hair cut

on 8/16/08 4:30 pm - Overland Park, KS
 When your hair starts falling out at around 3-4 mo's (ok maybe some of you will be lucky, but for those of you that aren't so blessed) get it cut, during my liquid diet and before when I started taking all my vit's, my hair just grew and grew, by the time i was 4 mo's out,(and coincidentally it started abandoning me like rats from a sinking ship!) it had probably grown a good 4-5 ", while that seems nice, once it started thinning the length made it look worse! all thin and wispy, I just got it cut to a little above the shoulder, with a bit of varying lengths in front ,as not to have it right at my 1/2 double *****alling attention to that too! Anyhow... the new do makes my hair look so much fuller (and makes me look younger i am told.. ding ding bonus lol) and as I am not constantly pulling on it etc, the rate of fallout has dropped considerably...what a relief, a wig was getting close to reality. thought i'd share.


on 8/16/08 10:17 pm - Windsor, MO
I totally agree with the haircutting technique.  When I was losing my hair I kept it short and it did make it look fuller.  Now that I have lost the weight I am trying to grow it out because I have never had it long before.  It is just about shoulder length now and I am bound and determened not to cut it---wish me luck.  I bet you look adorable.  Have a great Sunday and God bless, Penni
on 8/16/08 10:34 pm - Overland Park, KS
Awww thanks!!, I think the short cut in your pic looks great on you, I never could pull of that look, maybe in a few more mo's when my face is "less full". you have a great sunday too, getting my 5 1/2 mo. old grandson today  for the night, that alway's makes a great day...yeahhh


Layla K.
on 8/17/08 2:04 am - Windsor, MO

I agree with Penni and you also,  going short isthe way to go when it all starts falling out.  I tried getting a perm and it looked terrible, so I just kept cutting and now I just love my new hair cut.  I now have new hair coming back in all over that is about a inch long.  So just remember it will probably come back. (at least some of it)  Layla

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