Jan C.
on 8/13/08 1:39 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Another beautiful day. Im loving them aren’t you? Can get outside and do stuff and breath at the same time. Lol

Andy and I went for our 1.5 miles walk this morning and we did it in less than 30 don’t know how much but I had been back to the house for awhile and thought to look at the time and at that time was 34 minutes so I know I had been back at least 4 minutes.

Pulled more weeds. Wow there are some big ones in among the flowers. Joe said when I was out in there he couldn’t see me. I guess not , the cosmos are taller than me as is a lot of the other stuff. Hibiscus and elephant ears. Sort of hide me . lol


Put on a brand new pair of shorts this morning right out of the dryer and they are really loose on me. I checked to see if this was the new pair and it is. Wow. Moments for me don’t come too often anymore.  So I got on the scale and it was down a couple of pounds, well ive had that to happen before and then it goes back up , we will see what happens.

Finally found my weight and measure book….the last time I weighted really and wrote it down was last August. Was the last I measured too. So in the morning im going to weight again and measure , that is my surgerversary date . lol  2 years wow. Time flies when your having fun .


I have reposted about the reunion I hope some more people than what has answered so far come. If it isnt attended well this year we will see if someone from the middle of the state wants to arrange things next year. This is everyones reunion and we want everyone to come and enjoy meeting each other and visiting …So if you are good at organizing things and want to do the one for next year close to the middle of the state let me know….


BRENDA MINKS :::: how are the arrangements for Mexico going. When will you all be going??? Are you excited ? I know I would be .


Tammy=Ammy are you going to come to the reunion? I sure hope so.




ANGIE:::: you could stick around and say more than that LOL …tell us what you do daily .



PENNI:::::: I too make my first protein drink of the day in coffee, I use a scoop of ON Protein Powder mixed with a little ho****er from the tap till it is blended then put in sugar free French vanilla creamer and hot coffee. Yummy.

I am getting in all my protein I just have a hard time really getting in the calories too.

I really don’t see how you all can possible eat as much as you say you do.

Its good that you can now play and run and all with your babies, that is the way mamas are suppose to be able to do.

That is great that you are instilling in your kids the habits of good nutrition, maybe they wont ever have to worry about obesity.



JEANINE:::: Did you have fun with the niece shopping for apartments? That is good that you have a great relationship with her tho.

You know you aren’t alone with doing for others and nothing for yourself. I think most of us were like that. That is because we never thought we worth anything but after surgery you find a new confidence in your self about your self and you start finding time for you  too.

I still do for the others but  now I can say NO once in a while.

I have found that they don’t love me less either .


And you aren’t any different than the rest of us about pictures. , before surgery that is, now my husband says im a camera hog lol

Im always grabbing the camers and tell him to take my picture. , mainly because I really cant see what I really look like but I can line up the picture before surgery with each month afterwards and yeah oh boy you can see it then. So it helps give your mind a reality check.

It is real important that you have someone take a good picture of your self  front , side and back before you ever have surgery. Then at least monthly afterwards. And measure before  all places you can measure, get you a notbook and put all of this down.

Once a month wt and measures and a picture.


Congradulations on the not smoking for 9 days that is great. It is a hard addiction to kick for some and not so hard for others. When you start needing one just call on God hes there.


Come down and visit me and ill give you a complete tour of all my gardens and flowers. Ok.



SHEILA:::::when I make the protein balls and they turn out a little dry I just dip my spoon that im mixing with in some water. And keep doing that till I get them to the right consistency. Maybe another solution but that is what I do. Don’t get them too wet tho.

Maybe you are using just a smigging of too much splenda or oats ?

I too am worried about Janet , she isnt really talking to anyone I don’t think

Please all of you tell her to call me. She can get hold of someones phone if hers still isnt working.

Sweetie you shouldn’t be down from the gall bladder surgery for more than a couple of days.

Hey I read your wow moment in another post , and that is great….137 wow I would think I had died and gone to heaven. Why are you wanting to lose more. How tall are you ? Are you shorter than me? Im 5-3  and if you are wearing some 6s you are little enough.




