4 Days Out AND Starving for Cottege Cheese!!!

on 8/16/08 8:56 am - Joplin, MO
This is the hardest 3 wks of my life!!! I want cottege cheese so bad!!! The fact that I know that I know it is in the fridge about 15 ft away.... I cant have dairy till Tuesday and it is a struggle!!! Will it really make a difference if I have a spoonful at 4 days out? I dont want to cheat, I really dont! I am sooooooo sick of jello ( which I dont like anyways!!) and freakin crystal lite!!! OMG, I just want Tuesday to hurry and come so I can have a little variety like yogurt and cc. Is anyone else struggling with the last couple of days of this liquid diet?



on 8/16/08 10:12 am - Kansas City, MO
I would not eat anything solid till it is time.  Your tummy pouch is so tender and swollen now, please follow the liquid till the end.  I know it is hard, I have just started to begin my third week out and soild food is good but in very small amounts.  I am having to relearn how to eat all over again.  I hate Jello and Crystal Light too!!  I voe to never eat jello again!!.  I did struggle but it will be worth it when you can have the two tbs. of soft soilds, believe me!!  Hang in there this too shall pass.  I have went a month without any meat, freaking weird huh!!  Good luck and drop a line if you need too!




on 8/16/08 10:18 am - Windsor, MO
Speaking from experience----I understand what you are going through.  It won't be long before you are enjoying some of that delicious cottage cheese.  Have you tried sugar free fudge cicles yet?  To bad they don't sugar free cottage cheese popcicles, yummy!  You can do this!  God bless, Penni
on 8/16/08 4:07 pm - Overland Park, KS
I remember the feeling well!!!! I couldn't wait to actually eat something, for me it was kfc mash pot and gravy, I stopped there on my way home from dr H office, I was only able to eat a couple of bites, guess what I ate next? COTTAGE CHEESE! the next day , I chewed until it was liquid, know what happened a n hour later ? I had the worst cramps of my life gas gas gas and bloating, turns out my body did NOT like the milk anymore. I still can drink no more than a 1/4  C. of milk or a tablespoon of cottage cheese, so be very very careful with milk products! BTW the white binder SAAAAAYS.. you can have soft eggs, please please be very careful of that also, I literally was puking up (like acid reflux) little bits of it all night long, miserable. I am not trying to scare you but this was all done AFTER I was given the go ahead from the dr. please try to be patient, if you absolutely know you are going to eat something-anything before "clearance" make it bland (tsp's of mash pot, yes I do mean teaspoons!) and for heavens sake let it melt in your mouth to liquid. good luck hang in there. p.s I know you won't beleive this, but your mouth is hungry for taste, your head is hungry from food deprivation and rebellion, but... your  tummy IS NOT!! it's satan and lying to you!! lol don't listen.


on 8/16/08 4:23 pm - Archie, MO
I am going through this as well.  And it is even harder when I have to cook or even smell food I make for my family.  I know the cravings are in my head but I also have been getting hunger pains.  I cannot start softs until at least the 21st.  I hope I can make it faithfuly.
on 8/17/08 7:08 am - linneus, MO
  Will we be able to start softs the 21st? i was just reading papers from class and it says we are on liquids 3 weeks .  we can add protein drinks starting the 21st but another week till soft.  please tell me im reading it wrong, i am so regretting this.  i hate what iv'e done to me.
on 8/17/08 7:50 am - Archie, MO

I am not sure now.  I know the papers say that but I remember dr harrington (the one from the hospital) saying after our check up and drain came out we would start softs.  UGH!  The thought if not being able to sucks.  Hang in there hun.  For days I was saying if I had to go back in time I don't think I would do this again.  I got kinda depressed thinking omg I have changed my body and my lifestyle forever!  It scares me too.  But I keep looking at other people's posts and before and after pics to see how well they have done.  Thinking this will be me soon.
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