Jan C.
on 8/23/08 2:13 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hmmmmmmmmm Saturday on the board. Not much going on so far anyway. Other than Shannon posting twice that is all that has been there. Maybe some will be on tonight. I had a short little note from Bec on my email saying her computer was acting up and she was going to shut it down for awhile and see if it would act better after it cooled down. evidently now since she hasn’t been back on or I haven’t gotten an email. Hmmmm.


Andy and I make our 2 miles this morning in 48 minutes. that is really good I think. But we will keep trying to get it down to 30, don’t really know if that is possible but is more important that he gets able to climb that big hill without breathing so hard. It is our only cardio workout in the walk.


Took the tin can back this morning to the rental place. It does get great gas mileage that is for sure. 30 most of the time. So saved us on gas.

Oh wow we found a great deal on Craiglist for a trike and of course it is about 3 days to early ….We are just crossing our fingers that he doesn’t sell it before  Tuesday…I know this is silly to do maybe but pray that the man doesn’t sell it ok?

It really is a great deal.


Just a couple more days and we have our support group again. yeah!!!! I always look forward to it so very much …each month you don’t know what all to expect  but we know we always have a great time.

I have got to get out and get me another gift bag and make up a goodie bag for any newbies. There Monday night. Nothing serious but some goodies to say welcome.

If anyone would like to contribute anything to the goodie bags would be welcome.


I made up a big pot of chili today. One of my main staples. Is one thing I can eat and know that it will go down and has lots of protein in it. I use it over burritos sometimes too then top it with cheese and low fat sour cream and jalapeños. …love those jalapenos

They don’t bother me in the least …


hope everyone is having a great week end , evidently they are looking at the board.




Bec M.
on 8/23/08 10:13 pm
Good Sunday Morning Missouri and my dear  hen,

I'm going to try this again... I tried three times yesterday morning to do this post after doing some other small ones and lost it all three times... it frustrated me and I quit... it takes me so long to write these that it really makes me mad to lose them.... I am starting out first thing on this one this morning and maybe I will not have problems.... will see.

It's been quite a week.... the busiest I've had in many a moons.... last weekend my youngest daughter came home and helped me cook... we put 32~34 meals in the deep freeze for Paul... it was two long days of work... then I was off to see Debbie D. and get the two day stress test out of the way..... traumatic test but was so thankful I PASSED!!

Then on Wednesday Paul got a severe tooth ache... they had been bothering him but now it is nearly unbearable ..... our dentist passed away so we had to look for another one... he was fortunate to get an appointment in Columbia for Thursday..... so I was up early and back on the road again, we got there and she told him some of them were hurting because of infected sinus behind the teeth and gave him some antibiotics and then wanted to do a root canal and cap on the bad one... but Paul said no he wanted to pull it and get a partial since he was missing so many other teeth.... so she said to come back at 1:00 and she would pull it... we ran a few errands and was back for the extraction..... poor guy... you have to see him to know that he is a very very BIG boned man!!! 6'8.75 in height, size 17 boot.... these dentist NEVER give him enough pain meds....he has huge teeth to go right along with his big bones... she worked and worked to get the tooth out... Paul had to tell her they usually have to get the saw and cut them in half to get them out... and tell her they have to give him lots and lots of deadening... as it continues to hurt while she is sawing on him!.... but she finally did get it out and we are on our way.... we did not get home till nearly 6:00 p.m.

Just as we were getting ready for bed our youngest daughter calls  and her car is dead in an elderly lady's driveway she is working for and the lady has a Dr. appointment the next day.  So it is back on road at 5:00 a.m. to take her Paul's car and bring hers home for some maintenance.... we did not get back home till 10:00 p.m.  My feet were hurting so badly from the swelling I had to take my shoes off and wear her flip flops.... and I fell on some rocks and skinned my elbow and the side of my leg up.... add that to all the bruises I had from them trying to start the I.V.'s and the blood pressure cuff... earlier in the week and I looked like Paul had worked me over real good! ~tee hee  kinda felt like it too!

Yesterday morning after having trying three times to write this post and being frustrated... I laid down and slept all afternoon! and the whole time with my buddy the nasty ole c~pap!!!  Our relationship is not going all that well.... ~ha but I am getting some time in each night and feel like I am getting a bit more use to it.....

