As you can see I didn’t go to
I put an ad on Craigs list this morning for motorcycle leathers. Got some good leads for some chaps. Good prices too. One lead for a jacket for me but im not too sure it looks like it has fringe on the back and down the sleeves.think that would be a little much for an old woman. Lol I can just see me now. She said she had another jacket that she was thinking about selling too. But I haven’t seen it yet.
Got some of my stacks of stuff picked up and gone thru and thrown away. Funny how you lay something down because it looks good and then you forget about it. You go back to it in a while and it looks like junk . I do keep all of my flower magazines, not catalogs but the magazines. I have several different ones that I have kept.
Don’t know why cause I hardly ever go back and look at them. I need to donate them to some thing that would love them but don’t know where.
The catalogs I get I love looking at but really never buy from but like 2 of them. Don’t know why the others keep sending them to me. And every fall I throw all of the spring and summer ones away for all the new fall and winter ones. Love looking at those in the winter time when I cant get outside and play in the dirt.
How many of you want Elephant ears and how many do each of you want? These will be smaller bulbs that will take a year to reach the bigger size but they will keep getting bigger and bigger each year. I don’t dig mine up I just go buy a bale of straw and cover them with about 6 inches of straw…that way you don’t have to dig them every year. Im not digging this year just thinning them out. I have one elephant ear that is taller than Joe and there are over 30 stems coming up out of the ground around it…wow. It has made lots and lots of babies.they all have grown a lot this year.
Lets see I know Sugar, Janet, Sheila, Becky, who else wants them ?
Well its Friday night and it is quite here on the home front. I think I will go to bed as soon as I finish this and post it . get a really good nights sleep which I have been doing since I have the O2. I have been sleeping usually around 8 hours sleep a night , not getting up at all. but you know im still getting really sleepy during the day unless I take the pill the sleep doctor gave me. It really works but doesn’t make me jittery or anything. So it isnt caffine or any sort of speed stuff. It says it is for narcolepsy patients. I wonder if that is what they think I have? Could be cause I have feel asleep right in the middle of conversations with people , all sorts of weird places.
SUGAR::::::that is one of my goals Sugar is to walk in a 5K don’t think I can run yet but might be able to once I get the other knee done….wonder if I will be able to get on the trike with one knee not rehabbed all the way after surgery. Oh well will cross that bridge when I come to it. Lol
No Joe kept his motorcycle endorsement on his lic. He said he wasn’t going to take that off. Too much hassle to get it on there.
No the pb shake didn’t have real reeses cups in it. it sounds like all these things that are sugar free and no sugar added and such but when you put them all togethere the carbs and sugars were way way to high for any of the post ops to really drink it. and I don’t know how Jen ,being a new post op drank the thing, my stomach was still rolling today even from it.
Will teach me to not look first from now on.
To get to Glenn you go down
JANET:::::: Hey you only need to lose what now 5 pounds? Will you stop then?
Oh my im so sorry that you are in so much pain. I am praying for you and that it will get better for you soon. If you get started on some of those surgeries I think you will start feeling better.
Oh I would sure be pissed too about my son not taking out the trash cans. That sure wasn’t nice at all. they lose their minds about this age. And aren’t good for much of anything. Lol did he want you to put him in the regular school? Or did he want to stay home and homeschool too? Do you think he might be jealous of Jon? It really don’t have to make sense for a teen ager to be upset over it you know.
Im am so glad that you are going to start taking you time. That is a person you need to take care of so you can be able to give to others. If you burn out you cant take care of anyone.
I hope the birthday present for Aaron goes well and he is able to get off.
Sounds like lots of fun I love dirt track races.
Someone made snooty remarks to you Tuesday , where were you? Some times I wonder about people don’t you?
Did you mean Tuesday or was it Monday at the support meeting?
I hope not.
No just person goals about 2 miles in 30 minutes.
Yeah but I think it is being a little unrealistic for out here on these hills and stuff. Now if we were on a flat surface there wouldn’t be any trouble getting that in.
Besides dr. H . said you shouldn’t walk any faster than to be able to carry on a conversation and that is the area that will get the weight off fastest rather than jogging really.
That would be wonderful for you to buy those little albums to put in the goodie bags. Thanks. I will really appreciate it a lot. I just thought that giving new people a little gift bag of stuff would just encourage them to come back and to show them we appreciate them for being there. You know we sometimes go awhile with out having anyone new but then sometimes we have several of them there.
I didn’t know you could get the calcium citrate chewables at walmart. I have never seen them since they stoped producing the citracil ones. Are they as good as those were?
Anything will be greatly appreciated for the bags just don’t each one of us spend a lot and it wont be a burden.
