Deb, I'm sorry that your still hurting so bad. My left side still hurts pretty good & I'm still hobbling around the house like an old woman, but I can tell it's getting better. Yours is gonna be worse since they had to pretty much do it twice, but I would think that it should start getting better for you also. Are any of your incisions looking irritated or oozing? How's your drain site? I am leaking a little from the drain site but nothing too bad & it doesn't look like pus or anything. That first night at the hospital it was pouring out, maybe that's why I don't have much now. Is you pain med not working for you? Girl, I know exactly what you mean about not being able to wipe. After we had to go for that xray & drink the 3 shots of junk, I got diarrhea & had it the whole way home. I still have a little but nothing like before. Do you like tea? I've been drinking decaf tea w/generic splenda. I really like it & agree with you about getting sick of the crystal lite. Are you able to drink any of the Nectar? I am gonna try to make an icee later w/it. Hopefully it goes down ok. OH, do you have sugar free popcicles? I got some, can't remember what kind they are but they are 3 tropical flavors & on the popcicle sticks, the others I have are in those plastic tubes that you cut off the top. I like the ones on the sticks WAY better.
I will pray for you to get some pain relief soon. Maybe call the office tomarrow & see if they can get you something else for pain, make sure they understand what all happened during surgery.
(((((BIG HUGS)))))) Angy
You really arent hungry because you dont have that sensation yet , what you have is head hungery and unfortanly they dont operate on our heads.
LIke Angy said do you have the suger free popcicles the ones she is talking about are Edys. but you can get the wal mart brand just as good and lots cheaper.
Believe it or not you will be happy you had this done just hang on. drink water as much as you can right now the most important thing you can do is keep yourself hydrated. Do you have a GNC close to you? have someone go get you some ready to drink Isopure protein. it is clear and you can have it right now and it comes in lots of flavors. get some protein down and lots of water and you should start feeling better and if you dont like crystal light then drink your water plain no law about that.
email me any time you need to talk ok? that is what we all are here for.
do not think badly that you feel this way!
OMG>>>>I have had several surgeries and non of them hurt as much as my WLS.
and I had the drain for a month and I hurt everyday in that area...I came on here same as you and Jan told me "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!"
this too shall pass and it DOES get better. its called buyers remorse. I felt 100% better about the whole thing on the trip home (drain removel)....4.5 hour trip. I stayed awake the whole way talking and I even ate some refried beans.
I developed a fever for 2 days my 2nd week with the drain and had to go to the loca ER which was bad as no one knew how to take care of me. so I was given antibiotics and sent home. I figured I hurt myself riding 5 hours to my gran who had a stroke the day of my surgery.
at the time of my surgery I wouldnt post because I had nothing positive to say.....
BUT here I am 1 yr later and I couldnt be more pleased. Im estatic of getting back my life.
so Keep your eyes on the Prize!
a healthier, happier YOU!
hang in there! it gets better sweetie!
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Packets of onion soup mix (strained)
broth (add my own seasonings) Swanson is the best, you can actually taste chicken in it.
Sugar free jello
Cream of chicken watered down (Lipton has no meat in it) HOWEVER I DON'T THINK WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE THIS YET SO i WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT.
Diet Lipton white tea / peach papaya (got mine from sams club)
nestle flavored sugar free waters(sams and wal-mart)
coffee with splenda ( no creamer....cries!)
The Isopure protein to me is REALLLLY nasty. I am going to try and use it in my jello when I make another batch.
sugar free popcycles