.. I mix it up in my mb but u can use a shaker cup. I can drink it in about 20 minutes and it is not overwhelming to me as it is only 3 oz. I drink 3 of these a day and that gives me 63 gr of protein. Mo Bar recommends 60 gr a day. Plus I get more as I eat cheese and cottage cheese during the day. I can't do meat yet as it makes me sick. Hopefully I can eat it in the future.
I take B complex and just swallow the pill. I tried crushing pills but that was way to disqusting. I can't do any of the chewables except my vitamin and Mo Bar recommended precare prenatal vitamins. I am taking them and they are really not that bad and figure I can tolerate at least 1 chewable.
I hope this might help you. I know about the nausea. Early out I had to take a prescription medicine for it. It was horrible. You might have to ask Dr. Hornbostel for something.
Lori, when I use the powder Jan uses, I use water and then put in a raspberry crystal light. You might try it that way. I can't stand it without the crystal light or with milk. I know what you mean about the b100, I cut it up in 3 pieces today and I swear I got a piece stuck, I was so sic****pt burping up that taste. I also ummmmmmm, let myself get a tad bit constipated and took benefiber 3 times yesterday and once today and finally went, so i'm wondering if that is why my tummy doesn't feel as good today. go****'s an endless learning curve isn't it. I went back to my isopure clear and bullets today and feel so much better tonight. Liz
Lori I used to get about a 1/2 cup or so of sugar free apple sauce and crush my B-1 into that and mix it and eat quick, it helped alot. As for the foam in the shakes, I use the same stuff as Jan, you might try putting it through a blender with some ice, the ice seems to help keep the foam down. Most powders tho do make foam tho. Hope that helps ya. Hang in there, it really does get better!!!
to keep protein powder from foaming ....blend everything what ever you are using...first get it the way you want it then put your scoop of protein powder in and just zip zap it a couple of times enough that it mixes in. and it wont foam....and i put mine in a cup with a lid and use a straw so i never taste any foam if there is any. iknow i know we arent suppose to use a straw but i have since day one and it seems to work for me. dont know why but i get less air in my tummy with a straw than i do without one. I have never crushed my b 100 i have always just swallowed it but again i didnt start taking it till i was about a month out so i dont know how to tell you to cover the taste, might try s.f. pudding??? it is all a learning thing about what works best for you. . if one thing doesnt then something else has to. you might ask dr. H if you can try swallowing your b-100 is it big or small???
Hey Lori, I struggled with the b complex it seems forever, I finallygot a liquid version and just dropped the required amt. in with my protein drinks, which btw, I absolutely could not stand until 2-3 mo's out! dosen't matter whether you ever find one to your liking, tolerable enough that you don't puke it back yes, but unless you want to cry as you see your hair fall out...well you gotta get in at least 70 g a day (no more than 30g at a time), once you can swallow your pills whole it won't be such a problem, in fact pm me with your address and i'll send you my liquid stuff, it really wasn't detectable with 8 oz of protein drink at all(i ordered it online from the "california institute of health" an 8oz bottle), I know it is hard and frustrating right now, but I promise it does get better, it seems it took a long time to get my protein, vitamins and eat a little too ,all synchronized (sp?) but it will happen, btw the head hunger starts going away or at least easing up around 3-4 mo's, which is a blessing, I find myself having to think back whether I ate anything or not at the end of the day, I figure if I take all my vit's and protein, I'll do ok with the rest.
HUGS Lori!! I am so sorry you having such a rough time!!! I have seen the liquid vit B at the health food store here as well may try a store like that near you. I also,like Sugar and you sound hate most of the protien drinks I have tried so far as well. Isopure was high for my too, however I did find something close to isopure and a little cheaper I LOVE, for now any way and hope will be the same post op LOL. Its called cytosport protien its made by muscle milk, it is a 20 oz bottle, has 40g of protien, 160 cal, no sugar, no carbs tastes great, comes in 3 flavors I know of so far, its 2 bucks a bottle. I figured 2 bottles when you cant eat anything would get in all the protien you need a day spread out of course, and later when you can eat more one bottle, spread out that way it isnt so bad price wise if you think about it. It isnt thick and its easy to drink I have a case so far 28.00 for 12 i am trying to buy em ahead, I will gladly send you some if you like and it will help!! Hang in there and I wish I knew more or could help!!