Question about incision
Hi Brandy, I had staples as well with this surgery, but when I had my hysterectomy I was cut from my belly button to my hoohoo almost and I had stitches protruding as well. They said it was normal & just happened sometimes. They just pulled them up a little & clipped them, no big deal. I believe I was red around them also, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. Those stitches that they use inside are just so stiff that they poke their way through & irritate sometimes. They actually told me that I might have that happen for several months.
Oh, I also wanted to tell you, Way to go on the cake & icing! I just told Lynn at the grocery store yesterday that I would love to get a tub of German Chocolate cake icing & eat the whole thing. lol I love that stuff. I wasn't such a sweet addict as much as carbs. I love pasta, potatoes, breads, white sauces . . . OMG the list could go on & on. lol I would just about kill for a chicken caesar salad right now. but know I can't. But YUM, it sounds so good. Anyways, I'm really proud of you for having such temptation right in front of you & you stayed strong!!!! You are awesome!!! Have you started your walking dvd yet? I might try to start it today, if I'm feeling up to it.
(((BIG HUGS))) Angy