Bev, I would think that would be ok, our booklet says at 6 wks we can have fruits & vegies.
I am REALLY having trouble getting all the fluids in. So far today I've only had 25 oz & 2 SF popcicles & that was more than I've ever got down. I feel ssoooo stuffed & uncomfortable, I just can't get anymore down. I am so weak, I know it is from not getting my fluids, but I don't know what to do. I don't feel dehydrated or have any symtoms, besides no energy so that's good, but I'm incredibly weak. I can't wait to get this stinkin drain & staples out. The staples are pulling & are right at my waist & they hurt. I am sssooooo ready for Thursday. Can't wait to see you there. (((HUGS))) Angy
Angie I was very wea****il I got the drain out and for about 3 weeks after. I am finally starting to feel like myself again. When I would walk I would break out in a (running down my face)sweat...I couldn't figure that out but I have quit doing that thank goodness. I am just now starting to get my fluids up where they need to be. I thought I never would. I can't drink very much plain water and it makes me mad because I loved plain water. Still can't stand cyrstal lite or anything sugar free..I have been drinking mostly juice. I put 3 oz juice and 3 oz water fill it with ice and make a slushee with my magic bullet and that makes me a 16 oz drink. Just keep sipping away and you will get there in time..I still am very thirsty all the time drives me crazy...
My dietician recommended V8 but I'm not a tomato person. I've thinking of trying the V8 Fusion since it tastes like fruit.
I didn't have a drain after surgery. My surgery was July 8th also and I'm just now getting in more liquids. Still don't care for plain water and before surgery I drank it all day and didn't care if it was iced cold or room temp. I like Crystal Lite bu****ered down a bit. Your idea for a slushee sounds good. I get very thirsty while I'm eating.
One food I won't be trying any time soon is macaroni & cheese. I made it and remembered it as being delicious. I ate it Sunday and it came back up but I tried again last night. It seemed to go down easily and it didt come up but I thought it was going to.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
As time goes on I hope to be able to eat small portions of pasta.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO