Jan C.
on 8/11/08 6:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow isnt this weather pretty? From the weather forcast looks like it will be like this at least thru this week and part of next. And the weather guy tonight said there wasn’t any more of the awful heat projected for the rest of the year. Wow that would be really nice I didn’t like that stuff. It was as bad on me as the cold is.   Anyway I spent most of the day outside pulling weeds and transplanting lilies. Putting all the short little ones that don’t get very tall around the outside edge of the flower beds. I have red, yellow and almost black short ones. They are all so pretty but get sort of lost in the middle of the beds.

Then put all the stargazers on the outside of the other bed ,,,they don’t get too tall either. And they are so beautiful that I want them where they can be seen.


Am also collecting seeds as I go along I have a lot of Marigolds already saved and a lot of the balsum and some 4 o clocks too. Will save enough for every one to have some if you want…


I text Sheila to see if she would answer it. Or someone would. So far nothing. Will let you all know if I hear from  her.


I couldn’t go but two rounds with Andy this morning as my left knee decided it didn’t want to work right.

   I guess im going to have to go ahead and get that done , even if I don’t want to. It is starting to interfere with things I want to do.



SHANNON….. That blackberry pie sounds really good  . Blackberries here have already come and gone. They were in peak shape around the 4th of July. We have a patch and I picked what we had,they were sure pretty.and nice and big. Must  have been all the rain we had this year.

Oh congrats on the new great nephews arrival. Nothing sweeter than a sweet smelling baby isn there?



BARBARA::::::OK never heard of ripe tomato relish. You need to post the recipe is it wls friendly?

Yeah better scoot over really good there are 7 more surgeries this week , isnt that something?



SHIELA:::::: WOW I wish I knew what was going on with her. Im calling the hospital  this morning first thing and see if I can get her nurses.. ive text her phone but got no answer. I hope you are ok and are being taking care of.                




PENNI:::::: well aren’t you nice . hhmmmmmmmmmmmm white cake and cho icing now that is pretty sweet. Lol

Thank you so very much for praying for me it is really appreciated.



SUGAR::::: WELL I NEVER!!! Lol  but now lets wait a minute. Im 5 inches shorter than you and you can wear the same size clothes I do and im skinny and your not??? Sounds like something is wrong with this picture here.


Really I don’t care if I lose anymore weight I would just like all of this in the middle ,the lapped over skin all around my waist and a tummy tuck like medicare pays for isnt going to take care of that I don’t think.


I don’t know what the difference is in the elect bills are but the house at shell knob was a two story 3 bedroom 2 bath house and this one is so much smaller. The heat/air conditioner deal there was fairly old , here we have a brand new one. And we have new applicances in both of them so don’t know what it is that makes elec so much more here. I can understand in the winter and I am using the green house but not in summer and I have had the a/c turned off more than on except in that really hot spell.


Glad the boys got to see their daddy. I am praying that he will start doing the things he is suppose to do.


Did you get all accomplished you wanted to yesterday? Furniture wise and jewelry?




DEBBIE   D:::::so how was Jakes eye? Has it cleared up so he can wear his contacts?


The forth loser to have surgery yesterday was Deb. Lol couldn’t remember that one huh?


Hey I don’t run around much , just here at the house. Lol

I run from the garden to the house and back out .but our mother was like that , she was always busy. If I just sit I think im being lazy and need to find something to do. Lol


Jack Terry pictures huh?  What ones do you have?



VESTA:::::; hi lady how you doing? Are you enjoying the nice weather and doing lots of yard work?



ANDREW ::::: How far around did the baseboard go? Do you need some cut yet? When Joe gets up I will tell him if you want.

I didn’t know that Susan was sick, did she get sick after our walk yesterday morning.


I will see in the morning when I get up about the knee. I fell yesterday because of it, it just gave out on me. Not the first time but at least my right one doesn’t do that anymore.


Yeah that flower bed there at the end of the living room where the surprise lilies are , as soon as they quit blooming , we need to dig them up and replant them somewhere we can enjoy them. There are a lot of them in there don’t know why all of them haven’t come up and bloomed .

I will have all sorts of stuff for you this fall in seeds and elephant ears and other things if you want. LOL you can come to Jans nursery and shop.




BEV:::::so glad that you got started on your new job with a bang. Lol

Made a great impression sounds like. I hope you love this job so much and it would be nice if it worked into something full time .


Good luck today during orientation. Have a great day.









on 8/11/08 9:14 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning sis and all you OHer's out there..Is this supposed to be another beautiful fall day. I know the calendar doesnt say it is fall but it sure is feeling like it outside and we are even having the beautiful bright blue skies to go with it...LOVE IT! Fall is my favorite time of year anyway, so I'm eating this up. I do need to get busy in the yard again and get my firepit done. UGH! and then to start digging up that front flower bed. You know sis you said those lillies I dug up would just keep coming up in there? Well they have and they are all over that bed again. I need to get the rest of that little bed dug up (the one I transfered the others too) and put some more of these new ones out there. Then if anyone wants double orange day lillies, I will have lots of them to give away. I want to get the outside projects done so I can concentrate on the house re-decorating.

