Jan C.
on 8/15/08 1:49 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Today has been an interesting day. I have been awake.lol when I took my meds this morning I took a ½ of one of the pills that the sleep study doctor gave me yesterday. Hmmmmmmmmmm eyes are open and im not just stumbling all around here. I have been awake and alert all day. Man this beats the way I was feeling.

I don’t think I slept any better than usual , in fact I know I didn’t. but having those pills really could get habit forming only in that they make me feel like a person not a lump.


Has anyone come up with any cute funny games for the reunion? Even if you are going if you know of something fun to do or a crazy game to play let me know ok?


Tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to for 3 year old Brendan our great grandson.

He just recently started finally going to the potty so have to stop and get him some big boy undies too ….plus get his baby sister something to open.

It is at 11:30 at the Branson Recplex…should be lots of fun lol

Then my son wants us to come see him perform in the Promise in Branson. He plays Pilat. He loves doing acting and is really good at it too. So if you go see the Promise that is who he is. Lol


I wish I could get him to come to the house for an afternoon but he is so busy that is almost impossible. He plays in the play , then he also teaches at Vatterot and also has his own computer repair service.

Does he sound like his mothers son. ???? Oh and he just recently graduated from collage with a masters in ITT , repair and programming.



SUGAR::::: why don’t you come on down on Friday and stay the night and let Rachele and Melissa take the girls to the play. You will have a lot more fun with us . lol well I guess you will.

I haven’t noticed any new changes on the site but they probably are. Seems like you just get use to doing it one way and they change it.

Sounds like most of the girls are doing really really well and ready to go…

Yeah I am looking forward to the clothing exchange too this time.

I know you said you would bring the drink this time  but do you want me to bring coffee or cups or anything. I have lots of cups and all.




NUTTI::::::wow the last of the birdies flying the coop huh?

Lol you should bowl with me , you would beat the crap out of me . I never can figure out when to turn loose of the ball so it goes thud , bounces and then heads every time for the gutter. Lol

That is the only kind of exercise I like too , the ones that I discovered myself.


Sorry but had to laugh about your story of falling in the kitchen before you had surgery. You need to sit down in the floor with granddaughter amd make sure you have chairs in place etc,

BRENDA  AND DENNIS:::::::CONGRADULATIONS MAN for taking the steps to go to Mexico and get this surgery. You are very very right to take out some retirement …..this way if you don’t have enough to live on he can go to work part time doing something lol

Just know that we will all be praying for him on the 12th


You are leaving out of the St. Louis airport??? I guess that is the closest to you isnt it?


The amount that you are having to pay is a lot less than it would be here plus you get to see some pretty country and Dennis gets to rest and recoop on a beach no less. Wow.


So how are you doing ? How is your back? I hope you are fine and back is better.


Wish you all could come to the reunion the week end you are leaving for Mexico. Lol

Guess we cant get it for everyone can we.?




BEC:::::I hope the c pap machine will really help you sleep better. You can tell me all about it ok ? It looks as if that is where im heading too.


Did you get to read any today ? how is the book?


Sweetie believe me you really don’t want me singing to you lol as much as I would love to it isnt possible anymore.

Be sure and have your baby take your before pictures and to post them on your profile ok? Everyone else does so be honest and let us see them  too.

Take your measurements , get you a little book to keep them recorded in and each month have Paul or someone to take the picture and print it and put in your book , then if you want you can always put your measurements in another book…..



TAMMY=AMMY::::::oh how scary about the great niece and the meds

\thank God you were there and realized she shouldn’t be taken home. Wow.

Yes medicine that is good for one person can be deadly to someone else , that is one of the reasons that you should never take someone elses meds even if you have the same condition.

Hey you got me on the move about cleaning out my closet. I have had 2 people giving me clothes that I really had nothing to wear them with and such and a lot of them are blouses that are for a young girl , real short so the belly shows lol or almost and I just don’t thing the world or anyone else is ready to see my belly.


I sure do hope that eventually you will get your support group going over there. Wish you all would get together and come to one of our meetings ….


We really do understand about the baby and your surgery date but we still would like to see you come to the reunion lol



SHEILA::::yeah I think these doctors forget that a person in middle age has no business weighing the same as a middle school girl nor should she have the desire to do that.

Oh wanted to clear something up it isnt medicare that the rides are with but Medicaid.

I don’t think Medicare would ever do that lol


Well you aren’t fat anymore no way. When I get to feeling fat I get out my book and look at it. Going back to the picture of before. Lol


Sounds like Dr. H is going to fix you all up Monday. You will feel like a new woman.



RENEE::::::: yeah I celebrated my anniversary of wls yesterday by going to the  bathroom there.

What in the world is wrong with you ladies feet ….I know you had yours done the other day. What is wrong with them ???


