Jan C.
on 8/19/08 1:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Man I am telling you what a difference O2 makes  , I sure wish I would have had this 40 years ago , no telling what I could have done. I slept all night after I once got to sleep. The tubing and nasal cannuals bothered me so I finally made me go to my happy place lol and went off to sleep. I awoke this morning with NO HEADACHE, NO MUSCLE Pains, even the JOINTS  felt so much better. Wow that is about all I can say is wow.

It is amazing. If you have trouble sleeping or are tired all the time. Insist that your doctor schedule you a sleep study,

Wish I  had …


Andy and I walked our 2 miles this morning in 5 minutes less time than yesterday . It was 50 minutes this morning and more than half of that is up hill. Some of it very steep.

If we can get that down to 30 minutes we will be doing great….i think it is doable.


Worked on my pond out front again trying to get the rocks in the bed around it just right.

Lot of moving and removing and putting them back etc. once I get it right will see about some small peranial plants for in it.

Joe is working on setting up the fountain  so we can hear the water in the house,once he gets that all hooked up will fill with water and see how it goes.. wonder if the water lilys like the shade???


     Well I heard from Bec while ago but will let her tell all of you her trials and tribulations from the stress test and all the things that she and Debbie have been doing..


Sheila was suppose to be getting released today, or that is what she text me this morning.

Said she did have a bowel obstruction also along with the gall bladder and adhesions.

Wow she sure had some pain I would imagine.  Welcome home Sheila.

Hope you are feeling up to coming to the support meeting Monday night.



Not a lot else going on today , must not have been with everyone else either….the board was really quite today.

How do you all like the way im doing the post now? read the

  post that you made yesterday. Ok? Then let me know how you feel about it or is it too confusing…ok?

Wont hurt my feelings one little bit, im not sure how whether I like it or not.






on 8/19/08 11:18 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning to all, Well I had the boys yesterday and they had spent the night so my computer room was occupied with boys so I couldnt post....they spent the night again but Skyler is up and about so I thought I would get a quick note in.
Sis, Im so happy that you are sleeping better...it is amazing what good sleep can do for you. Also, the more exercise you get the better you will feel too. I miss going to the gym everyday and think I will again as soon as school starts. I know that helps me sleep which in turn makes me sleep better.
You should see my new bedroom. I love my furniture. It is big and overtakes my room space some, but I like it anyway. I have plenty of drawer space so that is nice. I was afraid that going from a chest and a dresser to just a dresser, I wouldnt have enough but it is.

I went over to Rachelles last night and helped her get somethings put up in drawers and closets and Rick put the boys beds up (tall loft beds). So they have room under thier beds for all kinds of things. Skyler put his desk and his chest and Christian has his drum set under his...It will save alot of floor space for them. Hopefully if she gets to sign the closing this Friday, we can get her moved in over the weekend.

Im taking Chloe to white water on Friday for her day out with Grammy. I hope the weather is nice...supposed to be.

Hey, do you think I should get Rick to get a sleep study done? Do you think they could help with his snoring? I know he would feel better if he didnt snore all night long.

Well, gotta get started on the day. Im going to size all my clothes that I am bringing Monday night. Ive got from size 12's to 24's WOW!  Ive got several suits in size 14 that I hope someone can wear. If not, Im going to take them to a place that will suit up working women for free.

Love and GOD's grace to all today...Sugar


Jan C.
on 8/20/08 1:18 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Sugar im anxious to see your new furniture in your bedroom , i bet it is beautiful. i know it is your whole house is beautiful.
Sounds like Rachele is getting everything in place. that will be good that when she signs the papers and all she wont have a lot to do at once.

Yeah i think Rick should have a sleep study done. the snoreing he does could be sever sleep apnea and could explain the bad headaches he gets sometimes. and the very least they can see why he snores so loud and maybe help with that.
Looking forward to Monday night...



on 8/20/08 12:07 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps!~

I cant be the first one-surely by the time I get posted, someone will post-LOL....I want strawberry tho if I am the first to post......do you have any that have gum in the center, jan? I want gum in the center of mine-LOL LOL....

