Jen or Deb or anyone who had a drain for that matter
I came home Thursday night & emptied my drain, I had 10cc, the next morning I had 5cc, then mid-day 5cc again, but at night it was only a few drops, not even enough to measure. This morning was the same thing, not enough to measure. I do have some fluid in the top of the tube, so I know it's not clogged inside & there's no clots in the tubing or anything. I wonder if this is normal to stop draining this soon? Do you think I should call the bariatric fellow on call @ the hospital? The nurse said to call if it stopped, but there is a little at the top (where it goes in to my belly) so I don't know what to do? Any suggestions???
Thanks girls for the replies. I called the hospital lastnight & they gave me the bariatric fellow, he asked me several questions like, any drainage from around the drain, any pain, rapid heartbeat, anything that would indicate infection. I'm not having any of those so he said that it sounds like I just don't have anything in there to drain. There is a little yellow clear fluid at the top again this morning, but still nothing to measure. He said to make sure that I call right away if I start having any symptoms that he spoke of before. Thanks, Angy