SUGAR:::: I really don’t know how they figure that food maybe only gets half of the protein absorbed but it sort of stands to reason, if we have to take vits. Because of the mal absorption why would we not have mal-absorption of proteins and all things. I don’t think the gut has the ability to think like that lol

Anyway I wish someone would really do an in depth study and get all the doctors and dieticians on the same  page. Sure would be nice , there is everything from no protein from drinks to all protein from drinks. some of the doctors have their patients only drinking 100% juice is all for the first couple of weeks some say if you use the juice dilute it half and half and don’t drink too much of it.

So it is a really needed field for a lot of research to be done .

Wish I were a scientist and would take that on . lol

I am trying to get foods in , I have a banana every day, and 2 pieces of bacon every morning, lunch I have 2 tbls of some sort of meat salad, like tuna, chicken or ham.

With about 5 single whole wheat crackers. And then for supper I have what ever I fixed for Joe. Just smaller helpings.

And I will usually have a protein bar in there too someplace.

Is that sounding better. ????



LAYLA:::::look at you miss tiny. Where are you working at ? I remember getting my kids back into the swing of school schedule when they were young. It is hard but  when mine were little I never allowed them to stay up too late even in the summer. I guess I was one of those no nonsense hard nose mamas lol

I always needed some quite time before I went to bed so I could sleep. And if I let them stay up till I was ready for bed then I got to riled trying to get them to bed and was wide awake .

I remember sometimes that it was so hard being mama but you know what all of a sudden they are grown and you wonder what in the world happened . it really does go by fast when you are on the other side looking back. Try to enjoy them , I wish I could have , I was the sole supporter of mine , with no help from their dad at all , I had to work two jobs most of the time just to keep them clothed and fed.

You have some beautiful girls there.



BEV::::: glad you are enjoying your new job, it sounds pretty good. Don’t you hate it when you are the only one that does something that they said for you to do? Like the t-shirts. Next time that someone says do that wear it under a button up shirt and if the rest of them have it on you can take the button up one off. Lol fool them wont you. Lol

Have you never lived alone? Or have you always had a roommate?

So how long are you going to keep both jobs? I thought you didn’t like the first one at all.

Did you see the post about the reunion this year? Wish you could come. I think Debbie D is coming maybe you all could ride together.





            GOD BLESS.




Sheila H.
on 8/13/08 9:18 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps....

Jan i only get into 1 pair of 6s and the rest are 7, 8, 9 and some 10s
i am actually not quite 5 ft tall so yes im shorter than u a lot lol and now that im older i may be even shorter HAHAHA Dr H goal is 130 lbs and my primary dr is 105 well i dont like the 105 at all..... the 130 is good or even 120 which i might end up being IF i ever get to have a TT....
  i have texted Janet to no avail.... last time i heard from her was to tell me to post about angy, will text her again today be4 i take off to sedalia.... My son Levi is off today so he is going with me and we get to stop by my dads and drive his lil S10 so thats a relief not having to worry IF car make it again plus i need some tires so if anybody has any used 14s give me a holla.........tks

my protein balls get dry after being in container a day or 2 ....
you did say on  vanilla right??? gonna look today when i go to sedalia at gnc so if possible let me know this am...

Renee   is that medicare ride for like 3 hrs away??? cos would of called if i had known about it be4 yest for today...

hope every one has a GREAT day.....
love and hugs


Jan C.
on 8/13/08 9:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
im not RENEE but yes they take her all the way from her house to Columbia....so there is you a ride to hospital and ride home if you are having trouble setting it up but need to call today.
ON  vanilla ice cream  ,,,,ON french vanilla, >>>> ON Vanilla.   I have use all three , i like the ice cream one best i think ...
I didnt know about the ride untill Renee told me about it. but that is fantastic 



on 8/13/08 10:53 pm - Purdy, MO
 they will take you where ever you need to go. It can be 5 miles away or 500 miles away. They might still be able to help you with the ride if you call them. They are very nice people, and if you find a driver that you really like (which I love my driver from yesterday we became instant friends) you can request that company and driver.
 Good luck today hun I hope all goes well.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Barbara S.
on 8/13/08 10:03 pm, edited 8/13/08 11:07 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Jan and all:

Busy morning for me. Youngest granddaughters first day of school today, she is a big second grader this year. Mom, Dad and teenage brothers went to a concert last night so she spendt the night with us. She is so excited about going back to school. She could hardly get to sleep last night.