I had an interesting-not fun, but interesting day yesterday. Monday evening-the boys and I were out in the garden-we are trying to get it set up for our fall garden-and I fell-on both knees and my left wrist-and I broke something in my right knee. I cant even imagine the pain I am in right now-and I am going to the ortho surgeon today to check it out. No pain pills are even touching the pain-Im afraid to find out-to be honest. This hurts too much to be simple-thats for sure. For now, I am wearing Mikes knee brace-and just rotating ice and heat, ice and heat. IF Im not shot when I get done at the doc today-I will get on and post the results-

The boys and I stopped at the grocery store yesterday-and when I got home-I sent Darrel out to the Morton Building to put some pizzas in the freezer-we have a refridgerator AND deep freeze out there- well, the deep freeze-nothing else is going to fit into that......lets just say-veggies and such are crammed in there-but the freezer on the fridge and the fridge we have been using for our canning stuff-and apples-squash and such-you name it-ANYWAY-Darrel comes in the house and says that the freezer is thawing-and the door wasnt open....SHOOT...ONLY I DIDNT SAY SHOOT!!!! So-go out there-and guess what? Didnt do that speghetti for dinner (which I had already started...and is still in the crock pot slow cooking)-we had our KC Strip Steaks. Made all 4 of them-even though we didnt eat 2 whole ones....We lost about 50 worth of fish-and about 50 worth of beef and steaks, we already thawed and rotted pretty much. We dragged the things that were still good out-and I rearranged the freezer in the house to fit the other stuff....I am NOT buying any more freezer stuff until we eat at least 1/2 of the stuff I have in there already. I HATE feeling like the hard work is flushed down the toilet.

To top off my interesting day-I had picked up my rx of flexiril at Walmart-and they only gave me 60 and I was suppose to have 90 of them.....so now I have to take those back to them-not sure WHY I have to take the whole script back-but they want me to bring them in.....thats never happened to me before.

I worked for Megan yesterday. That poor kid-she has worked since she was 15 yrs old-and she has ALWAYS had at least 2 jobs-often times one full and 2 part time AND school-well, she is so sick-that she isnt even working right now. My heart just breaks for her. So, I have been going in and doing her laundry to give her a break, and TRYING to help her out however I can. She said that Goldfish (they are crackers shaped like fish) never have made her sick-so I bought her a box of them last night at the store. How crazy is that? Whatever works. Its such a mixed emotion-cause I am so excited about the new baby-and yet-I watch her struggle and she is so miserable-its just bittersweet. I keep showing her stuff-like the little rain boots I bought with big daisy flowers on the side of them and little zippers-ADORABLE! She doesnt even smile tho-she just looks at me like- GO TO HELL, MOM! This baby is killing me......I just keep telling her-just wait-pretty soon ALL of this will be a distant memory and we will be holding our little bundle of joy and it WILL all be worth it......it WILL.... I dont think she quite believes me though. LOL...Poor kid. Please pray for her if your reading this.

Stephanie is now staying with my ex mil-lets just say-she is NOT my favorite person. She ALWAYS treated me AND my girls like crap-ALWAYS-and now when I want to talk to Steph-I have to call her house-and she is less than eager to let Steph talk to me.....she always says-I will have to have her call you back-so I said to her-Are YOU on the other line or something? No, so I said-I WILL WAIT. I can either talk to MY daughter ON THE PHONE NOW-OR I can swing by the house-which DO YOU PREFER? yes, exactly what I thought-I get to talk to her on the phone.

It looks as though its been drizzling outside. Not a full blown rain yet-but they are calling for showers today-most of the day actually. Its not helping the arthritis. Yucky, yucky day. IF it doesnt start warming up in the next couple of days-we are shutting down the pool for the season already. We only got about 3 weeks in it-IF that!!! Im so disappointed! I dont even have all the new tiki torches put up yet-does that tell you anything?

I hope Bec gets on and posts today-I have been praying my heart out for her and her testing for the past 2 days......her, and so many others. I do have a special prayer request right now though. Please pray for Tammy H and her family. She needs prayer. I appreciate it. I hate to be so vague-but God knows her needs for prayer and so if we can just lift her in prayer along with her family- well, you all know the power of prayer-thank you.

Not sure what happened with my internet-but it is fixed now. Sometimes when it rains a lot-we cant get a dial tone on our house phone-which we just have the land line for the computer-but when I plugged the phone in-there was a dial tone-so Mike called them and got it straightened out-and I tried it last night and it worked fine......so-if you were trying to get ahold of me-email me again. Thanks.

**Jan-I am so glad the O2 is helping-AMEN!!!! That makes me so happy for you! What a difference. I also wanted to let you know Sheila DID get released and was home last night. Rachael was helping her. She said she was in pain-havent heard from her today yet-will text her in a bit and check up on her.

