hope you and Chloe have a great time ...It is sunny here right now and suppose to get to 88 so hopefully you and she will have a great time.
yes you know what they say about fish and company , they both start to smell after 3 days. even if you love them to death. lol
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
Its Friday......YAY....I get to spend some time with my hubby this weekend. We are both gimped up-but just the same! I cant wait!!!
I have 2 exciting things to report this morning.....The first-is that I have lost 6# this week!!! I havent lost that much in a week in more than 6 months I believe!!! This eating thing IS WORKING!! Who would have thought it? Altho-I feel like I am going to damage my pouch or something because I am eating more often and more food. I dont eat till I feel like Im going to vomit or feel stuffed-I am eating slower and taking a longer period of time to eat. I have to admit-that I would just take 2-3 bites before and throw the rest away if no one else took my plate. This is so weird. Of course-Mike isnt as excited about it as I am-I just have to go check my BMI and see if I am "normal" yet-IF I am-then I am done with losing....Somehow tho-I dont think 173# is considered "normal" but will see!!!
The second is that I may be getting a new pup. Tiny little thing. He/She is 1/2 chihauhau (sp?) and 1/2 bichon or something tiny (Mike couldnt remember)....it fits in your hand and is 8 weeks old. Its going to stay pretty small. I cant wait. I should know today if we are getting one or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Mike asked me on a date tonite-but I am clerking today.....last bit of money I get to make for awhile since I cant help housekeep right now-AND I have been working doing laundry for Ms. Megan since she has been so sick. I dont do much but fold and sit on my rear WHILE I am folding it. Anyway-I believe tomorrow we are going on our "date"....that will be soooo nice. I am ready for a break from the boys. MAN ALIVE!!!! They have been fighting or cranky ALL WEEK! This homeschooling thing is NOT going to go over too well IF they dont settle down with the fighting. Unfortunately-I think Darrel will be too bored at home anyway. At least he is acting bored. He may just need that interaction on a daily basis.
Renee is fixing me up with her hairdresser-and I talked to Mike last night and he said to go ahead and go get my hair done and he would make sure we had the money to pay for it-so I AM GETTING SOMETHING done with my hair-Yipee...Yay.....Yahooooo......I am thinking perm. Will see. I am glad to have found someone who will understand that I NEED to get up every 1/2 hr or so and stretch my back out-because some people are so cranky and Btchy......I havent had ANYONE do my hair since MY hairdresser moved out of state-and she was the BEST!!! She used to come to my house and we would do "girls hair night" and there would be 6 or so of us-and Kristina would come and do cuts and colors and we would pay her-even though she hated taking our money-we just loved her to peices and we did it once a month...it was so much fun-have a couple of ****tails and laugh and have fun...I MISS that so much! I am excited to meet the new hairdresser and to get my hair done-4 yrs is a long time to wait. You wouldnt believe how short my hair was tho-when I was pregnant with Jon-it was really long-and I got a wild hair one day and told Kristina I couldnt wait for hair night-and asked her to come over after work-and she did-and I MADE her lop it all off-she had tears in her eyes-she kept saying-no, lets do this and IF its not short enough, I will cut more off-I took her scissors and cut off a big old chunk on the side-and she had to fix it-LOL...Man was she ever mad at me-but we are like sisters-so......Sadly-I havent seen her since she moved to Florida after she got married.
Mike just got a Fed Ex package-remember me saying he had that defective charger and it blew up 2 batteries? He already got his charger AND both batteries. We havent even gotten the form back from the post office yet-we paid extra for the customer to sign for the package and send it back to us!!! Dang!
Oh man, I wish I could say that I feel pain-free today, but I dont!~ I have gotten "used" to the knee pain, but I am wearing the brace religiously (which does help) and my back is killing me-late effects from the fall AND the procedure, Im sure. I called my docs office yesterday-and told them my situation and they were going to overnite my scripts yesterday to my pharmacy today since they arent open on the weekends. So-Maybe by this afternoon, I will be pain free!!! Or at least tolerable? My left knee is bruised more than my right knee-but doesnt hurt. My wrist bruise is now going away, but the bone is sticking out there too-and yes, it hurts-but they took x-rays and its not broken or anything. Thank goodness....Geez....Between Mike and I-I dont think we would make a whole body-LOL...He needs both of his knees replaced too-and his back, shoulder AND neck are all hurt-he is actually 48% legally disabled, but refuses to go on disability until he just CANT-and he doesnt like the word CANT....I bet in the next 5 yrs-he will be on disability too-that will be a true test of our marriage-LOL...Nah-we have spent more time together this year than we have since we have been together and yet-when he has to go back to work-we miss each other terribly.
