Jan C.
on 8/30/08 1:51 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Joe got home about 6pm didn’t want to stay another night there without me he said lol .When he goes down there without me he calls me several times usually when he gets up and then again before he goes to bed and on the way down he will call me a couple of times lol I told him that when he goes down to see his family he talks to me more than he does when he is here.

Oh well that is the way we old married people are. I guess.

It was awfully quite around here without him I know. Andrew and I did our walking this morning. I told him that instead of trying to get in more miles maybe we ought to just concentrate on how long we walk. Anyone out there know which we should do. Like right now we know we can walk at least 50 minutes should we just increase the time or increase the distance with less time. ????


I hope all of you want lots of seeds of balsum and ****scombs and cleomes I have loads of those. Also trying to get lot of pink cone flowers seeds too. Also zinnias and marigolds.

All of these things will reseed them selves pretty much once you get them started.


TAMMY-AMMY:::::: that is so neat that you are going to get your own home. Wonderful isnt it. And with putting the rent money into making it nice you should have it looking pretty spiffy before long.

Tulips if you dig them now you can wait till later around Nov or dec to plant them but not much later.

The Hosta and  rose of Sharon bushes should do just fine if you water them daily till they seem to have taken root. The rose of Sharon bushes might lose their leaves but don’t count them out till next spring when they should start putting on leaves ok? Just keep watering them till winter.

When I dig up the elephant ears maybe you can come up to a meeting since you all will be better off on money now. Lol


I know you are excited about maybe two new babies in the next few days wow. Your going to be on overload.

Hey maybe you should go back and get the surgeon to finish up the rest of the surgery so you can lose more and then maybe you wont have any trouble with them Paying for the tummy tuck since it wont be vertical sleeve surgery anymore. Would they pay for that?

Wasn’t that part of your surgery that you were suppose to go back and get the rest done?

Maybe I have someone else in mind sorry if I do lol




SUGAR:::::lol that don’t make you sound like a bad grandma . just normal. We were meant to be daily babysitters. Not that we mind helping out some but daily isnt what it was meant to be huh?

Yeah I saw your post about being normal, im not so sure , oh oh you meant in weight sorry. Lol  now I have ask you all before and none of you will give me an answer. Why do you all think it is ok for you all to get skinny and normal bmi but not me? I keep looking at pictures of me and my body is not skinny not like you and Janet.


I grow Elephant ears in the sun and in the shade and in spots that get sun and shade and mostly shade ….lol it doesn’t seem to matter as long as they are watered well and often.

I will dig up all that I want to get rid of and then divide them between all of you that want some. Or just bring them up in a huge box and bring bags and you can get what you all want of them.


They said they were having the painting class this Monday . I ask them and they said yes. So I am going to have Joe bring me up so I can be there at 6pm well I have got to go find my paints first. You think you might meet me there or what? Did you call them? Ill share my paints with you. We would need to go by canvases .


Did you have fun at White water?



BEC:::::::I don’t blame you on getting tired of housework ,,,I just don’t like doing it at all and only do it when I cant get outside lol. So house looks pretty good in the winter time but summer time it is touch and go

Lol yeah junk drawers, I open them up and take everything out and say im going to throw this stuff away , ok then most of what I bring out is batteries, and Joes extra lighters, and clippies for bags to hole them shut . so I throw away a little bit of something and rearrange lol looks good till the first time I go looking for a certain size battery.


Bec there is a web site called www.shopsleepsolutions.com  that has some pillows that help keep the cpap in place. One is called the sleep apnea pillow and is like 20.00 it is cut out so the cup doesn’t get pressure on it if you lay on your side.


Hope you are keeping the boo-boo clean so it doesn’t get infected here before surgery.

Want to watch and not get anything this late date.


Lol I guess you can pray a blanket prayer for Lori I don’t think she will mind and God knows what is wrong with her so he can take care of it  right?




DEB:::::: what was the balloon lift off for? Sounds like your daughter really enjoyed herself.

Having bms when you first have surgery is no definite answer. Some people like me everything I put in my mouth came out within about 15 minutes seemed like it anyway . and others get really constipated or think they are , actually I don’t know since there is nothing but liquid going in or really soft foods. You couldn’t expect a lot could you?



JANET:::::: YES I wish we would hear from her about what is going on. The blood scares me .

Oh wow wont you be beautiful with your hair all done pretty. Hope it turns out like you want. Have you ever had a spiral perm done before?

You will probably lose quite a bit with the tummy tuck but who knows they say if it is all skin that it doesn’t weight nearly what you would think it does.

