First off does anyone know how to put a post up on the board and make it stay at the top for a few weeks till we know that everyone has seen in about the reunion. Speaking of which in the post I put up I forgot to tell you all that you can just come for Saturday and join in on all the fun for that day and not miss out…that way you wont have to stay overnight if you don’t want to. Also in addition to bringing food for your family for the rest of the time please bring a dish for our dinner on Sat ok?
I think they require a 5.00 fee for the use of everything for the day.
I need someone to make us a sign saying something like
Anyone have a laminator????
Anyone have any good ideas about something to do on Sat. afternoon. Play penny anti poker?lol no strip poker tho.
Everyone bring a small gag or funny gift for prizes or gift exchange or something and nothing over$ 5.00. Some of you really talented people out there with good imaginations think of something cool to do.something to get everyone involved and laughing.
We could play several different things and when we get there everyone could put their little wrapped gifts in a larger bag. So that when someone one won they pulled a gift out of the bag or box. .
Man it was chilly out this morning at 6:30 when Andy and I went for our walk. 61 degrees is what my computer said. Im going to have to drag out something warmer to walk in before long, My arms really got cold this morning, even walking really fast.
Hopefully we can up it to 2 miles starting Monday. Im so glad that I have a walking buddy now. He gives me incentive to keep it up .
Tomorrow Friday is my clean out day in the closet. Im so tired of not being able to find things that im looking for. And a lot of things I haven’t worn at all so im going to bring them to the support meeting …good t shirt size med but I just haven’t worn them
You know how you have your favorites that you wear with your jeans and always grab them ??? well the ones that I haven’t grabbed will be grabbed and brought to the meeting.
I see we have some more new people to join the MO. Board. Hope you all will consider coming to the
Im getting excited about it again I love it , last year we had a wonderful time. I cant imagine what sort of time we will have this year. Lol
Well I went to see the doctor today about possible having a sleep study done to see why I am falling asleep so much at stupid times , (like while driving ) lol
They take a radio wave picture of the inside of your nose all the way up to the sinus cavity. He said he didn’t know what else but I have hardly any opening in either nostril. Then he looked at the report on my O2 test I did here at the house. He about fell out of his chair. He said good grief woman no wonder you are tired !!!! your o2 level dropped to 75several times during the night. He said you could have kicked the bucket. But you wake up when it gets down there which is good. I don’t see how it can get that low that is almost dead lol . guess I have had good reason to feel tire in the mornings. Huh? I have been reading several articals about all of this and they say that it causes obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart problems . wow .
Anyway I see the ENT on the 9th of Sept to see what he wants to do about my nose. Rotor rooter it out or use steroids to see if it can be made better with that. Hope that is one of the options. Don’t have a desire to have my nose drilled lol
The sleep doctor gave me some pills to help keep me awake when I need to be he said like driving. Lol I ask him about sleeping pills and he jumped and said absolutely NOT. They might put me down even further on the O2 level ….
No wonder im brain dead lol
SHEILA::::: hope your appointment went well in
You know what I have been freaking out because im 5 foot 3 inches and doctor Hornbostel put my goal weight at 130 , the same as yours. And you are under 5 foot tall. Now that isnt right. Im going to email Margie and see what she says. It just seems so impossible that we should have the same goal weight doesn’t it? I thought someone said 5 pounds per inche but don’t think that is right either. But that would make my goal weight 145 ???
On the protein balls don’t know what to tell you other than make sure it is a good air tight container. Mine will stay fresh for several days .
BARBARA S::;;;;;we are hoping that by the end of the month we will be ready to step it up to 3 miles a day. Hoping that Monday we are going to try for 2 miles. It has been really chilly the last few morning so I got out some long pants and a long sleeved shirt tonight for in the morning, if it isnt pouring down rain. If it is we will go later in the day.
BEC::::: great to see you back home and safe. I know it was a little disappointing today but at least he said that everything sounded and looked good . he is just because of your diabetis and everything else taking the safest route and look at it this way you get to spend the night with Debbie and giggle and laugh …lol
Besides there are too many prayer warriors on her holding you up in prayer that you are going to think well my goodness what was I so worried about.
God will be by your side all the way.
