Jan C.
on 8/28/08 1:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Today Joe went with me on my walk. He pushed me , I guess like I push Andy lol I got to sweating pretty good lol but we did the two miles in 38 minutes. wow that is pushing it believe me on these hills it is hard… We are trying to get it down to 30 don’t know if we can or not. 5 miles in an hour is almost running. So that would be 21/2 miles in 30 mins.. so we should be able to do it right? We will see just don’t want to push too hard.


After walking we ate some breakfast and then went into town to get the lic plates on the trike. Did that and went to lunch at the tea room. Was red hat day in there. Some of the prettiest white haired ladies with their red hats and purple outfits. Cute.

Then we went to the grocery store and I got the stuff to make the peanut butter cup protein shake….let me tell you something I don’t know how Jen could handle that , I got pretty sick from it. , and of course I got to looking after I drank it ,,,carbs and sugars both way way up there. Something like 25 sugars and 30 something carbs , good grief. That was death in a shake. Lol I spent the next 1 hours in the bathroom not knowing which end to put in or on the toilet. Was shakey, sweaty, and felt like I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep which I did for about an hour or so. If you are post op. be aware that it is high in carbs and sugars. That it is very very very good too tho. Lol . Joe even liked it.

High sugars don’t bother me too much and high carbs don’t bothere me but when you put them together they do a number on me.

My stomach is still growling …lol


If anyone goes to garage sales and sees any leathers think of us and if they aren’t too high and are our sizes I will reimburse you money for them.  I don’t know if the chaps come in s-m-l or in sizes. Like 10=12= and so on. I guess I would wear a 10 and probably a M in a coat.  Joe has a coat  but would wear a size 34 waist chaps.

I hate to buy them from a bike shop we are going to pay a lot for them there. I think I will put it on Craigs list too.oh I cant wear a real heavy leather coat either they hurt my shoulders too much.


Joe just informed me that we are going to Ark. Tomorrow. Hummm sure didn’t know that…lol. Will look for stuff down there too. Lots of bikers down there …going to Truman , anyone ever been there? I hate that place, sorry but I do. He needs to see one of his brothers he is going to Minn. To live for awhile.


We will stay overnight and be back on Saturday. I am going to try something with my laptop. I will take it and try to do my post on Saturday morning. Lol we will see how this is going to work. I told Joe we can go to Mc donalds and sit and have coffee while I do my post. .



JEANINE;;;;;;;;:::: did you have a good day of running around with the MIL? I hope so and hope we can see that profile done sometime this week end lol , just kidding.




SUGAR::::: I know you worry about us on the trike but it will be ok . we are getting use to it on these hills and curves around here. And hopefully we have about got it down.


I saw the Bob Ross Class on Craigslist. I think it was in the free stuff. I called yesterday and they said to come on and since I do have my paints and stuff it really is free.

I do have to stop by Michael and buy some canvasses. 16x20s theysaid they thought they were on sale right now ….It is at 6 pm this Monday night so hopefully I can get Joe to bring me in. don’t know what he will do while im there but anyway. If you want to go call Grace at 831-7470 it is on 628 N Glenn.  

That would be neat if you could come up with some little trinkets and stuff for the gift bags I give out. anything that is sort of weight loss related. I have been putting packets of crystal lite, the small pack of s.f. instant pudding  a pen and notebooks usually I do small note books but I had the bigger ones here the other day and so I used them , then I put samples of the On protein powder in them , in the little snack baggies.

Anything some one could come up with would be great to add to them . like I said anything weight loss related. Could be just about anything.

Is more the idea that they got something for coming than anything.


Next months meeting is the 22nd of Sept. Yes that is the 4th Monday of the month. Sept starts on a Monday …don’t guess you will be back. Maybe she will give you a copy of her talk.


Im not Bec but the best way for your insurance probably is to have your pcp request him to go to a sleep clinic for a sleep study.

Would he do it and if he had to wear a c-pap would he? I agree with you , his snoring is the worst I have ever heard. You can hear him all over.


Well did you take your picture made up like a China lady?