Yeah I use to have , well still have really a good beautiful ¾ length leather coat was a mans cause I couldn’t fit in any of the womens ones. Got it at
Joe wears it when he is dressing up some in the winter.
If you still have something you wore when you were at your biggest bring that to the reunion we are going to have a fashion contest lol .
I sure hope you can come to the reunion. It wont be the same without you. I don’t know how many games im going to get thought up between now and then but oh well if we just sit and talk and visit will be fun .
Don’t know exactly where he is going to. I doubt if he is going up there for ever just following some work right now I think.
BEC::::::well that sounds like that hurt a little , sounds like me im always hurting myself.
Sounds like you have a big lot of cleaning yet to do. And I know for a fact that it isnt that dirty. I have been to your house remember? Cant fool me you are cleaning imaginary dust and dirt.lol
Yeah I sure hope you get to come to the October meeting too. We will love that for sure.
You know to tell the truth im ready for it to be fall weather and not so hot anymore. Tired of the sticky stuff.
You take care and think about what we were talking about earlier. About the calories and high protein ….love you take care
LORI:::: hope you are beginning to feel better. The b complex will help with the nausea too. It does me . if I quit taking it I get sick at my stomach even now and 2 years out.
Yes the hard part about getting exercise in is the getting up to do it lol
Once you get started it goes really well.
Wish you lived by me you would get lots of motivation
Lol Ask Andrew?
Please take your vits. Daily if you don’t you will pay for it down the road.
Where is your husband ? you said you sent him some pictures? I was just wondering , nosey , that’s me.
JEANINE:::: well what I read of your stuff you have put on your profile is great. I bet you got some of it out of yourself
Glad you joined us here , seems like you have been here for a while really. Lol
Glad you are working on the stuff that you will have to do later. Just don’t deprive yourlself of protein right now till the last day .
Cant wait to meet you in person.
Im going to close this and post it before I fall asleep. Love all of you.
Had a bit of quiet time and thought I would use it to get on and see how everyones doing....
This has been one of them weeks of run..run running!
Im POOPED!!! And Im still not done....
Sat Im going to a funeral with my kids...Their fathers brother right under him got killed this week....
Sunday I have a family reunion..Monday I need to clean cause Ive slacked with all the running Ive done ....And Tuesday.....WE GET OUR NEW BABY!!....
On top of that my adopted daughter is taking meds to help stop her contractions...Shes only 33 weeks... Been really hard holding her back and he said he would probably let her get on with it this week..So I may just have a double whammy on the babies this week!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO
Im also tickled I get to be a soccer Nannie!! My lil Princess started Head Start a few weeks ago and they offered them sign ups and try outs for soccer and WOOOO HOOOOO...She got picked....Her first game is Sept 27th....Who do you think the loudest Nannie will be??HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEEHEHEEEE
Got to get myself together and get started packing. Im moving in a few weeks and have tons to do...Got to have a yard sale and get rid of somethings... The houes Im moving to is smaller than the one I have now....but I don't really mind cause it will be MY house!!!
My mom gave my younger sister a second house she had a few years ago....Shes not kept it up and dont even live in it now and my moms upset cause she worked so hard to pay for it...So I agreed to take it over and work on getting it back up....Im tickled I will have a house I do as I please with...We have to do some work to the gas lines before we move in but nothing else is so major we cant work on a lil at a time... We wont have a house payment or rent so we are going to use what we pay for rent now to do work each month and hopefully in no time we will have it looken all spiffy lol lol.....
And one of the first things I am going to do this next spring is start me a rose garden!!!YEAHHH I can finally have one!!!
OHHHHH..Got to tell yall what I got to do Thursday.. My adopted daughter Toni treated me to a Manicure..Pedidicure and a massage!!!! I thought I was a Queen!! LMBO.....OHHHHH was it enjoyable!!! My birthday and Mothers day aren't far apart so Ive already started telling the kids Id just as soon have money lol lol.....The crappy part is how far away it is lol lol....
Jan....Sorry you missed your bike ride....And WOOO HOOO on the walking!!! I keep saying Im going to start....I might finally get started with it after I move...I will be living near a friend from school and she said she had been wanting to start walking and ask if I would be her walking partner....
And if you will email me your address I would like to send you money for postage to send me some of the elephant ear bulbs....I love elephant ears!!! I will probably giving you a yell next spring for more starts on some flowers....Ive not really done anything big with flowers because Ive always rented and never wanted to go out of my way to set things up all snazzy and then have to move...But now that I will have my own home..... I can plant plant plant lol lol............
