I think I'm going to the ER.
I'm home & still kicken'! woo hoo!
We got to the hospital this morning, wasn't many people there, but had to wait for what seemed forever before being called back. But when I got back there they really stayed on top of checking me out. The nurse cam in and checked to see if I was dehydrated. I knew I was. I felt really parched. So he started an IV. Then they ordered a bunch of labs, so he came back in to draw blood. He said I had the worst veins he's seen. He had to stick 5 times to get the blood he needed. He almost called for an arterial draw, but I talked him into trying in my wrist. Luckily he was able to get enough. Then the Dr. came in. Said he was gonna have to check my booty EEEWWWW!!! then send me for more tests. I gotta finger up the rear lol, a bunch of x rays & a ultrasound of everything. He said that I had a lot of inflamation up around my pancreas & gallblatter. that's when he sent me for the us of everything, it came back showing a bunch of sludge in my gallblatter> He came back in & said that he thinks that this morning when I was having such bad pain, I was actually passing a gallstone. and on it's way through the common bile duct it scrapped the lining causing bleeding. Blood is an irritant to our intestines, so that's what caused me to have to go to the bathroom & pass the blood. So anyway, he gave me a couple prescriptions & the name of a surgeon if I decide that I want to get it taken out. So now I have a question. How do I know what nausea is coming from my gastric bypass or my gallblatter? Is all the nausea I've been having coming from my gallblatter? How do I know? Do I just wait for a nother flair up? I don't know what to do.