Well, I am going to wrap this up. I have laundry to fold-and some other things to do before I head out of here today.
**Jan-I have fruit trees-I have 4 apple, 1 peach (which I have 16 peaches growing on it right now-YIPEE) and 2 cherry....what cha need to know? We prune them back each year-and they produce more fruit the following year-for instance the apple trees-I usually get 4-6 apples PER branch! Even when One branch forks out to 4-all 4 branches will have 4-6 apples on them....Im telling you-each yr there is more than the yr before-the cherry trees-they dont do as well as the apple and peach. This is the first year that we had enough peaches to pick besides what the bugs get to-and yes, we spray them every spring and during the summer-not on the fruit tho.
Mikes dad is home and with hospice. Mikes aunt is still in Jersey with her oldest son and grand-daughters and will be heading back to Lake Havasu in a week. She is doing okay. Thank you for asking. My heart wants to be with Dad so badly. I feel guilty being here and not with him. Love him so much. So sad that he is hurting and when we talk to him, he always makes me cry because he just keeps talking about Mike and I coming back that way with the kids-and how he is going to miss Megan having her baby and being a great grandpa and so on....I ALWAYS end up sobbing like a big baby and my nose runs and I have to give Mike the phone. Then, my mind plays tricks on me, like-Maybe-just maybe-there will be a miracle-I DO BELIEVE in miracles!!!! MAYBE Dad WILL BE OK??? The docs say they cant for the life of them understand WHY he is still here....maybe he CAN hang on until we get back there in January? Then, Mike pulls me back to reality. It sucks. Reality sucks sometimes! ( alot of times ) I WANT to believe he will be okay. It makes my mind and me feel better. Stupid, huh? I know-but......for some reason-I just stay there in lollipop land.
Cant wait to see you guys on Monday. So, your getting the truck back today? Holy cow-whatever did they have to do to it? Seems like its been in the shop forever and a day????? Dang!! Take care and I will see you soon and love you guys.
**Bec-Where in the world are you off to now? Is everything alright?? I hope so. Praying for you and love ya.
**Renee-Yay.Yay.....We are gonna have so much fun.....I cant wait till you get your approval-Im so excited for you. I am so happy to have you as an angelette. Im so glad I can call you MY friend. Love you to peices.
**Angy-Take it easy. I remember getting my drain out and feeling like a new person walking out of the doc office-I was hunched over walking in-and in tons of pain and leaving-standing tall and proud. You need to share with everyone your weight loss too-I dont want to take that WOW moment away from you-IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Love ya.
**Andy-I will keep you in my prayers. Hope the doc will find out WHY your swelling so much. That worries me. I know its uncomfortable for you too. Im sorry about that. Take it easy and hope to see ya on Monday.
**Sugar-so did you get to White Water today? I hope so. We havent gotten the rain here that everyone is talking about. Our grass looks it tho. We need to get the mower going through it quick or we will be lost in the jungle no doubt.
**Sheila-Im so glad your doing okay. I hope you can make it Monday. I look forward to seeing you. I WILL get us those ****tails with umbrellas one day....Unfortunately-looks like there will be no huge pool party this year like we have had every other year! Maybe next summer? Altho...IF it does get hot next month or Oct-we will just refill it and let it heat again. Will see. Not worth paying to run the pump for a month of no usage. Costs us about 500 bucks a month for the summer electric bills when pump is going.
To every one else-Your in my thoughts and prayers and I wish everyone a speedy recovery and a lot of WOW moments!! Love reading about them! Take care!!! Love, Janet
Janet….good to hear from you and to know that you made it thru another day without falling or hurting yourself in any way. Maybe we ought to order you some bubble wrap to put around you and protect you, as the ad says we protect what is valuable. Lol
I am eating more and more ,but im like you I refuse to stuff my self beside if I try to do that I wind up getting rid of everything I took in …I think something im going to try is wheat germ in my shake…what does that taste like? Do you know?
Just an idea , I may start making my protein drinks like I did before into a slushie with milk and fruit that would add some extra calories and would all be healthy too. Then what ever I was able to eat would be fine.