Have to do some grocery shopping today. Hubby puts in 4-10's so this is the last day of the week for us.

Jan, you and Andy will soon catch up on the walking,  keep up the good work! I bet the weight stays off this time due to the walking. I believe it has been good for Andy to move near you. You both inspire each other to keep up with the walking.

Everyone who is planning on going to the reunion. Please let us know, it is exciting to know who to expect to meet or to see again.

Need to get little one going. Talk soon.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Bec M.
on 8/13/08 11:46 pm

Good Morning Missouri,

I know some of you are wondering about my appointment with the cardio doc and I wish I could have my jumping man on here telling you that I passed with flying colors but that did not happen...  and was near in tears, but I had made up my mind I was going to go thru with what ever happened!  I've not come this far with the Lords wonderful, faithful help for Him to abandon me now!!!  The visit sure could of been worse and dear Shelley had just given me a heads up on what I might expect just a couple of days before my appointment or I would of probably busted out crying rigth there! ~ha....

The doc said my heart sounded good and my EKG was good, but that I had too many comorbidities (diabetes for the first, then shortness of breath, swelling in my hands and feet, of coarse the high blood pressure and the cholesterol issue) not to have the TWO DAY~ FOUR HOURS EACH nuculear stress test.  He said he did not think I was in good enough shape to do the treadmill...  I was a bit bummed about that... but had a dear dear lady come along side me and offer to go with me and set thru both test and even take me home with her for the night between the two test!  How blessed can a girl be!!!!  There she was right there to pray with me and just encourage me to keep my head on straight!!!!  I KNOW she will be blessed, blessed, blessed... for her servants heart!  I am trusting that I will pass those tests and still be on target for surgery... the doc shook my hand right after he told me about the test and said "good luck"... that put a doubt in my mind... as many years and I have served the Lord and as many times as I have seen Him work miracles and meet need after need after need you would think I would just breeze thru these things with the FULL confidence I SHOULD have!  I guess I am like the children of Isreal and the Lord looks and me and says, "Take another lap Becky till you learn that I CAN be FULLY trusted to take care of you and meet your evey need according to MY riches in glory!."  It may not be like I want it to be... but none the less I am in His hands for Him to do with as He wills!  Ok I'm going to try and get it this time! ~ha

So the test will be Monday and Tuesday... they do the first day "under stress" and the second day resting... I have to be there at 9:00 a.m. each day.  I will stay over with Debbie D. .... isn't that just wonderful that she has offered to help me? (tears)....I was worried about intruding and her dear husband even got on the phone to tell me I was welcome!  Now isn't that just the neatest thing!  And not only that but she is going to take me and set with me both days!!! (FOUR HOURS EACH TIME!) I'm just WAY TOO BLESSED!   Time to get my mascot out!

I have to return a call today from the place that is going to bring out my c~pap machine... hopefully tomorrow and then make a call about an messed up prescription.  Then I will get ready for my sweet baby girl is coming home this weekend!  I'm so looking forward to that!!! She gives me such wonderful hugs all weekend long and that does this mom's heart so good! especailly lately!!!!

My dear  hen!  I'm I'm praying you will get all these issues worked out... especially on my mind this morning is the eating... I know the Lord is going to help you with this!  You keep trying and you will soon find what works good for you and is the healthiest! 

I had to get a laugh about Jo not being able to see you in the flowers ... I would look just like that big sign alot of people used to have in their yards of the big ole "bootie" stooped over with polks dot bloomers on!!! that's all you saw was the bootie!  Sad but true! ~ha

I like you, am wondering about and praying for Janet.  I'm sure she will get on and post when she feels like she can... we will pray for her in the mean time... she faces and deals with so much, we will just have to hold her up in prayer!  

Sheila ~ am so sorry you are having trouble with that ole gall bladder!  You WILL feel so much better after you get that nasty thing out!  I know I did when I had it out last summer.

