Jan C.
on 8/24/08 9:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We went over to see about my youngest daughter yesterday, hadn’t heard from her and knew her phone had gone out while talking to her the other day. Went and bought her another 300 minutes so I can keep in touch with her. She is really trying , hopefully , she has been sober now for a month. I know , I know that doesn’t mean anything but a mother can hope you know. And they are always our  babies aren’t they?


I was so tired last night that I just went to bed and just now woke up so I am late lol



BEC::::; good to see you on the board again. sounds like you are being so busy that before you know it Sept 22 will be here. Be sure and schedule it on your list of things to do or you might forget it lol

Yeah sounds like your computer needs some tlc. Do you defrag it often? Most of the time when mine is acting up I turn it off and let it rest for awhile and then turn it back on. Im not one that leaves mine on all the time anyway tho. A lot of people leave theirs on all the time but I don’t. i think it is like anything else it needs to rest and recoop. Lol


My goodness you all have been running a lot haven’t you. You didn’t have time to think at all last week and the week was over. So has Paul redone your daughters car? Hope it was something simple that could be fixed easily. When you bring it back let me know and we will meet you somewhere in Springfield or Branson for supper or lunch or what ever. Ok?


Keep doing your list daily and you should be well prepared for surgery ….love you and miss seeing you.



ANDREW:::: You are doing better and better each and every day. I can hear you not breathing so hard and your walking is getting better and better. And I can see that you are losing weight or at least inches.  Believe me your walking with me is really helping me too. I am getting so much stronger and feeling so much better than I was.


Lol I read somewhere that the Jalapeños do help speed up your metabolism but not sure about that. But never know they sure are good .




LYNETTE::::: we haven’t been riding much cause we haven’t had a bike  since my husband was hurt in an accident , not bike related. But because o f the accident we have decided that he need a trike , he has a really bad hip .and shoulder. We use to belong to the CMA too. Loved going to the Changing of the colors ralley in the fall. Do you all go to that? Wonderful time praising God and meeting everyone. We never did get with a group as we didn’t have the time or one really close to us but if and when we get a trike we will join a group this time.

I wonder if they still have records that we were members at one time? Do you still have to go thru the classes before you can join? I think I am on the trail of a trike that is for sale ….a 98 beautiful thing in Kansas for 21,000. ask your husband if that sounds about right has only 20 something thousand miles on it. From the pictures it looks great. Perfect.







LORI:::::: when Margie told you you could have p.b. she meant on a spoon and to hold it in your mouth and let it dissolve,,,,,not to mix it with the raw oats and stuff. It was too rough and too bulky for your new tummy ….PLEASE  think of your new tummy as a brand new baby, it is tender and sore and swollen….there are raw edges there that have to have time to heal. No more anything that isnt on the list and just because it says something that doesn’t mean that you can mix it with other stuff. Means just that nothing else. …ok… it is ok to be looking up new ways to cook and all but you cant have any of it yet. Just and only what is on the list nothing more or you may wind up in a er somewhere.  Love you and want to see you succeed….take it slow. You all are not going to starve , your protein drink and water  and your vits. Will be all you need right now. I know the head thinks you are hungry but you really aren’t and like I said YOU WONT STARVE,  your body has to get used to the idea that that is all the food you are giving it so take it easy …



Well am going to close and get this posted ….hope you all have a great MONDAY….








Sheila H.
on 8/24/08 10:23 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps 

i had  rough day sat. i was told i could drive after fri so i went to Lickings to see my hubby as marriage hasnt been anuuled yet and on way back i got so sick i thought id never make it home then when i did i ended up in bed sick for 5 hrs sleeping so sunday i did NOTHING but relax and i feel better..Rachael has been working and sick too so she hasnt been able to help with clothes i did find some yest but i dont feel like sizing em at all so what u want me to do????
today i can prob go thru a few more and find to bring.. so let me know if u want me to bring em or wait till next time when i have the energy to size em....
looking forward to seeing every 1  tonight if all goes as well today as it did yesterday
love and hugs


