Jan C.
on 8/9/08 2:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Made a new flower bed, lol like I needed one but just didn’t have anyplace to put these plants that I took out of this one bed.  Got 3 more beds weeded and put preen on them. Im trying to think what I can plant back on my fence …the climbing roses just aint cutting it.

Im going to take them up from there and put them up front on a trellis in nothing but sun and see if that helps them this fall. I don’t know what else to do with them. Ive sprayed and sprayed and fertilized and picked and babied them and nothing is doing too much good. And it isnt as if they were cheap roses, all came from Jackson Perkins and they sure don’t give them to you.  I love roses and wanted them but I swear I have never had this much trouble with roses. This was their 3rd year and they should have this fence covered with canes and flowers. And they are doing nothing. A rose now and then and that is it.


I started spraying weed killer on the area that we are hoping to make into a garden hopefully this fall if I can get someone to dig it up for us in time…and we can get all the weeds out. if not it will be ready for next spring early. But had to stop because it kept looking like rain and would have just wasted the weed killer. Darn!!!

My little garden that we put out this year didn’t do much of anything. Got a few tomatoes , the peppers did the best of everything. And the white cucumbers. Those were really good , you should taste them they aren’t acid tasting at all. real mild.

I don’t know a whole lot about veggie gardening , will be a learn as I go deal. Lol

Hopefully we will be able to put stuff down to keep out the weed pretty good. Don’t know how much preen it will take for that but if can keep them down in between the plants and on each side , we can till down the middle to keep them out ….

Does anyone know when is the best time to plant sweet potatoes? no need to plant the Irish potatoes cause we don’t use them  anymore.

If it stops raining tomorrow I will continue to spraying weed killer if the wind isnt blowing. Don’t want the stuff blowing back on me for sure/


Will be glad when we get our truck back. . we took it to the guy out here close to us , we have seen a lot of his work and he is good. He quoted us the best price for all of it and come the closest to the amount the insurance company said.


Oh some of you ask me what that test was that I did at home here the other night, to test my O2 saturation levels.  They brought me this little recorder like that was hooked up to the little finger thing that they use to check your oxygen levels , like when you go to the doctor? Anyway I slept with that on all night ,and it hooked to the machine and recorded if I got good oxygen all night or whether I had periods that I wasn’t breathing  well. They start with that and will see what it says, when I go to my appointment Thurs with the sleep study doctor. I guess he will decide if I need the sleep study or not from that and the questionnaire that they sent me , a lot of it I have to ask Joe if I do this or that while I sleep. He says I snore, I think he is pulling my leg lol Of course I don’t snore. Good grief .

Don’t you all just hate paying bills? I sure do  makes me so mad to have to spend my money. And doesn’t help that everything keeps going up and up . My elect bill this month for our house was 135.00 plus the elect bill for the guest house for just having it on is 26.00. sure could use that money for more fun things than elect bills.



VESTA::::  so glad that the flowers did well for you. That is amazing that they mostly lived , transplanting in the heat we were having is almost always sucidide for plants. Did you keep them watered daily?

Sure glad you are feeling better. It is just a fact of life that when we had this surgery we HAVE TO DO CERTAIN THINGS FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.  It is easy to forget and thinks we are normal but we aren’t . I like to say we are Hybrids, you know like the hybrid car, it gets more action out of a gallon of gas, and we get more action out of a little bit of food. Lol




SUGAR:::::well did you find your new bedroom furniture? You have had what you have for a long time haven’t you?

Those rings , it just sounds more and more like God replaced them there for you to find.

He can do that you know. I know he is the only thing that kept a car we had once going for about a month till I could get some money saved up to trade it in.

The wheels toed out really big time and everytime I got in it to go to work I would pray, GOD just let me get to work safely and I would , when I got ready to come home I would pray GOD just let me get home safely. And I would . I had two guys look at it once and they said they wouldn’t drive it 15 feet . but I drove it 30 miles one way daily to work and 30 mile back home for over a month. .

Oh we are to be in rooms A and B this month on the 25th the 4th Monday of the month isnt it ? lol yep that is right.


