Jan C.
on 8/8/08 1:32 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well the children (and I use that term loosly ) lol went home this morning. Really in actuality we had fun with the baby just is a little ball of energy, runs everywhere. And I mean everywhere. If we hadn’t had to put up with the smart mouth of a 7 year old..

Any way if the occasion ever arrives again we will tell her no that we will watch the baby but not the older one. Take her to a friends house.


Wasn’t today beautiful? We pulled weeds while trying to keep up with the runner. Lol tomorrow morning I will get back to the garden after my walk with Andy if his leg has gone down any it is very worrisome , his ankle is so large.  Just the right one.

I saw him outside for awhile this afternoon but he didn’t stay out too long. I think he thought he would mow but gave up pretty quick

When we get our truck back we have several things in his back yard to haul off and will take them to the metal recycling place.


Got a call from my oldest daughter , or rather a message from her that she had arrived in Tucson . Im glad that she made it , I worried about her driving all that way by herself.

Big moving truck with her truck on a carrier behind that..would have been way too stressful for me now but I did that back when I still had all my kids at home..

Not fun but doable , but wouldn’t do it now.


The garden has changed again, seems most of the color in it right now is red.

It was purple and pink and some of that is still there but now there is a lot and I mean a lot of red. Bright red, dark red, almost pink red, lol just several shades.

A girl that owns a house down here that they come on week ends. Was just out looking at the garden today and said every week it seems to change. I told her yes that is what I intend. But didn’t know if anyone ever noticed. She takes pictures each week .

Vesta did all your flower I give you do ok?

I have been collecting seeds already of some things. Some I have been cutting the flowers back so they will bloom again or more. This time of year can be pretty hectic in the garden. I admit I have gotten sort of lazy during that heat we had and  a lot of weeds have grown more than they should. But I have a lot of them out now. The flowers in the two beds out back are so thick that they more or less cover up any weeds. But the other beds really need some more care. Iris beds need cleaning of any weeds. And another round of Preen added to them ….so does the Mum bed. They are all about to bloom , all but the old fashioned garden mums, I took them all up last year and put them along the back of the trailer and a  big patch out front. They wont bloom till almost frost.

I have a lot to do after the first frost this year. I will be digging part of my elephant ears up and transplanting a lot of them  hopefully will have enough to give away, I think so. So speak now and speak loud lol anyway back to my list after the first frost, I will be transplanting two of the crepe myrtles , some rose of sharons, planting a couple of golden rain trees and then cutting some of the junk trees out of the shade garden. we need to rework the grapevine arbor. A couple of the storms we had sort of tore some of it down so will re do all of that with a little sturdier post etc.

All the Hostas I got from Glenna are doing great. As well as all the others I had already planted. I counted them the other day and I have 73 hostas. But still need more to do what I want it to look like in the shade garden. the flower beds in there are really looking good now too. I need a skeeter terminator in there when im working , they like all that shade.

So when I work in there I spend about equal time swatting skeeters as I do digging out a weed. Lol



SUGAR::::: the niece that we were babysitting for was Jessica. And she had to work but then she went after work to Truman to pick up her sister, Brittney, 18 who just had a baby and is moving up here. I didn’t know when she left that was what she was doing , I knew she was going down there to get her but didn’t know it was yesterday. Thought she ment next week . oh well live and learn I guess.

Im really so very happy that you finally found those rings. What made you think about looking for them again or were you not looking and just found them.

So what did the insurance company have to say LOL. Guess they were glad to get the money back. .

Im trying to find some clothes in my closet to bring to the clothing exchange but I have been wearing the same thing for about a year now. But like I did say I have some things that are really too little for me and show way too much skin to wear. That might be good for some other person. Maybe like Rianne.




BEC:::::: well did you ever get your mind wrapped around anything ? lol I know I have felt like that before too. Just don’t want to do anything but need to do so much .


My leg is fine, no more pain or anything, it was just a cramp as I suspected but was so deep that it wouldn’t work out. and the more water I drank the better it began to feel.


Well believe me im going to be like that about any more kids . If I just have to for some reason I will go to their house and if they tear it up so be it lol

I love that saying of your friends, that is so very very true. God is with you about the cardio check up and he hasn’t taken you this for no reason you know.

If they do find something maybe that is what he intended . but I don’t think he would have let you do all of this other stuff if that is where he was going to leave it …but like you said Wednesday will be here soon.



