on 8/11/08 8:02 am - pomona, MO
Hey Janice Kay I love it, thats my sisters name...lol
good luck all the ones in and going in surgery...and I pray Shelia is ok......vesta


Andy W.
on 8/11/08 12:43 pm - Tulsa, OK
Hey Everyone,

Hasnt been much going on here, just doin some odds and ends around the house,  started putting the base board on the living room today, wasnt as hard as I thought it would be lol did some house cleaning and stuff,  Susan has been really sick, dunno if its the virus bug or what,  seems to feel a bit better tonight, she kept a lil bit down.

Been praying for the newbies,  hope we hear from some of them soon,  always cant wait to hear how well they did in surgery and all.

Jan I hope your knee is feeling better,  if your not up to walking in the morning no worries,  i'll walk extra for ya.   Hope Joe's boat motor finally runs good for him, i know that was getting so frustrating. 

Sugar, yeah we do have the best landlords, we really dont look at them as landlords, they are wonderful people, they both work so hard on the house,  poor joe has worked so hard on the plumbing, just seems when he gets one thing fixed on it something else wont work,  he'll get it right soon tho.

Tomorrow if its like this  gonna start cleaning out some of the flower beds and see what we can plant where and when,  i know some things its to early or whatever to plant.  Im anxious to trim a couple of the trees but I know its way to early for that too lol  i read where ya not suppose to trim peach trees until after feb,  it'll be such a pretty lil yard.

Well Im gonna get off here for now, hope everyone has a good night,  can't wait to hear how all the new surgeries are doing. 


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 8/11/08 12:55 pm - Wichita , KS

Good evening everyone!  What a busy day I've had!  I had to be at Dillons at 6am and I got off at 11am.  After I got off I noticed that I had a voice mail and I listened to it and it was the teacher that I'm supposed to work for calling at 10:30am saying that she was having a meeting today from 9am -3pm for all the para's and that she was sorry it was short notice but wondered if I could come there for a while?  Ok she was supposed to have contacted me last week to schedule a 3 hr. meeting/training with me and she never did.  So she calls me after the meeting already started?  I called her back and told her I had to go home and change then I would be there, so I got there around noon.  All I did there was this other para showed me around the school and introduced me to some people.  After that this teacher asked me if I was artistic and could draw.  I didn't come out and tell her that I got a scholarship for art I just asked her what she wanted.  She told me she wanted a palm tree a large one on the bulliten board so I said ok and I made her a palm tree and tacked it to the board and everyone commented on how talented I was and the teacher was like, "I think I'm going to be using you a lot " then she wanted me to draw another palm tree on a poster board.  For some reason the whole school is a jungle theme?  I think now that they know what I can do that will probably be my main thing I do there?  lol.....

Today wasn't a very good food day.  Every time I tried to eat it didn't feel good I seem to have those days occasionally.  They had all this sweet treat at the school and the teachers kept telling me to help myself to the food.  I didn't tell them that I couldn't eat that stuff but maybe I should cause then they might bring things that I could eat that are healthier?

I will be working with a 2nd grader who they say are showing signs of autism but mostly he has a behavior problem.  They said he is very smart and doesn't need help with school work just needs to be reminded often that he can't burst out talking without raising his hand, things like that.  I was like great they had to give me a kid with a behavior problem nothing like throwing the new kid to the lions since I have never done this kind of thing before.  Why couldn't they have given me a good kid that just needs academic help?  LOL 

Well, I have to get to bed I'm so tired and sleepy and I have to get up early again to go to my orientation which last all day.  Have a good evening everyone and for those who are having surgery tomorrow God will be with you, and we will be praying for you all.  See you on the losers bench.

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