So is Mike not in that place in Branson now? I thought he would be there for a year. Or was it just a show to try and get everyone off his back.


Yeah you need to wear the ring so people can see what they prayed for lol



SHEILA:::: hello angelette… how are you doing with the roaring in your head, did it finally go away or is it still with you?

Girl it has been way to hot to try and can , I had to let a lot of my flower beds go about the weeds.no way was I going to get out in that hot sun like that.

Seems like a lot of us haven’t been eating enough. Maybe we thought we wouldn’t have to. …

Well if this is a play favorites place you are one of my favorites. So come on and play .

You know you are loved here.



RENEE::::congradulations on the stop smoking ,,,that is a hard addiction and they say as hard as giving up drug but  I think cigs. Are a drug. At least the nicotine is a drug.

Havent been to the drive in , in years and years. Are you talking about the one in Aurora?

Not many of them left are they. I saw one last weekend on my way to Fredericktown, and don’t remember where it was.


See I think that is funny that you cant get anything to grow, I cant either , God does it I guess. I just plant the seed and keep i****ered and the weeds pulled and there it is.




DEBBIE  D::::: Ssounds like you had a nice day with the family. The suit sounds neat.

I bet he will appreciate it too. I love pinstripe suits. That is what I wanted to get Joe but it is all I can do to get him into a sports coat .


I really didn’t do that much today I don’t think, could have done a lot more and should have done a lot more.

I don’t think many peoples tomatoes did well this year either. I know mine didn’t.

Just wasn’t a good year for tomatoes.



ANDREW::::: did you measure all over before you had surgery:? You need to do that now. I have a good tape measure that I know would work for you. I know you have lost lots of inches in the last couple of weeks. It is like you can just see you going down . Seems funny. I guess that is how Joe and others felt about me when I was losing so much. I never saw it but I can see it happening to you daily. Keep up the good work.

Oh yummy that eggplant parmesan sounds so so good. I love that.

See you in the morning if it isnt pouring down. if so we can wait till later tomorrow too it isnt suppose to get but in the mid 70s tomorrow all day.

So if it is raining early , we will go after you all get home from church.






on 8/9/08 9:03 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning all! I wish I could start sleeping later but this is all I can do...7 hours! But I shouldnt complain, that is about 4 hours more than I used to get and alot more than alot of you girls get on here. I was so happy after surgery that I started sleeping better. Ive not slept really good my whole life until this past 1 1/2 years. WOW! It will be 1 1/2 years next month and almost 2 years for you sis...doesnt seem possible.

NO! I never made it to look at furniture. I went to exercise and was going to do that after...well, I stopped at too many garage sales on the way in and got to class late so that meant I had to stay part way thru the next class and I was going to get home to go help Chelle pack some.  Then she didnt come by till later and by then I had a belly ache. Oh well, I did finally get some advice on a good jeweler in town, so I need to go see him on Monday and get that all figured out. No telling what it will cost me to get all of the stuff done that I want but Im doing it no matter what.

I found a bedroom set on Craigs list but the lady was real vague about telling me where she lived so I guess I wont go see it! lol! Wonder how she thought I would look to buy? It was gorgeous in the pictures....Tomorrow I think Mary and I are going to go look, after I take my jewelry in.

Hey sis, just think of paying that electric bill and how much more it could be...if elec had gone up the past few years as much as everything else, you would be paying at least twice that..it really is a good bargain.

Yeah as far as I know Mike is still in the place but on weekend he can go places and to see her is one of the places hes been. Instead of coming and getting his boys on Friday evening, he went there instead and didnt get the boys until late on Saturday afternoon. So you can see where is priorities were. Skyler sat out by the road all day waiting for him, crying. He told his mom. "dad never does what he says hes going to do." Christians reply was, "you just now figuring that out?" What a sad thing! Please pray for those boys to see how much their mom loves them and for them to start to turn loose of thier dad some.