Say... I was so impressed with all the jellies and such you put up... you will have to tell me how it worked with the Splenda... I get some blackberry jelly that is made with Splenda from the little store down where Paul's mom lives... it's called Hallman's I think... it is delish! They carry a whole line of flavors... someone told me some of the Wal~Marts carry it... I have not seen that but if any of you like blackberry it wouldn't hurt to look. (about $5 a pint ~ kinda high but I'm the only one that uses it and it lasts a long time)  I hope you enjoy all you have put up this year! 

I will be praying you come thru this surgery well and recover real quick!

Shelley ~ thank you so much for the notes of encouragments! They sure help to calm my fears!  I know I was not near as shocked about the tests since you already told me that could happen.  Bless you dear lady!

Jeanie ~ thank you for thinking of me yesterday!  I sure appreciate that!  I know what you mean about being able to do for others and wanting too, and it sure is humbling when you have to have help! That's real hard for me to accept too.  But go ahead and let us get to know you better... you will not be sorry... this place is a wonderful place!  I've met some of the neatest people here!

I am praying for all you ladies that had surgery this week. I'm so excited for you all!

Also praying for those of you that wish to have wee one's.. the Lord has the power of life and death in His very hands and I will be praying His most perfect will for each of you, that He will give you the desires of your hearts! 

Sugar ~ I can't wait for you to see my incentive outfit!  It is right classy if I do say so myself! 

Sounds like you have been so busy... I'm happy for you about the rings... you will not be sorry for the $$$ spent to make them safe!  Sounds like you have been shop, shop, shopping away!  I am looking for a small armoire for the guest room that has doors on the top and a place for hanging clothes and maybe a couple of drawers on the bottom... I tried to find it on Craigslist but could not get it to go where I wanted it to... I could get furniture, and I could get Sedalia but not them together...I kept getting the "bay area" ...I will have to mess with it some more.

Do you have any parties or "events" coming up you have to prepare for?  I know you will be going on a trip with your family before too long!  That will be so nice for you all!

Brenda M. I have been thinking about your husbands surgery coming up and am praying in advance that all is going to be well for him and that he will see a resoultion to his diabetes!  This is so very exciting!

Bev... so glad you got the job at the school you wanted!  I hope it continues to go well for you.

For those of you that are getting yourselves or your young ones back in the "school groove" my thoughts are with you!... it seems like way too many years ago that I was in that postion! it's hard to believe I have a daughter that has been gone from home 5 years now!!!! 

Bev in Sedalia, I am thinking of you too and wondering how you are doing? I hope all is well and you are pleased with the progress you are making.

Debbie Darl'n ~ How will I ever repay you for all the time and effort you have spent on me? You are an incredible blessing dear lady like so many others I have met here!  I am going to map quest your address here in a minute and see what I come up with... I will e~mail you later... kay?

OK I better get off here and get some chores done and those phone calls made.... with all my galavanting around I now have work here at home to be done... need to get my hubby all set up since I will be gone again at the first of the week...lunches, meals, etc. etc. etc.

I pray each one has a wonderful good day!


Layla K.
on 8/14/08 1:08 am - Windsor, MO
Jan,  I work at the elementary school behind my house that both of my girls go to.  It is great.  I walk through the back yard to work, and I am right there with my girls all day long.  I love it!!!   It has just been weird being off all summer.  I can't wait until I start back tomorrow( a whole day of training! whoo hoo!)  Hope you all have a great day!!   Layla

preview image

on 8/14/08 2:50 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

Hi there. Please dont go into shock. I apologize for worrying everyone-to be honest-I really didnt comprehend HOW LONG it had been since I have been on here! I knew I was missing everyone-but just didnt grasp-and I didnt mean to worry anyone-I promise. I have to be honest and say that I have been keeping to myself-I tend to do that sometimes when my world seems to get overwhelming and I just dont want to ALWAYS have gloom and doom-there just has been TOO MUCH of that crud around here to last me the rest of my life-I CAN say that!!! So, sometimes I just stay to myself and stay quiet. Thats what I have been trying to do.