Hey when you and Janet get ready for lunch come down here and I will fix it for you LOL

We can sit and watch the birds and listen to the fountains and look at the flowers and you both can unwind like a 3 day clock.




JANET::::::so is your doctor one that says you should not drink protein drinks ???? I really don’t think we can ever get enough food in to not be drinking them . It is just too hard to eat. I know you sound like me , and if it were just me I wouldn’t ever go get food  You need to get you a wet suit so you can exercise in the pool all winter and keep your exercise up that way.

Sugar thought up a similar game as that too . and yes I loved playing the guess who game …

Sure am glad that you liked the video idea for Mikes dad a present. I think he would love it ….expecially watching those three boys catch fish.


On the Elephant Ears I may have more than 10 for you but a lot of people have said they want some so will have to see.


No what the sleep doctor said that needed to be rooted out was the nasal area before the sinus cavity. The opening into the sinus he said it was way too small like it had never grown …I still don’t know if I have sleep apena yet or not , he seem to think I probably did on top of the other about the oxygen too. You know me cant do anything half way..



ANDREW::::: sure missed you this morning on our walk. Susan said you were sick and didn’t think you could walk. She said your blood sugar dropped to 53 yesterday???? I know you aren’t eating nearly enough for your height and weight.. I know you want to lose but you cant loose and only eat once a day lol Sugar who is this sounding like ???


Sounds like it was a nice picnic at your fil nursing home. They have one every year…I didn’t ask you was he ok from his fall the other day?

/They are required by law to notify you all about any and all accidents. Even if there is no bruising or marks of any kind.


Well im sitting here rubbing my eyes , I guess the pill I took this morning to keep me awake has worn off lol

Yep two miles starting Monday morning , hope we can do it ….



DEBBIE  D:  yes the doctor said it looked like the nasal passages had always been like that and as we get older muscle get weaker etc. oh yeah blame everything on old age, lol well at least he wasn’t blaming it on the weight loss surgery lol

I told him that I don’t ever remember having a good  nights sleep even as a kid I never slept all night. Ever.

So evidently im had this probablem  all my life.

 Just keep praying.

















on 8/15/08 2:10 pm - Joplin, MO
I have alot planned for Saturday, but we will see how it goes. I am going to take it minute by minute.... I am feeling pretty good this evening. Dr. H said I can drive when I am not needing the pain meds anymore. As of right now, I am doing well. I wanted to Thank Angy, Jan, Liz for the phone calls and visit and to everyone else that has prayed for me, Dr. H and my family. I really appreciate it. I am tired but excited and feel more energetic already!!!Does anyone  know if Dr. H has a website or email? My mom has some co-workers that are wanting info  now that they know how well I am doing... I am very excited for all of us new surgeries. My hugs and respect are sent out to everyone who has been there for us new losers, the ppl that are considering this surgery and for everyone that has been just  a good shoulder to lean on. Thank you to everyone!! I have my appt with Dr. H Tuesday... Stage 2 here I come!!!



Bec M.
on 8/15/08 9:00 pm
Good Saturday Morning Missouri!

Wow am I tired!!!  That c~pap machine is NOT giving me good rest YET!!! ~ha 

 I don't know if I'm fighting it or what... I have slept a whopping 4 hours each of the last two nights and kept the machine on 3 hours each night... it feels like I have to breath faster to keep up with the machine thus not giving me much rest.. seems laborous... I know it is probably just me needing to get used to it...... I have woke up both days with a dull head ache.....

That's not all that great of news but .....

This is....my "baby" did make it home last night  to give me those good hugs!!!  That makes things seem not near so bad! ~tee hee 

I think we are going to go get the ingredients today and make Paul up some food for the freezer... enough to get him thru while I am "so restricted" or at least enough so he won't feel like he is eating out of box for so long..... chili, cowboy soup, a couple of casseroles, burittos, etc. going to package them in smaller containers so he can just heat up enough for one or two meals.... he won't get tired of them that way.

My dear  hen!  I may have had to stuff a rag in your mouth but the holding my hand while I fell asleep would of been good!! ~tee hee I'm just razzing you a bit ~ I'm sure you are far better than you give yourself credit for!!!  Anyway it's not what you sound like it what your doing it for dear friend!

No I was WAY to busy to get any reading done today.... I worked a good part of the day getting "back to school" packages ready for both girls... I fixed them all up with coffe supplies for the start of the year... Divinci syrups, creamers, other drinks etc.  Then on the outside of the packages, I found pics that depicted there personalities and lives... it was fun.  It cost me $11.25 to mail Crystals package snail snail snail mail! 

Well, I just have to get going I have alot to do today and not much energy to do it....so I better get crack'n.  I have to get in there and take inventory, make grocery lists, coffee and breakfast... Amanda will be up and raring to go and I'll be zonked... there is no way I can keep up with her right now but I tell her some day I'm going to say "keep up Jo, your slow!" ~ha  Think that will ever happen?

