Made my own Protein Puddin' Pops
Yesterday I made some puddin' pops. I used; 1 pkg sf chocolate pudding, 1 scoop chocolate body fortress, and 1 3/4 cups milk. Put them in the molds & in the freezer. I ate one this morning and not even an hour later I was so nauseated I had to go to bed with my face in a bowl. I never threw up, but boy did my pouch want to. I felt better after I woke up a couple hours later, but still don't feel good. I don't understand why I got so ill feeling over this, it was sf. Needless to say, Skyler is getting the rest of them.
I do have good news. Yesterday I noticed that my pouch didn't hurt as bad when I drink. I take it that the swelling is going down. It's so much better!!! I'm hoping that I'll be able to get my fluids in better. I got really close yesterday & did get all my protein in. woo hoo!!
Hope everyone is doing well. Laura sent me a message earlier & said that she is doing well & to tell everyone "HI!"
(((HUGS))) Angy
That's great that you're pouch is healing up.
About the nausea. Perhaps it's the milk. My surgeon advises us to stay away from milk because of the amount of sugar in it. Lots of people become lactose intolerant after surgery. I prefer not to chance it with liquid milk. Solid dairy products seem to be okay though because they do not contain as much sugar as milk.
I wonder if you could have made them with soy milk or water? Don't know, just a suggestion.