Jan C.
on 8/25/08 10:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I am going to post this so everyone can get started posting to it and I will tell you all about our day in a little while….i just got up and got to go walk with Andy……so post away and I will be back in a while ok?  



Debbie D.
on 8/25/08 10:46 pm - KS
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!

I was getting ready to post a "Where's Mama Jan" post this morning!  When I don't see your smiling face every morning I begin to get worried about you!  Hope you and Andy enjoy your walk.  The weather is beautiful!

My 5th grade class was pretty good yesterday.  Of course, there's always 1 or 2 who just won't seem to cooperate.  You can really tell it's the BEGINNING of the year.  Anyways, I survived to tell about it so I guess that's something!  lol!

Don't have much planned for the rest of the day.  Going to try and pick up the house a little.  Decide what I'm going to make for dinner...normal stuff.  I do need to get a few things at Walmart. 

It's great to see all the new "losers" posting so much and seeking advice and support.  That's what we're here for!  I think you all are doing GREAT!  Chin up, it will get better!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Debbie D.
on 8/25/08 11:09 pm - Windsor, MO
My day yesterday was quite eventful.  We have been trying to turn our garage into a bedroom since March and a friend of ours is doing it.  He has lots of problems such as cancer and bipolar so it is hard to get him over here to get it done.  This past week he has gotten a wild hair up his butt because he is getting it done.  Yesterday he got the closet done and the day before that he got the window in.  He says he is hoping to get the thing done by this weekend.  I am really grateful for him because he is living with throat cancer and he won't go to the doctor to see how he is doing.  Hopefully he is going to live a long time.  We are excited about the room because right now we are living in a two bedroom house with all three kids in one room.  My daughter is getting to the age now when she needs her own room without all the boy stuff around and her little brother's baby toys all over the floor.  My hubby and I can't wait to have our little get away also.  It will be nice because we are going to have a huge closet so I will be able to spread my clothes and shoes out.  Right now our closet is so small.  Today I am just going to finish my laundry and maybe rest some.  I am battling allergies, my head feels like it is as big as a truck.  I think I will take a walk here in a little bit also.  Anyone who is living near Windsor we are having our Septemberfest this weekend.  Carnaval rides, entertainment etc....  If you all are around you should come we all have a great time.  Have a great day and God bless, Penni
Jan C.
on 8/25/08 11:31 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Just got back from my walk with Andy well I had to cut it short since I had to , HAD TO go to the bathroom lol .  I don’t know if he went ahead and finished it or now. It was a beautiful morning this morning but don’t know why that big hill was kicking my butt this morning…not humidity or heat can only blame it on the belly ache pain. Lol


Yesterday was a really neat day. We have put a reserve on the trike we found , it is beautiful and we are just waiting for some money to transfer from one fund to another. Hopefully that will be today and we can go back and get it ….


Had a great clothes exchange day today. Lots and lots of things. But had a lot left over too. And we all donated all of it to the agency that helps women and children(cant think of the name) anyway they don’t sell it they give it away.

I know my sister had some beautiful things in larger sizes that were just beautiful.


Got home late and didn’t feel awake enough to write up this post and then got up late this morning….


I want to apologize to anyone if I hurt their feelings about what I said yesterday. …I know that doctors have peanut butter on their list of things you can eat at 2 weeks but please don’t mix it with other things like making peanut butter balls. The oats in there might really scratch you poor litte sore tummy. Treat it gently and it will repay you well.

I know it is a confusing time and you will be doing more or less experiments later but right now keep to the list of what is acceptable that your doctors gave you and yes each doctor says different things. But way I see it is treat it like you would a new born baby and be gentle….love all of you and want you to succeed.


Am going to get this posted and hope you all are well and good today.






on 8/26/08 1:03 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Ok-first, I want to ask for forgiveness-because I know that some people want to come to the COF group really bad-and usually the day after a good group meeting-there is talk of all the hugs, love, and talks we have given to one another-let me just say right now-I was in BAD NEED OF A PEEPS FIX!!!! I DO NOT think that you guys realize HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL! YOUR SO GOOD FOR MY SOUL!

Jan & Joe, Lana, Glenna, Sheila (and DIL Rachael and Beautiful baby Baylyn), and Sugar & Rick-Man, do I ever LOVE to see you guys at the group-our oldies but goodies!!! You guys ROCK!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOO VERY VERY VERY MUCH! And, As always-you guys look great, fantastic-wonderful, and yes-EVEN CUTE!

