Got up at 5 am feel wonderful , no pains or aches here…wow don’t know how to feel about no pain . its been so much a part of my life for so long that my brain is reacting fumy . lol
Yesterday about 2 pm I started getting tired so I went and lay down with my friend the O2 concentrate….an hour later I woke up and felt wonderful again.
I cleaned cabinets yesterday and cleaned out my washer room. It was a mess. I have got these big star fish that I bought while on one of the
I finally got them sprayed with poly yesterday got to do it again today…then I guess I will try to do something with them.
It is almost 7 time for the body to get walking but it is raining. Am going to call Andy and see if he wants to walk and carry an umbrella? My pain free body is saying walk me walk me.
About the time we normally walk it started pouring down. darn so we wait.
Has anyone noticed that the days are sure getting shorter? Just noticed last night that it was 8 and dark….well I guess nothing I can do about that one. It does it every year lol
Just hate to see Winter come around. But Hopefully Joe and I can get the GW Trike we are wanting in the next couple of weeks. We should have some extra money by then .
Debbie found a really good used one for us a week or so ago and of course we didn’t have the money then…but if anyone sees or hears of a good used Honda Gold Wing trike that is for sale let us know. I look on Craigs List daily even other states too.
Andy and I waited all day to go walking so finally it looked like it was clearing off around 4:30 but we only got about ¾ of a mile done and it started in again. Oh well better than nothing and Andys legs were swollen again anyway. Joe and I have to be in Forsyth at 8:45 in the morning so we wont walk in the morning. I told him to keep his feet up all day tomorrow and we would go walk when we got home if he wants. I have to go by and get my B-12 and some needles then have to get a few things at the groc. Store so probably will be afternoon before we get home.
Hope your Thursday is good. We need to remember Janets husband Mike he has to have surgery on his shoulder to reattach it , I think it is today, also remember to keep Tammy-Ammy in prayer and all of her family too.
Brenda and Dennis keep them in prayer as they prepare to fly to
Sheila I hope you are healing well and will be back on your feet well enough to come to the support meeting Monday.
Good morning sis, Im so pleased to hear of you and the pain relief...
I wish I would have had some yesterday...I stood at the table or in the laundry room for several hours yesterday sorting, hanging and marking clothes for the exchange and my back gave me fits last night. It was all I could do to sit thru church last night.
I also organized my closet,& my jewelry box, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned toilets, did a load of dishes, made a sf pecan pie, went grocery shopping and to Lowes to look for some things...so I guess my day was pretty busy...oh yeah...bought gas for $3.29 a gallon! Did you ever think we would be thinking that was a good price? lol! While at Lowes I found a little hanging chandilier for my BR with brown crystals all over it...really cute. I want Rick to look at it and see what he thinks. I just think that is something the room needs now with all the new furniture...
Of course now Im anxious to get started on my living room. I found some beautiful living room furniture on craigs list but the lady thought someone was going to buy it yesterday...but I'll keep looking. I know the style I want, so it is just a matter of finding it at the price I want to give, lol!
Well, Ill get off of here and get headed for the gym...NO boys today so Im free! YEAH! lol! They are great kids but I need a break every few days. Love you all!
are we suppose to put paper tags on everything and pin them on with the size written on them? or hang them or what?
I have mine all sorted according to size but they all have a tag on them with the size.
let me know so i wont have done it all wrong lol
like what kind of living room furniture do you want or looking for? what ever it will be very pretty i know.
you sound like our Dad and his bargining. i use to get so tickled out of him , he would buy something for 5.00 and use it for 15 years and want 5.00 for it when he went to sell it lol
oh wow i love the O2 it is so good to wake up with no headach and muscles and tendons not all tied up in knots. I have told Joe many times that it feel like they arent gettting any O2 dont know why i thought that but just did. and come to find out i guess i was right;
glad you got a day to yourself.
I put a strip of paper on the right shoulder of every pc of clothing that I am bringing...pinned it on with a straight pin. It says SIZE 14-16 or whatever...If you hold a pc of clothing up looking at the front of it, I pinned it on the right shoulder...that makes it easy to locate. On shorts I folded them together and put it on the hip part. Most of my clothes are hung up so I hope we have enough hanging space. If not I will take them off and fold them once we are there.
Anything I have left I am taking to Grand Oaks Mission where they give things to people who need them instead of selling them.