I am looking forward to a better week this week.... I started a regimen on the 22nd of August and am going to be doing that till the 22nd of September (surgery day!!!) in preparation for surgery.... walking 30 minutes, doing upper body arm lifts and and stretches , doing 50 breathing exercises with my little breather machine,  getting in all my vitamins, 64 0z of water plus what ever other things I drink, 2 shakes a day and a small meal at night, not drinking 30 min before and after meals, eating with a baby spoon.... boy is that interesting... last night it took me a long time to eat my little portion with that spoon... I made sure to chew it to paste like... I should have been doing that for the past 40 years and maybe I wouldn't have gotten to the place I am today! ~ha   The first day I did not get all the "list" accomplished since we had to make the fast trip to get Amanda's car and was on the road all day... but I checked every one off yesterday  and hopefully will be able to every day now except for the day I have the scope.

Seemed like a lot of "stuff" this week but if I choose to see it... there is always something I can be thankful for..... I was so incredibly blessed by Debbie D. this week... I knew it was the result of her letting the Lord use her to minister to me!!! I will not soon forget all she did.... and am praying she is able to get over this sinus that is bothering her. 

Then we received over $500 that paid for the $200 in gas we had purchased to do Paul's mom's roof and the $186 we put in the truck on Friday!!!  Yes, that's right can you imagine $186 in one day!  It is a very big truck and trailer that we use to do these kinds of things..... 8 miles to the gallon sure adds up quick.... I even had some $$ left over to help cover the cost of all the other gas I used this week going to Kansas and Columbia...... and all that on scrap metal!!! Isn't the Lord good!!!

Well I need to do some routine house work today as I have been gone all week and it ALL needs doing again... and then I will start in on the fall cleaning since the fans and vents are done now.....  I sure have enough to keep me busy every single day till surgery day... it's good..... I'm certainly not setting around stewing over things... I'm not a bit concerned about the scope or my labs... I started an iron supplement so I should not have any problems with the labs and I have been taking Nexium for the past 6 months...so hopefully my stomach will all look good... I know they check for the H pylori and may have to take some antibiotics if I test positive but those seem small after some of the other things I have been thru....

I am reading about all you ladies that are adjusting to your new tummies and listening to what you are dealing with... I'm praying you all find your groove and do so well. 

The weight loss post was so very encouraging to me this week!  My goodness so many good ones!!!

Well I better not push my luck on this and get it posted before I lose it...

I wish each one a wonderful and happy day!


Andy W.
on 8/23/08 11:17 pm - Tulsa, OK
Wow, another successful morning of getting in our walk.  I think I am about to conqueor that monster of a hill we walk up every morning.  When I get to the top of it I am so outta breath but the humidity has been so high,  hopefully once that goes down it'll be much easier.  One day I wanna go beyond the hill and see what happens,  yeah Im crazy I guess lol  I just wanna get into shape and get this bloody weight off  lol,  I wanna make this my last summer of being so big.  One of my goals next summer is to be able to ride a rollercoaster with the nephew,  I told him when they were up a few weeks ago that if they came up next summer I'd go on it with him,  what have I got myself into  LoL.   It sure has been nice out but so humid,  I have to turn the AC on cuz of it,  I wi****'d go away cuz I really love the windows open and a nice breeze blowing out. 

Jan that chilli sounds good,  we eat more of that then anything here too cuz its really easy to get down,  Im like you  I love the japeleno's in it,  wish they'd burn fat off I'd eat a  bunch  lol.  Well I guess I better get off here and get a shower,  Y'all have a blessed Sunday!!   See some of ya at the COF meeting tomorrow!!!


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 8/23/08 11:37 pm - Waynesville, MO
Good Morning Jan

I see that you all are looking for a trike.  I would love a trike!  We have a '07 Victory Kingpin.  I assume that you ride a lot?  We belong to the CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association).  My husband is Vice-President of our chapter.  That keeps us busy.  There is always something going on!!  Do you all belong to any groups?  We have talked about joining F.O.R.R., just haven't got around to it.


on 8/24/08 12:06 am - Joplin, MO
I tried eating a peanut butter ball not thinking that I am supposed to still be on pureed foods and got soooooo sick, I experienced DUMPING!! I threw up a little bit of stomach acid junk, do you think I caused injury to my pouch? I am really fretting over this. NO more for me untill it is time. I saw that others were just as far out as I am and were going to try them, word of caution DON'T!!! It was THE worst feeling I have ever experienced in a long time!! I am doing okay besides that, we are cleaning house today getting ready for the week.... Not much to report ;) Have a great week!!!



Barbara S.
on 8/24/08 5:30 am - Freeman, MO
I suspect you got too much sugar. Check the sugar in the peanut butterand the milk. With the two of them it would be too much for me. You might try some of the Peanut butter company, peanut butter and Hood Calorie countdown milk. Both are much lower in sugar and both are sold at Walmart.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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