How long before any of you ate meat?
I am scared to try meat. the two times I have tried it it made me sick. i felt like it was stuck in my chest. I just chewed it though. I did not grind it up into the food processor. i did not realize that b12 was sub-Q? i always thought it was intramuscular, if that is the case I can give it to myself. I gave myself Byetta for a year in the stomach no problem. Ihope I can get a script and do it myself once a month. I would love to eat the dog food too!!! Thanks everybody you have given me some great ideas. I will try after my appointment with the Doc. Hornbostel on Tuesday. Love and hugs to you all!!
I am so glad my dr quit grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She told me to give them in my tummy just like my insulin. Well I just researched it and they are IM. I cannot do that so will have to take it and have my new dr inject them. kPJE9 kPJE9
Hello all and I will be haveing my first b12 shot tomorrow at the doc. Hornbostels office. I know it will sting a bit but it should be ok. i must let you all know that I did have a small amount of ham on Sunday after shurch. I chewed it until it had no flavor and it went down just fine. Ii was so happy. YEA!!! I tried a thin chicken sandwhich and chewd and chewed and ate 1/4th of it. NO problems as of yet. I feel much better about this and how I do not jinx myself. That would be just my luck.