on 8/27/08 12:38 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps!~

I bet you didnt think I would really come back and post tonite-did ya? Well, to be perfectly honest, I didnt know if I would either-LOL......What a day I have had-you wouldnt believe it....

I got a call from my dad asking if I could help Vikki today (mikes mom) housekeep-he said just a couple of rooms and that was it. Ok-he said he would make sure that I made enough to cover my gas on top of pay....Wow-whats wrong with that picture? LOL-Usually he is very crabby and snappy. So I told him that I would clean the rooms-AND do some laundry for Megan....I left here at 9:30. Got there at 10-AND........My dad was off getting supplies and going to the bank etc...The maintenance man had already fixed the big dryer-it blew a fuze-thank goodness it was simple-the heat sensor went out last month and got replaced-and since it was fluff drying everything-we thought it had gone out again!

They had several rooms that will be inspected tomorrow for renewing the license-the health department and they have remodeled 4 rooms as well-so.....When I got there-Vikki was already there and working- she took the rooms in the 100's....all 5 of them. Guess how many were listed in the 200's and that was to be MY list.....(the clerk and Vikki had gotten that all worked out before I got there)...Ok-so-hold on to your hat-there was EIGHTEEN ROOMS-18.....Yes, 18...... I said-Are you crazy? I am NOT cleaning that many rooms-I am NOT doing that! I said-Carl told me just a couple-nothing like this-and I am only doing the remodeled rooms (freshly painted bathrooms and walls everywhere-so no walls to have to scrub down etc-which is nice and saves the back and knees for sure) Anyway-I was there from 10-6:30 when I HAD to leave to get home and give Mike the Suburban so he could get up to the track for the practice run they have on Weds nights. My mom and Aaron are going to finish for me-I only had one room left-and it was 1/2 done. Anyway-Vikki did take 3 of my rooms for me, and then I took 3 and put them on the list for tomorrow-because they have been there forever and I knew they wouldnt care one way or the other. So-that still left me with 12. About 2 hours of my day was pre-treating laundry and helping with a few other issues. We had a gentleman that kept calling the office and our clerk said that she was concerned because it sounded like he fell when he called and all she could hear was him crying out for help. She asked me to go check on him....So I did-and I had to let myself in-and guess what? Yep-he was laying on the floor-had vomitted all over himself-crapped and peed his pants, and there was alcohol bottles all over the floor and he was choking on his vomit. It was DISGUSTING! I was worried about him having alcohol poisoning. I called the ambulance to come and get him since he was choking and crying and a mess-and I wasnt about to touch him for any amount of money in the world! I wouldnt even use the phone in the room-I used my cell phone!!

The next 2 days, I am not leaving my house unless I have to-but I hope I dont. I want to get in Stephs old room and get it packed up for her-and for the dumpster-and then get Mike moved in there so we can get this house all finished-I will be so excited when its totally done!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! One reason I am so excited-is that "I" get a room of MY VERY OWN~~!!! I still dont believe it! Anyway-I am making a baby quilt for my grand-daughter.....AND.....I am using some of Megans baby clothes to make up a couple of the squares! Isnt that awesome? I originally thought about using ALL of her baby clothes I had saved for her-BUT.....In time, she MAY want another....BUT, I KNOW that it will be a LONG time-her memory is going to have to fade a little first-LOL...So, this way-IF I get blessed with another grandchild from them in the future-there will be some baby clothes left to make another quilt for that grandbaby too!!!!

This morning when my power went off twice-and I had to get back on line (my sloooooow dial up) I was able to try on everything I brought home Monday from the clothing exchange-Oh man-PLUS-Sheila gave me a big old bag of the cutest jeans and tops etc-they are SOOOO CUTE~~~!!! I have one tote that is holding all the 10s and just a couple of the 12s that are too small still. I know when I have my tummy tuck-they will ALL fit-I had a lot of 12s and they all fit except for a couple...I was so excited-because not only do they all look awesome-they fit really well-and I look good in them...I feel conceited saying that-I NEVER used to be able to-even when I had really nice clothes or we were going somewhere (wedding or fancy dinner etc) I still DID NOT FEEL LIKE I LOOKED GOOD!!! I dont care how beautiful the dress was-or the outfit-I NEVER "felt" like I looked good.