Do you think the end of next month would be too soon to move some of the tulips I have?? Do I need to plant them as soon as I dig them up or can I dig them up now since they are done and then plant them a little later?.....I am going to move my hostas and rose of sharon bushes....I hope they all do ok....
OMG...I took a look at the weekly weight loss post and man are yall doing good!!! ......I didn't post but Im still at about where I been for a bit now... I stuck at around 285-289...Still happy about the loss so far and can't wait to see the new total after my tummy tuck....
Speaking of....I am so PEE'ED off about how that is going.....Dr.Scott told me to call Columbia and they would get me an appt with the doctor he was refering me too.....So I call and they told me I had to get a letter from my PCP on how long she had treated me with my obesity and the things she had treated me for that would make my tummy tuck a medial nessesity....She wanted to make sure it was done just right so after several times calling she finally got ahold of them and they told her they didn't need a letter from her!!....They said I needed an appt with them so they could evaluate me and take pics and they would be the one that wrote the letter!! WHAT????!!!! So now I got to call this next week and find out what the heck is going on! I had hoped to be getting things on a roll by now so that I might have the surgery at least by first part of Oct....So now I have no ideal whats going on or when I will manage to have it....And after hearing medicade stop paying for the sleeve....Im worried they will get tougher on approval for the tummy tuck or stop paying for that...Lord it would take me forever to save to have that done!!!! And I soooo need it.....
Janet....Girl looks like you are kicking but and taking names on the weight loss!!!! I am so proud of you for the progress you have had!...
Sorry you were hurting so bad today...My prayers are with you and your family...
Angy...Im am so sorry about the problems you are having...I hope they help you get it all straightened out soon....
Will be praying all the needs on the board are heard.....God Bless each of you....
Luv and Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Good morning all! Well I think it is going to be a hot day, feels warm out all ready. Rick left about 5 to go fishing and I will leave later to take Chloe to White Water.
Now, I dont want to sound like a bad grandma but I think yesterday was my last day to have to watch the boys!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so burned out on being the babysitter and not just getting to be the grammy. It really isnt fair to have to watch them all the time and be the one to have to make them behave...I would rather be the one to take them just once and awhile and spoil them. It is much more fun for them and me!
Jan, did you see my post on the weight loss track post? If not, I reached my goal of NORMAL/Healthy BMI...and I get to start going to exercise again everyday next week. IM so excited about that I can hardly stand it. So maybe I will start dropping a few more pounds and get to my goal. It is only 3 pounds away. Ive decide to see what weight I would have to be to be on the low end of the normal scale of BMI...that way I would have a safety zone built in for a few pounds flucuation. Well, never mind..I just checked and I would have to get down to 122 to get on the lowest end..lol...that aint going to happen. Although I weighed 118 when Rick and I got married. Can you imagine that? I think I will try for a goal of around 155. Rick told me again last night that I was just perfect where I am, but I really would like a buffer zone built in. So 8 more pounds would be a good next goal right? Actually when I reach my first goal of 160, it will only be 5 more pounds to go. I think I may start walking a little too. I really dont mind walking in the fall and spring when the weather is nice and cool.
Hey sis, I will take as many elephant ears as you want to give me...I love them but havent had much luck with my soil here. I think once that front bed is re-done, it will be a great spot for them. Dont you? It gets alot of shade in parts of the day...will that work?
Hey, go ask the nursing home if some of the residents might want your flower magazines. You could have Susan ask when she goes. Also some Dr offices need something to look at. lol! They always have the worst mags in their offices.
Are you coming to the class on this Monday? I bet theyre not having it this Monday right? Because of the holiday????
Hey Im going to have a job after Tues. I may never get called to work but if I do I will make $10 an hour...lol! I will tell you all about it next time we talk. To much to explain on here.
Janet I have orders for you!!!!!!! Take care of yourself first for a change...PLEASE????? Honey you sound like your going to crumble if you dont start taking some "me time". And as everyone else has told you, if you crumble, you wont be able to help anyone at all. I am anxious for you to start having the surgeries to make you all better. I agree with the Drs about doing the knees last so you will have all your strength to do your rehab on them. They are a real booger to rehab from but so worth it. MY advice on knee replacement rehab is do all you can stand and then push for enough more to make you scream with pain and cry. I cried everyday when I worked on bending them. But I did it with Rick's pushing and helping and holding and consoling. He would feel so bad making me hurt and cry but he did it cause he loves me and wanted me to get better. Did I tell you that last I saw my ortho dr he told me I probably have added another 10 years to the need to replace mine again...That will put me way past the time medicare will be in effect so I wont have to worry about it being out of pocket. Rick retires in 6 years so I was a little concerned about that.