BEC::::: well by the time I learn to drive and get my endorsement on my lic you will have lost lots of weight. So all people will see is two hot biker mamas lol

It sure would be fun for you and Paul to get one. Very good on gas mileage. We filled up yesterday and set the trip thing so we will see when we fill up again what the gas mileage is. .

Did you get the pic of the flower I sent you this afternoon. They smell really good too.


Well yeah I liked the shake but It didn’t like me too well. Lol wont be trying that again until I figure out a way to make it less carbs and sugar.


Lol I can see you sitting there with your tiny spoon eating and getting madder and madder by the minute but believe me when I say that that little spoon is just the right size to eat with after surgery when that is all you can get swallowed at a time.


Oh ok I understand about Crystal now. So you may get to have her home with you for awhile again huh? Neat?


You will lose quite abit by two months out just wait and see

By two months I had lost 65 pounds and that was with no exercise or walking or anything , I still couldn’t get my legs to work really well yet at that stage.

Good grief you are working yourself to death woman. I would have it messed up again by the time I had surgery lol

Oh by the way the way you answered Cor was great…you asked how you did , it was great




DEBBIE  D::::::::the antibiotics make you sick like that or the sinus infection. Either way wow. Ouch.

Sheese I didn’t know and Im a nurse that Lymes disease never went away….they told us that it is a matter of a round of antibiotics and it is over with. …wow some heavy stuff here sweetie…. Does it attack your immune system ..and what sort of antibiotics do they put you on for the 30 days that make you that sick.

So because you had Lymes disease when you were carrying your  baby he was treated for it.


I don’t know what sort of Honda gold wing it is if it isnt as big as our. Honda makes smaller bikes of all kinds but the gold wing is the big one like ours. Will have to take a pic of it for me so I can see it.

Lol not sure they have a/c on them yet? Don’t know where it would be

But it has a lot of neat things, it has heated seat and handle grips, it has some of the prettiest lights on it. Some that you don’t run all the time but only in parades, they are called boogie lights and they pulsate to the music ….the guy that owned this first only rode it in Shriners parades. So that is why all the lights.


Take care of yourself . I think it is amazing how so many of you that are on this board have so many things wrong and just keep on keeping on.




SHEILA::::: hey you get out your scooter and ill get my trike and we will go ride up and down the roads lol

Now how in the world did you get an infection in your belly button. Lol

That would be great if Rach wants to come to the reunion too. More the merrier right? I couldn’t remember the babies name but Baylyn that is pretty ..

Don’t work too hard.



LORI::::::sweetie you need to go see what is going on with the nausea…when do you go back to see dr. H?  isnt there something else on the list that you can eat besides the yogurt and cottage cheese? Maybe something else wouldn’t make you sick feeling.

I do remember feeling nauseated for the first 3 weeks all the time, I never threw up but just felt yucky ,,,when I heard a guy talk about Super B complex….so I stopped on the way home from the meeting and bought some and took one right then and next morning I got up and wasn’t sick at my stomach anymore. Even now if I leave them off for a couple of days , ( I ran out and didn’t get to town to get any more for a couple of days) I start getting sick at my stomach again. …are you still crushing your vits. ??? if not go get some super b complex it has all the vit bs in it and one of those is thiamin. Take care of yourself and get well. …



YEP Debbie that is how I do my b-12 shots  too. And I also do them 2xs a month.



ANGELA:::::: awaaah sweetie why are you attacking yourself like this. With donuts and other things you know are going to make you sick. I know the surgery wasn’t on the head but sometimes I think it would have been nice don’t you? What can we do to help you?

If you need to come on here and vent about something anything. We are here. And maybe that will help you not want to go get something to eat that you know you aren’t suppose to do.

The carbs are evil and you know they sure aren’t your friend. Look what they did to you before when you had to resort to surgery to lose weight …like we all did. You have to start rethinking things in your head. It isnt easy I know, can you talk yourself out of something like the donut if you tried or not?

If you need to talk get on and most of the time someone is on here.


Hope you had fun tonight at your works party at the zoo. Take care of yourself , you are the only you , you have.



JANET::::: oh lord a mercy girl you are in for a years worth of surgeries aren’t you.