So, now furniture...I found a bedroom set I love but Im trying justifying spending $ on it..lol!It is so pretty, very antique looking, kinda like something you're grandma might have had. Not my grandma (she was always poor) but maybe someone else's grandma! lol!

I did find a jeweler and it will cost me $255 to get all my work done. So I left it all there to get fixed. He couldnt use any of the loose diamonds I had to replace the one in Mama's ring so I had to buy a small one. He is going to tighten all the prongs on it, replace the diamond and size it to fit me. Then on the other gold ring I have, he's taking one of mama's diamond stud  earrings and placing it in the setting of that ring, it use to have a amethyist in it. He will also size it to fit me. The other thing is having him weld my wedding set together. Of course once they are cleaned it will be like all new rings anyway. I cant wait to get them back and see the new look. I have wanted to do this forever and one of those things I just kept putting off. Do you know they charge $65 for an appraisal of the first pc of jewelry and then a little less for everyone after that? WOW! I thought that was a little high. But I really need to get that done.

Sis, I think if you had a tummy tuck, it would probably make you rethink your body image some. Im seriously thinking about it again. Maybe we could start saving up and get it done at the same time. lol! I wish they could just suck the fat of the tummy up into the boobies...

Im going to today, after exercise, to go look at a used bedroom set in Nixa and see if it would work. I want to find something I really like and not pay an arm and leg for it.

There is a nice leather sofa and chair in Republic I may go check out too...not cheap but almost brand new...Rick doesnt really want leather but Im going to go look anyway.

So where is the word about all the girls and thier surgeries??? I am beginning to get worried about them all, and also about Sheila. Has anyone heard about her or from her? I am praying for them all to get thru it all with flying colors.

I didnt have any kids yesterday or today and it sure feels strange to be footloose and fancy free again. Of course the week isnt over and I will have them. I have 2 more to take on thier day out with Grammy. I think both of them want to go to White Water. I will freeze in the weather down there! lol!

Well, I guess I will close out and wait to see if anyone knows about our girls. Here is hoping and praying for a great and blessed day for all of you!         


on 8/11/08 9:48 pm - Windsor, MO
Good morning to all,
Yes the weather is beautiful and I can't wait to get out there and play with the kids.  Today will be a busy one.  I have a doc's appt. this morning and my kids start their dance classes tonight.  My daughter is in Acrobats 5 and a power tumbling class.  She is competing this year so she is excited.  She is also taking a tap, pom pom and theather class.  My son is doing acro 1 and power tumbling-he will compete also but in a younger competition.  I lilke to keep them involved in stuff for excersise and to keep them out of trouble.    I am very proud of them as you can tell.  Next week they will start school.  Marybeth will be in third grade and Weston will go to preschool leaving me home with the baby 14 months old.  It will be strange but good for Weston to go to preschool.  I was alittle reluctant to send him because I figured I could teach him myself but he will have a great time and I really love where he is going.  He is very outgoing and will fit in well.  

Thursday we are going to the fair, we are going to have so much fun.  Grandma is going to give the kids unlimited riding and it will be a good day I think.  I think we are blessed to be in a place where we can go to the state fair so easily.  Have a great day and God bless everyone!  Penni
Bec M.
on 8/11/08 10:52 pm
Good Morning Missouri,

Not alot going on here... just piddling around mostly... kinda boring really...

Just have a quick minute as my sis is on her way to pick me up... she has a dr. appt. for one of her young ones in the Columbia.  I go along and sit with the other two in the waiting room.

We alway**** Hobby Lobby and Michaels... sometimes Sam's too.  It is a good time to visit on the ride up and back.

Then tomorrow is my cardio appt.  so will be a busy two days...

I will post on Thursday how all went.

I'm thinking and praying for all the surgeries yesterday and today... wishing all the ladies the very very best! :jump:

A blessed good day to all!


on 8/11/08 11:35 pm - pomona, MO

Good morning Janice Kay and my wonderful sweet friends on here.  I am feeling so much better the med. the doctor gave me for depression was not agreeing with me so I stoped it, I go to the doctor thur. and I will tell him. I also have been taking in more protein and drinking more.
Jan how are you feeling? you sound like you are better.
was good to hear from one of our girls that is doing good, now to hear from the others.

I am so worried about Shelia, when anyone hears be sure and post as I know you will.

Jan I found the lilies that I was telling you about they are called day lillies but they look different they are so beautiful I had one bloom but it fell off while I was putting it out, I got them at Lowes.they look like small trumpits.