Did you get the email showing you the place we go in Florida? It is such a wonderful place. We love it. I would love to own one of those condos if I had lots of money...lol!
Well Bec, what is on your agenda for today?? Busy busy I am sure. I am just going to White water with the grand daughter and we will play alot in the lazy river but she also wants to do the slides. lol! Hopefully the weather will hold out.
So are you done with the tests? No more stuff and hoops to jump thru? I cant wait for you to have the surgery and start down the losers path. But you are already on the path...doing all the right stuff to get yourself prepared. I did that too! My dr didnt require a liquid diet but I did liquids 2 meals a day for 2 weeks and ate a small lite supper everyday. You will do great at this cause you have determination and resolve to be healthy..not just thin. I think some people go into this just to lose weight and that isnt all it is about. If you dont have the motivation to get healthy, you might not be able to stick with it and do all the right things.
Okay gang I gotta get moving and get the bags packed for WW. Hope everyone has a blessed day. I am praying for GOD to bless each of you in a special and wonder filled way.
You and I must have been typing at the same time....

In answer your questions... I still have to have the scope next Friday and then labs drawn on the following Wednesday, see the surgeon for the final time go to the pre~op classes....... and THEN I will be done!!!!
I'm not at all worried about the scope... I have been on Nexium for the past 6 months so that should take care of any problems I might have and if I do test positive for h~pylori... I still have enough time to take the antibiotics for that. I have started an iron supplement also... that has been my only problems in the past with the labs.... so two more trips to KS before the surgery and those two trips are less than a week apart.. then after that visit I only have ten days till surgery!!! only 23 days left!!! Double Yippee Skippee!!! ~ha
Enjoy your day at White Water! Hope it is not too busy there as it is the last weekend it is open? and a holiday weekend to boot! I love that lazy river!!!
I'm so excited that you met the goal you wanted to be at!!! I can't even get my mind around being "normal"!! ~ha

Morn'n Missouri,
Ok I'm getting tired of this housework! ~tee hee My dear momma hen you seen my house like it was because I spent three days cleaning it before you got here!!! ~ha .... it is mostly dust and cob webs I'm cleaning... I guess it's living out here in the country it gets so dusty so fast... I took the doilies off the glass top tables and there was a nice lacy pattern was still there!!! ~ha Why oh why do I have all these "accessories"... way to much to clean!
Another thing I do is stuff the drawers full when I don't know what to do with something and then I have to go back usually once a year and clean them out... I still don't know what to do with the "stuff" when I clean out the drawer so I move it around and still have the "stuff" only it's a neat problem for a while at least!
It is nice and cool this morning so I will take all the artificial arrangements out on the porch and spray them.. it was too muggy yesterday and I did not want to go out there....
I actually put my c~pap back on last night after I threw it off so I don't know just exactly how much time I got with it.... I took some of the pillows away that I had propped up on and am going to try just one tonight .. the problem is I feel like I am choking when I lay flat....so I prop up, but that is not working so well either I keep sliding around and my neck is not comfortable..... also when I sleep on my side it is hard to keep the seal around the nose piece.... Andrew, do you have that problem? How do you keep that from happening?
The "boo boo" on my toe as Sugar says.... is hurting with being on my feet so much each day, it is black and blue and has a nice little cut on it but nothing serious..... I sure wasn't saying that when the iron fell on it though!!! ~tee hee
Something strange has been happening on this computer the past two days... I see on the "list of post page" that Lori has posted but when I open the What's Happening page her post is not there? Anyone else had this problem?... it happened to days in a row now... I think that is strange it seems only hers is the one that is not showing up.....?
Lori ~ I know you are having some difficulties from what others have written and I am praying for you, not sure what I'm praying for... what ever it is I know God can and will meet your need!
Janet ~ never in a bazillion years would I tell you not to write me a long letter!!!! Just will never happen!!! I appreciate EVERY SINGLE one of them!!!
you are doll and a fantastic
angel, just like my momma
angel hen is and really.... I just had to adopt Debbie Darl'n too
!!! I'm so blessed!!! She is the sweetest thing! She told me she was going to come set with my family while I have surgery..... since she lives about 20-30 minutes away!!! Deb, I know you do not feel good and you sure don't have to do that! But goodness you are doll for being willing!!! I know my Paul and AJ would \ will love meeting you but you need to take good care of yourself dear lady! I've just gained so much knowledge from you all!!! And everyone of you are so willing to give of yourselves it just plain humbling! I'm so thankful for each one of you!!!
Tammy ~ it was good to see you post this morning! Looks like you are as busy as ever and such exciting things coming up in your life!