Mikes dad is still hanging on-the doctors are amazed-they have no clue how he is-I do-but then again, I WISH that he wasnt suffering so. I hate knowing that he is miserable. When he can-he talks of Mike taking him fishing again. This is tearing poor Mike up. I wish we had the means and the time off of his job to get back to Arizona and take dad on that fishing trip. I am praying in the meantime that maybe the good Lord will bless him with thoughts of that last fishing trip and allow him the peace to let go.

I didnt get good news from my results. I am scheduled for another procedure next week. I dont want to talk about it, please. Just pray for me. I am so tired. I dont mean to sound like a baby-but damn, Im tired. For others, I seem to be able to rise to the occasion-Im having a hard time now. The new meds arent working, or at least I dont see them working-but I am sleeping at night-so thats been nice. Last night was the first night in a long time that I woke up in the middle of the night-and I was only up for about an hour and fell back to sleep.

So-here goes all the "happenings" here for the past 2 weeks roughly that I have been missing-my adopted gramps had a stroke. I have FIRED this TEAM of people who were SUPPOSE to be helping him with his disability AND medicare. He is in renal failure and thats an automatic approval-I know this from what I used to do for a living-but this team-they were trying to take $5033.00 from him to help him get his approval-so to sign ONE stinking pc of paper-they were trying to get that amount of money? Your joking me~!!!! He suffered a stroke Aug 7th and has been confused and having some issues with the left side of his body since then.

My ex bil-and also still a very good friend to us-and whom Stephanie is living with right now-went for a stress test-was admitted to the hospital immediately-they did a angiogram on the 6th and he had 98-100 percent blockage in all 4 main arteries running to his heart. His name is Steve. He is also my computer guy-for all of those who know me well-youve heard me talk about him. Anyway-he underwent the quad open heart bypass on the 7th as well. His 6 kids stayed at my ex mil house-and I spent a lot of time with Stephanie-she was having a hard time with this. Uncle Steve has made a MAJOR impression in her life recently and thought of losing him was more than she could bear. God did get them through. He is not out of the woods yet-but he was released and is at home recouperating.

ALSO on Mikes bday-which happened to be the 7th-he pulled the anchors out of his shoulder. His rotator cuff is now hanging there-just like it did before he had that surgery 5 yrs ago. He has to have surgery again and he is left handed-and its his left shoulder. He cant do anything and is just miserable. Good grief!!! They are doing surgery in the next week for Mike and his rotator cuff. Will put the 2 anchors back-in different places of course-and rebraid the muscles. He will be out of work for a week or more. Mike is worried about money-this is the first time since he has worked there where ALL of his time has been used up-between our first vacation in 6 yrs and going to Arizona-and then he had 2 days that he took before that-to have 4 day weekends. I keep telling him it will all work out and not to worry-but he feels its his job to support his family and he doesnt want us to struggle-I laugh at that-we will make it. We have food and health-what more do we need? I used the word health loosely. LOL.

I have been in constant pain since my last procedure and have had a constant period too. I HATE that. I just WANT to get this over with and be done with it. Im home schooling the boys this year-and so I really dont want to be down for any length of time. I just have to do much going on! Anyway-the lower back-geez-never felt as bad as I have this past week and a half. Nothing is helping and I just have to deal with it and move on. I try to keep busy-but its one of those things were it seems like someone is there poking you constantly!!!!