My Account of Monday-the 25th.....

So-I was running behind....(as usual-LOL) I was so excited about going to the group! IF all went well-Megan (oldest pregnant daughter), Jon and I would go to MSSU and pick up Megans books (classes for her start today-please say a prayer for her today) Ok-so we finally get to campus-we get her books-I THINK I know where Lana is-and so we go to the Admissions building-I climb a whole flight of stairs, just to find out that we were in the wrong building-BUT....Because I knew Lanas first and last name-they were generous enough to look her up and tell me exactly how to get to her office. We went over there and I missed her by 10 minutes!!!!! BUMMER! I wanted to surprise her. Ok-so we leave the campus....I am lost-so Megan is the one navigating-LOL...We stop at a gas station because she is talking to her husband on the phone and I need some gum-and I text Renee and she was texting me at the same time-LOL....to tell me where they were. Yah-dont ask me-some mexican restuarant that the 2nd name in the title is Linda-LOL....thats what I remember. Starts with C tho. We find it......and I walk in the front door and see her immediately- Renee, her daughter Tiffany and her friend, Shawna...I was SO EXCITED to meet Renee-we have been talking since Stephanie had her cutting issues-and she helped me through SO MUCH!!!! I have a bond with her that I cant explain. Anyway-I felt like it was Christmas.... I was so blessed yesterday!!! So-Renee is a beautiful, beautiful person and I am so thankful to have her as my angel"ette" LOL. She claims I do so much for her-HECK-she has gotten me through some of the toughest times of my life lately. LOVE YA!

So-Megan and Jon eat a little something and when I looked-it was a little after 6 pm already-Geez, is that possible? Gosh-time flies when your chatting up a storm, huh? Ok-so I give Renee her goodies I had for her. I wanted to give her some different protein samples, sf jello and such, and some calcuim chews for her to try before buying them herself. I also had just a few items in her size and wanted to give them to her-altho-she is much more stylish than I ever was! LOL....

Get to the group, which, thankfully was just a mile or so down the road-and bring my bags of clothes in-I only had one bag marked-the other bag wasnt marked and I ran out of time-and no time to mark the stuff either. LOL....Anyhow-I got a whole huge bag of clothes from Sheila-and a ton of stuff from Lana and Im excited!!!! I have a lot of things that fit (correctly) AND a lot that I can get buttoned or zipped-but hurt (LOL) so once the tummy tuck is done-I will be able to get into those-so up on the shelf they will go. I wore Mikes jeans to the group last night-size 33 waist....Is that possible?

Ok-so at group, I was so excited too-I got to FINALLY MEET ANDREW AND SUSAN!!!! And like a dummy, I just walked up to Andrew and said-I have been wanting to meet you forever-you look wonderful and I am so glad to FINALLY meet you. He said the same-and it wasnt until group was over that he said-I didnt know who you were earlier...LOL....I guess he wouldnt! They are such wonderful people-and everyone-PLEASE join me in lifting Susan in prayer for some health issues for her-that she gets everything she is waiting for (and deserves). Thank you.

Well, Sheilas DIL (who, by the way, is a living doll-Rachael) brought the baby girl-Peeps-this baby girl-she is the most precious thing you ever saw-chubby cheeks, beautiful eyes, little chub thighs-she is the epiphany (sp?) of the "perfect" baby girl-and they blessed me with being able to hold her and play with her!!! She had the cutest little jelly sandals with duckies on them...Man-sooo cute! OMG-I kept looking at Megan and imagining that soon-that is what we are going to have-full time.... I CANT WAIT, I CANT WAIT, I CANT WAIT!!!!!! I felt so blessed last night-not just by having some nice clothes now that fit-BUT-for the love I have, and others have for me-in that room.

I had just asked someone over by the clothes if they knew IF Glenna was going to be there-they said I hope so... I went to go sit down-and I see her!! YAY, YAY, YAY!!!! I love Glenna so much-she is the first person I bonded with when starting the group in Jan of 2007! She ALWAYS is there for me, hugs, love and advice and she means the world to me-GLENNA-I LOVE YOU! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC AS ALWAYS! I MADE her to come sit by me.....(j/k-asked her IF she wanted to-since I had a spot by me)



As we were going around introducing ourselves-this TINY little thing, with black and white hair (ITS WAY WAY CUTE) says she is Rhianne-NO WAY! Now, I havent seen her since she was just post op-like maybe a month-IF that-and that girl has changed so much-I cant believe it-and looks just AWESOME!!! I had to get up and go give her a hug! WOW-I guess it really does go to show-you dont see someone in 6 months to a year post op-and yes, they are going to change so much your not going to recognize them....LOL....

