I feel crazy scary good!!!

Elizabeth D.
on 8/15/08 12:28 am, edited 8/15/08 2:07 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
Ok, I'm almost afraid to post this, but seems like we hear a lot of posts of things happening after surgery and wanted to let you know how I am doing. Hopefully, I am not jinxing myself!

I feel GREAT!!! I had surgery on Monday, came home on Tuesday, today is Friday and it is wonderful. I haven't stepped on the scales because they say you gain from all the IV fluids and didn't want to psych myself out if I had gained from that.

I have drank 2 of the New  Whey protein bullets total and 2 of the isopure clear ready to drink bottles(total, not in one day :.)) in addition to no added sugar grape juice, water and powerade zero. The first day I crushed my meds and took it with apple sauce, YUCK!!! So Dr, H had said I could take my synthroid whole since it was so small, so yesterday, I cut my pills up to where they were smaller pieces than the synthroid and took it with applesauce and it went down without that bitter taste. I even was able to do my b100 that way. I only took 2 doses of percocet yesterday, with 2 doses of the rapid blast liquid tylenol and that was actually for menstral cramps rather than pain from the surgery (OF COURSE I started my period!!)

Anyway, so far I have had some gas pain, but only when I drink ( I can't seem to figure out how to drink without sucking in air . . . any suggestions??) No nausea at all.

I have walked 1/4 mile twice yesterday and went about 1/2 mile this morning. I get tired and have taken a couple of long naps during the days.

Anyway, the weird thing, is that everything seems BRIGHTER AND CLEARER! Why is that??? Maybe my blood sugars were higher than I thought.

Like I said, I'm not bragging because I don't want to jinx myself, but wanted you upcoming surgery people to know that we don't always hear about the people that are feeling good because they don't need the help and support that others that are having problems need. This place is so awesome, I have gotten a ton of information from here and appreciate all the positive vibes and prayers that are sent out. Here's hoping my journey continues to go so well, and hoping yours does also!!!!!

Jan C.
on 8/15/08 1:16 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Liz i was that way too , did get tired during the day but just lay down and nap ....got up and felt fine then.
i posted my whats happening post the day i got home from the hospital....was out weeding in my garden the 3 rd day home. never took any pain medication at all after they took the pump off of me the morning after surgery.
Hope you stay posting here cause we need all the people that have had surgery to be able to answer peoples questions. also be cause we like to keep track and see how people are doing. and if you have a bad day , there will be some of those. then you can tell us that too. someone else will have had that same thing and can help you thru that too.
Any way welcome to the losers bench. you all are sort of crowded up down there all landing at the same time. soon as you all start losing you will find more room lol



on 8/15/08 2:41 am - Windsor, MO
That sounds great!  You will just feel better and better.  Have you had any mental problems like wanting to eat  or feeling like you will never get to eat what you want again?  That was the hardest for me.  Congrats on everything and welcome to the loser's bench!  God bless, Penni
on 8/15/08 3:17 am - pomona, MO
How do you like all those different feeling?...lol. I think we have our days just like everyone has but we tend to think is this from surgery?...I am about 18 mos out and I would do it again ....
you will be fine its just getting use to our changeing body..it is a wonderful journey....vesta


on 8/15/08 9:09 am - Clinton, MO
I too had surgery on Monday. I feel really good today as well. I haven't had any food mourning or any nausea. I did have quite a bit of gas pain, but that finally went away totally by this morning. I'm only taking my pain meds at night so I can sleep well. I started protein today and tried a nectar roadside lemonade shake and hated it. SO I'm going to stick to the bullets since they're so much smaller and easier to get down.

I get tired and just take an afternoon nap. Then I'm refreshed. I was really nervous that I would come home and have a ton of problems, but have been blessed so far with good health and healing.

My best to you!


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