Wonder if we will ever learn lol the neice called about 8 pm this evening and said hey im not going to make it this evening, im still in
Wonder what she thought we would do ? anyway they are here for another night. We finally come to an understanding with the 7 year old and I told her that if she didn’t change her ways that she was going to wind up not having any family that wanted to be around her. She is really a spoiled one that is for sure.
Don’t know what people are thinking when they create these kids that think they have to be entertained 100% of the time? They have no imagination what so ever. If they don’t have their phones, mp3 players and video games. Then they are so so so bored.
Don’t they realize that they are taking so much away from the kids . there are lot more days that are boreing in this lifetime than the ups . so what are they going to do when they get grown?
Enough about that, I just feel like the worst child abuse in the world is the parents that give their kids everything in the world. And never require them to act decent to people .
Or have any chores or anything.
BARBARA S::::: wow I wish I had your energy right now to walk 3 miles a day. I use to long ago walk 5 miles a day and was able to do it in an hour. I think I would die right now to just walk the 5 miles let alone in an hour . good grief that was walking fast .
That is amazing and keep up the walking ….
BEC::::: hey don’t worry about me, I drank and drank and drank some more Tuesday and Wednesday and my leg doesn’t hurt anymore. So I really think it was dehydration. The only think was since I was drinking so much that I didn’t get much food down. just couldn’t guys but I will be back on track tomorrow. You know it really is hard to do when you have company or especially kids around , I really admire these mothers that have babies and have surgery and can put them selves first like you almost have to.
I will be praying that the doctors at your cardio session will tell you the same things as I was told. I didn’t have to have the test run before the wls. But did have to have a complete cardio workup before my knee surgery. They couldn’t believe how strong and good my heart was and said there was not even any evidence that I had ever smoked.
So will be praying that you get that sort of report. Most surgeons wont not do surgery just because you have a problem with your heart tho. They just like to know what is there.
How did your dinner turn out for Paul. Did you get your fans and all cleaned. Isnt it funny how we when faced with a surgery or something we clean house ? lol I guess it is so if we die then all the people that come in cant say we were a bad housekeeper lol
Just seems silly to me but lots of things we do as humans is silly isnt it?
SUGAR::::: wow !!!!im so glad that you found the rings. Now do you remember putting them in there? Or is it still a mystery? Your mind just had to relax some about them for you to really find them.
So did you call the police and tell them too ? I guess they were glad that there wasn’t someone that stole them.
Put Rick on Fish oil too for his high Cholesterol. Joes doctor says besides the prescribed meds to take fish oil and garlic. And also be aware that not all prescribed meds are alike some of the cholesterol meds will cause muscle pains and if so he needs to stop them fast. And call and tell his doctor and they will try another one.
So how much luck you going to have getting him to leave all white stuff alone ? and sweets? About like I have with Joe huh?
Well did you get your fire pit done? I cant wait to see it. You are going to have all that place up there looking really pretty soon.
Gee whiz wow on the 10s that is so great.
TAMMY-AMMY::::::seems like everyone is getting so busy that their life is really going nuts almost. Need to pull back and say whoa I need time too.
That was good about the clinic for your daughter, wish there was one of those everywhere. Everyone needs to be able to see the doctor when they need too.
We will be praying for your son , and for you to be able to stand it too. They all have to grow up and leave the nest sometime you know. Even if we don’t want them to.
You know your mom doesn’t only sound claustrophobic but maybe some aggrophobic or how ever you spell it . it is a fear of going out into the outside world. Maybe she needs to see a counselor too to help her out some. I hate to see people have so much anxiety that they cant lead a normal life, which sounds like your mother is having. Bless her heart , know that we will be praying for her also.
You really have it with your step daughters mom don’t you. That is so sad that people cant do the right things. But some are just that way I guess.
Im glad you told her what was what.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
RENEE: “”””so glad that you finally have quit smoking , keep up the good work sweetie I know you can do it. Just keep on keeping on.