Can they at least double up on the female surgery and the tummy tuck ? that would great wouldn’t it. Sounds like you have some really good doctors that are wanting the best for you and have a good path to follow. I think with each surgery you have tho you will be feeling better and better.at least we are sure hoping and praying really hard that will be the case.

I think that is why I keep going and going beyond what I really can do is because I know where I was before surgery and don’t ever intend to go back there.

I think it is what cause a lot of us to go like there is no tomorrow and they worse off you were before surgery the more you dig in and don’t ever want to be there again.


Hopefully the tummy tuck wont be so bad, Vesta said hers didn’t hurt much at all.

So maybe yours wont either.

You know we all will be praying for you and all your family so we got you covered in prayer.

Lol I bet your grandbaby will be just adorable , of course and will be the prettiest and the smartest there is.

But I will have to admit that my great granddaughter is a little doll isnt she?

I took her shopping one day a couple weeks ago and she sure has her likes and dislikes let me tell you . she wanted nothing to do with anything blue..or yellow. Only pink,. Lol

When she would see something she liked I would hand it to her and she would say Mine , mine, mine. Lol funny little thing. But so cute, looks just like her mama did when she was a baby.


Yeah we know , there was someone that made some snotty remarks about it but I let it roll off my back didn’t care what their thoughts were about it in the first place. Lol

You bet we will ride it to the reunion and if you come down you get a ride for sure. Not from me but Joe will take you for a ride. He is a good driver. I have to take a test written and driving on the trike to get my lic with the endorsement  of being able to drive a motorcycle.

Yeah our helments have the mic and stuff in them , you plug them into the radio and you have radio or you can talk back and forth on them and you can also talk on the cb with them there. We had them like that when we had our other bikes too. And with the cb you can talk to other bikers that have the helmets with the mics and stuff in them.


I wish you could go to the painting classes with me too . maybe one day you can go when you are feeling better …I probably wont go but like one Monday a month. you paint a whole picture with oils in one lesson with this method. And you really don’t have to know how to draw a tree or anything it is a matter of learning how to hold your brushes. Is neat.

Joe said to tell you hi too and yep he would take you for a ride …



ANDY::::: I will call you in the morning to see if you really feel up to walking. I hope I wake up before 7 like I did this morning. Lol

You and Susan are both in my prayers always. I don’t think your ankle looked quite as bad this evening as it did yesterday. So keep it elevated some more …







on 8/28/08 10:13 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning sis and all you OHer's! 

Jan it sounds like you would be ready for a marathon if you got your knee fixed...there would be no stopping you..Im happy you got started exercising because I know you'll feel alot better being able to do that.

Does Joe not have to get his lic for the motorcycle again? Did he just keep his on his other license? Didnt know how that worked.

So what is in that pb shake that it had that much sugar and carbs? Did it have real reeses cups in it? The thought just makes me sick thinking of real sugar stuff.

The JOY lunch went great and we had about 50 people there. The food was great too. But I forgot to take a picture of myself. I guess I will have to get re-dressed in it and have Rick take one. lol... Everyone was amazed that I had all this Chinese stuff to decorate with. They asked, "do you have a closet full of decorating stuff?"  I said NO, an entire 9 x 16 room floor to ceiling...lol!  We played a game with song titles that have names of states, cities or countries in them, since weve had themed parties from all around the globe. It was fun. 

I may call about the Bob Ross class. Do you have any idea where Glenn street is?

Lori, have you tried soups (not tomato) but some others like chicken noodle or veg beef and you can cream them if need be. Those are usually easier on the tummy. How about a soft pc of cheese? And the B-complex works wonders for the nausea.

Janet, to answer you questions about Florida. We are going this time especially to take our kids and grandkids for their Christmas gift this year. We stay in a place called Majestic Sun (a huge condo on the beach) To get anything big enough for us all we had to rent the penthouse suite. It is 2 levels with 4 bedrooms. One room is for the 4 grandsons with 4 bunkbeds. Another room is for the daughter and 2 of the grand daughters because it has 2 full size beds. Then there are 2 master suites. And then the future SIL will have the sleeper sofa in the living room. There are 3 bathrooms and a huge dining room (with a table big enough to seat 10 and then 4 bar stools at the dine at counter from the kitchen.) The living room has 2 full size sleeper sofa's and a huge entertainment center. The boys bedroom as well as the living room have game systems for the kids too.  Like I said it is on the top floor of a 14 story building over looking the ocean. Last year we watched the dolphins swim by every morning. It is on the prettiest strip of beach down there. We absolutely love it and would live there if I could.