Hows the new way of posting/responding to us-for you? Why did you decide to change it up? Do you feel like your at the computer more now? LOL....I like it either way-but want YOU to be happy with how you decide to do it....ok?

Im really getting an itch to do SOMETHING with my hair-something drastic. No, I dont want to lose alot of length-its the ONE thing I like about myself IS my hair-but I think I want a perm OR highlights or bangs maybe or something....my shorter hair in back-right behind my ears-the new stuff that has grown in-its as curly as it can be-little ringlets-but the longer stuff-straight as a 2x4!! Everyone wants 100.00 or more to even touch my hair for a perm OR the high lights because of how long it is-HUMMMMM.... dont have that right now-and dont feel right about spending that much money on ME or MY HAIR. Will see what happens.

Well, I am going to get this posted and then go put my knee up with some more ice. Im hurting and sitting here in one position is getting to me.....As always-your all in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Jan C.
on 8/20/08 3:14 am - Cedar Creek, MO

Janet you sure have your share of bad things to happen to you and yet you just keep on being the sweet loving person that God has to be pleased with. Hopefully one day he will allow you to have years and years of good things and calm on your house, anyway that is what I pray for you daily.


Poor little Megan , I bet she is losing weight isnt she? Looks like they would really be worried about the fact that she isnt holding enough down to feed her and the baby , is she? Hopefully it will get better here in a few weeks? I know nothing about this illness she had along with being pregnate. Does it manifest the whole pregnancy or does it stop after while?

Such a shame about your pool , that big beautiful pool and didn’t get hardly any use from it. I think you all need to get one of those rounded building that they put up for hay pales and is covered in plastic….that would keep the cold out and the rain out etc lol


Let us know what is going on with the knee if possible …


I don’t think I like posting this way it really takes more time. I thought it would be less. Well good experiment. Lol




Bec M.
on 8/20/08 12:14 am

Good Wednesday Morning Missouri!

WOW!!!  I first have to tell you dear folks this morning that I was blessed to stay at my very own Ritz Carlton!!! I had a valet, a grand suite, a personal attendant, a exquisite chef, a proffesional chauffer, and two royal pooches! ~tee hee  (oh yeah and even a little entertainment! ~tee hee)

I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful my dear Debbie Darl'n treated me while I stayed with her! She was so attentive and supportive I  was overwhelming blessed with blessings!  The scripture says He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing we cannot contain and I sure felt he did that for me when he gave Debbie to help me thru some of these difficult times!  Debbie I pray the Lord will bless you a million times for all you did for me and that would not be enough!

Well, I got to Deb's house and she was right there to help me bring in my things and offer me a drink... I told her I could not have any as I was only to taking sips... little did I know.....  on to the appointment... I was checking myself for the normal hives I get when I know the needles are coming and to my surprise I did not have any... on we go to into the office and right away the lady called me back but they would not let my dear Debbie Darl'n come with me!!! I did not like that but it was the way it was... I sure did not want her to have to set there for four hours like they had told me it would take! That's too much for anyone to just set.  Anyway they got me in "the chair" to get the IV started and asked me the questions... did I have breakfast? no, had I had any caffiene? no, had I had any liquids? only enough to take my meds....then the dearest nurse I have EVER had started to try and get the IV.... she knew I was nervous and was talking to me ... she finally took me to another chair where my arm would be supported better and tried two times to get it started feeling very badly for not being able to find a vien after two tries ...  they started pouring the liquids 5 glasses full! and then she got someone else to come and three tries later it was in! they apologized over an over for having to stick me so many times... I guess all the tears that had rolled down my face was an inidcator that I was not doing too well... they told me if I had drank a whole lot the day before my veins would of been more plump for them to find... I was under the impression that they did not want me to drink very much when they told me I could take sips enough to take my meds. So I drank and drank and drank all the rest of the day and had had five glasses from the time I got up till I got there the next day and they got it on the first try! I was soooo thankful! anyway on with the first days story.... 