There that is more like it I love your little mascot. He needs to let out a cheer once in a while to perk you up lol
So did you get hooked up to the c-pap? I hope you have no trouble at all tonight going to sleep and that you have the best sleep you have ever had. And you wake up so rested and ready to do anything and everything.
Well that big ole bootie wont be so big much longer. Get ready to say goodby to that . lol
LAYLA:::::: well how nice that you work where your babies go to school at. That is what I call lucky. Is this the first year you worked there? And what are you doing ? anyway have fun .
JANET::::::SHE IS HERE !!!!!YEA!!! lol can you tell I have missed you? I know you have had a lot on your plate and that is being generous. Maybe you need to get a turkey platter. Lol
I sort of do that too when I have so much to think about I sort of retreat in a shell. I may go about doing all the things that I do but there is part of me that isnt there.
I have an idea about something to make you all and Mike and his dad feel good too. Do you have a video camera? Go fishing and take it along and talk to him like he is there fishing with you all . and send it to him. Do you think he would like that? I bet he would. Get the boys into the act too. Anyway Mike could talk to his dad on there and say all the things that he would have liked to say you know all those wish I hads.
Know that I am praying my little heart out for you and all the things that you are concerned with. Mike, his dad, Megan, Stephanie, the baby, your health, Mikes surgery. Your adopted grandpa Kenny,your ex bil and his heart. all your cares and woes, we all love you so very much and all of us will be praying for you to have some good news for once. This procedure next week will take care of that and that will be that.
Wow that battery explosion could have been dangerous , was bad enough the way it was but wow. What if it had happened when you all were in bed asleep. I hope so that they replaced the charger and batteries at the very least.
Im so glad that you are sleeping anyway and that you had the day off. Next Thursday when you have that procedure you aren’t going to go to work for a couple of days are you? I would think not.
Sure hope you get that new phone soon. Lol I even tried to text you now you know how desperate I was lol.
On the elephant ears lol there will be plenty, where I started with one last year I now have probably at least 6 or more. Maybe more if you count the little ones too.
So how many do you think you can use. 10??? They may not all be great big ones but they will get that way and if you don’t dig them up , just cover them with about 6 inches of straw they will be ok in the ground and will get even bigger and bigger next year.
Yes I think I will be posting I have been staying at the same weight for so long that it is good to see the scale moving again. and I think it is due to the fact that im eating more and exercising more.
TAMMY-AMMY::::: well you are about as bad as our other wayward friend. Lol
I know you are busy but we sure miss you all telling us what is going on.
Im cleaning closets too , tomorrow I hope anyway.
That was a pretty neat wow moment huh?
Really makes us feel good when those happen doesn’t it?
Tammy I have quit saying that fat word now about myself . the best thing I have found that works for me better than anything is looking back at my pictures of before surgery and for each month after surgery and then they stop at one year anniversary so today I had Joe take another one and wow there is a difference …look at the sort of fast and you look like the incredible shrinking woman lol
Oh wow take pictures of the baby. Nothing sweeter is there?
Yummy Apple pie ,,,,use to be my favorite , my mom use to make them for me and she loaded them down with sugar and butter on my gosh. But they were good lol
Anytime she knew I was coming she would go make and apple pie. Always made me feel special. Isnt that funny how someone can mention something and it gives you a memory?
Im sorry that your fur babies are getting old and sick. I don’t know what Joe and I will do when ours gets old. He is 8 now and has the starting of arthritis and sometimes he has a hard time getting up from laying down.
DEBBIE D:::: well maybe we are going to have to give you some angel wings too. Bless you for taking care of our Becky when she was worried and tired. You are a wonderful person . You do Gods work well.
Oh me I was sure hoping you could come to the reunion. You cant come by yourself or do you have to be there at the function too? I understand but I still don’t like it lol
Tell Luke happy birthday from all us on the board and so glad that Jakes pink eye is healing
BEVERLY B::::: Well shoot sure wished you could come to the reunion. Don’t know doesn’t look like many are going to be there. I guess it will be sort of quite this year.