So Sheila, where have you been? I have missed seeing your bright smile on here... I sure hope I have never made you feel that way...I know you are on of my favorites so I might be accused of playing favorites with you! lol! I agree with sis, it has been too hot to be out there working...especially if your not getting in enough water and food..dont do that to yourself. Have you still not got your cars to running? What is going on with them?  Maybe you need to go on Craigs list and see who you could get to barter with you on something to repair them. I read yesterday that a mechanic was wanting to trade his work for something...Or maybe you could post for something you could do for someone else in trade for car repairs or even a different car. I think this world is going to come back to the barter system big time because $ are so tight for everyone. Thought you might want to check that out anyway..

   Where in the world was everyone yesterday?  Renee I do want to congradulate you on giving up that awful habit. I can say that cause 15 years ago in March I gave it up too! Me and Jan quit within 1 day of each other not even knowing the other one was quitting. God is so good and gave us each other to kinda help us get thru that time I think. It really wasnt as hard as I had always imagined. I have never ever thought of going back to them. My next goal is to get Rick to give them up. That is something I would ask all you prayer warriors to pray for...that they would just start making him sick so he would want to give them up. Right now he has no desire to. I hate thinking what it is doing to him.

So Andrew, how is the leg doing? I sure hope the swelling goes down and you can keep moving. I know the results you are getting from your exercise has to be so exciting and gives you such encouragement. Do you like the house now that you are all settled in? IS the plumbing all still working??? lol! That had to have been such a pain. Im glad you have great landlords that will fix things when they go wrong....lol! Of course Im a little partial.

So Janet, I want you to start looking for me some stuff on your garage sale quests...I would even pay you a finders fee...lol! I know some days it seems like everywhere you turn there are bargains and then other weekends, nothing. Have you started setting up your Ebay stuff yet? Let me know when you are going to do that and I will talk to you more about the wedding stuff I have to put on there.

Well all, I guess I will close for today and get started on studying a little more on my SS lesson. It is on how to know when to witness to people even when they claim to be "religious". That is a hard thing to do.

Love to you all and big hugs!



Sheila H.
on 8/9/08 10:33 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning  my angel and oh peeps!!!!
please disregard my last message i tried to delete it but dont know how....ive just been having a BAD week and to answer ur Q jan...the roaring in head started back again this week, funny thing is i can take a xanax and it will go away for awhile so dont know whats up with that if it means its stress related or what????
as to the cars Sugar...1 is running so so but dont trust it to go very far makes me to nervous lol and the other 1  oh geez its both axle joints i think and master cylinoid? ( spell) and from what i hear they r *****es to put in so talking about a LOT of money to fix....

ive been feeling really sluggish last couple weeks and its prob cos im not eatting the right food...i do the protein and  tea but not eatting right foods....i know i gotta get back to basic today...had my blood work done at reg dr 2 weeks ago and they say its all good but i feel im missing some thing....

i have been checking out the barter list but how do we know we can trust a total complete stranger????? cos im kinda leary after my break in last dec.... and thats another thing we had court tues and once again they let that P.O.S. postpone again its been 9 freaking months and he has like 3 class c felonys  so why is he is still walking free????? will some body explain that to me?????

Sugar........im so GLAD you found ur moms rings...i cant wait till dad decides to give me my moms rings she has been gone 6 yrs now  but he still wont let me have em and he is dating other woman so kinda upsets me to a point ya know?

i NEED more flower seeds jan any kind...i had 3 of yours come up but dont ask me what they are cos Parker who is 2  tore off labels when they was in starter kits lol
and a Q  i planted zuchinna and i thought yellow squash well what i have  is a squash  that almost looks like a gourd and aanother squash that looks like a green soft ball......what are these 2 and how do u use em?????

i have been stalling last couple weeks and its my 1st time so i cant complain but im only 11 lbs away from Dr H goal he set me...so wanna get it OFF  lol i am down to wearing a couple 6s but mostly 8s and a nd a few 10s whew i havent been in them sizes since my freshman yr in school

Jan on the  ON that u use...is it just on protein powder unflavored or is it on any whey? cos i need to get back to food 4 less some how and get me some....

i want to move back to elkland to my old house cos im sick of this trailor park so much freaking drama out here it isnt even funny and now that Levi and rach and both babies live out here 3 trailors up there is NO peace or quite here..i love my kids but come on stay home some times!!!! plus they always need a TAXI  ugh
anyway im gonna shut up 4 now be4 i write a book..