Oh my im sorry that someone would say something silly like that at the meeting. So sorry that happened but most of the time , or at least I like to think so, people just say stuff and don’t stop to think how it is going to sound. Hopefully the person didn’t mean it to really be mean. Im really sorry , I did notice that you seemed to be out of sorts but I just thought maybe it was pain …come let Aunty Jan give you a hug …….((((((hug)))))) now its all better.

Hope your lunch was great and your (me) time was good.




on 8/30/08 2:02 pm - Joplin, MO

As most of you know I am fighting this nausea like noones business, LOL. I get so nauseated even after drinking water now. I am not sure what to do anymore? I eat light stuff like yogurt sometimes tuna but not alot when I do either. I really am having a hard time eating and now drinking. I had a protein shake and got VERY ill. I know it has to get better and will. Sunday, I am taking Jazlyn to the out patient clinic, she got pushed off the Monkey bars the other day and every since her wrist is really bothering her. I squeezed it softly and she jerked back and said OUCH!! She is having a hardtime picking things up and using it, so I think it is sprained, but I would feel horrible if she had a fracture and I did nothing about it. I have a horrible head ache!! I cant take anything for it. But, I am soooo miserable I dont know what to do? I am hoping things get better. soon! My mom FINALLY noticed that I am losing weight. I have lost over 30 lbs but she just now has noticed it. Well, I am going to go to bed and get some rest hopefully it will help me to have some sleep. Thanks everyone for the recommendations on the shakes and I will try tomorrow.



on 8/30/08 10:25 pm - Clever, MO
Hey girl, I dont want to plant anything in your head to make you really worried but you are sounding an awful lot like I sounded after surgery...I just kept getting worse instead of better. I had an abcess in my old tummy and started losing potasium, which can kill you....get things checked out dear. And I dont mean wait!  PLEASE!!! Everyone kept telling me to just drink more and try eating this or that. BUT I couldn't! I lost all energy because the lack of food and drink...I couldnt take any pills (threw them back up all the time) I just sat in my chair and wasted away until my PCP said get to the hospital NOW!!!! So please go get checked out.  LOVE YA SISTER LOSER! Sugar


on 8/30/08 10:36 pm - Clever, MO

White Water was fun!  We stayed till about 5:30 or so and then went to Shake and Steak for supper. It was around 7:30 when we got home. Long day!  I got a little sun so that is good for the Florida trip. Chloe got her little freckled nose kinda pink. It really was a good WW day. We rode all the slides except the tallest one. Chloe just didnt think she wanted to do that. lol!

No I dont think I will do the class this Monday...do you have to start this week? Do they do a different painting each time? I thought Rick and I might do something together on Monday. Or maybe we will have the kids all over for a weany roast in the fire pit...we need to make out our menu for our Florida trip so the kids can tell us what they want to cook thier nights. Each one of the couples is taking 2 nights to cook for the family and then one night we  are sending the couples out by themselves and we will take the kids to Fudruckers to feed the alligators and get their pictures made holding one...I think they will like that. Did I tell you that Ember and I are going parasailing while we are there? That will be a great experience with my oldest grand daughter. 

Well, I need to go do my hair for church this morning. And go over my lesson on more time...talk to you soon and may GOD bless HIS day with great things for you all. Dont forget to spend some time with HIM!



on 8/30/08 10:38 pm - linneus, MO
Good Morning Jan and All.
  The balloon lift off is hot air balloons. It is our yearly Labor Day balloon derby here. There was probably 40 balloons yesterday morning and again last night.
   She loves to watch them take air up,take off and then we chase them and watch them land it is pretty cool for her.
   I got nothing done i wanted to do yesterday,Maybe today.
  I am getting really worried about Angy,wish we would hear something.
   Got a Question for anyone who may know. My hair is almost down to my butt and i really don't want to cut it it. Can i get it colored and have a spiral put in before the hair starts falling out  our should i wait till after it stops. I look really stupid right now, i colored it a couple months ago but i now have a skunk stripe right down the middle and the sides are getting really gray . Something has gotta be done.But afraid if i color it i'll make the hair start falling out sooner.
   Jan i would love some of your flower seeds,but i live quite aways away,They sound lovely though.
  I want to start a tulip bed for spring. Glad you posted when we could blant bulbs. Because i wasn't sure. Now just to find bulbs. Wonder if walmart has them? I know they do in the spring but not sure about fall.I have ordered them from Michigan bulb company before and nothing ever grows so won't be doing that anymore.
  Well i need to get a shower and get ready for Church, Hope you all have a GREAT day.
                     {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} DEB


Jeanine S.
on 8/30/08 11:26 pm - compton, AR

Good Morning all

I would love some seeds and elephant ears!!! I would gladly take some off your hands if you have any left, not many plants i ever met I didn't love, hubby tells me he is almost jealous sometimes LOL!!!

