Update on my friend!!!
I spoke to her mom earlier and she said that they had to give her more blood because the infection was in her blood, and that they had to put a scope down her respirator because they had the tube in the wrong place and had collapsed one of her lungs and they had to drain it. She said that she was pretty swollen from all of the fluids that they are pumping into her, but she is holding her own. If nothing changes they are still planning on going back in tomorrow to clean out the infection again. So please keep the prayers coming, they seem to be helping so far. Thanks again, Layla
Poor Poor lady, I am praying Layla, I can not imagine how hard this is for her family and her daughter Thank you for posting I have been checking all day worried for her, please let us know how tomorrow goes. I asked my mom to add her to her ladies circle prayer partner list, this sounds just awful!!