on 8/24/08 11:05 pm - linneus, MO
Good Morning Jan and All

  Setting here drinking my protein and actually enjoying it. Took my vitamine,pepcid and calcium,Then in 2 hrs gotta take antibiotic.
   I have a dr's appt @10:15 with reg doc.Gonna get a b-12 shot and get my scripts filled that bariatric dr wants me to stay on. Also going to pick up the b-1,b-complex,and see if they carry the kind of iron we need. Walmart dosen't.
   Last night i fried chicken for hubby and daughter,I thought i would die if i cooked it. But i did great, i enjoyed the smell but i actually didn't even care that i couldn't eat it.And fried chicken was my favorite food.
  I am finally starting to feel like moving more and more i am walking down the street maybe 3/4 of a block total,do more each day.I walk around in the yard alot we have a huge yard. Just ask hubby he mows it LOL. I am finally able to bend over.Never thought i would get excited over being able to bend LOL.
  I give all Thanks to my Lord and Savior for getting me through this, What an awesome God we serve.
  Thanks to all of you for being here for me to whine too and for your words of encouragement they mean alot.
   Hope everyone has a great day, Take Care.
          {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}   DEB
on 8/24/08 11:33 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning everyone, well no rain today...lol
My flowers are going crazy with so much water on them, blooming again..

I have decided to put off my facelift, I just dont want anymore surgeries for awhile..
plus that made e sound like I am being vain and I didnt like that feeling...crazy huh?

I ordered me 4 more cases of bullets, I have tried so many different powders and they make me sick, I can just swig the bullets down and it is over for the day..42 grams, and a protein bar at 19 grams, and the rest I can get from my food...love ya all....vesta


Bec M.
on 8/24/08 11:41 pm

Good Morning My Dear ,

My heart went out to you as I started reading your post!  YES! you sure can hope as a mom!!!  EVERY day she does not drink is one more day she has made it...... I imagine it is "somewhat" like it is for me and the eating.... I'm three days out now AGAIN on the two shakes and one small meal.... it's TOUGH but I am doing it!  We are going to hold her up in prayer!

Yep a whole week went by in a wink!  Paul will start to tear AJ's car down today I imagine... we know it will need the starter replaced and there is an oil leak too... not sure what he is going to do about that.... several things to be done...

She is going to keep his car till my surgery and they will trade back when she comes home for that.  Oh boy I would love to see you!

This is just too cool about the trike!  You will then have to make the decision to ride or to keep your flowers alive! ~ha  What a life!

I have defrag'd my computer and my daughter has done everything she can and  knows to do to it too... it's just old and does not want to keep up with these newer programs and such.... I can't tell you how many times on this program while I am typing it just loses contact and I don't know where the dumb cursor goes and then it says do I want to cancel..... makes me frustrated!!!  especially when I get to the end of one of these long post and then lose it!  I'm not all that fast anyway....  I don't leave mine on at night I shut it down and sometimes when I have been on it for a long time I have to shut it down and give it a rest too.....

Yes, I am coming along on my "list" and am well determined to see it thru for the month.... it takes me a couple of hours in the morning to get it all done and get going on the day.... the time is going by so very fast ... I'm not even having to "look back" and say that... it's happening right "in front" of me.

Today and tomorrow will be cutting the grass and getting the rest of my chores done up.... I sure did get behind from being gone last week.  And Paul will work on Aj's car I'm sure...

Andrew ~ buddy you are an inspiration to me!!!  I can soooo feel your pain in that walking.... I'm so proud of you.... each morning when I am walking and my back is killing me I think of you and how hard you are working to get up that hill and I think if he can do it I can too!!! and I keep right on going... I really related when you said yesterday that you want this to be your last "fat" summer....  I so hope and pray you get to ride that roller coaster next summer!!!  I'm not going to ride a roller coaster but I sure want to ride a ski doo across the lake with the wind and water blowing in my face!!!! and not look like the "great white whale" doing it! ~tee hee

Sheila ~ lady I'm so sorry you are having a rough time.  Surely it will get better here before you know it and you will be back to riding that scooter all over the place! ~ha

Sugar ~ sounds like when you are done shopping you will have a whole new house of beautiful furniture! and a new yard too!  I'm doing good right now just to keep mine mowed and dusted! ~ha

To all you that have had surgery in the past couple weeks... my thoughts and prayers are with you as you adjust to your new situations... am praying success for all of you!

To those of you that are discouraged.... look up! IT WILL GET BETTER!

Janet my dear  I am thinking of you each day and praying that God is working in you and your family!  Meeting the many needs you have!  Hang in there dear sister....you are strong... yes you are a strong woman and can meet the challenges put before you with the Lords help!  AMEN!

Debbie Darl'n ~ sure hope you are feeling better and had a good service yesterday ... I prayed you would! Hopefully I can get some answers on giving blood before surgery today...

Blessing to all today!