Not got a long while today either, getting ready for church as well, plus hubby's niece is here for the weekend, she got lonely in her new place in russleville. We plan to grill out later today turkey burgers, smoke a chicken while we are at it for chicken salad tomorrow so we can just enjoy Megan while she is here!!!

I am praying extra hard for Lori, Angie and Layla's friend, but ALL of you are in my thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY!!!

I hope you all have a safe and blessed weekend!!!



Andy W.
on 8/31/08 12:23 am - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Y'all

What a nice morning out this morning, finally the humidity was down and the heat.  It hasn't been all that hot in the mornings but the humidity has been so high that its really hard to breath when walking.  Not really much going on here,  I havn't been doin all that much so to keep my legs up alot of the time,  I so can't wait to go my PCP Wedsnday so he can find out whats going on.  I just hate sitting around the house anymore,  I feel like I'm gaining weight back just sitting like the old dayz before surgery.  Thats one time in my life I don't wanna go back to.   Y'all keep my wife *Susan* in ya prayers this week,  she has a couple of  Dr. appt. to be examined for Medicade,  she desperatly needs to get some kind of medical help so we can get her to a PCP and get her health back up to par.  She really wants to get the surgery and I so want her to get it cuz it will really help her being she's diabetic and stuff. 
We're sure praying for the ones having trouble, Janet,  Angy, Lori, Layla's friend, Craig and I know there are others needing prayer,  y'all besure to keep us updated as ya can so we know how to pray and also rejoice that your getting better.

Bec when I had the mask that fits on your face over your nose  I had a problem with it leaking when I would lay on my side,  I'd have to tighten it more and then that would eventually hurt cuz it was to tight.  I to can't lay flay on my back cuz I feel like im gonna sufficate.  Now tho I the mask I have works alot better,  I use whats called a Nasal Pillows, they fit directly in your nose simular to oxygen but bigger.  Some people can't use it because it makes their nose sore, it did mine at first but now it works alot better for me and I dont get the air leaking out the mask like I used too.  To me that is more comfortable then the face mask.  But yeah I was like you when I first started using it, I'd throw it off during the night,  I've had the C-Pap for 4 years now and can't sleep without it.  I sure hope it starts working better for you!!

Well I better get this posted and get ready for church,  y'all have a blessed day!!


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 8/31/08 2:43 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

I have put a post out there to update everyone on Angy. I am REALLY WORRIED about her peeps. PLEASE say some prayers for her. PLEASE.....While I am at it-Pray for Lori too-so that she will find out whats going on and its nothing serious. Add Susan to that prayer list as well.....She needs/wants her health back and lets pray she gets approved for medicaid and can get her surgery and get rid of that diabetes-she is such a loving, wonderful person and it will be nice for her to feel good and be able to do all this stuff with Andrew. Our dear sweet Deb D and her health problems-she has been very ill-lets pray for her healing.... We have a lot of preop people too-(Bec and Dennis-Brendas hubby, for sure) and lets pray that their testing all goes well, and that they have strength and peace of mind. Thank you, prayer warriors!!!!

I have to make this short-I am getting everything together for our day at the race track. I know someone said something about a dirt track-these races are the drag races (not dirt track) for Labor Day Weekend at Mokan Speedway-we go every year....(well-NOW we do...Mike would NEVER go without me and I used to be WAY TOO FAT to go AND have fun-I WAS MISERABLE when I would go).....Anyway-the kids are going with us-so we will have ALL our kids with us except Stephanie-she doesnt care for the races, but I did get to spend all day with her yesterday after Mike took me to lunch. We went to use our gift certificate Mike got for his birthday to Timberline Steak House and guess what? They had a fire the night before and they were shut down until Tues-but our certificate expired today...they said they would honor it afterwards anyway....so, I guess we will go in the next couple of weeks. Mike took me to Great Wall (chinese) havent been there since surgery-now I remember why.....I could only eat 2 things out of the whole buffet-I had some lo-mein noodles and then a couple of peices of sesame chicken. Everything else was too spicy OR didnt taste too good. I did take a bite of one of Mikes breaded peices of shrimp-and the breading is a seafood mixture-and it was really good-BUT....when they have a little bit of everything, I usually get sick, so I limited myself to that ONE bite and moved on. I also got some jello-and as I was putting a bite in my mouth, it bounced off the spoon, off my leg-and went to the table next to me and then fell in the middle of the floor and I got the giggles over that one!!! I know, Mike just smiles too-he KNOWS I will spill SOMETHING, I always do-LOL...What would he do without me??? LOL LMBO!!!!

