contradictions on fluid intake
Jen, I have soooo much trouble getting my fluids in. It feels like I am so full all the time. They told me to shoot for like one of those little 1 oz medicine cups full every 15 min or so. I keep sip, sip, sippin & probably only get in 1/2 of the fluids I'm supposed to get in. But I feel so full, I'm affraid to drink anymore, because I can feel that the water is still in there. It's so weird how we can feel the liquid run down & fill up our pouch. A very weird feeling.
How are you feeling since the drain & staples are removed? I think I felt so good yesterday, that maybe I overdid it. Getting that drain & staples out made me feel so much better, but boy do I feel like **** today. Really ran down & my sides hurting a little. Lynn & I went shopping this morning & I had a hard time. Got a little car sick, never threw up, but thaught I was goin to & extremely weak again. UUUGGGG!! I'll be so happy to feel normal again.
I got an email from Abby & she said Yes we start soft foods next Thursday! YAY!!!! I'm excited to get some new tastes, but a little worried. Heck I can't even get all the fluids in, how am I supposed to get in anything else?!?
Do you feel bloated all the time? I'll be happy when that goes away too. It doesn't hurt, just uncomfortable.
(((HUGS))) Angy
Ang I am feeling good since yesterday but not much energy. I just think it's time to go for another b-12 shot is all. Plus the milk in my shake last night made me sick.
keep sipping away girls and one day soon it will all come together believe me it will. Pain is another story if you are in pain and it isnt getting better daily then you need to go see about it.