Well I suppose I will get off of here. I have the boys today and then Tues they start school! YEAH!!!!!!! lol! LOVE TO ALL!




on 8/29/08 2:00 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

Well, its Friday and the start of a 3 day weekend-what does everyone have planned? I had a little list of things to do today-but its not meant to be. I guess I jinxed myself yesterday by saying I just MAKE myself do so much-because this morning, I was basically paralyzed when I woke up. I havent had pain THIS BAD for months-if ever. The only thing that doesnt hurt today is my right knee-which I am thankful for-but my left knee and my back-they are at a all time high pain level. Doubled up on the pain meds even-and nothing, nada-ZILCH!~ I can do the rest of my stuff on Tues-no big deal, BUT.... Darrel didnt take the trash cans down this morning-so I HAVE to do that-and its storming and Im hurting bad enough-that I am really p.o'd because I reminded him last night about trash today-since I had to do it last Friday too-and my driveway to walk down and back up-is 1/2 mile-and I know kids-doesnt sound like much-but today, it may as well be 40 miles-the way I am hurting. Dang it. When I got home Weds night-in which I had the really long day in town-Darrel was sitting in front of the tv, reading a book and had not done ONE CHORE-at almost 7 pm. Moms not home-so I will just do what I want. Thats how he has been for almost 3 weeks-and I was HOT! He is 14 1/2 and he has had the SAME CHORES for years-and he didnt remember?????? WHATEVER.....Blow smoke up someone elses rear-end...you just cost yourself your allowance this week by saying that. Just tell the truth and then go get them done-DO NOT stand in front of me and say you didnt know what to do! That just urks me.

When Mike got home last night, we went to town so he could practice at the RC track and then I took the Suburban and went and picked up some of Jons k books for homeschooling. Im so excited-pretty neat little books-and he is excited too-I also got stickers for his homeschool chart AND tickets, like raffle tickets-and if he gets a certain amount of tickets saved up-he can get prizes.....It will be up to him..they are going to be anything from cashing them in for money, to a prize from the dollar tree or save them for a longer period of time and say-lunch or dinner at Chuck E. Cheese. Stuff like that! I have had him writing and he can ALMOST say Stephanie now-before, it was kinda a jumbled mess- let me see if I can even make it sound like how he would say it-Steshash. Sorta like that. He cant say fish-he says Tish. He has gotten a lot better since I have been working with him-but I NEVER make a major ordeal out of it, I sorta make it fun for him-and so far-so good!

Mike is trying so hard to get ALL of us into racing the RC's, the gas powered ones. Right now, I dont have any interest in becomming a full fledged racer. I dont want to compete in the series or anything like that. I did originally, but I have so much other stuff right now I want to get done-like my hobby room, the babys receiving blankets and her special quilt and stuff like that. I can and WILL race later and I will go along to watch my guys and all of that-BUT...IT WOULD BE NICE TO HAVE JANET TIME. I DONT EVER get that. MAYBE once a month I will get 2 hours of just ME TIME-and I LOVE IT... Please dont think I am a selfish B, I dont mean to sound like that-I just want a little time to do my own thing-and I NEVER get time to just do my own thing. I have 2 huge trunks full of material and I have my new sewing machine sitting on a shelf in the laundry room-and so many neat projects to finish and never enough time. I am going to take all of your advice (jan, bec, renee, sheila-I can see you smiling now-Janet is GOING to take time for Janet-I AM taking YOUR advice-are you happy with me?) I even have all my material for my curtains, my wall hangings and things like that-ALL ready for MY HOBBY room.....now, I just gotta do it. Thats why I really got upset with myself-I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I NEEDED to homeschool Jonathan this year because I knew that IF he were to go to school and kids teased him about his speech-that they would break his spirit-and I didnt want that. Of course, I didnt have a speech impairment when I was in K-but I was fat and a lot of kids teased me and broke my spirit at that young of an age-and there was NO way I was going to let that happen to him-but I did let people say things and make me doubt WHY I was doing it. You know? I knew better. Anyway-it IS what it is and I am doing whats best for my son-thats MY job.