Ice is good just don’t substitute anything with sugar in it that you will have to give up . lol
That is great about the sodas too wonderful.
Most addictions are just a mind set anyway.
BEVERLY B::::: yeah the state fair was on when I had my surgery 2 years ago and we like to not found a place to stay ….A week from today I will have had surgery 2 years ago. Seems amazing.
You will work out a schedule soon and figure a way to get all your water and protein in. It isnt easy but you have to do what works for you. Me I have to have a visual reminder …I put the amount of water in the ref. in bottles that I have to have in a day and as I drink them I sit them on the side of the sink …that way I know how many more I have to go.
Same with my protein. I have one scoop of protein powder mixed with some sugar free coffee mate and mixed with coffee every morning is like a capacchino. Love it.
Then I mix up my other two for the day in a shaker and add 12 oz of flavored water to it and drink it during the day.
Wow you have really dropped some serious sizes haven’t you?
Yeah this babysitting wasn’t meant for someone my age to do I don’t think….I like to do things for the kids but just not babysitting.
Lol I would wonder about anyones sanity for sure if having babies in their 60s they would have to be insane.
So glad your back and knees aren’t hurting like they were. By the time you drop all your weight just think. Wow.
You will be running marathons with Barbara soon.
ANDREW:::: I will try my best to be out there to walk tomorrow but if you still need to keep your legs up maybe you shouldn’t. I don’t know if you should wait a month if they are swelling that fast and much ok ?
I get unbalanced but not dizzy , I think that has something to do with the swelling too.
Glad your blood pressure is back to normal.
DEBBIE D::::: lol so glad that you enjoyed yourself and have had a good restful day today.
Oh yeah there would be no way on Gods green earth that I could watch these two without Joes help. It wouldn’t be possible. I wouldn’t even try. I had already had a hysterectomy when he and I met and I told him well it is a good thing cause if I had had another one now he would have had to raise it. No way. I would have worked and he could have stayed home with it being Mr. Mom lol
You know I wasn’t very active as a child I would have rather sat and read a book than anything else at all. I read constantly, anything and everything. In the summer time mama would tell me put that book down and get outside, I would slip my book out of the house with me and go out and sit under a big tree and continue to read. I still would love to read if is didn’t fall asleep the minute I started reading , I really miss reading more than anything. I have about 50 books now from book clubs that I haven’t read yet.
I so agree about the games and stuff...kids with all that stuff growing out of their thumbs and ears dont have a chance at ever really learning social skills.
Isnt it amazing about the rings? NO! I dont remember putting them there although that was the first place I started looking when they turned up missing. I had looked in all the purses at least 12 times each and in (what I thought) was all the pockets....I either had missed that one or they somehow just appeared there. Can you believe it? Im so so happy about it. Rick said now you have to call the sheriff's office and insurance people and tell them, I said I dont care who I have to tell...IM so glad I found them!!!!!!!!! I thanked GOD over and over last night. I am still in a queary about how they got there tho.
No the firepit isnt done. I will have to go get a load of gravel for out there, and then I hope to get Rick to cut me some logs for seats this weekend.
Rick is just starting the food thing and I am going to try to ease him into a different mind set. About all I can control is the meal he has here. LOL! I looked up online the foods best for fighting High Cholesterol...walnuts, avacados, ****ake mushrooms, salmon, leafy dark greens (spinach, kale etc) garlic, and a couple of other things....the only thing in there that he said was OK was the salmon....but I can sneak those other things into recipes and he'll never know it. LOL
Thanks to everyone for the prayers about the rings and the excitment for me finding them. Aint GOD good? Well today Im off looking for a futon mattress, and some other furniture and stuff for Chelle's new house. Garage sales...lol! OH yeah, I have to go take my jewelry to get it fixed so I can wear it and get it appraised so it can be insured for what it is worth...lol!