Good job on the smoking Renee  thats my next goal...i had quit then started back up but now ive got it to where i can only smoke out side so that cutting me down a lot cos it been to HOT to go out and smoke...
i really need to work up the 1 spot in garden to plant fall green beans when do i do that? any 1 know?   tks

hope ALL have a GREAT sunday and thanks for listening to me
miss u all and love and hugs


on 8/9/08 11:39 pm - Wichita , KS
Good morning everyone!  I wanted to sleep in but that didn't happen. 

I am so excited about starting my new job Wed. the only thing I don't like is that they only pay once a month on the 15th so it's like I have to wait a month to get paid for part of the month which is really going to hurt!  I am keeping my part time job at Dillons and they pay weekly so that will help but since I won't be working there but like 10 hrs. a week that won't give me very much money to pay bills. 

My sister is going back to KC for a week to work on her house to get it ready to rent out.  I wish I could go but since I have to start my new job I have to stay here so that's a bummer.

I went to the farmers market yesterday and I got some fresh green beans, new potatoes, onions, english cucumber, garlic, and a butternut squash and speghatti squash.  I have never cooked a butternut squash or speghatti squash but I'm going to try never tasted these either but the lady said they were really good so we'll see.  I did cook my greenbeans and potatoes yesterday and those were good.

I am down to 221 as of this morning that means I have lost 131 lbs since Jan. 21st 2008 that's in like 6 months.  I can't wait until I'm below 200 I haven't weighed under 200 in over 20 yrs so this is getting exciting. 

I got a new bathing suit off from ebay (yes it was new with tags) I like Eeyore (winnie the pooh's friend) and I found this really cute eeyore bathing suit size 16 I can't believe it fits but it is a big 16 I don't think it's an accurate 16 but it still feels good to own something that says size 16 on it! 

My clothes are all so big and getting bigger they just fall off me.  I give a lot of my clothes to my family but I need to start saving them and having a big sale so I can make a little money to buy me some new clothes.

Today I need to spray paint a shelf for my bathroom and I bought my dogs a wroght iron dog bed (really cute) I want to paint it white cause it's an ugly green right now.  Those are my projects for today.  

Well, guess I better go for now got to get breakfast started the puppys want their eggs!

Have a great day everyone!    

Shannon C.
on 8/10/08 1:11 am - Kirksville, MO
Went to Columbia yesterday to the GNC store and got my protein and then went to the farmers market there in Columbia - it is huge.  I really enjoyed just walking around and looking at things.  I bought a canteope and some sliced (frozen) hamhocks to flavor beans etc...  Had a nice quite day.

Been up since 6 and picked what needed to be in the garden, went for a short bike ride and on my 2nd load of laundry then I am going to make Dad a Blackberry pie then become a couch potato for the rest of the day - I can dream can't I (LOL).

You all have a great day and stay safe!



on 8/10/08 2:36 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 I want to say THANK YOU to everyone, I know all your prayers and word's of encouragement helped me so much, and kept me going. It's so easy sometime's to go back to our old habit's, but like I told Bec who could fail with cheerleader's like ya'll. LOL Thank you so much.....I love you guy's.
 I'm hoping this rqain will go away by tonight, I sure don't want to set out in the rain and try to watch a movie. I think I may rent a couple if it keep's up.
 This is going to be a busy week, I have two doctor visit's this week, and Tiff has one.... atleast their all in one week and we can get them over with.
 Tiff is having alot of feet problem's like I have, so I'm hoping and praying we are getting to her's in time and she wont have to have any surgery like I had to, and if she does have to have it that it take's care of the problem and she wont have to have anymore. I'm looking at a third surgery on mine and I sure don't want her to have to go through it.
 I sure hope Kala comes to see me on one of her day's off this week, I miss her so much. The last couple of times she has been here she's had her cell phone stuck in her face and we couldn't visit with her. So maybe her battery will go dead when she get's her. LOL
 Jan - I'm glad it cooled off so you could get out in your flower's. My mom is the same way you are about her's and I worry to death that she'll get to hot out there.
 Yes, it's the one in Aurora ( I was raised right outside of Aurora). I have been going to that drive in for years and have so many memories there. I can remember being aq little little girl and going for the first time and thinking that it had to be the coolest thing I had ever seen. And then the first time I took my girls and they wore their pj's. LOL