Ok-so we went to the Village Inn afterwards-and I think it was Jane who asked if I was at goal yet-and I said Not until my BMI says Im normal-and its not there yet-and Sugar said the same thing....She has ONE POUND to go for her to be normal BMI-and I weigh 9# more than she does-well, 8# as of this morning-and it blew me away-because I was looking at Sugar when we were having the meeting-and thinking-I wish I looked as good as she looks-maybe one day I will be there-and guess what? within 10# and it shocked me. I really got overwhelmed there and thought, can I REALLY be her size? Can I? I freaking cant comprehend that!

So I got to sit by my Lovely Lana-who says she is my mother-PALEEEZE-woman, you are NOT even close to old enough to be my mother-Favorite Aunt, yes-mother NO WAY! Then-on the other side of me-Jonathan, who is playing with the silverware with his vivid imagination-like they were transformers or something...Im not sure how many times they landed on the floor-but I was just thankful that no one was behind us OR next to him...Megan moved so she would be across from him. LOL....I ask Jon what he wants to eat-he says French Fries and Pancakes....LOL-the whole time we were on our trip to Arizona and on the road back and forth-Mike would order just that for him-his 2 favorite things in the world.......Lana gave him her fries-he ate about 10 and his pancakes came. Let me just say-I was cutting up a little bit at a time-and about the 3rd time-he asked if he could pour the syrup....I said yes-MISTAKE....he just poured fast and furious-plate of syrup....giving new meaning to "IM ALL JACKED UP ON MOUNTAIN DEW" only syrup in exchange for Mountain Dew! WOW....We got in the car to come home and he was bouncing up and down-making the whole car shake...would tell him to stop-and 2 minutes later he would start again. We knew once he was quiet for more than 2 minutes that he had fallen fast asleep...Thank you, God!!!

Today Megan starts her classes at MSSU in Springfield. Please pray that she is okay. She gets so sick from that GBS and pregnancy-and I am just lifting her in prayer that she will be able to get to classes twice a week this year. I also pray for safe travels. She will be on break when the baby is born and I have already offered my babysitting services-free of charge, of course-when the baby is here and she goes back to college. Aaron has been talking about moving to Springfield-BUT.....Megan doesnt want a stranger babysitting MacKenzie.....and Im NOT moving to Springfield-so they may just stay in this area and I will watch baby girl for as long as they need me to. (breaks my heart, can you tell?)

I have to get this wrapped up and head to town. I have to stop at the post office and mail a few things and then going to the motel to do laundry for miss Megan. I may do some extras this next week or maybe two-so that I can get enough money to come to the reunion. I want to so badly-will see what happens. Anyway-I also have to get Mikes work clothes washed and all that-I went to do them yesterday morning, but Grandma brought her laundry up and she was waiting for the dryer-so I brought his work clothes back in. She is so sweet and will start my laundry when its left in there-but thats not a good thing when its dress clothes (mike HAS to wear that to work) so I dont leave anything in there anymore-and she has dried things I hang up-LOL LOL....

**Jan-THANK YOU for the plants. Are they the Iris's??? I forgot to ask you there....I dont want to say anything before you post it-so I will just say CONGRATS-and when you post, everyone WILL know what I am talking about. I CANT wait to see pictures!!! Yes-when I went outside to get some air and take my knee brace off for a bit-Joe came over and sat and talked to me and Megan. He told us of your high school reunion and how much fun you had-and how you found your bestest buddy again that you thought had passed away-how exciting!!!! Im so happy for you two!

