Waiting for My Real Life to Begin...
What a day.
I have/had 3 weeks from the date I first cold contacted my surgeon to the day I step on the plane to head for surgery. I have been in panic mode trying to get all of my pre-op testing done (and I do mean ALL) so that I can meet that deadline. When I contacted my PCP to start the schedluing I had 2.5 weeks left and though she said she would help she didn't think I'd have a chance of getting it done. Long story short after many trials and tribulations, tests in 3 diiferent cities and 5 different medical centers I am DONE with 6 days to spare.
I can not tell you how great it felt to get the results today and find out everything is a go. I was in a true sense of bliss as I got in my truck and just sat there smiling. When I turned on the radio the first song I heard was new to me but just summed up the feelings I am feeling. It's called "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin" by Colin Hay. www.youtube.com/watch
I raced back to work and immediately bought the mp3 and have been playing it since then. Just smiling this dumb far away smile and thinking about my 'Real' life that I am finally going to get to experience.
Do yourself a favor and take a listen ... As for me I finally have a chance to just sit and '...watch the horizon because my ship is coming in...' for you see '...I already have a Plan, and I'm Waiting for My Real Life to Begin...'
May all your Journeys take you to the Horizons of Your Real Life.