RENEE:::::oh we are all so proud of you about your not smoking now. Wow. Good job keep it up , you about have it beat now. That day was probably the last of those type of cravings, now it is just a matter of breaking the hand to mouth habit. That one actually isnt easy either. I cut a drinking straw the length of my cigs. And held it in my fingers like I held my cigs , I would reach in and get it out of a little box I had, and all of the actions you do. It really helped because you get bored doing that after awhile and just stop it on your own. Lol

Another trick I did to me was put a rubber band around my wrist, and when I had the first little thought of a cig. I would snap that rubber band on my wrist. Ouch that doesn’t feel good but that was the point , to replace good feeling with hurtful ones when a cig was thought of. That helped and worked for me too.

Your not kidding the pepsi was a heck of a lot better than the cig and with you having a headache and the racing heart really sounds more like the lack of caffine than nicotine.

I use to get like that when I would be out of dr. pepper and would be quite a while before I could get one.

You are in for more treats as your get farther and farther out from having a cig. soon you will realize how much people that smoke stink. Lol no joke, if girls that smoke could only smell what they smell like , no amount of perfume or anything else can cover it up. Yuck lol

Oh wow we have lots of things going on this week don’t we. Busy busy week. 6 girls having surgery , you and Bec seeing doctors that will make a difference in when your surgerys are.

Busy busy,,,,let us know as soon as you can what they say in Columbia….



LANA::::: wow surprise surprise … look who it is.

Glad to hear that your daughter is working on getting you g.son the help he needs and wants. A lot of kids that are ADD don’t want to do much but since he has a high IQ it helps.

Anxious to see the new hair do, Is it grey? Sounds like it must be huh. Do you like it?


That is how im drinking my protein powder now too, is just with flavored water. Milk just got tooo ooooo thick for me any more. When we go anywhere I buy those little snack zip lock bags and put a scoop in each one. And take my little packages of crystal light and my shaker jar and it mixes great and is simple and easy.

And quick.



JANET::::: wow sounds like there must have been some whopper of sales at these garage sales. I never find much seems like. Especially things like that.

And sounds like you are working your fingers to the bone.


Im glad that you and Stephania had a real good talk sounds like she is doing better, I hope she never moves in with her dad he is such a fruit cake.

Sorry to hear about your ex bil that is sad but im sure he will be ok. They are performing such wonderious things now days.

And praying for your adopted grandpa , Kenny , too. Poor guy has had it hasn’t he?

Sounds like Mike had a great birthday….

Great to hear from you. We all miss you a lot you know.


SHANNON:::::::those kinds of wow moments are really neat aren’t they?


The vision of you and the weed eater and all was just too much to not laugh at …I did almost the same thing the other day with our power washer …was standing way to close to the house and started it up and all tha****er came flying right back on me dirt and all .



DEBBIE  D:::::SO  glad that you made it to Saline and back fine and didn’t do any of my tricks and go to sleep.




ANDREW::::: forgot to ask you did you watch So you think you can Dance last night? It was good and  the one I really thought would win did. I was really impressed that he thanked God for all of it. And you could tell he really meant it too.


If you feel like walking in the morning give me a ring about 6 incase im not up ok? Im not wanting to get up seems like till about 6 30 , I do my best sleeping early in the morning.

We were just talking about we hoped that Dennis could get this surgery soon like what 2 days ago? That will be such a blessing to them both.






on 8/8/08 2:12 pm - pomona, MO
I am feeling better tonight, I got in all my water and protein, I guess that was what it was because I feel lots better..
Jan out of all those I may have lost 2 or 3, I couldnt believe it as hot as it was, some of them are blooming again or never stopped, the 2 that had a good smell, they look dead but maybe they will come up next year.. and I was so excited today the red Hibisacs limb with a little root on it , that we didnt think it would make it well it has a bunch of leaves starting up the limb towards the top...that just tickeled me so much....everyone have a great day......vesta