I had to laugh about your tuna …that is what I tried first was tuna. And I did the same thing you did. Was about another week before I could have any of that. I tried some home made chili. Hot and spicy and it stayed down great. Lol
I know I didn’t eat too fast either and chewed too so it was just that tummy didn’t want tuna today. Someone that was going thru stuff at the same time I was use to say that Tuna was from the Devil lol
Take it easy and keep trying some small things. Do you like baked sweet potatoes? they are good for you and great with a little butter on them
That gives you a softer meal too.
I don’t know what to tell you about your pills , I was swallowing mine by the time I was 4 weeks out. Even big fish oil ones.
Well if you do go fishing Saturday God bless you and check your booklet that your doctor gave you and start trying some of the tings that are listed there cottage cheese,
Well, it isnt looking favorable for me coming to the reunion except maybe for a while on Friday..
Rick is on call that weekend and I have tickets for a play with the grandkids on Saturday. We will see.
I am anxious for the COF meeting in 2 weeks to see how our clothing exchange goes. Sure hope alot of you are planning on being there.
I have been busy watching the boys this week and havent got to post and now the site is so slow I dont have the time to sit and wait for it to load...what is going on with it now? More changes???
Glad someone has heard from the lost girls, And how is everyone doing after surgery?
Love to all of you....
good morning Mo peeps!
yesterday was the start of school here.
my daughter is a senior so I got up and made her breakfast and went to work a lilttle late so I could take photos and send her off. the last child,the last yr of school. WOW I can hardly believe it. today I am up early due to waking up and having my back hurting....I sleep on an air mattress now and it has to be just so....if its to little air my back hurts and if its to much the same thing happens. anyone have a sleep number bed....coz I can in no way sleep in Deans bed with him. it is toooo hard for sure! but I would like to. its been so long since we slept in the same bed for more than just a few nights. I would love to get that back....before moving inot my recliner we had a waterbed which I LOVED and he said hurt his back so he got rid of it. but I want it back!! anyone got one they like to get rid of? if I have to sleep in my own bed it ought to be one I really like.
last sunday we went bowling....I havent been in so many years I cant remember the last time...sometime while the kids were small. well I have no idea how to do it. LOL Im so glad Dean and I went by ourselves...I really wanted to be part of the LaBarge league...oh boy Im so glad we went before I signed up. I used to be a fair bowler.....not horrible but last sunday I was HORRIBLE...especially the 2nd game...of which I was worn out from. but we had a BALL! and plan on going more...he said if I really wanted to bowl in a league he would join a couples league with me but I was going to have to play 3 games in a row......guess we start practicing...
another form of excersize I dont HATE! always good to find those. now that the weather is nicer Im excited about getting use to my bike....I hate the wobbly feeling and since its 3 wheels it bothers me alot that there is wobblies
so I need more practice. maybe this weekend. I hate coming so far and still having "FAT" issues
I havent tried sitting down in the floor yet....scared to see if I can get back up. acyually thats the main reason I got a 3 wheel bike....so I couldnt fall over in the street and NOT be able to get back up.....I have been there and DONE that..tysvm!
I fell in my kitchen....at 499lbs. thank God for strong hubby's and sons. but OMG was I humiliated!!!! let me give you your morning chuckle.
in the kitchen with DH we talking and LOL and I go to sit in the roly chair....someone had moved the hight position so when my legs touched the chair it started rolling...we live in 100yr old house on a hill so the kitchen kinda goes downhill too.....as we were talking I paid no attention to this fact and kerPLOP I was down! all the way down to the floor...half nekid..
well after we caught our breath from LOAO coz I mean it happened so fast we didnt know it was happening till it was done and I was down in the floor...my nightmare!
we realised he wasnt going to be able to get me up....nothing for me to pull myself up either and really my knees are shot and have been for a long time. they couldnt have done it we both knew this. so he gets me a house dress and goes to wake up Jason......so I sat there about 20 mins till they both could lift me up.....I NEVER want this to happen to me again! LOL
and that is why I chose a 3 wheeler that I am still afraid to go far from home on. need to get some more activity in....I am stalled. its official. 2 weeks...gained 1 pound back up to 246 and there Ive stayed! but I knew it was comming. it always does when my body gets used to daily activity,...I need to add more. so bowling and bike riding are my goals.
and we start getting ready for our spookhouse. Im so excited about this yr! our 10th and last yr.
we have had so much fun doing it but its time for other things. and our last kid graduates this yr.