I was so encouraged again yesterday with all the progress everyone on the "weight loss post" is making.... with all the new post ops there has been much activity the past couple of weeks.... it's wonderful!
Ok I guess I better get on with my morning routine.. I sure hope to make more progress on this house than I have the past couple of days even though I've worked all day... Jan is right before I can one job done the others need doing again! ~ha
It is to be a beautiful day I hope you all are able to get out and enjoy your family's this holiday weekend!
This morning we were up @ 6 and went to watch the balloons lift off. Daughter really wanted to see them.She was thrilled with seeing them and then chasing them to watch them land. Gonna take her again this evening for the balloon glow and lift off.
At noon taking her to the parade. And gotta go to walmart this morning sometime. The flys are aweful tis year and i think i have more in my house than outside. It's like a salebarn in here. But i wouldn't know why with kids in and out a hundred times a day.(being sarcastic here ) lol.
I also wanna get my floors mopped and waxed today. We have hardwood in livingroom and kitchen. They are so pretty after they are waxed.Not sure i'll get it done but really need to.
Angy i hope you are feeling better and no more

Think i need to take some M.O.M haven't

Well i better get off here and get my vit in.I usually have them done by 8 but i'm late cuz of balloon chasing lol.
Hope everyone has a GREAT day.Take Care.
Remember... If He brings you to it... He will see you through it.
{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} DEB
Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~
I just have a minute-then Im off...Im off...Im off....LOL..
I want to ask for prayer for Angy PLEASE....Please pray for healing for our sweet girl. I just HATE that she is so far away. If your reading this-please just send a prayer up for her health and complete healing. Thank you.
I AM going to get my hair done next week. YAHOO....WOOO-HOOOO, YEEE HAW, Baby Circle dance and everything in between-I have been waiting, waiting, and waiting!!! I cant wait to do it-I have set it by the way side-REFUSING to spend that kind of money on HAIR when I have kids, bills and so on.... BUT...My sweet Angelette-Renee, one of her best buds-is going to do it for 1/3 of what ALL my other estimates were-EVEN THE SCHOOL!!! AND....I wont have to be there from open to close like I would have at the school.
WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO SUGAR!! WTG GIRL....Yep, I am certainly doing that dance for ya!!! That is my last goal weight wise-is being in a normal BMI and since we are just a few pounds a part-I KNOW I am getting close. I am sitting at 171...So-10#???? We are the same height. I am not sure how much the tummy fat weighs-IF there is a possibility that it weighs 10#-I wont have to do too much more-right?
I am going to wrap this up and finish from the office-Mike is taking me to Timberline for lunch here in a bit-I have my mind set on the shrimp. Cant eat a bunch-but Im sure Mike will be MORE than happy to take it off my plate for me-LOL......Then, tonite-we are having Aarons BDay party......He worked all day yesterday-so I will be working tonite-we will just have it in the lobby of the motel. Nothing major, I know-but we are hoping he can go to the races with us tomorrow and they will announce it there over the loud speakers!!!!
-Jan-the comments WERE made on Monday night. Im not going to put it in here-WHO....But-the comment was about MY son and MY age. I am MORE than OFFENDED-and like I said-I REALLY didnt want to make a scene-Well, I DID-But, out of respect for Lana, you and Joe, Sugar and Rick-I didnt. I didnt want you guys to become uncomfortable. Had it JUST been me and Megan there.....it would have been ON.....I think if someone only has ignorant things to say-they ought to keep their big, fat, mouths shut! How DARE someone make comments about MY SON-WHO I consider to be a blessing-I dont give a crap HOW OLD I AM-its not like I am 60 and having babies!!!! IF that person had known what they were talking about-they would know that out of MY 4 KIDS-JON WILL BE THE ONE I AM HEALTHIEST with as a small child-so there.....(nano-nano-boo-boo-sticking out my tongue!!!-I know, how mature, huh? Well, I guess that just goes to show-IM NOT THAT FREAKING OLD....!!!!!) Megan was dumb-founded and said, Mom-I couldnt believe you didnt start yelling and I am so proud of you! I said, Megan-You know at my age-I couldnt think of anything but getting home and taking my metamucil and drinking my prune juice so I could stay regular-and since it was past 9 pm, it was past my bedtime!!!! I couldnt think of anything else but that!!!!
Anyway-IF I dont see you all later-I pray for our girl, Angy-and hope you will join me-and CONGRATS again, Dear Sugar....I AM taking me time-its in my post yesterday-you must not have seen it...I will try to get back on in the office-IF I have time. Have a good and SAFE Labor Day weekend. Love and prayers to all....Janet