Here's wishing everyone a great and perfect day.
Good Morning Missouri...
Just don't have my mind wrapped around the day yet this morning... feel a bit out of it....not sure why...
My dear hen I sure hope that is all that is wrong with your legs.
You are a brave woman to be watching those kids.... my relatives have kids like that and they KNOW I will not babysit... should I feel bad about that? maybe... but the kids would not like staying with me... I would NOT let them take a plate of food in my coat closet and grind it into the carpet again! They would set up to the table and eat like decent little boys and girls... or hit me and all I do is give them a hug! if that makes me a bad "aunt" then so be it! (just small examples) I guess that's about as strong as I have gotten on here... it just breaks my heart and truly grieves my spirit at what these adults are making out of those poor poor kids! and there is nothing I can do or say to make a difference.
I have a dear dear friend that has been telling me "if you pray... no need to worry ~ if you worry... no need to pray" so I guess I better just leave the cardio appointment in the Lords hands and trust the best outcome huh? I will know now in a few days I guess, as it is Wednesday.
I did get Paul's dinner fixed and he seemed to enjoy it so much... I think it makes it much better to be served up on those JOHN DEERE plates and eaten with those JOHN DEERE utensils! ~tee hee
About the house cleaning... that's what Crystal says, "mom you are afraid you will die and then we will be left with a mess" ~ha maybe that is true... but I also don't want to set in here and be thinking about all I need to be doing when I am trying to get in all tha****er, protein and exercise ~ha... and I know I would do that....and it just plain ole needs to be done. But the way I feel this morning it most certainly will not get done today! ~tee hee
To answer your question, no we did not get the fans and vents cleaned as it was fairly cool out yesterday and Paul decided to fix that ditch he had dug down by the lagoon...but he will help me get it soon I'm sure... I have to get myself in that kitchen and clean it back up now... I was too tired by the time he came in last night and I got him all served... so I have to do it this morning.
Debbie D. ~ I am thining about you this morning and praying you have a safe trip to pick up those dear boys today.
Sugar ~ I'm so thrilled about you finding the rings! I just felt from the first that "something" would happen and it DID! Yaaaay!
I can't wait till I have the energy you have! sounds like a lot of work you are doing in your yard... I want to make a fire pit too but I guess mine will be more "cityfied ~ foo foo" ... it sounds like than the one you are making... I am going to have Paul pour a round of concrete and then put that concrete scalloped edging around it... then have him make four benches out of cca lumber and plant in the ground, one on each side so no matter what way the wind is blowing you will not have to set on that side and have smoke blowing in your face. Doing it this way... when it is not being used I can clean it up and it look nice since it will be fairly close to the house.... my family did it that way and seems to work real well..... I would love to see what all you have been doing with the ponds, pits and such sounds so nice.
Andrew ~ Am praying you are able to get the situation with your legs all worked out and not have to be bothered with it anymore! You are doing so well now with your weight loss again and I'm sure you have things you want to be doing too.
Renee ~ lady bug you hang in there! I'm rejoicing that you have been three days without a cig!!! You are going to kick this thing totally and for sure! ~ha
Tammy Ammy ~ I'm sorry to hear about your momma, will be praying about that and the other issues you face... we serve a God with very big "hands" and He can "hand"le them all!
Janet ~ I am thinking of you and praying for you too... I did not get your e~mail... please send it again and I will get right back to you.
Well it seems like I have just struggled with this post since I started it... I think I will get off here and spend some time in the Word and maybe get my mind focused better!
A good and wonderful day to each,
I think I spoke to soon about it not being that bad yesterday. LOL Around noon my heart started to race, and into a panic attack I went. In the middle of all this my head started pounding, and OMG I thought I was going to die. I know it was my body going through the withdrawl, but still it was horrible. I didn't smoke, but I did have a glass of pepsi (the only soda I can drink now) which did help some with my headache.