I also am excited about getting to work in it this yr. I have always been out front but this yr I want to roam the inside and get/give a few scares myself. I hope anyone here who is close to Carthage comes on out we are expanding again...for the last time.
well Im going to play a few rounds of POGO before heading off to work.
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I too love a waterbed. My back never hurt when I had one.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Good Morning Everyone,
We will be leaving for Mexico on 9-11-08.
Dennis will be having surgery on the 12th
and we will return to St. Louis on the 20th.
Needless to say we are getting excited!
If you are thinking about going to Mexico
to have your surgery it is costing us,
including my airfare $13056.00.
That is with Dr. Joya in Puerto Vallartia.
Check out the Mexico Forum.
We cashed in some of Dennis’ 401k to
get the money. We decided that his
life was more important then having
the money for retirement, because
he mostly will not live to get it then,
with his diabetes as it is.
And besides we still have money
left in there and it will keep building
and with still adding to it each payday
for retirement anyway.
I pray everyone will have a beautiful day.
Love to all
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Good Morning Missouri,
I just must first speak and say a Great Big Thank You to all who sent encouraging words yesterday! I had so many e~mails, calls, posts and such of well wishes! What ever happens with all this... will be ok! I was so aware that the Lord was mindful of me and my situation! and He used a number of beautiful people to minister to me!
I called yesteday morning to check on getting the c~pap machine and the fella said he was ready to come out that day so he came at 3:00 and got me all set up... I was encouraged by the end of the visit even though he told me not to expect too much and just be persistant and eventually I would get used to it... the head "rigging" and nose piece were more comfortable than the one I used for the second sleep study... I wore it all but one of the hours last nigtht... it is "do"able... I'm real tired this morning but then I only got a few hours of sleep... so I am hoping it gets better as I adjust to sleeping longer each night.
The book I ordered a couple of weeks ago called Mindless Eating came so I guess I will take a look see at what it has to say... it was highly recommened reading by the bariatric program.
My hen... I think you are right I may have to add another
in Debbie Darl'n!!! Who has THREE
's ~tee hee I just might!
Thank you for all the encouraging words yesterday! You are simply a fantastic friend! I COULD imagine you there singing me to sleep! ~ha
I need to have my daughter take the "before" pics of me this weekend, and get all measured up too...
Debbie Darl'n! ~ it sounds like you are going to WAY to much trouble for me to come!!! Goodness my dear lady.... I'm just a plain ole gal!!! You don't need to do anything extra for me..... I'm real excited to meet your family too! I hope I don't dissapoint them... you say too much good about me!
Sheila ~ I wish I was going to be home when you have your GB surgery I would of popped up there and seen you. But I will be gone over to KS to have the stress test... I will be praying you come right on thru that with as much ease as possible!
That is wonderful about having the ride... I hope you are able to use that in the future... and too bad you did not know about it all the other times you needed the help....
Barbara S. ~ I think it is wonderful that you do so well at the walking... you inspire me to eventually be able to do my four mile walk again... that sure will be goal to look foward too!
Layla K ~ I too went to school with my girls... when my youngest got in school I got a job as the secretary and went with them every day! I LOVED IT! The Lord really blessed me with that job! I'm real happy for you!
Janet my dear ~ I know you might not be able to do it.... but wasn't that a great idea Jan had about going on the fishing trip!!!! I know that would be very hard but I can only imagine what it would do for his dad! Thank you sweet lady for the encouraging words yesterday... you too are a dear friend!
Tammy Ammy ~ Yard sales are a lot of work! I don't envy you but I need to have one also... I have a few large pieces I need to sell, but I live out in the country and not much traffic around....
I will be praying that all goes well with your TT approval! I know you will be glad to get that done and out of the way and will feel so much better about yourself too!
That's wonderful about the jacket! I bet you were thrilled!!!
Shannon ~ I'm so glad your legs and feet are doing better... seems like you have had to struggle with that for so long but the Lord has seen you thru the whole way!
I am going to make the Splenda Blackberry Pie here in the near future. I sure hope I like it as well as you all do ... blackberry is one of my fav's.
