Hey Sugar you would be really proud of me , I didn’t get up till after 7 closer to 7:30 and so after getting awake I called Andy and ask if it was too late for him to go walking since I knew he would be going to ss. And church. He said it was. So I still took off walking and walked a new route which was mostly all uphill. Man you talk about working your calves , thighs and buttocks . I know im going to be sore from that . Anyway I just knew this should be 2 miles. When I got back to the house and checked it Nope only 1 ½ mile ..so I went back to the house with the car and said well im going to drive straight out till I find 1 mile. So we will know where to walk to as we increase mileage tomorrow morning to 2 miles. Oh man it is really going to be a challenge….i hope not too much of one.
You know the stronger my muscles in my legs get the less the left knee hurts. That is part of the reason but mostly that if I get those muscles strong and then have knee surgery it will only help it get better faster. .
Has anyone ever heard of the LifeStyle Lift, it isnt the feather lift they say they have a place in
I will give you all a good report about what it is when I see. They say it isnt nearly as much as a normal face life. Will see.
Got most of the new pond up next to the house done. Or at least have the pond in the ground and the first bunch of rocks there. I can see the vision in my head I just have to get it fixed like I see it.
I have a little girl fountain that I think I will put there . lots of small flowers growing in holes in the rocks alpine types .this is right outside our bedroom window so we can hear it in there and help lull us to sleep.
LAYLA::::; I am so glad that you and your lovely family enjoyed the State fair.
I never wanted to go to places like that before surgery but love it now don’t you?
SUGAR:::::yeah I don’t like the idea of taking a pill to stay awake but they are only temporary until they figure out what to do with me lol.
Did you get the birthday pictures I sent you.? Did a picture of baby girl come thru , she had her shopping bag on her arm and looked like she was going to do some serious shopping.
Im glad that Sherri has found someone that is nice and a good Christian man. That is the truth about there not being many good men out there left. Glad I got mine. Took me long enough lol
BEC::::: well hopefully you get thru the test on Monday and Tuesday fine and I know that Debbie will take good care of you.
I know you had a great week end with your daughter.
Boy you sure went overboard on fixing all those meals didn’t you? Lol
I was cooking for Joe the second day I was home and none of it sure didn’t interest me.
And I don’t think it will you either. Don’t worry you will be fine.
Cant wait to hear from you on Wed.
BEV ::::::Oh wow that is a shame about you running out.of protein powder. If you lived closer I would share with you. . I really think that is why you are so tired feeling.
I do understand about the house. We just have to push thru tat sort of stuff.
SHEILA::::: I know you wont see thes but good luck o the surgery this morning.
Love you and will keep prayer for you.
JANET::::: Hello sweetie.
Hey maybe Steph has finally gotten the picture that she isnt allowed to treat you badly and get away with it. I really hope so and the two of you can have a wonderful relationship again.
Loved the pictures of your family , you all did look tired but happy with each other.
Will pray for Stephania and hope that her school year brings a good start for all of them.
So when do you start with the home scholling?
Debbie D. :::::; give Bec a hug for me too. So I guess you will be hugging a long time lol
Yes the worst test will be tomorrow, but after that one the second one is a walk in the park
Hey maybe you need to have a sleep study done too . I bet there are a lot more people that need them and need the machines too. I know what it feels like believe me.
Im going to get this posted while im still awake but I know it is any minute.
Yesterday, I took the kids to get the last of the school supplies UGH!!! Then, i took Jarett to football pictures. We walked about 2.5hrs ( looking and getting school stuff) I am glad that is over with. Today, we cleaned house and went grocery shopping at Food 4 Less and Walmart Super Center.. Am I NUTZ??? I must be! The last day of summer isnt a good time to go to either place. lol. I walked about 1.5 hrs today. I am pain free and doing well. I am looking for some no flavor protein to put in with my food or whatever it is that I am going to be pureeing lol. I cant afford GNC prices. If anyone knows where I can get some at a reasonable price and regular protein for that matter I would sure appreciate some suggestions.Tomorrow is the first day of school YAY!!! I am taking Jazlyn to school and home from school since it is her first day at this new school. We moved here not that long ago.. The boys dont want a ride with their mommy to jr high, lol. I am going to be online alot tomorrow since I have no daycare kids tomorrow either... looking for protein and scrapbooking ideas... I decided I want to get into scrapbooking and I am going to scrap book my progress and weight loss. I thought that would be a good positive thing for me ;) Tuesday, Jazi and I are going to Sedelia for my 1st post op appt. I have to take her out of school because I dont have anyone to watch her that I know and trust.... I will also start walking the neighborhood... Thanks for all the support that I have gotten from each one of you. I have lost 20lbs as of today... I know I still have lots to lose but it is nice to see the scale move already!!! I am so excited for this new journey I have joined you on :) Have a great week!!