I hope you get to come up and see my bedroom on Monday...It is beautiful!!!!
i do plan to come monday and hope to bring the clothes but not sure i can get the sizes on em unless Rachael finds some free time cos i just tire to easily but i NEED some clothes too...
im glad every one is feeling better...while i was in hosp i did try to check out the gastric bypass people and found 2....1 was named Michaels and the other lady was some thing to do with eskimos...they was both doing good so far....
glad ur feeling better jan and we havent gotten NO rain here so quit hogging it and send some this way lol
prayers up 4 all who needs em and tks for praying for me
love and hugs
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Good Thursday to everyone.....We have someone having surgery today, dont we? I thought I saw something on the board about her being new and having surgery Thursday. Lets keep her in prayer today for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Thanks.
We had Mikes surgeon cancel his surgery for this morning. He had a family emergency-and will be out of state for at least a week-the office said that another surgeon would be taking over his caseload-but Mike wants to wait for his surgeon to get back-dont blame him-I would too. So we wait. So I wait-LOL. I hate seeing him hurting-but he has been doing a lot better since he learned to STOP using his arm/shoulder for anything-and I mean even writing.
I would just like the record to show that "I" should have an M.D. at the end of my name....Why, you ask? Well, because I told Jan yesterday when we were Instant Messaging one another that I thought I had broken another bone in my knee-and not only was I right-but twice over. I broke it in 2 different places-and I already had one before the fall-so I have 3 broken bone peices sticking up out of my right knee. The doc said that he couldnt understand HOW I was walking around-and that he couldnt believe it. (One tough cookie he said....) The ONLY thing I didnt like about this new doc-is that he insisted on giving me anti inflammatorys for the pain and we CANT TAKE THEM.....He didnt want to listen to me and it P'D me off-BIG TIME. I flat out asked him WHAT he knew about WLS pts and our aftercare-he didnt have a logical answer-and so I asked him-HOW would YOU feel IF I came in here and told YOU that YOU WERE WRONG about WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE? Thats WHAT YOUR DOING TO ME, AND I DONT APPRECIATE IT!!!! IF you dont want to listen to ME, than I WONT be YOUR PT. I ended up tearing the script of Ibuprofen 800s up and tossing it on the floor and hobbling out with my knee brace on my knee-AND...(kinda funny here) it had fallen down my leg some-so the opening wasnt right at my knee cap anymore-so it was all jacked up and I couldnt fix it without pulling down my pants again...and I was so angry-that I was DETERMINED to get to the car with it hiking down my leg, stuck in the bottom of my capris. What a mess! I was so angry I was crying. I told him that it wasnt JUST the wls-but that I have 3 ulcers on my staple line-and ibuprofen REALLY jacks with my stomach and ulcers. He just shook his head while he wrote out the script and told me to try milk and food with it! I wanted to tell him to bend over. I am going to go see Mikes ortho doc when he gets back-he will do BOTH knees at once. My regular ortho wouldnt-and they couldnt get me in for 2 weeks with his schedule-and I knew I couldnt wait that long. Anyway-Im sitting in the same pain-and I will see the doc when he gets back-maybe he could put Mike and I in the same room-LOL....Mike will just be a daysurge and I will be an overnite x3? or more-something like that. IF its not better pain wise, I will go to the ER later today and get something for pain.... Will see. Just trying to wrap my mind around it right now and adjust. Adjust. Adjust. Adjust......
My ulcers are really bothering me today as well. Not sure whats going on with that, but woke up during the night with a bad ulcer ache-thats what I call them-and it called for immediate medication. (LOL) Prilosec (or generic) here I come.....Uh oh-only had 3 left-and took em. Will HAVE to go to town today to get more-and I am NOT happy about that-I really didnt want to leave my shack today unless it was to go to the ER-I just want to stay home and clean and organize and whatever. It seems like forever since I havent had at least 3-4 things PER day to do. Actually-Kenny-who I call Grandpa-he is having surgery this morning-so my mom is at the hospital with him-and I am waiting for word on how he is doing. He was so worried about it. I spent over an hour with him yesterday just trying to calm his nerves. He keeps telling me that he thinks he is going to die soon and then keeps telling me what to do with his money and him. He wants to MAKE SURE that his wishes are done and feels like Mike and I will make sure and do that for him. Yes, of course we will-but it doesnt mean your gonna die. He fell at dialysis yesterday and do you know-before they ever got him back up in the sitting position of his chair-that one of the nurses was waiving a release form in front of him wanting him to sign it saying he wouldnt sue them? WHATEVER-thats crap! I was so angry. I called them and left a message for the nurses to call me back. Havent gotten that call back yet-and yes, they do have permission to speak to me regarding Kenny. Trust me, IF I have to go in there today-they will not be much happier than I am right now-LOL.......I know that. Something seems really wrong with the world when someone can fall and get hurt-and your waiving a release form in front of them on the floor-instead of stabilizing that person and getting them up first to make sure they are okay. Dang!
More depressing news......Mikes cabana (our pool area) is closing this weekend. Pool is getting drained already........ I am sooooo sad. I have 4 new swimsuits and only got to wear one-once! The other 3 I have only tried on-and they are so cute. Im not cute in them-but they are cute.....does that make sense to anyone but me?
My doll, Renee-text me yesterday and her hairstylist said she does spiral perms for $50 plus $5 per box after that-not sure if its box of rollers or solution-but I didnt read the text until almost midnight and didnt want to text her back then-LOL.....I may be able to do that-as my hair isnt nearly as thick as it used to be-its about 1/2 as thick-I cant wait-that would be so awesome. I know that a spiral will take about 6 hours for anyone to do-and the school told me when they gave me a quote to plan on being there ALL DAY....Even through lunch!
I cant think of anything else happening right now. I NEED to get in the garden and get the winter stuff planted or forget about it until next spring. I want to-just not sure if I will physically be able to. Will see.
**Jan-I am SO GLAD that your pain free.....wow! WOW!!!! Seems too simple, doesnt it? I wonder if I can order some of that? Are you sure its not like that gas stuff the dentist gives you that makes you loopy? LOL......I have been praying for you and I am so glad the prayers have been answered. Yes, I WILL keep my eyes posted on that trike for you-we have a couple of motorcycle shops here-so will watch extra carefully for you, ok? How exciting is that? Cant wait to see it when you get it!!
**Bec-THANKS for the email. I plan on responding to you after I post if I have time. I am so glad the tests came out ok. I have had such a calm feeling-serene even, about your tests and your surgery. I know you will be great and do great. You Will-AND I am so glad we have met through your journey and I love you to peices! As well as so many others-I am SO BLESSED to have all of you in my life!
**Deb-thanks sooooo much for giving Bec that hug from me! I so appreciate you!! You will definitely have extra jewels in your crown....Your such an angel! Love ya.
**Sheila-How are you doing today? Hope you feel like getting on and posting. Hope you feel better. When do you go back up for your check up? Keep us posted.
**Renee-what would I do without you? No doubt do I want to find out! Love ya more than you know and thanks for ALL you do for me......YOU ROCK!
**Sugar-Im sorry you were hurting like that. I can relate to that! You get so much done now though-its amazing.....no wonder you were hurting. I was hurting just reading what all you did yesterday-you and Jan-dang!!!! LOL------Hope the gym helps today and see ya monday.
**Andrew-whats up with your feet/legs swelling so much? Does the doctor know? Do you take a dieretic (sp?) for it? When I swelled-they put me on tha****er pill and it did help some. That was pre-op though, so I dont know if post ops should? Just wondering-not trying to be ms. nosey or whatever-just want to make sure your okay...I know mother hen Jan will keep her eagle eye on you-LOL.....Take care and I am praying for you and for Susan and the FIL....
**Tammy-Ammy-CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN.....PLEASE???? Love ya girl. You AND the family are ALL In my prayers.
Well-Im off......I hope you all have a good Thurs. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Hey Janet. Well so you now canceled your surgery you were suppose to have today and you wont do your knee surgerys until someone gets back off vacation and Mike has canceled his surgery…good grief kids , your bodies wont hold together forever if you don’t take care of them. Please im begging of you go get the knees fixed and the d*C and mikes Shoulder. Sounds like between the two of you , you could keep a surgeon busy for awhile.
That is sad that the pool is getting closed so early. You know we may have the hottest Sept and Oct on record don’t you? Then you will be wanting that pool back up.
So sad to see what happens to some people that are alone when they get older isnt it?
I hope you aren’t tring to work and run all over the place too much with those knees like that are you? I can imagine or rather cant imagine what kind of pain you must be in.
Is Mikes dad worse? Or his Aunt? Love you hun take care and will keep you all in prayer always.