Megan has been more than sick. We ended up at Urgent Care. The chemo drug they gave her to help with the Group B Strep-it only helps part time. She gets so sick that she just projectile vomits-and it hits so suddenly, that she just doesnt have any warning OR control and it really really takes its toll on her. On a brighter note-yesterday was the OB visit and we got to hear the baby kick. I was so excited. Megan couldnt hear it-but Aaron and I did.....and the doctor told us thats what we heard-I said it was Mackenzie saying- Hi Nana, Im gonna see you in a couple of months!!! LOL....I went to get some supplies for the motel yesterday and saw the cutest onesie-AND it was white...so I bought it-LOL...It says- THATS IT!!-IM GOING TO GRANDMAS!! I am TRYING to get my room all organized so I can set her crib up in the corner, with a dresser that has a changing table on the top (have to get that yet) and I will keep a few things here all the time, so we dont have to worry about what they bring over. She will have her own clothes, diapers, diaper bag, car seat-swing-LOL...I will have it all here for her. Can you tell that this is a bright spot in my life right now? Its the one thing that just keeps me plucking away....that little baby thats going to bless our lives so richly. I cant wait! The ultra sound is in 2 months. I dont want to wait that long!! They were pretty booked up tho. I guess I have no choice but to wait. Doc said that everything sounded good-but that megan wasnt getting enough water and fluids in-its hard when you are so sick she told him, but he said that she better just prepare herself for this and she may be like this the whole pregnancy because of the Group B Strep. I pray that she isnt. I was with Stephanie and Jonathan-and they were HORRIBLE PREGNANCIES...I want so badly for Megan to enjoy the pregnancy and all the good stuff that comes along with it-but so far-thats not happening.

I have been helping at the motel for the past 2 weeks too. Trying to replenish the funds that we had to use to go to Arizona. Today is the first day that I havent had to go to town in 2 weeks. Between all of that-I have had to get Stephanie a couple of days and do things with her because of her new school and shot records and then getting her new schedule-since my ex sil has been busy with her husband and up at the hospital the whole time-its the least I could do......She now admits (Stephanie) that she made a horrible choice and that she will ALWAYS regret what she did when she lived here and listening to people who didnt have her best interest at heart-but she did get a little testy yesterday when I couldnt drop everything and run her to the school at the very moment SHE wanted to go-and it really reminded me of how it used to be.......

Last week-Mike was charging some of his RC car batteries-and one of the batteries blew up-and it burned my livingroom carpet in about 15 places AND one of the cells or whatever you call them, blew up ON Mikes calf of his leg. The charger was faulty and it has a timer, but even after the timer went off-it kept charging the battery full bore. This is the 2nd battery that was ruined. The first one, Mike got outside after it started humming and smelling really bad-he had gone to bed and I was still up and started smelling like wires burning or something along those lines and I was desperately running around the house trying to find out what was burning-and when I ran past the charger I heard this humming/hissing sound and got Mike up and he ran outside with the whole thing.....This time-there was no warning...when he called the hobby place he got the charger from-they said he wasnt the only one that this has happened to-so he called the company-who pretty much told him that it was our problem since Mike didnt have the receipt. Well, as soon as Mike said-thats fine-I will get an attorney and you will replace the carpet in my livingroom, pay the ER fee for my leg, both batteries AND the charger, they agreed to replace the charger and both batteries. Figured they would. If I would have just gotten the new carpet we will be getting soon-they WOULD be replacing it-so thank goodness for that AND Mike just got 2 little burn marks, nothing major-so thank God for that.

Since today is my only day off, I have to get out to the garden and get some work done out there. I have to get it all ready for the winter garden to be planted. We got about 20# of red potatoes-I still have green beans, squash, tomatos and cucumbers growing. We have to get out there and weed. Oh, yeah-forgot about the garlic and onion, they are still growing-but next week, we want to have our winter seeds all planted and started. Hope the really hot weather is done for a bit. Although, its been a week since we were in the pool due to all the rain and cooler weather. We had to use a lot of chemicals when all the rain wa****ting-and then it hasnt been hot enough-its only been 80-82 in there and thats too cold for me. Told the boys that IF it was at least 80 today in the pool, they could get in there and swim. Have to also get the dogs pool filled up today-they have been getting into their pool almost every day now-and its black looking water-YUCK....

I FINALLY got to the post office yesterday and got my packages mailed off to Bev and Bec. I now have to get one off for Angy. The post office paid for Becs to get mailed again. They trashed the last manilla envelope-and I mean ripped in about 10 places!!! They took out the protein powder, and all the straws I was sending her. I am not going to try and mail them to anyone else. Feel bad-but dang, I ASKED before I mailed them and there wasnt going to be a problem since I mailed the label from the tub of ON Powder AND the straws werent even opened!!!! BUT-they werent in their package. I had seperated the straws to send a little to each here and there....oh well-they got mailed yesterday, minus the protein and straws.