Anyway-I better get to responding to everyone and then I am gonna jump in the shower (actually, just get into the shower-LOL...NO jumping for me tonite (or ever-LOL). Oh, I DID get to text a couple of times with Sheila and Renee....BOTH are okay. Not sure why they havent been on-that will be my next ? for them-LOL...Sheila is being treated for her infection with antibiotics and she will not be able to go back to wor****il Tues. Renee has been having a really hard time with her legs/feet causing her an awful lot of pain-so if we could say some prayers for those 2 ladies too-that would be great. Thanks.

Megan was awful sick again-to the point she was actually considering going to the emergency room-she had a towel wrapped totally around her head-but not the way you think-it was under her chin and up and around her head-and it was cold-she had put one in the freezer too-and was switching them back and forth. Poor thing, she was so sick today, that I got misty eyed just looking at her. She was babysitting for Jon today too-and he was under the impression that HE was watching HER-LOL....

**Jan-that trike is just awesome, beautiful, gorgeous, breath taking and it looks like a heck of a lot of FUN!!! Im soooo jelous! Does Joe already have a leather jacket? Mike has one that he is going to sell. Said he was going to put it on Ebay or Craigs list- We have 2 different bike shops here that sell mens AND womens biker clothing-and they are both just a couple of miles from my house....I bet that you can find chaps and jackets on Ebay and Craigs list cheaper than the shops tho-You will have to get one of those caps that are tight to your head before putting on your helmet so you wont have uncontrollable hair when the ride is over-LOL...Did the bike come with helmets? They have the most amazing helmets now-where you and Joe could be having a conversation with each other-and there is nothing big and bulky-its just built into the helmet-how cool is that? Plus you can listen to the radio and all that good stuff.....Now all you need is one of those little pull behind trailers and you guys will be good to go with road trips and all that! You should bring it to the reunion...Andrew and Susan could bring all your stuff down in their car-you know!??? That would be sooo cool!

You better get your cycle license so that you can take me for a ride for sure...PLEASE, will you take me for a tiny little ride? I would LOVE that...

Hey-as far as the meeting and having too much stuff to be able to take the trike-you know, your neighbor-they do have a nice, large car-Im sure that Andrew will take the stuff to the meetings for you AND bring them home too-you know? SO-ask him and see if he will do that for you next month and bring that beautiful trike to the group-ok?

Before I forget-I would really like to contribute to the goodie bags you give to the newcomers-I will send you an email with a couple of my ideas and see what you think, ok? I cant afford much-but I want to give something-

Dont worry about sounding too tough about certain things. Its only because you care. Its not meant to HURT ANYONES FEELINGS....Its just that sometimes people dont realize how much they can hurt themselves by not doing what they are suppose to do. We ALL make mistakes-I did (and heck-still do too). Most do-but like Lana-dont tell her that you CANT do your protein-that will light a fire under her-there just is NO QUESTIONS/EXCUSES about a few things and protein is one of them. Vitamins are another. Sugar, dumping, or eating the wrong foods at the wrong time or the right foods-at the wrong time is the last thing.....its just simple BUT has horrifying consequences when not followed correctly. Maybe not today or tomorrow-but YOU WILL have consequences if you dont take care of those 3 things constantly and correctly. Right?

Anyway-Have fun with your new toy and Love ya! Oh-the lady who said her hubby was just diagnosed with cancer-who was that? I would like to add her, him and their family to our prayer chain. Thanks.

**Bec-Your welcome for my description of the group. That wasnt everybody-I didnt know everyone there.....I wanted to ask for prayer for one of the girls hubbys that was just diagnosed with cancer-but I dont remember her name OR his...Darn it. I know Jan knows and WILL answer me.

Guess what? I am going to save what I have left of my 18s, 16s and 14s for you my dear lady! I KNOW I will meet you before you need them!!!! So-its not a WHOLE wardrobe or such-I have given some away already-BUT.....You will have enough to at least cover your body and all in good shape too!

Your description of your walk is easy to imagine what it looks like-and what a blessing! You really have a talent for writing Bec, and I hope you will ALWAYS share with us-it brightens so many of our lives-just like Jan and her keeping us all connected with this post-just love it-life is NOT the same when I cant get on here and check up with everyone I care about and pray for all the people on the board, you know? Anyway-and......Your house is BEAUTIFUL-Well worth living in an RV for those 2 yrs-its gorgeous-I KNOW your being modest-but your house is one of the nicest I have ever seen and you and Paul should be very proud-I know you are! You guys deserve it!!!