Today is Aarons Birthday...He is working all day and most of the weekend. He is trying to find someone to trade days off OR hours for Sunday-so we can go to the races-real races-I mean, like full sized car races-LOL....They are on Sunday and we will pretty much be there ALL DAY long. We are going to get there early, set up our portable shelter (for shelter from the sun), our own comfy chairs, our portable BBQ, and the back end of the Suburban for the boys to lay down if it gets late OR whatever. We have the good ear phones for protection for the boys ears and so Jon doesnt get scared-he LOVES going to the races when he has his ear phones on! LOL....Anyway-so I hope it doesnt rain and I hope Aaron can switch days off. He has Monday and Tues off-so I hope someone will trade with him. It will be our bday present to him-paying for him and Megan to get into the races and then we will get him a t-shirt or whatever. If he cant go-then Im not sure what we will get him.

Well, I guess I should get this wrapped up and get on with some chores and stuff I need to try and get done here and get the trash taken down.

**Jan-Im sorry someone made comments-it seems like so many people just say things that come off so snotty and where they get the right-I dont know. I had someone make a snotty comment to me Tues night too-about Jonathan-and it really p'd me off-thats why I excused myself and walked out for a couple of minutes, because I didnt want to make a scene. Well, I WANTED to-but I didnt. I prayed about it and came back in. He was doing pretty good, I thought. For someone to TRY and make ME feel like I shouldnt have had him because of MY AGE-that really made me mad. Megan knew I was getting ready to blow and she was really amazed that I didnt give a peice of my mind-I made one statement and I am pretty sure that person knew that they made my S list! I do NOT look at him like a hindrance in my life-he was a blessing and I do not even remember life without him-NOR would I want to!

Just wondering-is it a personal goal to do 2 miles in 30 minutes or did someone tell you that you should? Dont get me wrong-I know ALL goals we set for ourselves are really important, I just didnt know if the doctors told you guys to try for that, or if you guys made that your personal goal. I can see torture joe out there being your commander!! LOL...Does he have a whistle or blow horn? I remember you describing the kind of torture he put you through when you had to do rehab for your knee and I remember thinking that you might be posting that you had to take Joe to the ER to have your shoe removed from his butt!!! LOL....You know I love you guys-I just have a good imagination because I can see you wanting to tell him and the rehab guy to kiss your rear end when they were trying to get you to excercise!!!

I think I am going to buy some of these little photo albums for before and after pics for you to put in the bags, if thats okay.I also have some calcuim citrate fudge chews or whatever they are-individually wrapped in the foil-so they can try them and see if they like them before buying the package and being stuck with them IF they dont like them. When I have spent good money on something, I MAKE myself finish-and I have had some pretty disgusting things-so I always try and give someone samples so they wont have to go through that. I will also donate some straws of different flavors-if thats okay. You do whatever you want to make the bags up-just want to contribute a little something if I can.

Ok on the ride from Joe. I will keep my eyes out for chaps and leather for you. I wish that it were Joe that needed the jacket and not you-because I would give you a real good deal on Mikes leather jacket. Its so nice and we spent a mint on it-and its NICE! Looks great on him-WHEN it fit!! LOL... Anyway-I will keep my eyes open. I am still trying to find a half helmet for Sheila and her scooter!!!

I am really trying to make it to the reunion. It will just be for the day tho-if I get to come. We are trying to arrange it so that Renee, Sheila and I can come down together. Trying to work it all out. Will see. I WANT to be there and have fun with everyone. IF I do get some back child support (not much, but enough to pay for gas) then, I will be coming-and IF I can come-I need to know what to bring-what kind of stuff do you need-I know the gag gift-right? Is there anything else? Let me know-and have fun in ARK....Where is the brother moving to in MN? Thats where I am from-born and raised there (minus a couple of yrs in KS) and I love it up there!! IF the winters werent so bad-I think I would move back up there. Love and and have fun.