 Debbie - Luke sound's so handsome in his suit, I hope you will post some pic's so we can all see him.
 Sugar - I will be praying that Rick quit's. I've been hoping my step mom would quit since she has copd, but she's still at 2 or 3 a day. I keep telling her if thats all I smoked I would just quit but she doesn't.

 Sheila - When I have a bad migrain I always try to take a xannax. It help's me to relax enough to go to sleep and hopefully sleep off the headache. I have found if I take a real strong pain pill to get rid of one I usually have a worse headache when I wake up.
 I done the whole smoking outside only to and it helped until I realized I really liked sitting out in my swing smoking. LOL So I had to stop that. LOL

 Janet and Bec I hope we see your smiling faces back on here soon. I love you girl's.

 I hope everyone has a blessed day........
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 8/10/08 8:51 am

Hellooo Mo peeps!
wow the board sure is hopping today! good luck you all headed for the loosers bench! got a lil spot all shined up for ya! and just a little spot is all you will need!
 I dont get to post alot do to the J-O-B but I do get on every morning and weekends!
lots going on around here...my good paying 2nd income is NOT cutting being the primary income and we are sinking....there will be NO unemployment...2 appeals not gonna happen. so now its time to go looking and we/he really hates that he will be working again. he has gotten so much done around here and I would miss him and his good cooking...LOL
he has gone looking a few times but he is reluctant to lie on his application and the fact that they all ask about GED is worrysome to him...yanno he quit school to work full time to take care of me and Jevin... I did not ask him to do this. he struggled in school and a bad childhood he was ready to have his own life.....he always ment to get it...he just never had the time. he always worked so I didnt have to so I could take care of our kids. he is signed up to take the classes but here in Carthage they dont start up again until Sept.  I told him....lie at fastrip...dont lie at schribers....he is going to Aegis tomorrow....I find that amusing....my sweetie is NOT much a talker...thats what he has me for
but if thats what he wants to do than more power to him. he really is thinking GED and maybe some computer classes for repairing the hardware aspect of them....he keeps ours maintained and has upgraded his a few times over the last 6 yrs he has had it.]
I just want him to earn something like a paycheck and be home on the weekends more than once everyother month.
 I feel like we have missed out on alot and we are just getting back to the good stuff...like today
we went bowling....we bowled 2 games and had the best time. I had alot of balence issues and did not do well but he wasnt horrible. so now we are planning to go every other week.
my chest and arm muscles feel tight and tired! another good reason to go.
Im thinking about one of those dance games....anyone know what Im talking about...that you use a mat to dance on?
I love to dance and would enjoy getting more excersize that way.   I used the lightest ball and did not have any hernia issues so another sign as to this being good for me. than I took him out to the falls. it was beautiful. we sat out on the rocks enjoying the water for a long while. very romantic!
I think the rain is done for now. Marion Days are over for another year. poor peeps got rained out
they left alot of stuff behind due to the mud....yes my dear hubby Dean is a collector of everyones junk and he got 6 or 7 tents...colman lantern,ice chest, and these really kewl bamboo area rugs.

2 of them are blue and will look awesome in my Gazeebo under the patio furniture in there.
 so the descion has been reached that we will indeed sell our home of 18 yrs sometime in the next 2 yrs and move to Florida. we still have Catriona to graduate and we have decided we would like to have a huge 25th wedding anniversery party in the summer with the pool and yard done how it is....one last shabang before leaving. so fall of 2010 will see this mom and pop in Florida.
our actual anniversery is in Dec...we could have a romantic beach renewal of vows(SIGH)
I am thinking of you lucky girls having surgery this week! I wish for you all the success I feel I have had in my journey! 






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