To the ER . . . again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a little while ago I felt like I had something stuck. i hurt terrible. Then felt like I was going to be sick. I puked a little & it was red. I haven't ate anything that was red, or anything that would've gotten stuck. I walked to the kitchen & got another terrible pain like something stuck again then up a HUGE glob of blood came. Then some more. I'm trying to get ahold of the Bariatric Fellow on call & can't get them. Sena is coming to take me to the ER. I will post more when I know what's going on. (((HUGS))) Angy
There was a problem getting the bariatric fellow earlier, but he finally called me back. He said that it sounds like I have an ulcer. He didn't think I needed to go to the er just yet, but said if I puke blood again, or start feeling worse to get to the ER, preferably in Columbia. I'm still having the bleeding from my bum also. He said I will need to get scoped from both ends. Yippee! I had a CBC done today and my hemoglobin & hematocrit were both good. So I guess that means that I'm not bleeding terribly in there. So that is really good. My poor parents. They packed up & were on their way home this morning when the nurse called & told me that the bleeding from my rear wasn't a huge emergency, so I called mom & dad & told them that they didn't have to come back home, then this afternoon this happens. I called to tell them what was happening & I think they jumped in the truck right then & there. They should be just minutes away now.
Thank you all for your thaughts & prayers. I'm scared to ask "what next??", but dang, I hope nothing else happens.
Love ya all! Angy