**Bec-how are you doing today? I hope your good. We are getting some wicked weather right now. Its slowed down right now from thunder and lightning-thats why I am on line right now-but we lost satellite for a bit and couldnt keep a connection this morning. Please take care and I love ya.

**Jeanine-what happened? Your SUPPOSE to finish that profile woman! Your grounded. Tell your MIL and everyone else that your grounded and cannot come out to play until you get you get your profile squared away!

**Lori-Keep us posted. I hope that you dont have a issue with milk products-thats what happened to Lana-she had to stop eating cottage cheese. It was one of her favorites-but was causing problems. As soon as she stopped it-wa~la-she was all better. Its gonna be a guessing game and you will have to have patience and try everything-thats why a food journal IS important. Write it all down-you wont be sorry. We are praying for you. Take care.

**Sheila & Renee-I sure hope we can all ride together to the reunion...that will be so much fun. Wish we could all stay there for the night together-and have a PJ party....How much fun would that be? I cant wait...I am keeping my fingers (and toes for that matter) crossed and praying for a way for all of us to get down there, at least for the day.!!!! Love you guys!

**Sugar-Oh, that description sounds like heaven!! I would LOVE To see the dolphins swim by every morning- LOVE stuff like that!!! How wonderful!!! Please take some pics to share with us at group, ok? Love you and will pray for you and your family to have the vacation of a lifetime!!!

**To everyone else-I hope everyone has a fun AND SAFE Labor Day weekend-As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Bec M.
on 8/29/08 2:10 am
Good Morning Missouri.....

I'm going to make this short today as I'm kind of on a roll with this house cleaning and need to keep it up while I have some momentum if you will....

I was cleaning out Crystal's closet yesterday of my things and dropped a cast iron hook that I am going to put on the back of the door at some point on my toe and chopped a nice little gash in it... that is ouching a bit since I did it but have kept moving.... I got up this morning and got straight away to work taking down all my curtains and collecting up the dollies and scarves to be washed... then of coarse I seen just how bad the windows need to be done ~ha 

So on I go ... I am going to try and give a concentrated effort over this weekend to the cleaning since we do not have any plans and Paul is going to be working overtime on Sunday...  I am just now getting a real good start... Jan you are right... it will need it again before I get it all done.....I am doing things I don't normally do in routine cleaning.... baseboards running my hydrostatic duster over the tall walls, washing curtains and vac~ing the furniture... and taking all my artificial flower arrangements out on the porch and spraying them with cleaner.... washing all the cabinets with Murphy Soap and then lemon oiling them real good.... they are all solid oak...so they suck up the moisture real quick....  my back is hurting so I guess it will be pain meds to get thru it....that is nothing new though...

Have made Paul a big skillet of chili mac, will make seasoned green beans, lemon fruit salad, corn bread and I'm going to look for some type of easy pumpkin dessert to make ....... this way I will have left overs to give him while I am working and will put a serving in the deep freeze for him later too....  

I have not done my morning routine yet either so I better get hopp'n....

My dear  hen ~ you just have yourself a great ole time on that bike this weekend!  I hope you enjoy the trip to see Joe's brother and also hope your new lap top works at mcdonald's too...

I just seen that the next COF meeting is on my surgery date... that's three weeks from Monday!!! Yippee Skippee   I hope will get to come to the November meeting but will just have to see... I will have a one month check up right around that time.....?

Boy are those other three luffas coming right along each day.... it sure is fun to watch them... it was still mighty sticky out this morning even with the nasty storm that blew thru last night... they say it will be better by this evening tho....

Debbie Darl'n ~ it was great to talk to you on the  phone!  Know that I am praying for you and your family... I know God will guide and direct  in His perfect will for your lives in every area!!!

Janet my  doll .. I sent you an e~mail yesterday... I hope you got it.

Angy, Lori, Jeanine,  Andrew, the two Tammy's, Janet, Renee, Sheila and others ... I am thinking of you and praying  for each of your needs.... they are many but we serve a big God! Brenda M. husbands surgery is coming up here real soon too..... I'm praying it will be ever so successful!