You look WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, and HAPPY-You REALLY look refreshed-I could tell something was different with you- I know its your best bed buddy (the O2-sick'os!!!-wink wink)

I would also just like to add-that we werent mocking you at the meeting-I personally thought it was "right on" when you got fired up about STICKING TO YOUR FOOD STAGES POST OP!!!! It reminded me of someone I know-who had surgery and 2 days after she got out of the hospital-so, what-4 or 5 days post op then????? She bought a little bag of crunchy cheetos-she crushed one and ate it-and I tell you-the way she described what happened next-I laughed until I wet my pants-because you YOU CANT DO THAT! She said it lodged in her throat-she went to the bathroom at the motel she was staying at recovering-and sat on the toilet backwards and was pulling herself up with the towel rack as if she was doing chin ups-the whole time, feeling the worst pressure she ever had-sure she is having a heart attack-and starting to panic, because its getting worse and she cant get it to go down or come back up.....she gets up-and starts slamming herself against the wall-near hysterical and thinking she will have to call the ambulance-she got so desperate that she went and grabbed the motel phone-and used the receiver-and put it across her throat-pushing as hard as she could......Oh man-all I could say to her-is.....You know at that point, its the mental being telling you that your hungry. Head hunger. Head hunger can mess with your mind-BUT.. our bodies do NOT need actual "food" to survive at this stage-we dont go long enough without eating to kill us. You HAVE to be gentle with your raw tummy. It takes awhile to recover! Fighting the "head" hunger and the other mental issues, to me, has ALWAYS been the hardest things-way harder than the actual surgery, for sure. I have ALWAYS said that-and I ALWAYS WILL....All the planning in the world-cannot come close to going through it-until you go through it. I remember hearing things and going-heck, that WONT happen to me-and guess what? It does-we all go through "stuff" of one kind or another. Some have it easier than others-but we all have this place to come and go to-to give OUR accounts and hopefully LEARN from others, what to do-OR NOT to do...I learned quickly-because my friend-she shared the things she did-good or bad-and so I noted to myself-No cheetos-things like that!!! We have been there-and we DO WANT YOU NEWBIES TO SUCCEED!!!! Sometimes things on the puter come out differently than what or HOW we would say it-just be careful guys-WE love you all and want you to be okay!!!

Ok-I saw that you updated-CONGRATS ON THE TRIKE...YAY YAY YAY-I CANNOT wait to see pictures, the way you and Joe described it-its beautiful!!!! Maybe you will drive it to group next month? Are you guys gonna start wearing leather jackets and chaps?

**Vesta-Darlin, I read your post yesterday and didnt have time to respond right then-but it does NOT mean you are vain because you WANT a facelift. It means YOU CARE about what YOU want-and I say-IF you can afford the plastics AND you WANT them-go for it.....We spent a lot of our lives being self conscience about our appearances and ourselves-that if thats what you WANT to feel Sexy or Pretty-girl, GO FOR IT! Now-dont get me wrong-I think your already aces and beautiful in my book....but I also know, for myself-that there are things that I see-and bother me-that others cant see or dont want to-so you GO FOR IT! Dont let the devil sit there and play games with your mind and you-and rob you of something good that you want to do for yourself. Does NOT mean your selfish OR vain. Its kinda like my hair-only I know a face lift is a whole 'nother ball of wax-a much bigger scale, of course-but I have been putting it off for over a year-because of the amount of money it will take to do what I WANT-and so I have done the same thing-thought I am selfish AND vain-and its kept me from getting a blessing that I WANT and I do deserve. WHY shouldnt I be able to FEEL pretty?

Hope that doesnt make you mad at me-but I love you and want you to be happy-and whatever that takes-I think if there is a will for you-there is a way. Love ya and keeping you in my prayers!!!

**Bec-several times at the meeting and at the restuarant, your name came up. We love you and we miss you! I cant wait for the opportunity to see you and give you that hug in person. I have you on my prayer list and I am going to continue to pray for your hearts desires-I pray you have peace of mind and strength and I KNOW you will succeed!!! I am SO EXCITED! love ya Bec!!!

**Rhianne-Girl-you look FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy for you-although, you probably didnt recognize me either-LOL...I just had to give you a hug when I realized who you were-it sure looks like life is going good for you-and you are so awesome! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Keep up the good work and witnessing to people-you have a true gift!!! Thanks for bringing that little bundle of joy to me-I appreciate it~~!!!!

**Sheila-THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! For all the most adorable clothes-you have such good taste. You get a MAJOR WOW-I had NEVER seen your BEFORE PICS-and I am telling you-I didnt believe that was you!! OMG GIRL! If you wouldnt have proven it by showing that tattoo-I would have never believed it was you....it in NO WAY-Looks like you!~!!! You look like you have ALWAYS been tiny-and you LOOK WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME!!!! MAN!!!!! Im still shaking my head today in dismay-just cant believe it!!! Im praying for travelers mercy and a good report at the doctor. Your tummy looked like it hurts still!!! Im very jelous of you and Lanas tans!