Elizabeth D.
on 8/24/08 11:49 pm - Eldorado Springs, MO
Hey Bec, I don't think it's just your computer. I have a sony that is only a couple of months old and it does the same thing with the cursor. It is so frustrating isn't it. I think it must be something to do with the message board. I have started typing my message in word and copying it to the message board if I am going to write very much. You might try that. Also, you need to change the thingy on the side with your picture and put in your surgery date. I think about you and can't ever remember when your surgery is . Anyway, hang in there on your diet, your time will be here soon. Liz
Bec M.
on 8/25/08 1:46 am

Hey Liz,

Thanks for the reminder to change my surgery date... it took me awhile but I finally found it!

Bout my puter... I tried to type my post in Word but keep getting error messages and it shuts down... I think the program needs to be reinstalled.... I'm not confident to do that since this puter is 10+ years old and seems like when I mess with it at all I'm down and have to have help to get it restored...  wish I was a whiz at things like this... 

The diet I am on is self imposed my surgery is 28 days away now!!! ... the surgeon said my BMI was well below that at which I would have to do the liquid diet... BOY OH BOY am I thankful!!!! I am doing this so I will be in better shape for surgery.... it's just good for me. Dang it's hard though! 

Thanks for thinking of me... I do so very much appreciate all the support I get here.... it inspires me!  I've been so blessed!


Debbie D.
on 8/24/08 11:46 pm - KS
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!

Well, I am feeling a lot better.  The new antibiotics seem to be doing the trick.  I am so grateful!  I was really out of it most of this past week.

Bec brought David and the boys a homemade German Chocolate Cake.  Now mind you, she didn't know my dh or my boys.  She didn't know that German Chocolate Cake was my dh's FAVORITE CAKE (he's a pie man).  She also didn't know that I have NEVER made it for him!!  Needless to say, she has secured herself a special place in David's heart!  lol!  David finished up last night and he and the boys enjoyed every bite of it!  Thanks again Bec, that was so sweet of you!

Bec also brought me the prettiest pot and saucer.  She said I could put a life plant in it or she could take it home and make an arrangement out of silk flowers for me.  I decided I would try a real plan.  As most of you know, I don't have a green thumb, I have a BLACK thumb!  Jan - can you give me some suggestions of a HARDY plant that I could plant in my pretty new pot?  Needs to be one that I only have to water like once a week or so. 

Jan - I'm glad your daughter is doing well.  I will continue to pray for her.  I can only imagine how hard it would be to see your daughter live that way.  I'm glad she's been sober a month.  Glad you got your truck back.  I know what you mean about those little cars, they get great gas mileage but are really hard on our bony butts! 

Bec - I hope you get some rest this week!  Can you believe your surgery is less than a month away!?
Sheila - hon, I hope you get well soon!  Take care!

Deb - glad to hear your doing better!  You are so right, we serve an awesome God!

Hey, I just got a call to sub today.  I've gotta scoot and get ready.  Told them I would be there by 10am.  It's for a 5th grade class whose teacher has a sick kid.  Well, hope everyone has a great week!

Debbie D.

on 8/25/08 2:59 am - Diamond, MO

Hi, Hi, Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Im sorry I havent been on in the last couple of days-its been a miserable 3-4 days, thats for sure!!! Friday I clerked, my last day of clerking AND.......The new housekeeper that was hired-I trained her last week and she lives there in their biggest apartment-well-they like to have "in house" employees-because they just work to cover their apartments or rooms-etc.....Well, no one yearns to stay there forever-you know? Anyway-I knew right away that I didnt like her-ecspically when she told me HOW picky she was-and one room took her an hour and 15 minutes-and it was a clean room-LOL....SOOOOO after she did her training rooms and I told her what she needed to do differently or advised etc-she did her next room and it took just as long AND she STILL didnt do the changes-so I told her that IF she couldnt do the job-that we may as well end it right there and then. She said she was sorry and wouldnt do it again-and I flat out told her IF you check something-IT had BETTER BE DONE!~ DO NOT check something IF you havent done it-thats grounds for automatic dismissal-because you may as well be lying. If you cant do something-put a slash through it and notate on your sheet-simple, you would think anyway, huh? I had talked to her on Thursday, as Megan told me that she wasnt keeping track of what rooms she was taking ruined towels/bedding out of-and that is MAJOR since they get that taken out of their deposit- AND they get back the same bedding/towels IF we cannot use them in a different room due to their stains or whatever. Well, on Friday-I checked 4 of her 6 rooms-and lets just say that every room had an issue-and ALL rooms had the same issues I spoke to her about in training. Ok-so She left lights on/air conditioners in vacant rooms. She didnt clean out refridgerators or microwaves etc etc.....so-she got fired.