Mike and Aaron left about an hour and a half ago-so they could get to the track and get a "good" spot where we could back the Suburban up-and put our shelter up-AND have our BBQ right there-stuff like that. He called and said we were at half track it was already that packed and they were there when the gates opened-but there was already a line waiting and of course-they were all there that early for the same reasons-they had qualifying yesterday and they have altered and show cars-things like that, so all the racers were already there...on the opposite side, of course. Megan will be coming to get me and the boys and the cooler-and food etc. Sent Mike with everything else. We have to stop at the grocery store-we were too tired to do that last night after I worked. Also....and your NOT going to believe this one-I went to step up into the Suburban-and I hit the door Just Right-WITH MY RIGHT KNEE-RIGHT there where the broken bones are-that HAD NOT been hurting because of the shots-MAN....That took me right to my knees (gently of course) and I was bawling like a little baby. When I stood up-BOTH of my parents were standing there with tears running down their faces too-and Mike came close. So much for that. I WILL be making an appt as soon as they open Tues to go back in!!!!! Ok-IF that werent bad enough-yeah, it gets much better.....I went to shut the door after I got in and I shut the door on my middle finger, right hand...and it mangled my ring-its ruined and I had to have it cut off. Im so disgusted with myself. Why do I do such stupid, stupid things? After I had gotten to work yesterday (clerking) Vikki asked if I could housekeep for her today because she was going to have all her grandchildren today-Stephanie said she would do it so she could have some extra spending money. Thank God for that!!!!