Once the IV was in I was told they would administer the medication and they would I be walking on the treadmill because it would lesson the effects of the medication... but they did not do that because after all the trauma of the needles they were afraid I would pass out on the treadmill and just let me set in the chair... I was so glad the gal did not tell me "when" she started the medicine... it knocked off about a minute forty five from the four minute ordeal...by the time I started getting really stressed it was almost half over... but that was a pretty intense two minutes!  they kept looking me straight in the eye and telling me to breath in thru the nose out thru the mouth... it was like taking lamase classes! ~tee hee... just about the time it was over I was nearly to panic stage.... they let me set there for a few minutes and all of a sudden I started shaking uncontrolably! my arms and leg both were moving and I couldn't stop them... I don't know if my blood sugar bottomed or if it was just nerves releasing or just what but the lady brought me a little box of juice and I set there and drank it and I seemed to calm down in a few minutes but that feeling of being out of control was not all that good.... then they took me and gave some hot choc (shelley ~ if you are reading this... I told them girls I had been advised to have the hot choc it was delish... they laughed and said do you know what it is?  Swiss Miss from Sam's)  I had to laugh and then had the opportunity to tell the gals all the wonderful people I had met on this journey of mine... we had quite a convesation they were all so happy for me... oh yes I must tell you I had the fist kiss from a nurse I have ever had in my life... she felt so bad that they had to traumatize me that she just come right over to me and hugged me and gave me a sweet little kiss right on my temple!   I was sold on her for life!!!!  They felt so bad for me they broke the rules and let Debbie Darl'n  come back and set with me for the half hour while I waited for the food to take effect so they could take the second set of pictures of my heart.... by that time I was simply exhausted! and felt like a truck had run over me... but my dear Debbie was right there to set with me and chat it sure helped to pass the time and get my mind off the whole thing.....then after about thirty minutes they put me under a machine that ran over my chest for about fifteen minutes and I was done for that day.  There my personal chauffer was to take me back to my suite for a rest... I was instructed to drink and drink and drink.... and I did!  When we got back to Deb's house she was right there with drinks for me... we set and talked for awhile and then I laid down I for bout and an hour I guess I got enough rest.... because I felt some better... as soon as I got up there was the sweet lady with more drinks!  she would continually ask me if I was hungry or needed anything! We chatted some more and then she said she was going to have a snack and she fixed cheese cubes, crakers and tart apple slices... boy was that about the best snack I'd had!!! It was very tasty and hit the spot!... later we mixed her unflavored protien powder with cherry crystal lite... she had not tried that and I had read about some doing it here on the board and we both decided we liked that just pretty good....  then we went and got her son from school and she showed me around town a little bit, came home and in a while, her husband had gotten home and it was time for supper... goodness the chef had worked her magic! roast, potatoes, carrots, fresh sliced tomatoes, corn bread..... it was all so wonderful!  I enjoyed visiting with her sons and husband. 

We then went to a city council meeting and it was interesting...they have quite a big ordeal going on in their city... among other big issues....whether to sell their electric utilities or to keep ... they kept it.

Then we came back and had some Splenda yellow cake with Splenda icing... it was good!  I loved that icing!  it was a % less sugar.  And on to bed... Debbie had fixed a nice little bed all up for me and had her son bring in a table for my c~pap machine, it seemed like every tiny little thing I needed was right there!  My dear hostess had to of been very very tired with the day, she was wonderful!!!! as was her family so kind!

Ok... Deb woke me up at 6 something and I started with the water again... had 5 big glasses before we left.  I got aroud and took a shower and packed away my c~pap and other things...got all "fixed", dressed the royal pooches came in to see what I was doing... I LOVE the pooches! she has an older one that would just get right up in my lap and flop over to be loved on... she really did act like royality! she sets so proper... and her mannerisms were of the 1st rate kind! ~tee hee the other one was not going to have much to do with me except when I had food and then she warmed up to me right away but was gone as soon as the food was gone.. she finally was starting to let me pet her right before it was time to go....

Back to the story.... we left to go to the test and and I was not looking forward to it just too much but knew it would not be near as bad as the day before since I knew they would not be stressing my heart... this test was to see how my heart did in a rest mode..... so the dear dear "kissing" nurse was back with her needle.... hoping beyond hope she could find a vein the first time and she DID!!! we talked about how wonderful my hostess had been and she shared with me about when her mother passed away and how she felt she was being given back some of what she had given all the years she had been the care giver...by the time wer were done with that conversation we both had kleenex.... then she took me to the room and gave me more of the "gormet" ~tee hee hot choc and crackers... and let Deb come back and set with me again!....then more pics taken and I was ready to go.... they told me they might be able to tell me by the afternoon if I had passed... so I gave them Deb's cell # and my home phone of coarse... and we was on our way... not nearly as stressful as the day before... they sent me off with well wishes and telling me to come back after the surgery so they could see my accomplishments.  