I should get my new phone today or tomorrow. I cant wait-then I can actually talk to Renee and Angy and Bec and whomever else-LOL....I got a razor, online at Ebay, unlocked, for $15 plus shipping. Cant beat that. Its gauranteed, so if it doesnt work, I can return it. In the meantime, my original one is getting sent to AT&T and since we have insurance, we are going to send it in to see if they will replace it. Wish me luck on that. I havent had much luck with phones lately. I have dropped this one I bet 20 times the past week-cant believe it even texts anymore!!!

**Jan-I bet your ready to kick my butt. Im sorry for worrying you. I am going to email you when I am done with this post. Please forgive me. Love ya. I havent caught up on any old posts except for last Saturday since I posted on Friday from Mikes job-and saw that you said to speak up for Elephant Ears....I would do a cart wheel for you if you have ANY to spare-I could ONLY find one this year for $15 and didnt have the money and Bec emailed me to tell me that I could get them for like 2.98 at Walmart-and I went the next day and the walmarts here, the 3 I went to-they were ALL OUT! I didnt get any this year and I wanted them so badly!!!!! IF you have any left. Remember me! PLEASE......

CONGRATS on your WOW moment! Does that mean you will be posting your new found weight on tomorrows weekly weigh in? HHUUUHHH???? Can I expect to see you there? I sure hope some 14s and 12s show up at the group this month-so I dont have to keep wearing clothes that are too big...LOL.... I have a couple of things for you that I have gotten at sales and such. If you dont like them or whatever-you can put them in the exchange too-and it wont hurt my feelings......

Tell Joe I say hi. Make sure Andrew takes care of those legs/swelling problem!! Stay on him!!!

**Lana-CANT WAIT to see a pic of your new do!!! Send me one, PLEASE!!! Im glad Stacy stood up for herself. Im glad Adam is getting help...I know he is so intelligent-look who is nana is? Did the kid stand a chance? Love ya and hope to see ya soon!

**Sug-Im so relieved for you that you found those rings. Everyday my heart just sank for you. I knew exactly how you were feeling-only the person who took my grandmothers ring-pawned it-and it got sold. I never saw it again. I just felt so badly for you. I was so glad you got them back-couldnt have happened to a nicer person!! Love ya!!

**Bec-your package is FINALLY on its way. I cant say much more except that if anything looks like its got little poke marks or dents-its the stupid post office who did it! And I apologize. I told myself that IF I didnt get it yesterday to the post office and get it mailed that I was a horrible person. I have had the stuff for over a month and had every issue under the sun with it-LOL....I PRAY that you like your stuff.

Your tests, they are GOING TO GO OFF WITHOUT A HITCH!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT LET THE STUPID DEVIL PUT DOUBT IN YOUR MIND!! Look at what God has done!! He gave Deb D to you-to give you awesome support and she is one heck of a prayer warrior-who wouldnt want her on their side? He gave you the approval-and I knew then, and I know now-You WILL be okay. YOU WILL have the surgery. Obviously, IF you were all okay-you wouldnt NEED this surgery, right? I, too, had to have the nuclear stress test because I couldnt do the treadmill-and Im not going to lie-its not pleasant, but when the first day is over- the worst of the test is over-and the next day WILL be a breeze AND with all of us praying YOU WILL get to have the surgery. You will.....dont fret my pet-its all good!!! You have too many prayer warriors praying for you, for it not to all be fine and dandy!!! I love you and I will be praying my heart out for you and your tests!

**Deb D-your so awesome!!! Thank you for being there for Bec!! I wi**** were me though, I cant lie-LOL....Thank you for being who you are. I just think the world of you-and hey, when your there with Bec, will you please give her a special hug JUST specially from me? Tell her how much I love her?? Thanks!!! Hope all is well with you and thanks again!

**Sheila-thanks for checking on me. I had text you several times and YOU didnt answer ME-so my phone had to have been messing up-cause I was worried about you and what was going on with you!! Im sorry. I love talking to you and wouldnt ever want you to worry! You have so much going on too-but I do apologize and soon my new phone will be here and all will be good again phone wise! Let me know as soon as you get done at the doc today...I am praying for travelers mercy and glad your son is going too!! Love ya.

