Slide over Renee, I need room on the bench as well!

on 8/14/08 12:06 am - SW , MO

Hey all!

I'm not very active on this board but have met a few of you at the Springfield support meetings. [I tend to post mainly over at the DS forum.]  But just wanted to let you know I will be joining the Loser's Bench on Aug. 25th. 

I'm having a DS done then.  As there are no DS surgeons in MO, I am headed to Miami FL to get 'switched'.  Not really nervous, just more panicked about trying to make sure I get everything done before I have to head south.  Can't believe that I've been researching this thing for 2 years and then ended up having to get all my testing and labs done in 2 weeks.  I'm feeling like a pin cushion right now and my arms look like I'm a junkie with spasms. Oh well it will all be worth it down the road.

Beginning My Real Life

A Work in Progress

Jan C.
on 8/14/08 12:57 am - Cedar Creek, MO
wow there really are no DS surgeons in Mo? no where closer than Fla.  anyway great to have you on the board and good luck with the surgery.


on 8/14/08 1:48 am - SW , MO

Well I'm self-pay, grrrrrr, so dollars were definitely part of the equation but so was level of expertise.  I believe I found both in my surgeon.  

Dr. Gagner is one of the top DS surgeons in the country.  He did the very first Laproscopic DS, has written 4 medical textbooks on Minimally Invasive surgery, over 150 medical journal articles on various topics, has taught surgery in Ivy League medical schools and is now the Chief of Surgery at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach.  Oh yeah, and he just did the first ever transcontinental surgery, he was in New York and took out the gall bladder of a patient in Paris using a robotic hookup.  It bites having to self-pay but I guess there are worse things than spending a week on Miami Beach to recover (except for having to pay for the hotel on the beach that is).

I don't know if you remember Jan but I met you a year or so ago when the support group was meeting at the Fire Hall and I spoke some then about why I chose the DS.
Beginning My Real Life

A Work in Progress

on 8/14/08 4:04 am - Purdy, MO
 Hey looks like you are going to beat me to the bench so you better save me a spot......LOL
 Congrat's I hope all goes well and you have a speedy reovery.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 8/14/08 4:29 am, edited 8/14/08 4:30 am - SW , MO

Thanks for the well wishes Renee.  I'm not too far from your neck of the woods.  I live in Mt. Vernon and actually have the same primary care doctor as another "shrinking violet" from Purdy whose already on the bench.
Beginning My Real Life

A Work in Progress

on 8/15/08 12:24 am - Purdy, MO
 You are close. Do you go to any of the suppoort meeting's? The COF meeting is the 25th  in Springfield if your interested in going. Jan I think has already left a post on in and I'm sure she will again. My first time going was last month and I really enjoyed it, and we would love to have you come.
 I'm sorry I don't guess I know shrinking violet but then I really don't pay attention to user name's, I alway's look at their real names. Guess I need to look at both huh?

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 8/15/08 12:53 am - SW , MO

Well this 25th I am a littled tied up...or more descriptive I should say "sutured" up.  (That's my surgery date!)  I have been to a couple of their (COF) meetings but none in the last 8-10 months or so.  They always seemed very nice.

The person I am referring to had a DS done in 2 parts up in Chicago.  I believe her screen name is "JustAmy".  I generally see her post on the DS boards.  Was just curious if you knew each other.

Beginning My Real Life

A Work in Progress

on 8/15/08 1:41 am - Purdy, MO
 Ok I know who you are talking about but I haven't talked to her for a very long long time. I wondered what happened to her.
 DUH!!!!!! I knew that was your date I just hadn't had enough coffee yet. LOL Soooo I guess we wont be seeing you this month huh. LOL I'm such a dork before coffee.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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