Poor Tiff really wasn't for sure what to do for me, but she did an amazing job of standing by me and giving me strength, that was more comforting then anything else.
I got to feeling better yesterday evening and was so glad I didn't give into smoking (just to feel better). I did feel a little bad about the pepsi, but figured it was alot better then a cig., so I can live with it.
I know it's just been 4 day's but I can already tell a difference in my mouth, it feel's so much cleaner. I keep running my tongue over my teeth and the roof of my mouth. LOL I should have done this along time ago. LOL
Jan I hope your leg isn't giving you to much trouble, it can be hard running after 2 little one's. I agree kid's that don't use their imagination's are missing out on so much, I also think they miss out on a lot when they don't learn to share and have respect for other's even if it's children their own age or younger.
Bec you are such an angel. thank you so much for your word's of encouragement. I know I couldn't do any of this without everyone's support and prayers.
I will be praying that your cardio app. come's out ok. I'm sure everything will go fine.
I also go to the doctor Wednesday (MoBar) to see where I'm at, what I have left to do, and to submit my insurance. Hopefully it wont be much longer.
I'm so glad you and Paul had a nice dinner, it sound's like he had a great birthday.
Sugar how wonderful you found your ring's. I'm so happy for you.
Janet I'm thinking and praying for you. I hope everything is going ok. Love you girl.
I hope everyone has a great day full of blessing's.
Love and Hug's




Don't faint - I'm actually posting. My boss will be back Monday and she'll have thought of ten thousand things for us to do so I'll be AWOL for awhile. And then school will start up and the "children" will be back and the chaos will begin!!! I love the students, actually, and am ready for school to start. We have eight applications to go over to choose two or three people to come in for interviews for the clerk position in our office so I will have someone to help about the time it all begins.
DD called Wednesday night and told me her MIL in Michigan is buying her and DGS tickets to Detroit for Thanksgiving and I'm so happy for her. They will have a good time and she has it worked out so that Adam won't miss any school. She is getting math tutoring for him from a local woman who isn't teaching right now - raising her two small children - and he has been diagnosed with ADD and will be getting some medication to help with that. We are praising God for this diagnosis because he is more satisfied knowing it's not his fault. He has an extremely high IQ, 135 I think, but has been struggling in school for several years. She finally has a reason and it's one the district HAS to address so she's thrilled and the woman who interpreted his tests and gave the diagnosis told him that with his IQ and the help and meds he will catch up and be able to go to college or anything else he wants to do. Usually when he has to talk to someone about how poorly he does in school he cries - embarassed and ashamed, but this woman made him feel good about himself so I consider her one of Bec's angels!!! He'll turn 14 on 8/28 and I think that is a tough age - too old to be a child and not old enough to be an adult!!! My goodness it just dawned on me that my first date with my ex-husband was the day after my 14th birthday. Scary. No wonder he treated me like a child for all those years.
This weekend I'm going to try to get DH to take some pictures of me in my new hair color. I'm gray most of the time and think it suits me. I'll see what you all think. He loves it - I match what he has left!!! He buzzes his off completely. Doesn't shave his head just clips it really close. I love it that way.
Jan and all of you will be glad to know that I am conscientiously working on getting 65-80g protein and 65-80oz of water every day. I am doing a good job and getting at least 1/2 of it from protein drinks. I got a new jug of AnyWhey unflavored and am liking it so much more since I mix with Crystal Lite and not milk. Who knew??? Haven't been using the bullets this month - will have to order some for when we are on vacation the end of September-first of October or I just might package servings of powder and crystal lite individuals in my checked bags and take the Magic Bullet too. I'll decide closer to the time. Right now I'm sweating the luggage situation - I always take too much.
Hope all of you coming up on surgery next week have a wonderful weekend and I am praying for your successful uneventful recovery. It is the most important thing you have ever done for yourself and for your family and just know that you'll be glad you did it. You are getting a second chance at life!!!