Awwwwwwwwwwwha a puppy, they are so cute when they are little but hate the house training and the chewed up furniture, clothes, shoes books, etc etc. but im happy for you if that is what you want. Lol
That is sort of like most women get around in their late 30s early 40s thinking they might want another baby….i did until I thought about the potty training and all the mess and stuff in your house, the crying and walking the floor. nuff said huh/
So when are you getting this new do? Cant wait to see you. I think you look like an Indian princess lol with your long straight dark hair. Very pretty, I have never had straight hair in my life, I use to when we were kids roll it up on these big cans it when it dried if I didn’t move my head would be so shinny and pretty and then a breeze or something and bong and another and another till it was curlying all over the place again. lol
I don’t know how you are standing the pain you are in all the time let alone new pain such as broken bones. When will that other doctor be back? I hope you get in that day and get that knee replaced. You will feel so much better and then while you are in the hospital already have them do what ever else they need to do. Lol
I don’t know anything about what you spray fruit trees with or how much or when. Isnt there a special way to trim them and a certain time? The peach trees that are in the front yard at Andys were beautiful and full of peaches. Then they were about half ripe and they turned brown and dried up…nothing, nada , not a peach one. Such a shame .
I know you all wish you could be with Mikes dad but that isnt to be right now. The peace we have as Christians is the fact that we know we will see our loved ones again if they were saved too. So we do have a peace about them going on before us in a way.
There was a lot to do to the truck. Windshield, mufflers,and tail pipe, front under bumper, wheel wall on left front wheel, alinement, fix all the scratches and dents and repaint, put on 4x4 decal,and pinstriping., air bags and clocks for them , reset the computer which I think must be a really big thing don’t know. Anyway that is part of it , Joe went by there this morning and says it looks really good. We will see in the light of day soon. Cant wait to get it back. Love you girl
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood today.
I'm so glad it's almost time for Circle of Friends. I brought my clothes last month so have been carrying them around in my trunk ever since. They'll be clean but wrinkled probably.
Jan, talking about your wreck made me think of my neighbor across the street. She is a child psychologist and she is on call at all hours at the hospitals in case a child comes in who needs help. Yesterday she got rear-ended in Springfield for the second time in about three months. I feel sorry for her because she's out there trying to help children in distress and some fool hits her because he's in too big a hurry to slow down. UGGGG!!
Hope the weather stays decent - I want to go to the Crane Broiler Festival for awhile. I've never been there but I love those little town events. Makes me think of my dad - he was in the Lions Club up home and was always working at some fund raiser. I miss him even though he's been gone 12 years in November. I was such a Daddy's girl.
My older step-son just got a new-to-him motorcycle this week so now both stepsons have them. They are grown men so I have no control over them but it scares me for this older one because he has a temper and can get really reckless when he's mad.
Only one more month and we leave for our vacation to Boston and New York. I had hoped to be really skinny before we left but haven't had much luck doing that. I just gain 2 lose 2, gain 2 lose 2. Yuck. Seems harder right now. Guess my genetics is telling me I need to bulk up for the winter. Hibernation and all that!!! I keep fighting the good fight.
It's a little more quiet today here at school. It starts for real on Monday - today is Move-In and the streets are full of Freshmen and their many necessities. I'm not kidding - some of these kids bring a huge SUV load of stuff and somehow fit it into a small dorm room. Then they wear about three things all semester and hang out in someone elses room all the time. Go figure.
Last night we went to Romano's Macaroni Grill for dinner and I had Eggplant Parmesan and of course I'll be having it again tonight and tomorrow noon. But it was wonderful - I recommend it.
Better get back to the grindstone.
Love and hugs,
Hi Lana , im glad that it is almost time for the meeting too …im sure we will have lots of clothes to exchange. .
I thought about going to the broiler festival tonight too. But decided it was already too late by the time we really thought about it .
Wish now I would have gone could have seen you there.
What in the sam hill do you mean you thought you would be skinny?????? You are skinny. Good grief people fuss at me when I say I want to lose 15 or 20 more pounds . I don’t know if there would be anything left of you if you lost that much . what are you now a 0?
Yeah I saw on the tv about move in day at the university and though about you and all your kids today
Last year the neighbors gave us lots of eggplant and I made eggplant parmesan lots . I love that stuff . yummmmmmmmmy
Haven't had time to be on for a few days so I thougth Id drop in and see how things were going and say HI.....
I hope your all doing well.....Things have been a bit crazy around here lately but your all always on my mind.....
Sure wish I could make it to the COF meeting Monday....I sure miss you guys....I hope yall have a wonderful time and your clothing exchange goes well.....Sure wish I knew what size I was going to be when they get my TT done....Id yell for left overs lol lol....
Will check back in when I have more time to be on....
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....
God Bless each of you..
Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hi Tammy
I sure hope things are going well for you and yours. I really wish you could make it to the COF meeting Monday night too. Come on up I will put you up for the night.
Did you get the car that you were talking about here while back? .
Well we wish we would know what size too but ….
We will be here and hope you come back soon.