If you guys ever need a sitter for that little princess-please let me know-LOL...I WILL gladly help you guys by watching her. Thanks for sharing her and tell Rachael hi for me...she is such a doll-just love her to peices......Cant wait for us to get together and have our drinks with umbrellas-LOL!!! I cant do the waiter in a loin cloth and elephant ear leaf fanning us while we are sun tanning-but I can order one for you-right? I WILL-LOL....Anything for a friend (wink wink)....

I will keep my eyes open when I go to NBC store for the TINY sizes and see what kind of goodies I can come up with for you. I wish I could find that helmet for you-I have been trying to find one, I promise....Soon, I hope!~! Love ya and praying for you-please let us know how the appt with the doc goes.

**Sugar-You look soooo good!!! Love your hair too.....Good luck with those "nighties" (Wink Wink) Your bedroom set-OM Go****s breath-taking!!!! I cant wait to see it in person if the pictures are that beautiful!

Hope you have fun in Florida-are you going to be able to go still? Forgot to ask you last night where exactly your going and IF you still can since the Hurricane? Anyway-Love you and thanks for taking my leftover clothes to the donation place-I LOVE places that help for free-and I WONT give to Salvation Army or D.A.V anymore-they charge-I would rather someone who NEEDS them, and WILL USE THEM-get them for FREE and is blessed with them-so thanks!!!

**Lana-Im so sorry I missed ya yesterday at work!!! I thought youd be so surprised. Well, that back fired on me, didnt it? LOL....

The new hair-IT ROCKS! You DO look CUTE~!!!! YOU ARE CUTE AND......... YOU ARE SKINNY!!!! I dont care WHAT you think or say-YOU ARE!!!! Plus-you cant call yourself mom-you have to say favorite aunt-cuz your not close to being old enough to be my mom......a favorite aunt can be your own age-LOL....Look at Jon-he is going to only be 6 yrs older than his neice! LOL....

I WILL come to Springfield one day when Megan has classes and we can do lunch? Do you get a full hour for lunch? When are you and John going away? I will keep you in my prayers and THANK YOU for the cute clothes!! You and Sheila really set me up for the next yr or so-and I am grateful. Thanks for the love and hugs and I will email you on Thurs and let you know how the appt goes. K???? Love you much!!!!

**Glenna-although you may not see this-I LOVE YOU!!!! You left me again without me getting another hug-altho the one at the meeting made up for it!! Im glad the job is going good for you and I MISS You so much! I will email you soon-I PROMISE...besides-I had some ??s for you about Joey and his personality-because Mike is looking for a dog for me-1/2 short hair chihuahua and 1/2 daschund (sp?)-short hair too-I know it sounds ugly-but they are soooo cute! Anyway-Love you and good to see you again-your in my prayers.

**Renee-You were my WOW moment yesterday-not me being yours!! LOL.... Felt like I have known ya forever! You already know what you mean to me-but I will say it again-EVERYTHING and THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!~We WILL get together soon! Love ya, Love ya, Love ya!!!!

**Jeanine-I laughed when I read your post yesterday. I MAKE myself stay active. Before surgery, I felt dead inside and rarely left the couch or chair in the kitchen (on rollers to make dinner and do dishes etc) and I just can NEVER go back to that-NEVER!!! So-something like pain-there is NO WAY I am letting that get me down-269# gone-I FEEL great-just wish my bones and joints were as good to me as the weight loss is-however, IF I were still that big today-I wouldnt be typing this post-I WOULD BE DEAD!~

YOU WILL keep up with us soon-YOU WILL-Stay positive-and when your almost 2 yrs post op-I will remind you of you saying that-LOL cuz girl-I said the same things you did-preop, and look at us now! I wish you luck and I am So HAPPY to see you posting on here-Stay with us-and let us get to know you ok? Your in my thoughts and my prayers and WE ARE HERE FOR YA!!!!

**Andrew-Good to meet you and hug you finally!! Keep up the good work! We are so glad your here finally!!! Good to hear about the FIL-and I WILL keep you three-you, Susan and FIL on the prayer list. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help Susan with her paperwork or whatever-you have an expert next door-so prayer is probably the only thing I can do for you guys- Take care!!!