I pray each has a wonderful day filled with as much blessing as you can stand!!!

Andy W.
on 8/16/08 12:10 am - Tulsa, OK
Hey Bec it does take time to get used to the C-Pap, it took me awhile but now I really can't sleep without it.  If it feels like you are having to work to breath that shouldnt happen,  they may have your pressure up to high,  if it keeps up i'd sure give the dr a call.  I had that feeling when I first started and they finally gave me  a C-PaP that actually slows down each time I exhale, its like it exhales with me,   it seemed I was having to work to breath out, again it does take a bit of time but dont let it go on to long before ya call the dr,  once it gets adjusted you should be more rested then ya have in ages.    Hope that helps ya.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 8/15/08 10:04 pm - Clever, MO

Hey all, hope all is ok and Bec, yes..someday your daughter will tell you, MOM! Slow down I cant keep up....lol! And it will be so much fun to hear those words. lol!

Sis, I have bought the tickets for the show already and it was for me and chelle and mel and 4 of the kids..I dont want to miss it! I do these things cause I want to spend time with them seeing them see new things. Especially Rickeys 4! They get so excited about stuff like this. They will argue over who gets to sit next to grammy. I love it! lol! If I come at all to the reunion it will just be for awhile on Friday.

Besides, I have to send off my $ for the trip to florida so I will be broke for a while...

You can bring coffee cups I suppose, do they have a coffee pot up there or do you have to bring it too? I want decaf coffee for sure, is that what you have?  I thought I would make some Crystal light stuff of somekind...

Rick and I are going out with some friends tonight...kinda like a double date! lol My friend Sherri and her fiance are in town and want to go to eat or something so that will be fun. Today we will probably go help Chelle move the last of her stuff to her new house and over here to the studio. The people who bought her house are moving in this weekend I think...so she will be homeless until she closes on her new one next week. We may have company for a few nights.

Well, I gotta go..love to all...Sugar


Layla K.
on 8/16/08 1:04 am - Windsor, MO
Well... today the whole family is going  to the state fair and we are going to see the Blake Shelton/Tracy Lawrence concert tonight.  I am glad because I am going to have to pack jackets for us tonight, because it is supposed to be cool.  It is going to be a great day to be outside.  Hope you all have a great day!!!   Layla

preview image

on 8/16/08 3:15 am

Hellooo Mo Peeps!
today we are cleaning....and rearranging our whole house and life to accomadate the son,GF,and 2 grandkids who are now moving in on Tuesday. I  have to give up my room for them...I am assured it will only be for a couple of weeks...well we shall see....UUUGGGGG
dont get me wrong but I think they should get off their helthy butts and WORK! what a concept!
they only bright thing in the whole thing is I will get oodles of cuddle time with the grandbabies so it wont all be bad...ok Ill just keep telling myself that.

Dean is looking for work....but not putting forth much effort as he still has many things left on his honeyDO list! I really have enjoyed this househusband!  LOL.
Janet  read your PM and give me a call!
I am bummed about gaining yet another pound...yes Ive gained...so I am up from 245 to 447
as I havent changed much in my eating I figure maybe its the not taking my thyroid meds for the last 2 months catching up with me. no reason not to take it but I had to change pharmacy to get it with my new ins and I havent took the time. so yesterday I called my PCP and had them send me in a script to the new pharmacy and Ill start taking those again.and maybe I will start loosing again!
I dont want to stop here!
I want to get under 200.....so maybe labor day weekend I should do the 5 day pouch test and take my stretched out pouch back to the beginning.
I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather!







on 8/16/08 11:43 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey All,
          I have good news and I have bad news.
          Good news is my dad got out of the hospital last night at about 8p. He's doin pretty good, still alot of pain though.Thank-you for all the prayers,they really helped.He still has a long road ahead of him, but he's doin good.A little trouble breathing though.
           Bad news is my son and DIL loss the baby yesterday. She was about 2months along.I was upset but God knows more than we do.They are going to try again.
           Some more good news is we are buying a house on contract from my mom and dad. So we have been busy ,when we weren't at the hospital,cleaning and fixing it up. It's an older house so we been cleaning and painting and putting in new floors. It is almost ready for us to move in. We probally will start in the next few days.
          Well take care all, and God bless. And thanks again for all the prayers for my dad. Love Tammy V. 

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


Barbara S.
on 8/16/08 10:59 pm - Freeman, MO
Hi Tammy;

Gald your Dad is getting better. Prayers are still coming.

So sorry to hear about the baby. I lost two and my Dr always told me it was God's way of telling us their was something terrible wrong. Science today can do alot of thing but, sometimes they need to just let God decide when he needs too. (Just my thoughts) Anyway I am always here for you when you need me.

Yea! on the house. So exciting to get a fresh start . Older homes have alot of heart, just think of all the stories it could tell you. LOL
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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