Blessings to all and have a wonderful holiday weekend!


on 8/29/08 2:55 am - Joplin, MO
Today, I went and bought a new camera. I got a 7.1 mp with 12X optical zoom. I am excited to try it out. I also went to Food 4 Less and bought the same protein shake that Jan gets, but here it cost 43.93 ( or some where around there, not quite $44.00) I am also excited about trying that out too. I am going to put my b complex into that. I have been on it since before surgery, but I dont always take it and I think that is part of my lack of energy problem. So, I am back on it. I am feeling pretty good today. I got back up to 291 from 288. I think it was all the water I drink ( or I like to think so ) But, lack of protein I am sure had something to do with it. I dont like CC much anymore, I just eat it for the extra protein. My goal for next week is to get all my vits in and protein, protein and walk and exercise. I went down from size 26 to 24's they are a little snug, but I dont like to wear baggy clothes anyways. They are comfortable. :) I am feeling better about myself and my husband has been giving me alot of positive feed back, so that always helps. I sent him some pictures. He says I glow now lol. I think it was all the light in the back ground from a window, LOL. Thank you to everyone that prays for me and keeps me in your thoughts. I really need it. The exercising getting up and doing it is what is most difficult on me. I have 2.5 miles to talk myself out of it, but I also know the weight wont come off as well if I dont. Matter a fact, I am going to get off here and go do it while I have the energy. Love ya all,




Jeanine S.
on 8/29/08 7:49 am - compton, AR
(sneaks in)
OK,  OK I know I was a bad, bad girl and I'm sorry!!! If i tell you my profile is mostly done now can I get off restriction, Janet and Jan, PLEASE!!!

I am sorry I didn't get back to the profile and the board yesterday, but MIL and I had a lotta fun yesterday!! We ran all looking for some things I need to turn my computer room into a bedroom for my mother, who insists she is coming to stay a few weeks after my surgery hehe. We went to the grocery store and the Amish grocery store here LOVE that place, also to a new shop called main street trader, they have all kinda of discount type items hehe. we also made it to the new LOCAL health food store finally, I was so excited to see they had a lot of things I had been wanting to try and at lower prices than on line could offer. They did not have the isopure i was mainly looking for but they did have the whey bullets and something close to isopure called Cytosport protein, its made by muscle milk, comes in ready to drink 20oz bottles, 40g of protein per bottle,160 calories, 0  fat, 85mg sodium, 180mg potassium, 0 carbs,25%calcium, they cost about 2.50 a bottle, they come in 3 flavors tangerine, tropical fruit, fruit punch. He was charging 3 dollars a bullet with the 42g protein in em. I bought a couple of each flavor drink and bullet, not real wild over the bullets so far as they are think but still better than most of the old slim fast shakes etc. I really like the drinks they are light and fruity and drinking half at a time was actually hard haha I'm sure it wont be later tho=) I also picked up some soy milk to try one vanilla and one unflavored, got some flax seed my mother has been bugging me to get hehe, and got some unflavored protein powder to play with this weekend and see what I can do with it!! I am also planning to try some of the the samples I got from the link Angy posted a while back. Thank you Angy!!

Today I am excited about it all but not moving as fast as i was yesterday haha

Lori HUGS poor lady I so hope your feeling better, sounds like maybe you should call Dr. H and at least pick Margies brain, if some of the great suggestions on here don't work for you. Hang in there gurl and I hope it all gets better soon!!

Janet OMG I AM SO PROUD of you sounds like you are WAY, WAY OVERDUE FOR JANET TIME!!! Don't let anyone talk you out of it either and relish every second of it you get !!! YOU DESERVE IT!!! I do NOT in any way envy you all those surgeries, however I am so happy to hear you have such good doctors and that they have a plan to rebuild you, stronger, faster and better than before just like the 6 million dollar woman hehe. I have NO doubt you will have your hearts desire of being able to get all those things done and be in better shape to enjoy that new grand baby!! Please remember all of these people you spend so much time doing for and spoiling NEED and LOVE you as much as you love them!!  If you don't take care of YOU first then you cant take care them, plus as I am learning and I know its hard to do we need to let those we love take care of us once in a while too. I pray for you and your family often and hope things will be so good for you all you wont be able to list all the blessing you have pouring!!

