I have to share this!
Last night I did something I have NEVER done before. I took a tap class with my 8 year old daughter! I live in Windsor and there is a dance studio called A Step Above. My daughter has been taking dance there since she was two. I got this wild hair up my butt to try a class or two just for excersise. OMgo**** was so fun! I went to the aerobics class right before my tap class and then the tap. I learned how to do so much in just one class. It was so funny because it was a bunch of munchikins and me. I think my daughter was a little embarrassed but hopefully that will pass because I can't wait until next thrusday so I can go back. Also, my friends and I are starting Sweatin to the oldies next week. I love to dance and now I really can dance. I just wanted to share. You all have a great day and God bless, Penni