**newbies-and everyone else-take care-I pray you all have strength and peace of mind. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers!!! Love, Janet

Jeanine S.
on 8/26/08 2:44 am - compton, AR
Hello everyone!!

Jan...GRATS on your new ride ms hotrod motorcycle mama! I am so happy for you guys!!!
I wanted to say Jan, I dont know about everyone else but Im THRILLED we have people like you here that give us advice and get tough when we need it!!! You truely are like our mama, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt when my mother told me she loved me right up there with God she MEANT it, even when I was bad and she had to spank, that NEVER changed!! Thank you for all you do for all of us, the inspiration, the smiles, most of all the love and yes even the spankings when we need em!!! BIG HUGS!!! You are a wonderful lady and we are so very very blessed that you care enough to come everyday and bring with you so much wisdom and countless blessings!!

Sounds like you guys had a GREAT time at the meeting, I sure hope I can make the next one!!
Hubby and I have been talking about the reunion as well and think we may get to make that and at least meet some you guys for the day if youll have us and god is willing!!

Janet... You do sooo inspire me I have over 200 pounds to loose myself, if i can be half as pretty as you on the outside or in when my journey gets to 2 years out I will be THRILLED beyond words!You bring such smiles and love to this board I see why everyone missed you so much when you were away!!

Penni... GRATS on the work on your new room I hope it will be finished soon who knows it may be just what you and your DH need to ummm add to your family,wink,wink!!! LOL!!! then youll need another room added hehe!!!!!

ANGY... GIRL im praying hard your ok I am so happy you went on to the ER and didnt wait!! I have my fingers and toes crossed it isnt anything to major and you will soon be home agin!!!

Deb... I hope you are feeling better today, you have had such a rough road your due some breaks very soon I hope!!!

Shiela.. I hope you feeling better today, HUGS!!!!

Debbie D .... glad you survived those wild 5th graders!!!

Layla.. I have had your friend on my mind all night and am still praying for her!! I hope todays surgery will help get her back on track and home soon with her daughter!!!

Not much going on with me today, been taking a page from Bec's book and doing out of season spring cleaning hehe. I know my surgery is a couple months away but I wanna be as prepared as I can be so hubby and home dont get lost in the wild ride!!  I know inside I am ready for this new life, I cant wait to be a LOOSER like all of you!!

BIG HUGS and blessing to you all,
Thank you for once agin being who you all are and bringing so much  joy to my day!!!


Bec M.
on 8/26/08 2:34 am
Good Morning Missouri....

Janet my dear  Thank You Thank You Thank You for posting so thoroughly of the meeting!!! I "kinda" felt like I was there... I want to come to those sooooooo bad but just can't right now... I sure wish I could... maybe in the future I will be able too...

I am so glad you were able to get some clothes that you need and are comfortable with.  I have already bought a couple of blouses and then I have the one "incentive outfit" ... I think I will be ok down to about a size 18 (my daughter has clothes she has lost enough she is not using) and then I will have to start going to thrift stores and watching things on clearance.

I so enjoyed every word you wrote about the meeting!  I loved hearing all who were there  and about each one!  Sure would of liked to have seen all for myself.... I'm so glad Andrew and Susan, Renee, Sheila, Rianne, Sugar, Lana and all the others were able to come... has any one seen Connie since she had surgery?

I can only imagine what came up when my name was mentioned those times! ~tee hee  Was it "she's mental" ? ~ha

It was 61 degrees this morning when I went out to walk .... it was great!!!  I have this nice little curvy path of sidewalk that goes around my house in the front and on one side.. this year I put two arbors at each end and have fuchsia colored morning glories blooming profusely on them right now at the top.... and a fountain in the middle that is right out the front door... it was so very very nice to walk out there and listen to the sounds and enjoy those blooms... it is a great time to pray as I'm walking!  It has been too hot to be out there lately... but was wonderful this morning.... I surely thanked the Lord for his goodness to me!  We have two little quail that are living real close and have been coming out in the yard and pecking around..... it's fun to watch them.  It seemed like the 30 minutes went by so fast this morning.... there are so many to pray for and so many needs..... Angy is on my heart this morning with her feeling so bad... I just know the Lord is going to meet her every need!