Saturday-I decided that I was going to go to some garage sales with Megan. She asked me and although I didnt have a lot of money-Mike gave me some mad money and away we went. The very first sale we went to-filled the trunk of Megans car-for $22 and that was most of the mad money-LOL. I got a AWESOME beautiful fancy stroller there for $10. I got almost brand new bouncy seat with music and vibration for $2. This lady had a daycare that she just closed-so they had everything. I bought a brand new badmitton set-never even been opened for $3 and a remote control helicopter for my guys for $2. I got 5 walmart sacks of real tupperware bowls and hamburger patty maker and storers and misc tupperware pcs-like pasta holder, bread container etc-each bag-which had several several things in it- were .25 a bag!!! I also got a brand new deal that goes in the Suburban-it holds drinks, coins, music cds etc-AND one end is a insulated cooler-still had the sticker on it-and she sold that to me for $2!!!! Anyway-told Megan we were basically done....and she wanted to go to a couple more-and we did-and the next sale I got 14 onesies-all for either boy OR girl- for .10 each and then crib sheets-.10 each and a bag of the cutest little socks for .5 each pr. I ALMOST bought a toddler sleigh bed WITH a lacy canopy AND a sealy posturepedic mattress that I could have used in her crib, for $30....Dang-The mattress was worth way more than that by itself....I just didnt have it-I did get a booster seat and a toy that they can push around when they are learning how to walk-for .50 each- (they are brand new too!!! so couldnt pass that up-too good a price!!!) then I got one of those blankets they lay on and can do things-it was still in pkg-for .25...... Her trunk was plum full. We were done....LOL....All of it is in my laundry room now....

Saturday night-Mike surprised us and took us fishing. We were going to stop in and say hi to Renee on our way to Stockton (yes, I knew it would be out of the way, but that was okay-not by much) and then I remembered that she was suppose to have a date-so I text her-and yep, she was on her date, so I didnt go see her. We had the boys and Megan and Aaron with us-and we were there until about 3 am and left. We caught roughly 100 fish-NO exaggeration there-BUT....ONLY TWO were keepers!! ALL the rest were babies~~

Yesterday was a catch up day. Sleep and yard work. Mikes shoulder is too bad for him to be doing mowing-even with the rider-to steer he cant. Too rough. I was out mowing and the rider started to smoke and stunk BAD...I turned it off-and had only done about 1/3 of what NEEDED to be done! YUCK......Anyway. Today I am finishing up laundry and stuff. Hurting pretty bad today......BAD, BAD BAD!!!!

I am planning on going to group tonite. I HATE to say that-cause something usually comes up-and so I dont want to get too excited until I am in Springfield.....LOL...Anyway, so I better get this wrapped up. I have 2 loads of laundry to fold and put away and then get my other stuff marked and get stuff together for some of my peeps. There wont be any veggies. RIP-I lost them when the freezer died. Im gonna go out to the garden before we leave and see about squash and/or tomatos...anything I can take and give away. I may still bring some apples-depends on what I can get done before leaving. I also have stuff for Jan and Renee and MAYBE sheila. Will have to see. Sheila is so small I dont think I have anything here that small......Im gonna see tho.

**Jan....Since I am coming tonite, you can bring me some of those lillies and the elephant ears....Megans trunk will be cleaned out because I have to bring stuff-so I will have room. I cant wait to see everyone.

You made me cry the other day when I read what you wrote about how you look at me as looking like an indian lady. I think they are so beautiful....that was so nice-thank you. I am PLANNING on a spiral perm. Will see tho-it wont be done until next month-so next months meeting you will see. I may be able to get them online first. Anyway-thanks for always being so kind.

I WILL be praying for your daughter. I KNOW-You dont EVER give up hope! I am glad she has been sober a month-its a start. I Will continue to lift her in prayer. Is she the one who is married to the alcoholic? IF so-has he stopped drinking too?

Its NOT wrong for you to ask for prayer about the Trike. I am praying for you. I HOPE AND PRAY that you get that trike and the desires of your heart. I cant wait to find out its yours~

Cant wait to meet Andrew and Susan tonite too!!! I am bringing Jon and Megan. She had to go to the college today (MSSU) and get her books since classes start for her tomorrow-so she will watch Jon while I am in the group...Not sure that he would stay with Joe by himself and Darrel cant go-because I ended up putting him in school instead of home schooling him as well. Anyway-so I better get this wrapped up and get on with it-LOL...Love ya and see ya in a couple of hours.