Hugs and loveys,
Hi Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~
How is everyones Friday going so far? Mine has been pretty good, if I do say so myself. I went to Joplin EARLY this morning to help my mom with the books at the motel (my dad isnt there). Anyway, when I got done with the books, Megan asked if I wanted to go to a couple of garage sales with her....OOOOOHHHH MAN!! The back of my Suburban is packed to the gills! I HAD to go home (all the way to Diamond) and drop off a few large items-because I couldnt see out the back window and I dont like that.
At the first garage sale, I got one of the great big basketball hoops WITH the stand-and in PERFECT shape-for $5!!! Ok-well, it gets better. I tell the guy I wanted it-so that if someone else picked it up (couldnt carry it around everywhere I was walking) anyhow, I wouldnt lose my goodie-there was a Jenny Lind crib in the dark cherry wood - for $5!!! Can you believe that? There was no mattress-but the crib is beautiful. We are keeping this one at our place. I found a newborn carseat that also converts into the shopping carts-locks right in AND has the folding umbrella cover so the sun doesnt get in the babys eyes, for $2. I also then went over and went nuts buying some of the cutest little girl outfits you ever saw!!! But-I only spent $4 and I got 6 onesies, one pr of the cutest little boots I have ever seen, 10 sleepers-so soft and velveety. I went over to the womens clothes and I bought 2 really cute shirts from Catos in a 12 and 14-both fit really nice and are long so my apron doesnt hang out. While I am over paying=Megan comes over with a little Tykes kitchen set she bought Jon for $1!!! We wanted to buy this huge blow up water slide, the really tall Bonzi ones that take the fan to keep them inflated, but it had a hole in it-and he kept telling me we could patch it-but I was too afraid to spend $25 if it couldnt be fixed.
Then I hit the jackpot at the last sale I went to-they had 4 womens swimsuits in sz 14-and they were the ones that you spend $40-$60 on. I like all 4 because they have short type bottoms, so my apron doesnt hang out all over the place. They also all have built in bras and then 2 have the extra support-because they clip in the back too!! They ALL look brand new, and I got them for .50 each! I also got 3 pr of Cato capris, 2 pr of shoes and 1 pr of jeans. I got Megan a maternity shirt and pr of maternity capris-and ALL of it together was $5! All good things must come to an end....I had to get ready to work with Mike. His boss's daughter, Rachel, well-guess what? She is pregnant and due a week before Megan!!! Anyway, the boss's wife is the secretary here-and she wanted to go with Rachel to her appt to hear the babys heartbeat and they asked me to stay until closing-so here I am...Posting-the phones are pretty dead today.... I leave here and have to go in and work for my mom until 10 tonite.
Wednesday, I picked up Stephanie at her aunt and uncles place and we went to Eccentrix and then we went to lunch. She wanted to see everyone so we went and said hi to my mom and the boys-and then Mike stopped to say hi to her on his lunch break-he just happened to be in Joplin too. Her and I talked for about 3 hours. She is doing so much better. Im glad. Well, her uncle, his name is Steve (my ex-BIL AND my Puter guy) he had gone to the hospital yesterday morning to have a stress test. We werent even done with our lunch and we got a call that they had stopped the stress test-and admitted him. Said that they would be doing an angiogram? Where they go through the groin and clean out the artery with the balloon? Well, when they got in there-ALL 4 major arteries running to his heart were blocked. They said that they didnt know how he was even walking around!!!! They did a quadruple open heart bypass surgery on him yesterday. He is okay, but they said they really cant tell anything this quickly. They will be able to give a better prognosis by this weekend. They have 6 kids! One is off in the marines-so if you count him-they have 7. One is renting out their back apartment and she has 2 kids herself. Anyway, if you could send prayers their way, I know they will appreciate it so very much!! I am going to make a couple of casseroles tonite-to go with the pan of rice krispy treats and the brownies I made them last night. Its not much, but its 2 nights of throwing the food in the oven and not worry-and then 2 days of some treats.