Have good news to report!   I slept  a full 5 hours with my c~pap on last night and stayed in bed a whopping 9 hours!!! that's unheard of for me!!!  Aaaaaaand for the first time in a good while I woke up to my feet and ankles being perfectly normal..... I hope I have really good news to report on Friday's Weigh In!!!  I feel like I have done well with all the "regimen" I have added.... I sure hope all this effort pays off!  It takes me about 2 hours each morning to get it all done... I had to take pain med yesterday to get thru the walk but did not today so far....

I tried that peanut butter shake this morning and Woooo Weee was that thing good not "good tolerable" but GOOD GOOD!!!! there is a post up right now about it..... go on ahead and try it if you like Reeses... I even gave a taste (a small one tee hee) to Paul and you have to remember he is the one that says all the time "is it fat free ~ is it sugar free?" and he even said it taste like a candy bar!!! It did too!  Was great... I will go over to that post  in a minute and tell my experience with it... had 44 grams of protein .... I know it is said we can only digest 30 grams per hour.....and I must tell you it is HIGH CALORIE too!  That will be all I have today other than my bit for supper... or I would get too much calories  for the day.... I guess you could divide it and drink half for breakfast and half for lunch.....?

My dear  hen..... I'm so excited about you and Joe getting that trike!!! That's just fantastic!  You will have alot of fun with it.... you will enjoy joining the bikers group and hopefully meet some new friends to boot!

Debbie D. ~ say I thought of something you might put in the pot?  An ivy plant (I like the invergated ones) and then a sprig or two of artificial blooms maybe a hydrangea or something that is in your border.... a daisy or what ever you like to dress it up a bit... ivy would grow all the way across and cover that beautiful window sill above the sink and add wonderful foliage to dress up the pretties you have already there... and it takes very little care jus****ering every now and then (you can trim it too if it got too big) I think you would remember to water it since it is right above the sink... just a thought...

WOW if a German Choc cake is all I have to do to secure a special place with your David and boys.... man!!! I'm cook'n with skelgas as my mom used to say.... ~ha  any one remember that say'n?

Well I better get off here and get some more chores done today... I went out and pushed the yard last night and that didn't even seem quite so painful... I left the little hill for Paul though.... ~tee hee

Janet my sweet  lady... thank you again for taking the time to post all bout the meeting!  I really appreciated it!

Everyone else.... have a great wonderful day!



Jeanine S.
on 8/26/08 3:01 am - compton, AR
WTG BEC!! I am happy your doing better with the cpap!!! Believe it or not they do really help when you get used to them!! I have had mine a little over a year now. It was hard to get used to as well since my setting is so high 17 ugh, i hope to trim that number down along with my waist soon( LOL i just hope to have a waist soon who am i kidding haha)

I have been meaning to ask you if they had a button on your machine that allows you to ramp down the amount of air it releases and gradually increase over i think it was 15 minutes, I know they set mine that way. It allowed me to fall asleep before it was full blast or if I woke up and felt it was to strong I could hit it, that helped me tons till I got used to it. Now im a old hat at it and just slap it on, im off to dream land in no time and could not sleep without it! I used to never sleep more than a couple hours a week at most before I got it now i sleep every night!! Nothing makes up for lost sleep, lol never knew that before last year hehe. There are also several kinds of masks you may wanna look into those and see if there is one you find more comfortable, hehe i have 4 i think here, took me a few to find the one i could call my pal. GL sweet lady I hope you will soon love yours as much as do mine it has helped me more than I ever thought it could!!

Bec M.
on 8/26/08 3:24 am
Jeanine Gal!

Thanks for the encouraging words.. every thing you wrote sounds like my situation exactly except my setting is either 9 or 11 I'm not sure which ... I do have that ramp button and it does help!!

I am not a bit discouraged about getting used to it... I made up my mind I was going to do it and when I make up my mind I'm usually stubborn enough to do it!  Seems about the only thing I've not been able to do when I make up my mind is keeping all this weight off!  And some times it takes a bit to get my mind made up! ~tee hee  Even this journey for surgery has been a constant determination this past two years to battle thru all the obstacles I have come up against..... but PRAISE THE LORD!!! I'm almost there!!!

The surgeon told me I should be off it in about two months after surgery!!!  Wouldn't that be fantastic!!!

Jeanine you be encouraged!!! I know you can lose the amount of weight you need to ... the Lord will help you!!! I will be asking Him too!  His word says He will!!!

Thanks again for the encouragement!


Jan C.
on 8/26/08 8:44 am - Cedar Creek, MO



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