Janet I am missing you on here and Lana you too.and so many others that dont love us anymore..lol......vesta


Sheila H.
on 8/12/08 12:02 am - Marshfield, MO
im so glad ur feeling better good luck at Dr thurs...
im in a lot of pain but im ok and i will text Jan when i find out what time surgery is and have Rach text her when i come out tks
love ya


Sheila H.
on 8/12/08 12:30 pm - Marshfield, MO
well i go to sedalia for my assemnet at the hospital thurs then go see Dr H and then my surgery is planned for monday unless he changes it thurs...tks for the prayers and pls keep em up


Sheila H.
on 8/11/08 11:41 pm - Marshfield, MO
okay every 1 i am here and okay so far...went to sedalia to ER and took my friend Jamie and her b/f so i didnt have to drive 3 hrs alone and in the pain i was...got there and they did the blood tests and ultra sound then finally around 615 they came in and said i had gallstones and needed surgery but Dr H was"nt answering their page so they wanted me to check in and stay but i had to take jamie's b/f home cos he was being a ASS!!!!! so now i have to call Dr H  or wait on email from Margie to see what time i go back in.... they told me nothing after midnight but i have a feeling its gonna be late so im debating whether to go ahead and have 1 protein drink..... so if i could have a prayer that ALL goes welll....a lil nervous here 4 some reason and does anyboyd know if they cut u open or is it like RYN? and how long u usually stay in hosp? and what is  time off be4 goin to work?
love ya and miss ya


Jeanine S.
on 8/12/08 12:33 am - compton, AR
Good Morning All!!!

Miss Sheila, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, I pray you will soon be feeling better!! Most gall bladder surgeries now a days are done lap like doc. H's RNYs so it should not be so bad, LOL he promised us when I did his seminar he would take out our GBs if we needed him to later and it was a easy simple surgey . My mother in law as well as my own mom had GB removal both in the last 3 years they had it done laperscoptically (sp) as well and did just great!! I am sure doc. H will have you doing cartwheels agin very soon!!!

Not a lot going on with me today, enjoying the nice weather as many of you are and waiting on my PCP to call so I can pick up the last of the paperwork I need for Doc. H's appointment on the 20th.

You all are in my prayers, especially the ones having or just had surgeries, I know all of our brave girls have done well tho and will soon be home!!

Miss penni I hope you get baby news very soon sweetie, I am 38 and ALWAYS wanted a baby, been thru more than I would have time to say trying to have one with no luck so far. I am hoping that RNY may let that dream come true before I am to old LOL. If not however god has always blessed me to be surrounded by children, I have 3 older sisters who all have grown kids now ( they are all several years older than me) and are having kids of thier own hehe. Each niece and nephew, mine and hubbys have all brought many, many smiles and blessing, so even if I never have my own I dont cry over it anymore as I know God has blessed me with many others to spoil!!!

Sugar, I hope your shopping trip yeilds many new treasures and that you will soon have back your priceless ones as well!!

I hope the doc visit with your sis goes well and you find some goodies at the craft stores, those are always some of my favorite places to visit as well hehe.

Miss Jan BIG HUGS, I am glad  to hear you are doing better, I hope if or when you do have that knee replaced all will go well and you will soon be a even busier bee in that garden of yours!!! Like most of you other ladies i LOVE flowers, tho I am behind this year in mine my roses are taking over the yard , I have one climbing peace rose my hubby swears may eat him or the house soon if I dont cut him back hehe. He tells me if I feed my roses any more he will move from sheer fear haha.

well time to go feed the furry 4 legged kids and clean up a bit, fun fun hehe. BIG HUGS see you all soon, have a blessed and happy day!!!

on 8/12/08 1:15 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 Boy did I pull a good one. I pulled some muscles in my back Sunday night, talk about painful, so I go to pcp yesterday morning and she up's my pain pill's, and give's me some muscle relaxer's. Ok this is all well and good and I get home and take them, well I get to feeling so good Tiff and I decided to go fishing which would have been ok if I hadn't of fell. We was on a mud bank and of course I had on the slipperiest shoes I own, and I go to cast out and boom my leg's go right out from underneath me. I'm not sure who it scared worse Tiff or me, I just knew I was going in the creek (and no I can't swim). Anyway's Tiff helps me up and into my chair and then I came home and took another round of the pain meds and went to bed where I have been ever since until this post. I plan on staying in bed as much as possible so maybe I will feel better for my trip tomorrow, because I'm not missing it for nothing.

 Sheila - Hun I will be praying for you and for a quick recovery.

 Jan - I'm with you let's keep this cooler weather. I hate winter but I can't handle that kind of heat either. My favorite is spring when everything is coming back to life.

 Bec - You will be in my thought's and prayers tomorrow.

 Well, I'm back off to the heating pad.

Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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