Bec OUCH I'm sorry you got a ouchie yesterday. You sound sooo busy, maybe you should take a few Bec moments in there too. You are very important to your family and to many here don't forget to take care of you for all of us while your rushing around as well.

DebbieD I am praying for you, sounds like you have had a very long battle with your Lyme disease, I hope they will be able to find something that will give you some relief soon!! BIG HUGS!!

Mr. Andrew I hope you are feeling better and flying up that hill today

Angy HUGS I hope you find out what is causing your bleeding hun, that sounds scary please keep us posted and know we are praying for you!!!

Ms Jan I hope the hot biker couple have a blast today going to Ar. Ill make sure I keep a eye on the news to see if you guys were spotted roaring thru here with you hair on fire!!

Ack hubby is due home in just a bit better start dinner, where did the day go.......

HUGS to everyone, I hope your day is/ was full of smiles and blessing a plenty!!!!

Debbie D.
on 8/29/08 1:02 pm - KS
Hi, Mama Jan & MO Peeps:

Well, it's been a good day.  Did get the house picked up some.  DH and I went out on a "date" tonight. I found a couple leather Coach purses and a wallet on Craigslist.  The lady met us at the Legends.  Got a great deal on two beautiful purses and a really nice matching wallet!

Then we went to Granite City for dinner.  Had never been there before.  The food was GREAT!   DH and I shared a shrimp appetizer then a steak dinner.  From there we went across the street to NE Furniture mart to look at ceiling fans.  I really want a Tiffany style ceiling fan for my living room.  Needless to say, they are hard to find.  We then spent the rest of the evening trying out leather recliners.  We've decided here about 6 years we're going to buy his' and her's recliners.  Boy are they comfortable!

Thank you for all your prayers.  I had a great day and wasn't hurting!

Tomorrow morning, Luke's best friend, Brad has his Eagle Project.  Looks like it's going to be great weather.  He will be 18 in December.  His Dad died when he was 3 years old.  He has always went to Scouts with David and Luke.  I have been really pushing him to get it done and it looks like he will be an Eagle Scout!  His Mom will there for a little while in the morning but then she has to go to work.  So I told him I would be there taking lots of pictures like I did for Luke's.  Needless to say, I am very proud of him!

Then tomorrow afternoon we will be taking care of our grandson.  We will have him two nights.  His Mom is going with her Mother and Grandmother to NE to go antiquing.  It's been awhile since he's been here so we are all excited to get to spend some time with him.

DH will be BBQ ribs for Monday.  Will make coleslaw, baked beans and corn on the cob for dinner.  That's what the boys requested.  DH makes some GREAT BBQ ribs on the grill!  He smokes them and they are great!

Jan - Lyme Disease is very treatable if antibiotics are given at a early stage.  I had it for 8 years before I was diagnosis ed.  That's why it's been so hard to control.  I am still praying about the long term antibiotic thing.  Just don't think I want to go thru all that again.  I'm thinking about trying another holistic thing I've read about.  I called my doctor today and left a message with his nurse.  Will see what he says.

Janet - I'm so sorry you are in so much pain!  Hon, I will keep praying for you.  A bulls eye rash has a red dot in the middle and then pink like circles around it.  You should go online and type in bulls eye rash.  They will have pictures.  Since you live out in the woods it is really something you need to be aware of.  All my boys are in scouts so they go camping every month.  They were 100% deet and do through tick checks when they come home.  I don't want to make them paranoid but I make sure they are aware of how serious it can be.  A former Scout Master go Rocky Mountain Fever after a camp out in Shawnee Mission earlier this summer.   He was one sick guy.  They put him on 30 days of heavy duty antibiotics.  He had 105 temp and had a spotty rash across his chest.

Jeanine - thank you  so much for your prayers.  I truly believe Christ is the reason I have been able to raise my children while trying to live with this chronic Lyme disease.
Where is Compton, AR?  My Mom's family lives in Mountain Home.  It's beautiful country there.

Bec - hon, thank you so much for calling me yesterday.  I hope you know how much it meant to me.  I really needed that encouragement!

The rest of you MO Peeps - please have a great weekend and BE SAFE!

Debbie D.
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