The day before I was telling Debbie that I needed to look at motels for Paul and possibly me to stay in if they made me stay in town... Debbie had googled area motels and we had called them for rates and such... she took me around there to the ones fairly close to the hospital and I was able to get the reservation made right then and not so very very costly... then we were hungry and went to TGIF... man oh man did I have some really really good.... I'm going to make it for Paul.. bacon wrapped shrimp skewers!!! yum yum!!! and double yum!!! ..... Deb had a cajun flavored shrimp skewers and they were just real good too....

Then I was asking her if she knew where an GNC was I wanted to get some unflavored protien to mix with the crystal light so I could have it right after surgery when I have to have clear liquids yet, to go along with the isopure I had gotten with Sugar... we got a phone book and found out there was one in the mall right across the street..... so my beautiful chauffer took me over there and we went in to GNC and did not find what were looking for but did pass a Bare Minerals makeup store... so we went in there and and I got a full make up make over!!! what fun!  it was really neat in there... they had this big wheel with all the make up on it and you set in a chair and could either do it your self or a sales associate would come and give you a full makeover.... I of coarse had to have the lady do it as I'm not all that good with that kind of thing but I did pick up a good technique with my eyebrows... we told her what I was doing and that I was going to be "new woman" here pretty soon..... and I wanted some "sass"... I've never really had any sass but am going to get some... ~tee hee  The little gal wrote down on a folder all that she had done to me and when it was all totaled up it was a whopping $350 some dollars to get started!!! that was for everything I would need..... my dear husband would be "sassing" me when I handed him the bill for that one! ~tee hee  I did look good for a bit though and we had alot of fun doing it. 

Now comes the very very good news we had been praying for... 

Debbie noticed when we came out of the mall that she had missed a call and it was the Dr.s office... when I finally got put thru to the "kissing nurse" she told me that I had passed the test!!!! Tears are running down my face for sure now....messing up that nice nice makeup job I JUST had done!!! it was well worth it though!  I had passed the only test I was REALLY concerned about!... I had been wondering for about a year now if I had any problems in that area....  I had to say yes to almost every question the cardio doc had asked me... so he just would not pass me with that many issues and not do the test. 

I wonder why my feet are swelling so badly?  They told me it could be from the sleep apena... I guess it will go away when I start to loose the weight.....? 

Then my chauffer took me back to the Ritz ... my stay was sadly coming to an end..... it was about 4:00 by that time and she said she thought I should wait till after rush hour to go back ...since I go right thru downtown K.C. to get home... so bless her heart she got busy and made me up sample packs of all her protien mixes, and even burned a cd of all her wls reicpes and shake mixes!  My goodness how much more of sweet blessings could I take? 

She ordered pizza for her family and by this time her husband had come home and we had quite an animated conversation over pizza (he's a really nice guy, Deb has a beautiful family!), her husband then left to go get her son and my stay had come to an end.... I surely did not know how to adequately thank my wonderful wonderful host and her family for all she had done to help me!!!  All I could do was ask the Lord to bless her and her household!... She WAS the perfect hostess!... how many people have the opportunity I had?  The most best part of the whole situation was the this dear friend would take ahold of my hands and pray before every situation and then take ahold of them again and thank the Lord for for the answers and blessing He had sent my way!!! That meant more to me than all the wonderful things she had done in the two days...

I made it home about 10:00 p.m. last night by the time I had shared my adventures with with Paul and Crystal and gotten my things in it was midnight and on to that testy c~pap machine.... last night I had only worn it a few minutes when I threw the thing off and went to sleep! ~ha I will reckon with it again tonight!... I AM going to get used to the dumb thing and get better sleep! I AM!

Well my dear    hen... you can rest easy the Lord is putting people all around me that are helping me so wonderfully thru this journey when you cannot be here!  I sure don't even know how I would ever get thru all this without all you dear dear ones that have gone before me and willing to give of yourselves!!!

I am thankful beyond words for all the Lord had done for me and given me! It is most definatley time to get my mascot out for yet another test past and another step taken toward that blessed day of Sept 22nd!