Good morning all! Yes sis, I am proud of you for not taking the easy way out and just staying home when Andy said it was too late for him to walk. Yeah YOU! I have only got 5 responses on the ? for the game so far. Maybe some more will respond today. Nutty said your thing to her said to answer the ? but there were no ? so she emailed me to see what they were. LOL!
Ive seen that lifestyle lift advertised and they say you have results in one hour...dont know what that might be. Sounds too good to be true doesnt it? When are you going to try to get in to see them?
I did get the bd pics you sent and she is ready to shop til she drops looks like. You know Chelle was that way from about 18 months on. She loved to pick out clothes and had a definate opinion about what she liked and didnt like....even then....still does! lol I remember the first time I took her to buy some little white summer sandals (back in the day you had to go to a shoe store--was the only place to buy them) and she said there and screamed "NO..NO...NO! " at every pair until I put these certain ones on her and she smiled and shook her head yes...it took about 4 pair before I got the right ones...lol!
I know they have group discounts for the Mansion but they are still expensive and most of my bunch cant afford that much even...I have alot of single women on fixed incomes...I dont know if Steve can get a discount for several or not?
Well I get my Bedroom furniture tonight...they will deliver it after the store closes...I cant wait! I bought my comforter and stuff yesterday and my new lamps for in there the other day. I bought some fabric to cover a couple of new pillows for the bed too...it has some lighthouses on it and some fishing boats and it will help still tie in all my lighthouse stuff..I went with the chocolate brown and left my walls the chambrey blue. They look really great together. Ember and Chloe were with us yesterday afternoon and they helped me get it all put on my bed. Ember absolutely loves decorating and organizing. She and I were obscessing over getting the sheet corners perfect and Chloe just barely put them on and wondered why were being so careful about it! lol! Ember definately has a lot of her Grammy in her.
Hope everyone sends in the info for the game so I can get it made up in time to bring to sis at the meeting on the 25th. Im running out of time to get too many more things going....Ive got a busy couple of weeks ahead of me. Florida is calling my name! lol! Cant wait!
God bless each of you....have a wonderful day!
Well, Bec should be here in little less than an hour! I'm really excited to get to see her again. I just wish she didn't have to go thru this nuclear stress test. But I know it's a good thing and I am praying that she will pass with flying colors!
Please pray for me. I woke up and my eye is red. I really think Jake give me the pink eye! Great, just what I need! Of course, he can't find the antibotic eye drops the doctor prescribed for him. Figures! So I'm going to call my doctor's office as soon as they open and ask if he'll just call in a prescription for me since I was the one who took Jake to the doctor last week. My doctor is usually good about that kind of thing. Please pray sweet Bec doesn't get pink eye!
Please keep Bec in your prayers. She is afraid of needles and she is worried about the iv. Please pray the will only have to poke her once. I'm thinking they should be able to put a port in or something that they can use again tomorrow. Hope I'm right about that one.
Well, I'd better scoot. Hope all of you have a great day!
Debbie D.
Good Morning everyone!! Not a whole lot going on today. Lynn is working, Skyler is getting off to School and my mom & dad are gone camping & won't be bac****il the end of October. I am still staying at mom & dad's, our water is messed up at home so it's just easier to stay here.
Yesterday after running up to the house to get a few things, I sat at the table & broke out in a cold sweat & I've been having chills ever since. I'll have to run back up to the house later & get our thermometer. Hopefully I'm not getting an infection. I don't want to have to make an extra trip back to Columbia.
I made spaghetti with garlic bread last night for supper for Skyler & Lynn & OMG it looked soooo good. I really wanted just a bite, but knew I couldn't. I can't wait to get those crazy shakes back. lol
Hope everyone has a great day! (((HUGS))) Angy
Was a tough night last night though. Sometimes my fmaily sucks rocks! They smoked baby back ribs, fried taters, and smoked chicken breast. UGH! Oh and make flaky bisquets. then for dessert made cinnamon rolls with icing. I was so pissy. My daughters bf kept wanting to talk about the food with me and I yelled at him finally to shut up about it. I did good though. I howver did lick my finger and pick up some small fishfood size flakes that fell off the bisquets and ate them lol. My daughter wanted to take a video of me. Nothing really to swallow but the taste made my night.
newbies hang in there it will get better and you will be so glad you had it done.
I will be so glad when Bec. gets all those awful tests over, bless her heart she has been put thru the mill, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Janet hang in there you are gonna be fine, things are already getting better with your daughter, and I loved your pictures, your so beautiful and Mike is so handsome, and kids are great looking too...love ya all.....vesta