Stephanies boyfriend, Spencer was over and he actually sat and talked to me for the FIRST TIME IN A YEAR.....Remember, the last conversation I ever had with him, I threatened him-LOL....I was very impressed that he asked me to sit at their table with them while they ate dinner-and then we had Aarons bday party and he sat with us when they all had cake and ice cream. Very pleasant day. I was pleased. He said he WANTS her to finish high school and that he would do NOTHING to get in her way (and I am so glad-because she is like a puppet when it comes to him!!) Keeping my fingers crossed for that situation. Stephanies uncle-Erics brother-he was getting onto Stephanie as to WHY she didnt want to live with her dad and on and on and on-and FINALLY, Erics mom told Lance to back off-she has her reasons and he was saying that Steph was being spoiled because she was insisting that IF she move in with them that she HAD to have her OWN BATHROOM....So, Lance THOUGHT that was the reason she wasnt moving in with him now-well, Erics mom FINALLY told him that his brother AND his partner BOTH have aids and that Stephanie doesnt want to deal with that! Not only did that shut him up-but he apologized to Stephanie. He was the only one left in the family that didnt know. Now-there are no more secrets. Thank goodness.

~~~~WOW moment for ME...(I dont have very many any more-each day I wake-I thank God and my whole life seems like a WOW moment now!!!) anyway-I wore pants AND a shirt-BOTH in a sz 12 and BOTH LOOSE on me!!!! All my 12s fit now-even in the tops...some better than others-but they ALL fit. YAY YAY YAY YAY!~ Would have NEVER thought it. Not ever!!!!

Im going to get my responses done and get going. Gotta hop in the shower and get dressed!

**Jan-How cute that Joe and you talk more when your apart. Mike and I are like that too-seems funny to me-but I guess to our guys-WE are their "WOOBIES" Like a security blanket. Thats sooo cute! LOL. I bet he did miss you too much to stay another night without you. When Mike goes out of town for a race or something-he ALWAYS wants me to go along-but I dont want to hang out at the tracks all day doing nothing but being "eye candy"-LOL LMBO~~~!!!!

Ok-Have I told you lately that YOU ARE MY FAVORITE, CUTEST, MOST LOVING, FUNNY, PRETTY, CHARASMATIC, ENERGETIC and COOL AUNT in the WHOLE WORLD???? Now-onto the seeds... (LMBO!!!!) I WILL take ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU want to give me. I HAVE 10 acres that I can plant on-40 acres total, but 10 that I CAN plant AND see the rewards of my work...YOU better divide them, cuz if you just leave them in a box, I am going to shove everyone else in a closet and lock the door, or trip them....LOL and go grab the WHOLE box and put it in my car and speed away on 2 wheels taking the corners I will be going so fast NO ONE will catch me.....(good dream, huh?) So, we dont fight over the goodies, give them all to me.....LOL LOL...U know Im just kidding-but I WILL take anything and everything you have extras of. (can you be bribed, for instance, how bout a box of seal a meal plastic??)

I dont know anything on the walking, but I DO know a trainer from the Y-I will ask next week when I see her-ok? I will get the scoop for you in case you dont get the answer beforehand.

WOMAN-No one has answered you about your size because YOU ARE SKINNY-You MUST be in normal BMI range already and for a long time!!! Your just tiny to me. You, Lana and Sugar are ALL SMALL.... Plus, your shorter, just makes you look even smaller (to me anyway).....There is NO WAY, even after the tummy fat is cut off-that I WILL EVER fit in a size 8........NEVER, EVER, EVER!!! Im okay with that tho, I really am.

I know the person that said that, DID mean it snotty-because not only did they make one comment, they made 2 others-one right after the other-After that I knew exactly HOW they meant it-and when I made my comment-she knew it wouldnt be too smart for anything else to be said to me! So, yes, between the pain AND the little comments about Jon and then my age-I was out of sorts. At my age, I should know what causes pregnancy and they hope that I am using protection now so I dont spit out anymore kids since I am old enough (to be a grandma now) AND will be having grandkids soon!!! The nerve of some people! Well, Im letting that go. They arent worth the breath to repeat the crap that came out of their mouth. Ignorance isnt worth repeating.

Hope you have a good rest of the weekend. I will TRY to get on here Monday and email ya. Love ya.

**Sugar-I am SO EXCITED for you and your Florida vacation. When do you leave again? Will you be coming to the reunion? I guess I cant remember if you were coming for the day or not at all. Sorry. PLEASE take pics of you and Ember para-sailing!!! OH man, does that sound FUN, FUN, FUN!~ I have that on a WISH list for after I lost my weight. When Mike and I go away for our anniversary-thats one of the things we want to do together is para-sail. Have fun and I cant wait to see the pics!!!! Thanks and have a good rest of the weekend. Love ya!!!

**Bec-You have been on my mind alot. Hope all is well for you. Love ya and keep on, keepin' on!! K?

**Tammy-CONGRATS on 2 babies and a new house!! I am SO EXCITED For you!! Love you and cant wait for us to get together again!!!

**Deb-My hair is almost to my waist too-and I didnt do anything pre-op besides color it-because I wasnt sure HOW much hair I was going to lose. I had a lot of people tell me that IF I cut it-that I wouldnt notice the hair loss so much, but I couldnt do it-I love my hair too much. I lost almost half of my hair-and it was ALL OVER the place-EVEN THE FRIDGE!!! LOL....You do whatever YOU WANT, and it will still look good!! Have a good weekend.

**Deb D-Hope your feeling better hon. We have been praying for you. Love you.

**Andrew-We will definitely say prayers for dear, dear Susan. She is such a sweetheart and I cant wait for her to feel good. She deserves it!!! Thank you, as well-for the prayers for me and my family. I appreciate them.....Take care-and please, dont let yourself get too depressed over having to take it easy-I swear, I know the mental games your mind plays with you-like-this is WHY I was always fat-sitting on the couch and it makes you feel like the OLD YOU-BUT YOUR NOT-and YOU WONT LET YOURSELF GET BACK THERE-you will be better soon and we will keep you in prayers as well. Love ya buddy and take it easy.

**Sheila and Renee-WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? YOUR GROUNDED!!! LOL... Love you both!!!

Have a good rest of the weekend everyone-as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

on 8/31/08 4:06 am - Joplin, MO
As I mentioned earlier, I am taking Jazlyn to the dr to have her wrist looked at maybe x-rayed... I am also going to see if they will look at me and run some tests like potassium and thiamin, if needed maybe they will give me an iv of them .... I dont know whats going on, but I was feeling so good the first couple of days and now I am not and I dont seem to be getting any better. Please, keep me in your prayers. I am praying for Angy and worried about her too. We talked the other day on yahoo and then I havent been around much to check on her, but she only told me about the blood in the toilet.... she didnt say anything about throwing up blood... I am thinking of everyone and will keep you all update and thank you sugar and please let me know about the little B complex pills, k? Have a great day everyone!




on 8/31/08 5:39 am - Clever, MO

The B-complex that I take is the ones from Walmart...Spring Valley brand. They are labeled Super B-Complex (metabolism support) They are not very big and if need be could be broken in half.  

I am glad your getting checked out...wi**** was sooner


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