Pain in my left side...ouch!
Hey Jen, I have done that too. I think its just the pain from where that stinkin drain was at. I wouldn't worry about it, unless it gets worse. I am also having pain around the incision site by my belly button. It's not red or anything & not getting any worse so I take it that it's just healing. I don't know. Last night I took a deep breath & that same site felt like something sharp pulling. I think it was the stitches inside.
I still feel like crap. No energy at all. Milk is the devil!!!!! lol OMG it makes me so sick!!! I can't get any other milk, soy or lactaid, until Friday, so I guess I will have to go without protein until then, or try to mix it with water. We'll see. I woke up this morning feeling GREAT. But it was short lived. I went for a walk, got home, went to moms & started getting extremely weak, came home, had a protein shake & got sick. Haven't thrown up yet, but my pouch definitly doesn't like milk.
I've been a little paranoid with my pains in my belly since Deb has had so much trouble. Evertime I have a strange pain, I'm like OMG! is that normal, do I have an infection??? I'm trying to chill out, but it's kinda hard. I really do not want to end up back in that hospital!
Glad your doing so well! (((HUGS))) Angy
Jen your shakes could be the combination of all what you are putting in them , may be getting way to much sugar. count it all up if it is more that about 9 that could be what is happening.
do you have any crystal lite? how about koolade with no sugar. then you can add splenda to it to taste. you may have to really experment to get something.
but i would be willing to bet it is the combinations of instant breakfast, milk and powdered milk.
Angy: the weekness could be from not getting much protein in. instead of mixing with milk and being in pain see what i said to Jen ok? your goal right now is to get in at least 60 grams of protein, i know that is a lot right now but like i said that is your goal.
hope some of this helps.
1.5 vanilla prot
7 instant bf
then ya got the powder milk AND skim milk. Holy he!! that issss alot of sugar. Hm thats what our NUT told us to do minus the vanilla but thats only 1.5. But then again I am not drinking the whole thing either. I am gonna try to make it without the instant bf because that is alot of sugar right there. I have choc prot powder I will substitute it with. Thanks Jan had not actually thought about the breakdown of each item. Just figured since our NUT told us to it was okay.