We have an older dog too and it will be a very very sad day when he is gone... just hurts already thinking about it!
Bev B ~ SURE you can tell you have lost weight!!! I looked back at your pictures and I think it is WONDERFUL the progress you have made!!!
Thanks for the words of "no worry"... my legs are swelling off and on like they did when I was preg...they feel like if they were *****ed they would explode! It hurts to walk on them when they are swollen like that.
Say, I didn't realize that you were Briannas mom! I remember her coming when she was visiting your mom. I had her in my S.S. class a few times when she was little... how old is she now? And who was the person with the long blond hair... they looked so familiar too.

I continue to pray for all that had surgery this week... hang in there I know great things are in store for each of you!

Well, I guess I better get on with the day... my dear 21 year old "baby" is coming home tonight and I'm right excited about that!

A very blessed good day to all!
Been up all night and finally about to give it up and thought I would post while I have a cup of coffee.....
This time it wasn't insomnia....It was my great niece....Her doctor started her on a new med yesterday for her ADHD and she had a sever reaction to it.....My neice called and told me she needed me NOW!!!! And that the ambulance had just gotten there....She lives about 10 miles from me and just as I turned into town I seen the ambulance leaving.. But I had to go to her house and get her boyfriend and two younger children cause they no gas in the van (nothing new)...And we had to get someone to take the kids....Ada came to my house and piced them up and we headed on to the ER....
She had gotten slugish after taking the medicine but they didn't think much about it cause they had been up late and got up early...Then she stoped moving at all and stop responding when they talked to her...All she would do is look at them....Then she started moving her tounge around and biteing on it and then she just let it hang out of her mouth and started drewling all over herself instead of swallowing.....By then they were freaking out but then she pee'ed on herself and she is 4.....So they called the ambulance and then me....
We went to a local hospital and we weren't there no time...All they done was give her benidryl and sent her home.....Didn't explain sqaut to us....
I had not seen her till she came out of the ER and I almost lost it.....Her tounge was out of her mouth to one side....she was completely spaced out with drewl everywhere and her arms were pulled to her chest with her wrist bent in and fingers drawn up!!!!............The minute I seen her I said HELL NO!!!! We are not taking this baby home!!! This is not right at all!!! So I loaded her up and took her to a different hospital....
That doctor about crapped his pants over how they had done her....And he told us the benidryl was the worst thing he could have given her....By the time we had got to the 2nd ER she had started gagging on her own tounge.... They explained more about what was going on to my neice and told her that the conditions would last aprox 6 more hours....
Because we had to pick up the two babies it took us about 1 1/2 hrs to get home and she was starting too finally improve...She talk to me when I layed her down and focused on my face when she talk to me...
I was shocked when they told me what medicine it was because my son took it when he was younger for his ADHD and he done great on it...But I guess all meds work differently with different people....
But a reminder to everyone....READ YOUR INFO SHEETS ON ANY NEW MEDS YOU GET!!! NO THE SIDE EFFECTS AND ETC!!! The medicine that caused Kyndrid to do this was Risperadol(sp)....The side effects were terrifing!!!!!!!!!!!....She looked like someone that had had a massive stroke!
And what a crappy day for me to have to go set at the ER....I had been on the move all day cleaning... I had done two closets...sorted all my blankets and sheets...cleaned my kitchen...done a few loads of laundry and cleaned the carpets in my dinning room, front bedroom and hall way....My back was killing me and on top of that we had a lil rain sweep thru..but was enough to kick ole aurther in and make my tale bone scream!!!!
Today on top of only being able to grab a few hours sleep I have to finish up some house work and make my food for Joes Moms Birthday....She is 80 this wee and they are giving her a B-day party at one of her daughters houses in Illinos...
My tale bone is going to love that 3 hour ride there and then another 3 back..lol lol lol...
We decided to keep it simple and have sandwhiches and finger foods but that still don't always cut the time in fixing the food lol.....Im making pico de gio....egg salda....tuna salad....and making a fresh apple cake....Well that's what I mean to do.. If I don't find some energy they might get bologna and a bakery cake lol lol lol....