My next test is the scope on Sept. 5th... I'm not at all worried about that one as I have been taking Nexium for over 6 months and if I do have the H pylori... I understand it takes a couple of weeks of meds and I will be good to go...that is the last test before surgery... I will have to have labs drawn on Sept. 10th and am already taking a iron supplement to ofset any problems I anticipate with that.... Do you know it has already been  nearly a month since I found out my date! On Monday I will only have four weeks left!  I am going to spend the next two weeks cleaning house and then I will be nearly ready... it seems like I have gotten so much acclomplished in the past two days!  Thank you Debbie Darl'n!!!!

Sheila~ I am thinking of you and praying you will have a very quick recovery... I'm so sorry you have had so many troubles!  Am hoping you start feeling so much better now!

Well better go I have several more e~mails to get out today....

I pray everyone of you dear dear friends reading this will be blessed with as many blessings that I have been given in the past two days!!!


on 8/20/08 12:33 am - Diamond, MO

My dear, dear Bec-

AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!!! Oh girl-how I have prayed my heart out for you for 2 days! Monday I just prayed non stop.....I knew what you were in for-and I was praying that it wouldnt be that bad for you, as it was for me!

Im SO GLAD thats over with and I KNEW YOU WOULD PASS......YAY......I just know in my heart that your surgery is going to go off without a hitch and that you WILL be on the bench with a great set of losers!! We LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Congrats dear Bec!!!! Consider yourself hugged. Did Deb hug you from me? Hope so!!! Talk to you soon....Keep your chin up and keep smiling dear friend- Love ya lots-Janet

on 8/20/08 12:42 am - pomona, MO
OHHH BEC, GOD is good, and you are a very special person and am so thankful for Deb, she let God work thru her, so glad everything is good, want be long now and you can start to relax...love ya....vesta


Jan C.
on 8/20/08 3:23 am - Cedar Creek, MO

Bec I loved the way you reported the last two days, you had me laughing and crying for you …I am so very very glad that it all came out good for you. I know you have been so worried thinking you had something wrong with your heart. Bless your heart lol I guess you were prayed over and blessed enough that nothing could possible show its ugly head.

You are on your way now baby. Next is the Scope on the 5th


Cant wait to see you with a little sass lol be the sassy miss Bec huh? We may not know you .

See how fast the time is going , and when you got the date you were all upset that it was going to be a long time.


Make you out a timetable of stuff to do and each day have something that you have to take care of or do . that way it will have time moving for you instead of sitting still


Bless you Debbie for taking care of Bec. You are appreciated  …..



on 8/20/08 12:54 am - Joplin, MO

Yesterday was a looooong and exhausting day!! Jazlyn and I got to Sedelia about 11:45 altho my appt wasnt till 1:00. Dr. H had a emergency and was about 2.5hrs late!! It was not easy to wait, if it was any other dr. I would of rescheduled, but seeing that I spent 60.00 round trip just in gas.... I was determined to stay.. She was soooo good!! She complained a little, but no whinning she acted alot better then I think most 6 yr old would have...I know she was so bored with her 3 hr ride there, then we went to the $ tree, family $ then to the Dr. appt and then to walmart once it was all done then we had almost a 4 hr trip home because of the traffic!! She still did very very good!! I am really so proud of her. She doesnt like being bored but she is a good traveler. We are about 2 hrs out of Joplin and she said "My little eye spies....." I couldnt do a thing but crack up!!! So, we did that road game until we got to Sedelia. After the appt ( which took about 5 minutes if that!! ) she said, " we waited all that time for this?" I said yes. She said next time can one of the boys come... instead of me? lol. I thought that was cute. She is growing up so fast. Thankfully I dont have to go back till Sept 12th!! I have lost 27 lbs!! I am very excited!! That does include some of the liquid diet, but I dont care to me it still counts!! Its losing anyways!!
***Liz*** It was nice to see you at Walmart and I am so glad I had Jazlyn with me or I wouldnt of recognized you, LOL. I am glad you remembered her... or we would of walked right past one another... Yes, I am VERY proud that I chose such a great Dr. for the surgery. I am still feeling great. I am thinking I am not getting enough protein in since I dont have as much energy as I did have.... How much are you getting in? I dont like these sweet protein drinks that I have. They are too sweet for me. But, I will suffer and deal with them.

***JAN*** I do feel great! I walked a mile the otherday and it took over 30 minutes, but not much more... I am doing well I think. No pain and losing weight.... losing weight is a real booster of my self esteem and I am loving it! I am ordering ON from Food 4 Less it should be in anytime!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!



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