While I was on the way to take Stephanie back home, I got a text from my mom AND from Megan-that they thought Kenny had another massive heart attack and he was at St. Johns hospital. Steve was at Freeman-Are you kidding me? I couldnt believe it. Anyway-Kennys was a stroke and he is doing okay. He came home late last night. He is a little more confused than he normally is-and is not steady on his feet AT ALL-but he is home.
Mikes birthday, he said-was one of the best he has ever had-better than the 4th of July he said-LOL....4th of July, to him-is like a kid and Christmas~ He LOVES it!! Anyway-I was disappointed that his mom never even called him on his bday...I dont get it. Anyway-the kids all went together (Darrel, Megan and Aaron) and Kenny (grandpa) and they got him a MP3 player. It also plays the radio, videos and will hold pictures too. Then-I got him an outdoor firepit with granite. Its awesome!! He was so surprised. I have had it for a long time, but didnt tell him because I wanted to save it for his b-day!! He couldnt believe I kept it a secret. I cant believe he never paid attention-its been in our Morton Building for 3 months now!!! It was on clearance at Lowes and Aaron gets a discount. He called me when he saw it and I gave him and money and he went and got it for me. Although Mike had to assemble it-LOL..He still enjoyed it. Jon got daddy a "special" hat to wear a set of tools-just from him. Then-Stephanie bought Mike a cheesecake-and a really really nice card-brought tears to him and me when we read it!!! Meg had to work, so Aaron came out-the boys and I made the pineapple delight cake for him-and then I made one of his favorite dinners-salisbury steak, mashed tatos and gravy, and sweet peas. He was so happy. He loves his firepit that is assembled in the middle of my livingroom floor for now-LOL...
Well, I am sitting at one of his employees desks and Rick is back and needs his puter, so I am moving to the front desk.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I will try and get back on and respond to some of you in a bit. If not-Love and Prayers to all-Janet
I have to go to Columbia tomorrow for more protein bullitts. I let myself get totally out except for the powder shakes - of which I have trouble drinking them but have for the last few days and I can really tell it by my hair already.
Dd called and wanted me to come out to babysit for a weekend so she and her husband could go away for the weekend. I had to tell her I need a months notice as I could not have a 4 day weekend at the drop of a hat. She told me she would pay for my round trip ticket etc... but I had to say no...:0( I want to see her and my dgs so bad but its just not possible right now.
Did get the leaf blower out and blasted the patio and porch clean then had to take a shower to clean it all off me. Hint - do not get to close to the debris you are blowing off and a wall as it gets thrown back at you! I took my glasses off and you could see the imprint of the dirt around my eyes. I haven't seen the cat since she took off like a shotgun had blasted her when I turned on the blower. I need to bathe the dogs but am going to wait untill tomorrow evening. I filled up a washtub on the patio and will let it warm up and then wash them tomorrow outside insted of making a mess in the bathroom.
You all have a great weekend!
Will make this sort and sweet. We all got home from Salina safe and sound. The kids had a great time! The Holy Spirit is really working with our youth. Please keep praying for them.
Thank you all for praying for traveling mercies for us. God is Good All The Time! I am so thankful for that!
Hope everyone has a good night.
Debbie D.
Not much to report today, did a few things around the house, thats about it lol Been trying to keep my legs up as much as possible in hopes the swelling goes down, it comes and goes I guess but i sure am tired of just sitting in the recliner, i've gotten used to doing things and being semi-active, now I feel lazy lol.
Hope all is well with everyone on here. It's awesome to hear that Brenda's husband Dennis is gonna finally be able to have the surgery, he's such a nice guy and I know he can't wait to start feeling better, w00t w00t!!
Well I guess Im gonna go watch a bit of tv, y'all have a great weekend.