**Jeanine-IF you ever can make it to like Neosho or Joplin-You are more than welcome to ride with us to go to the COF group! Thank you for the compliment. It makes me feel good to know that I inspire people. Every once in awhile I get an IM from someone *****ad my profile and they tell me how inspired they are-and how we share so much of the same things-and it always makes me feel good to know that I CAN inspire SOMEONE-I often wonder to myself "self, am I oversharing?" Is this TMI? I dont want people to get bored reading my profile blogs and such-so all I can do is write from my heart and hopefully there will be someone *****lates-I spent a lot of time in life-thinking I was the ONLY ONE who couldnt reach my own rear end to wipe my rear and couldnt wear a seatbelt or even FIT in the back seat of the car-things that were so embaressing and HUMILIATING!!!! Anyway-I believe if my pain helps just ONE Person KNOW they are NOT ALONE-then its ALL Worth it!!!!! Thats why I STILL Post here-almost 2 yrs out-because I care-and there are people I have met on here that I consider family....So-I hope you will stay a part of our "OH Family" and let us get to know you. I KNOW I already Like ya-LOL.....You WILL be doing what we do-and the weight WILL come of-IF I can do it-ANYONE can do it!!!! Where there is a will, there is a way and I will NOT let myself fail-Its the only thing I ever wanted ALL MY LIFE-was to be thin. I always said IF I could get thin-I would be happy and that I could die a happy person!!!

Anyway-hope to read your profile in the morning.... I WILL be looking for it!!!!

I know what you mean about the heat and humidity-and as soon as you have your surgery-you WILL NOT get that hot-I PROMISE!!!! I hardly even sweat anymore~!!!! You have so much to look forward to-and Im glad your a part of our group so we can hear all your WOWS!~

**Sugar-THANKS for the compliment!! Your too kind sweety-because I weigh MORE than you-LOL... SO thanks anyway....I just remember thinking before you had surgery how pretty you were and didnt look very big to me-but now, I can really see the difference and you look happier too!

Im so glad Chelle got to close on her house today-WOOOOO HOOOOO-How far away does she live? Does she live closer now? I was praying for her. Im glad she is also going after the dad for some child support. I cant stand dead beat dads OR moms for that matter!!! Is he not at that place anymore?

Do you still want me to sell your stuff for you? Forgot to ask you at group. I will send ya an email and we will get it figured out. Are you going to come to the reunion for the day? I cant remember who all was going for the weekend or just for the day.....

Oh-and on the job-IF I could EVER find a J.O.B. that was that fun-heck-I would hog it for myself-LOL. Maybe we should start some kind of "happy" business like that!!! Altho-you being a party planner-you SHOULD charge people for that-my SIL does-and she does really well when she plans a party or a wedding-Your so talented at it-I would pay you!!! Something to think about. Im glad you got the rings back, I bet they never get lost again-what a wonderful ending to that story-huh? I CANT WAIT to see them at group this month-hint hint...Hope your wearing them then too-Right?

Well, Im off to the shower and then I am going to sit and do a couple of charts for homeschooling and one each for the boys for their chores. I will be back in a couple of hours-LOL...Love and prayers to everyone-Love, Janet

on 8/27/08 1:16 pm - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,
 I hope I'm not to late to post for today! I have been off line for a little while. We got moved into our new house that we are buying from my mom and dad. I really love it.I got internet back yesterday. So now I can keep up with everyone.
 We did some painting and we put a new floor down in the kitchen. I don't know what it's called but it looks like hard wood but it just snaps together. I really like the looks of it. We tore up the carpet in the rest of the house and it had hard wood under all of it. Some of it can be saved but we are going to cover some of it.I got all my pictures and niknaks up and it really looks nice.
  I'm doin alright with the weight loss but I find my self doing alot of things that I am not suspose to and not enough of what I should be. I really need to start all over from the begining and retrain myself to eat again. I am basicly eating like I did before surgery, just alot smaller portions.I am really getting upset with myself. I have even started drinking diet Mt. Dew.And no where near enough protien or water. Go ahead let me have it ,I know I am doing wrong,Maybe if I get yelled at enough I'll start to listen. I did start walking again yesterday and today. I hadn't done that for about 3 months.
 Ok I am gonna get this posted. I'll write more tommorrow. Take Care and God Bless, Tammy V. 

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


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