**Renee-what can I say sis? I swear, there are so many times where you just bring a smile to my face or just knowing how loved I am-its overwhelming. I cannot wait to get that hug and to have you on the bench with us.....as soon as things slow down-I will take you up on that lunch!!! Love you.

**Tammy-Ammy-how are you? Where are you? whats going on with you? I never got the return email....dont make me come down there! Hope your good. Love ya.

**Andrew-Are your legs/ankles any better with the swelling? Seems like a lot of posts I have read where your having problems....please dont let it go too long-that worries me!! Are you still losing weight? I sure wish I lived closer and could come and walk with you guys. I LOVE walking now-I dont like the boys walking on the road with me-because a lot of people who havent driven these roads out here-go way too fast and then there is a sudden curve and they run off the road-or they would hit people-so I dont let the boys-and walking across the property is really hard on the knees because of the ground being unlevel......anyway-take it easy, ok?

**To all our newbies-new to the bench, those waiting for their dates and so on-CONGRATS-love seeing you here....I got in here today and was blown away with all the new faces here-its such an exciting thing to go through-and your new life-its going to ROCK!!!! You will have so many WOW moments to begin with, that you wont be able to keep up with them all-it brings a smile to my face every time I read about them, because I remember how happy I was then when it was happening to me-and I love that it makes you guys happy too!!! I pray for peace of mind and strength for you in these times where the testing and waiting can just make you crazy-and I pray for safe surgeries and speedy recoveries-remember that we love and care for all of you here-and we KNOW exactly how you feel-how awesome is that? You ALWAYS have a place to go-please keep coming back!! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Barbara S.
on 8/14/08 3:06 am - Freeman, MO
Just wanted to tell you that I do the same thing when my plate gets too full! I become a hermit. LOL

Just know we are all here for you when you come out of the shell. Prayers are always with you! Relatives are nice (sometimes) but love of the heart is better!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Tammy H.
on 8/14/08 5:14 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Guys ~n~ Gals...
I hope the weather is as great in your area as it has been down here in the bootheel...    Im getting kinda worried about what kinda winter we might have....The summer weather this year has been so crazy....

WHEEWWWW....Have I been busy....My oldest daughter Ada is having a yard sale soon....When she told me it hit me this would be a great way to get rid of some of my junk Ive been hanging  on to just cause I didn't want to have to find a way to get rid of it.....And that means my closets will in turn be getting the cleaning they been yelling for lol lol...... And since Im on a roll once I get done cleaning all the junk out of my house I am going to clean ALL my carpets and do some fall cleaning before it gets time for my tummy tuck......

Still haven't really gotten that started yet.....My PCP wrote me a letter for medicade but they way it got worded made it sound like she had only started being my doctor since my weight loss surgery.....She has been my doctor for over 20 years and that was important for them to know since I have been over weight all that time......
She wants to make sure she gets it wrote right so that medicade wont hold things up any further so I called this morning to give her the number and whom she needed to talk to and she is going to call and find out exactly what it should say....I hope to get it later next week....Then sometime during all this cleaning I am going to do my own letter and have a few pics developed that Joe took when I had a few terrible rashes and infections with my apron.........So with all that and some prayers I hope to get approved and get an appt with the Dr.Mackintire(sp)..The doctor Dr.Scott is refering me too to have my panniculectomy done.... 

And WOOOOO HOOOOO...I had me a lil wow moment while I was cleaning closets.....Joe had a million jackets in his closet so I had him go thru and get rid of some.....There was one I had always liked and I was kidding around saying....my old jacket is so huge on me now I wish this one would fit me....He kept on till I tried it on and WOOOO HOOOO IT FIT!!!!..........AND....It's only an XL!!!! Mine from last winter is a 5-6X!............I almost fainted lol lol lol.....
But the first thing on my mind when I was saying that about the jacket was FAT!! ..... When do we stop feeling FAT  or Huge??????? ............

Well Im off now to get started on my exciting job of cleaning closets and carpets....
Congrats to all our new LOOSERS!!!!!!!!
Welcome to all the newbies........
I hope you all have a great Thrusday......
Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

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