on 8/8/08 9:33 pm - Clever, MO

Hello!  So today Im going looking for some new bedroom furniture. I found something on Craigslist. But Im also going to go to town and look at the stores. If I find something I will give Chelle my set I have now. 
I found the rings because I just thought I would go look in the purses one more time. Ive looked at least 12x before but I thought it cant hurt...this particular purse has a zipper pocket on the inside that looks like the pocket is open, when in fact there is another pocket there that doesnt have a zipper on it...so I thought it was unzipped when actually it was another pocket. So I looked at it and thought, wonder if that is what I did the last time I looked at this purse, unzipped the zipper and low and behold there they were!!!!!!!! Yes I talked to the insurance guy yesterday and he was so tickled to know I was honest enough to return the money. Im sure some people wouldnt. I went and opened a safety deposit box yesterday and put some things in it. I hope to find a jeweler today that I feel will do a good job. 
 Does anyone know a good jeweler that you can trust???
Im bringing lots of clothes from sizes 12 to 24...lots of stuff in between.  I hope we have a good turn out.  I will try to bring drinks and a treat too.  I also will make up some signs to hang on the wall above tables to put the clothes on.  Which room are we getting this time? Is it big enough to do this?  Hope so!
Ive kept Levi all this week and he is such a sweet little boy and so quiet..but Im glad the week is over.
Did I tell you that Rachelle filled out the paper work to start them after Mike for his child support?  She is finally fed up. I think he might be back to his old self and not making the progress we thought he was. Hes back to seeing the gal that he was seeing before he went into rehab. She is definately a meth head. Well, she was wanting to move to California so maybe if Chelle gets after him for $ he will take off and go with her. That would be hard on the boys but probably not as hard as having him in thier lives for the rest of thier raising. 
Chelles house is done and she probably will close on it next weekend hopefully.  We are looking for her a good queen size mattress and box springs and a hollywood frame...anyone have any bargains out there?  lol

Well, I suppose I will close and get my day started. GOD bless you all and thanks again so much for all the prayers and congrats on my jewelry find. I hope to have mama's ring fixed and wearing it by the COF meeting. Love you all!


Sheila H.
on 8/8/08 11:33 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning OH peeps...

been awhile since i actually posted...ive been very busy working on cleaning house and moving stuff around and trying to can and keep weeds out of graden and yard but its also been so hot i been staying in...feeling really sluggish last couple weeks and i know now its cos i havent been eatting enough so am working on that...
last 2 weeks its been up 1 lb then down 1  then back up 1....ive got to get back to sedalia for a check up havent been in over 6 months but car has kept me from going...
i wanna welcome ALL the newbies and up coming surgeies congratulations...

i also wanna say i feel lately this post has become a play favorites place but could just be me but i still miss ya all and still love ya all


on 8/9/08 1:46 am - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 Well it's day 5 and I haven't killed anybody yet, heck I haven't even got to yell and be cranky with anybody, so I guess quitting hasn't been that bad. LOL I'm just kidding, really it hasn't been all that overwhelming not like I thought it would be anyway. I still get a little shaky at time's, and also sick to my stomach but nothing real bad now, and I'm sure before to long it will be gone. I know a lot of it is just in my head and as soon as I convince it that I'm a non smoker now everything will be ok.
 Not really a lot going on this weekend. I know it wont be anything like last weekend, that's for sure. (I'm staying where it's smoke free. LOL)
 I think Tiff is wanting to go fishing at least one more time before school start's (the 20th), so we may go do that.
 If it doesn't rain Sunday night I think we are planning (or at least I'am) on going to the drive in. I haven't been all summer and I miss going. Nothing like the drive in and it's way cheaper then the regular theater's only $5 a person for a double feature. I don't really care much about seeing the Mummy, but I would like to see Han**** Anyway's should be a lot of fun.

 Jan - Your flower's sound so pretty, I can never get anything to grow, and if by some chance I get something to take off it doesn't last long. LOL I know sound's silly. I let Tiff do all that stuff, I think she may have Granny's green thumb.
 I'm glad your daughter made it ok. Funny how we can go out and do thing's like that and and nobody should worry but once our kid's do it's a whole other story. LOL
 When I think I just have to do the hand to mouth thing I use cinnamon stick's, they work a lot better for me then the straw's do.
 Isn't it weird what caffeine does to our body I would have never thought it would be so hard to quit. I believe now that it's as bad if not worse then anything (including drug's) I've ever quit before. I guess anything can be a drug if you let it be.

 Janet - How do you luck into these sale's? I never find anything good or at a good price. It seem's like everybody in this area think's their stuff is new or something. They want to sell it at store price most of the time. I think next time I go I'm coming to get you. LOL
 I'm glad Steph is doing better, maybe she is starting to grow up. Hopefully she will stay right where she's at and not move with dumba$$. I think he would do her way more harm then good.
 I'm so glad Mike had a good birthday, it's always great to have your family around on your day.