**Bec-I was going to suggest that you do your post in word and then copy and paste-but you replied that you cant do that. Darn it. It does sound like maybe you need a little updating or a new/new to you computer. Your WAY TO IMPORTANT to us-for you to be gone any length of time on the board. Wish we lived closer-I know people...LOL...That could help with the computer.

Im so sorry you were so busy last week AND that you fell! NOW your starting to remind me of me.... Im sorry you got hurt AND that you feel/felt so puney. I am lifting you in prayer, thats for sure. You are working so hard-and you ARE an inspiration-I am so very proud of you AND for you!!!! Just keep on, keeping on and it will ALL be over with before you know it and I am so excited for that!! Love you dear Bec....I just got a letter sent off to you..... Should have it this week.

**Renee-WOOOOO HOOOOOO....the day is FINALLY here that we get to see each other face to face AND get those hugs. I can HARDLY WAIT~~!!!! Dear sweet friend-your the best and I love you dearly!!!! Take care and be careful. Will be texting you to figure out where we can meet and chat for a bit before group.

**Sheila-Im so sorry you got sick like that!~ Do you think it was a bug of some sort? I sure hope Rachael feels up to bringing you tonite!!!! I MISS YOU and I WANT A HUG~ Love ya and be careful.

To all our newbies and our vet losers-I am praying for all of you. Any prayer you need-and I think of you all often. I love reading how your all doing and such-even if I dont get time to answer all of you individually. Please take care.....As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Jeanine S.
on 8/25/08 5:25 am - compton, AR
Hiya guys,

LOL I got up early and started replying on posts but before I got to this one my MIL showed up, she just left so im finally back haha.

Not a lot going on today mostly laundry and yaking with the MIL she and her honey had a falling out so she was down, im the family fixer who tries to make people laugh at least when things go wrong hehe.

I plan to join the COF group I hope soon, wish could be tonights meeting but my car is at the doctors/mechanics LOL and hubby is working overtime all this week so timing wont let that work out. You guys all sound like you have so much fun and I would LOVE to meet you all. Don't let Janet have all the hugs save me a few for when I do get to come hehe.

Bec, my hubby is a puter guy wish we were closer but maybe he will have some advice ill ask him when he gets home=) I am trying that prediet and exercise as well tho unlike you I have to do the 2 week liquid diet so i figure a dry run wont hurt me. They are certainly right about you being a insperation you sure are to me, You have faced so many fears, stuggled so long thru your journey and still remain such a bright shining light of pure joy/sunshine to all you meet. Thank you, you have no idea how much you, Jan and so many others brighten my day!!!

Janet, OUCH girl!! I dont know how you get all you do done on two good knees let alone one with broken bones, JEEZ, you and Jan are two of the toughest woman I know. You both make me tired just reading all you do LOL you make me have hope I may one day be that active agin. I used to have multi jobs and was one to run around with my hair on fire, tho that was many years and pounds ago. I hope to hold a candle at least to you ladies one day soon, however not sure I could still pull off as much courage as you two face with your knee pain. I hope you husband and yourself will soon be on the mend and things will begin to settle down, so you will have time to spoil that baby girl when she gets here. I can tell she will be very much loved and spoiled with all the goodies you are finding for her already, WTG on all those great finds!!!

Sheila HUGS I hope today will be a better day and you will soon be your old sweet self agin!!!

Ms Jan, I cant wait to hear about all your adventures on that new bike im sure you will soon be getting!!! We will have to start calling you hot rod motorcycle mama!!!! I will pray for your daughter as well, I know all to well from uncles in my family how hard drinking is on families, it hurts so much to not be able to help them beyond a certain point, because in the end it is them that must make the choice and do the work. Thier journey is a lot like ours in some ways, people can love you, want it for you, ect but in the end the choice and the work is up to us. I pray she will hold strong to the love you have for her and see thru your eyes that she is worth it and begin to beileve that for herself!!!

I have been watching all you new guys and taking notes on the good and the bad, I thank you all for posting it all you have no idea how much it means to us awaiting surgery!!!

Layla I hope your friend is doing better today, have you heard any news yet?

Andrew boy sounds like you are really becoming a iron man!! You and Jan are beating that hill now with ease!! WTG!!!

I hope you all have a great meeting tonight and the clothing exchange is a big success!!

Please know I pray for all  you ladies and gentlemen daily, I hope you all have a blessed Monday, see you all soon,

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