Jan....Made me feel good you miss me!!...Sometimes I just have so much going on or there is too much in and out at my house that I don't have time or energy to even get on...And then there are times when I do get on and check on every one and don't post because I just don't have anything to say.. lol lol.. I don't mean that in a bad or mean way...But most of the time there is sooo much drama and stress going on around here and I just don't like getting on when thats all I have to talk about!!
You know there was sooooo much going on the past week that I didn't even realize that our meeting date had rolled around....It dawned on me late Tuesday after noon...I got on and no one had mentioned it...So I guess for the moment I will let it ride...At least till I have my surgery and get back on my feet....Between health and family issues and then gas being so darn high...No one was really able to come... I still very much hope to have one for this area but I need to wait till I can devote my time to it....So the Bootheel WL Buddies are not lost and forgotten ...We are just on hold for the moment....Then when I get back on my feet I am going to do the flyers and news paper ads and with a lil luck we will have more people interested in coming..
Well guys love to drop a line to each of you...but I can hardly hold my eyes open...So I am going to kick back in my recliner and dare that phone to ring lmbo.....
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend as well.....
God Bless each of you...
Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
Oh & P.S...........
At the moment I don't really know about the reunion. I want so very much to come....And had promised myself I was going to come stay for a few days no matter what.....BUT....With all that's been going on and my surgery date not being set yet and our lil angles birth date due around that time....I just can't set anything in stone....If I can at all I would love to at least make it for the day on Saturday...........I know that Janet mentioned it might be out for them this year too...So if all else fails and we can get everyone settled and have the gas money to come that way...We might get with them to come for the day and go back and spend the night and then come home....Haven't talk to her about any of it and as I said I have no Ideal what life holds for us around that time...so for now I will have to play it by ear...If we get to make and have the money and someone has room we might even give them money back on thier house for the night and stay over.....Hope to know more a little later on....
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
actually ALL the other Drs say i should weight 100 to 105 for my height so i think Dr H gives us room for after tummy tuck maybe?
but no way do i wanna weigh a 105 my daughter weighs that and is 3 inches taller than me and ughhhh she to skinny,,,,,
Happy surgerversaries to Jan and Craig younes have did GREAT
i still see my self as fat but i keep a picture of me in my "fat days" posted on my frig then i can see i have come a long ways...
does any one know if the medicare rides has a email to use?
well im tired and i need to try to do a couple things and be4 i forget
yest Dr H said he taking gall bladder out and from what i can gather he thinks my hernia came back so is looking at that too and then rechecking my gastric to make sure ALL is okay......tried to get em to suction fat out or do a tummy tuck but no luck there HAHAHA
Somebody please tell me this week is about over with, I swear I have went non stop all week. So far there is nothing planned for next week so maybe just maybe I'll be able to get some of the housework done.
Tiff seen the foot doctor yesterday and he wants to do surgery on her left foot, and later on will have to do it on her right foot. He sent her for x-ray's yesterday and is giving her a week to think about it, because it's not a life or death matter just painful. She has decided to do the surgery, so maybe we can get the problem fixed now instead of her going through all the stuff I have had to deal with with my feet. I'm hoping and praying she's able to get everything corrected now, I hate seeing her in pain.
I'm still excited over the news I got Wednesday. I've tried and tried to get ahold of cardio so they can fax my result's but I swear it's been impossible. What ever happened to people actually answering the phone in a doctors office instead of having to go through a voice system only to get an answering machine. GRRRRRR
Jan sorry I missed it yesterday, Happy Anniversary. I hope you did something special for yourself.
Janet my dear when ever your ready for that lunch we will go...I promise.
WOOHOO on the phone. I hate texting on my phone it has this hang up about not letting all my messeges send, and that makes me wonder if I recieve all my messeges. Who knows!!!!! I can't wait for one of your hugs either. It's great to know we will be able to talk soon.
Girl you know I love you.
Bec I sure hope you get good results on your test. I'm sure theres nothing to worry about since he said every thing looks good. I will be praying for you dear.
I may have to redo my cardio test because I done mine so long ago, I hope this isn't the case, but if it is I'm looking at it as extra piece of mind.
I hope everyone has a blessed day.
Love and Hug's