 I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Debbie D.
on 8/9/08 11:41 am - KS

Good Evening, Jan & MO Peeps!

What a rainy, dreary ole day it's been here in Kansas.  We had fun spending the afternoon with our boys.  We all went to IHope for lunch, then to AT&T, then to Peter's Clothier.  I had heard on my way to Salina that they were having a 70% off sale.  I thought a suit might be a nice 18th Birthday present for my son, Luke.  We did find a beautiful navy pinstripe suite, with a light blue shirt, and a really nifty tie.  I won't tell you what we spent but I will tell you it was a lot more expensive than I thought it would be!  I even called the place before we left and asked what the average price of a suit was.  I was told $195.  Well, we spent well above that!  It's a Hugo Boss atheltic cut suit.  Luke has broad shoulders.  This suit has to have the arms taken up a little and the length of the pants just a little.  The other suits would had to have been tailored around the neck.  Plus this one looks great on Luke!  We had a lot of other Mom's in their who were complimenting Luke on how he looked.  One even told her son that's the suit he needed! lol! 
This is Luke's first suit and it should last him a long, long time!  I want at least one of Luke's senior pictures taken in that suit!  :) 

We then went to Mardel's and bought Jake a cross necklace.   He put his 5 cent yen on with the cross.  That's the way I wear mine.  It's to remind me to pray daily for Japan.  The yen has a whole in it which is suppose to symoblize the whole Japan has it that only God can fill.  Our whole family now does that as well as a lot of our church family.

We were going to go see at movie, however, decided to come home and rent a couple movies. I made Shepherd's pie.  I asked the boys if they wanted to wait and have it tomorrow after church or eat it tonight.  Of course, they wanted it tonight.  There is a lot left over, so we will have that for lunch tomorrow as well.  

We watched Michael Clayton (horrible movie) and now David and Jake are watching Jumper.  I don't think I'll be watching any more movies tonight. 

Jan - I swear woman, you wear me out just reading all that you do!  How I wish I had a green thumb like you and Bec do!  You know those tomato plants I bought from QVC and planted in the containers.  They've produced very few tomatoes.  However, the ones we have gotten are delicious.  We are thinking about trying an elevated gardne next year.  We have a friend that has as much top soil as we want so that wouldn't be a problem.  We will see if that gets done next year or not.

Bec - where are you today?  I imagine you've been busy cleaning that beatiful house of yours.  I really need to do that.  Just not sure when.  lol.  Will continue to pray about your apt on Wednesday.  You need to update us as soon as you hear anything.

Lori, Brandy, Angi and others who are having their surgery this coming week - our prayers are with all of you!  Please know we are all here for you and we welcome you to the Loser's Bench!  Hang on because it is the ride of your life!  Worth every minute of it too!

Renee - congrats on your quitting smoking!  That will be such a plus when you go to have your WLS!  Plus I'm sure you will feel better too!

Everyone else, please have a great Sunday!  Our family has nursery duty tomorrow during church.  That's a plus because then I don't have to dress up and can wear my capri's!  I actually enjoying taking care of the little ones.  Plus it's only an hour and my family is there to help me too.

Nite and God Bless all of you!

Debbie D.

Andy W.
on 8/9/08 12:34 pm - Tulsa, OK
Hey Everyone,

Was such a nice day out today.  Was able to get out a bit and do a few things,  my leg isnt quite as swollen as it has been, thank God,  it seems to do ok if i stay moving or keep it up but if i sit down in a chair it starts to swell, crazy thing.  Jan and I walked a bit longer today, sure felt it but it was great,  the weather is was about perfect for walking,  hopefully soon we'll be up to doing 2 miles.  I guess Im gonna have to get me some new walking clothes, the ones I wear now are getting pretty loose  lol  I wear sweats and pull the string tight but that string will only go so much  lol.  I feel like im losing some inches for a change, sure hope so,  I found another pair of jeans that I bought way to small, they were on sale and bought them for an insentive quite awhile back, so hopefully I can get into them soon,  they are a size smaller then the ones I just got into.

Well I guess Im gonna watch a bit of tv then head off to bed.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Stay Safe,


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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